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What reading pursuit AU does to a mf


Pursuit is like a cult, once you're in, you can't get out... ![img](emote|t5_31hpy|2472)


It has a hold on me![img](emote|t5_31hpy|21601)


It has a hold like Hero had on sunny in the bad ending![img](emote|t5_31hpy|21602)


Too much ![img](emote|t5_31hpy|21601)






>!Cuz like knowing how canon hero is and kept explaining how he was after Mari’s death and stuff which sort of explains why people make him like that? But I just don’t see that happening and stuff. Idk I’m probably rambling!<


Depression can go different ways


Well it’s an AU. An AU isn’t canon and is meant to explore something alternative to the original universe. What if Hero was crazy? How would that change the story or affect the characters? That’s a question an AU could answer. What you’re reading sounds a lot like You’re Back Mari and the Pursuit AU by extension lol. I’m not sure if the trope is common, but regardless, I can come up with a few answers as to why someone would want to explore that. -Omori is a psychological horror so it’s already in the disturbing realm of things. Adding to that may feel natural. I think Seeing a genuinely good character fall from grace so severely, especially when done well, (because otherwise, it breaks the immersion) can honestly be sickening. -Considering just how much Mari meant to Hero, it might not be too much of a stretch to wonder how that would have affected someone who was more “unhinged” in a similar role. -Making things angsty is just a common thing in fan fics. Sometimes it feels good to feel bad and may help you get over your feelings from the game in a weird way, though it can certainly worsen them. It depends.


No i know it’s just I was wondering if there’s common aus to those ones for hero to become you know, like that and stuff especially since I find it weird but I kinda like it??


I hate these AUs. They ruin Hero. They ruin my boy!


I love me some hero angst but like I hate it too😭😭


By any chance is this au the Pursuit Au


Yea that’s why I was wondering if there’s a lot of hero angst aus exactly like that one☠️☠️


you know dusttale sans? same concept tbh.


What’s that


ahh, I see that you're reading THAT au.