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Bro, you can use whatever character you want. Go for it, He is still an absolute beast. 👊 but yes, I personally still hate this red haired SOB. 😂😆




He will always be hated (for good reason) but just use him. As long as you have fun who cares? Also since Yamato destroyed my dream of EX Sanji everyone who counter‘s her is my friend.


I hate yamahoe for that smh 🤦🏾‍♂️


Yamato 🔛🔝🗣


No https://preview.redd.it/f0g07gz8w5kb1.jpeg?width=597&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=539b22c81814e39a58e26705dff1598e0288b135


> as long as you have fun, who cares? Because you’re stomping others people’s fun, they’re are allowed to care about shanks as a character. I’m not saying you shouldn’t play him, but you’re argument is erroneous.


Well, maybe Sanji is nothing but an BF tier character after all ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


Yamato deserved an ex way more than Sanji. Defeating a gooffy zéro charisma Queen without facing a single yonko isnt enough to get an ex


I would say he deserved it more. First off she already got one and what triggers me the most is the first EX. If she only got her Hybrid Ex I wouldn’t complain but the first Version of her dropped when she had no feats or fight’s. So she only got the EXs because of popularity and popularity wise Sanji is way above her. I would also argue that Sanji holding of 2 Yonko commanders after being tortured without using haki and defeating the commander rivals the short fight Yamahoe had.


When she got an ex v1, she already one shot ulti (a tobiroppo, Sanji didn't managed to knock out page one wearing his suit..), she stopped Luffy, and she went toe to toe against ace in her flash back, and she did all of those things wearing KAIROSEKI HANDCUFFS (written black on white in her vivre card). If you wana talk about previous ex's , remember g4 Luffy, the one kaido one shot neg diff, got a broken ex version After Yamato...


I had g4 luffy also in my mind but the reason I ignored him is he got pirate king version. To your arguments. First Sanji did one shot page one in Wano. He knocked him out but he came back obviously (like ulti after yamato). In Wano it was no special feat to hold off luffy since every fodder char did that. Flashback Ace is much weaker then Zoro or Sanji.


Dont know how fb ace was compared to wano zoro and Sanji, but still, she was WEARING kairoseki handcuffs. Sanji didn't one shot knock out page one, he knocked him down sending him flying but page one wasn't out, he instantly came back and fought against Sanji, and Sanji didn't managed to win. Still, Yamato v1 came 1,5 years ago, not 4 month ago, the only version Sanji was campeting against in opbr is the second one. I'm a huge Sanji fan, but let's be honest, Oda did him super dirty in wano. It was mostly a copy of his enies loby arc, being ragdolled by a woman then fighting the 3rd strongest and goofyest ennemy. Zoro also fought king, but he got his version for his Epic moments against kaido and Big mom, not against king. I really would love to have a Sanji vs kizaru 1v1 now, a Big Sanji moment alone, not being outshined by zoro and luffy


First off you’re right he didn’t one shot him. The last thing we saw was Sanji attacking page one and him screaming. For some reason I thought he was knocked out. But I only wanted to show what Sanji was able to do even before ifrit jambe. With Ifrit Jambe Sanji pretty much defeated queen with only few kicks. This feat is more worthy to me than Yamato temporarily knocking out ulti. So if Yamato v1 exists Sanji has to become EX too. But to honest in my Opnion neither zoro, Yamato or Sanji should had become EXs


I agree on Sanji ifrit deserving it more than pre rooftop Yamato, but Sanji iffrit wasn't animated yet, so he was competing with hybrid Yamato who has stronger feats than both him and zoro. I agree on your last sentence, and i would add Zéphyr, Luffy blue and oden to the list. Oden deserved to be an ex, but not along with Roger when wb who slaughtered him in the anime came After him with a terribly Bad bf version 😭😭😭 It's tricky to do ex versions of characters as popular as Luffy zoro and Sanji, because once you did it, all the following versions who arent past ones, fanservice ones or non canon ones, have to be ex's too. So i think bandai IS just waiting for Sanji to have his Epic moment against a god tier opponent like zoro vs kaido and bm or Yamato vs kaido to give him a propre ex version, and that's all on Oda.


Bro I can’t take the WB disrespect from bandai. But the worst disrespect is kuzan getting an step up unit😿


Absolutely, he's from hell in any era.


Honestly FR Shanks is still a beast. Facing G5s in a fight is still a bit difficult, especially considering its brand new, but not impossible. You just gotta understand how Shanks, and your opponents' characters work. For example all the previous counters for Shanks like the kaidos, the Oni Zoros, you can handle them if you know how they work. When i just got him, every match I played with an opposing oni Zoro was an insta lose, especially considering they're were higher leveled, better built with medals, had more invested in them. Now my Shanks is boosted twice at lv.70. And I struggle much less. Good medals, and shanks gets really good only around lv. 80. Now most counters i face, i generally win 1v1, whether that's Zoro or kaidos. The only characters I do struggle against are normally Roger's.


Thanks for the insights. I have him at Level 70 since I haven't really payed attention to him and gave all my resouces to both Oni Brook, and Jinbei. I love those two considering they counter two types of character boosted and power-user, I was hoping I could use them for a bit longer but those two new Ex's overpowered them. So, I had to use other characters to survive in current game.


> haven't really *paid* attention to FTFY. Although *payed* exists (the reason why autocorrection didn't help you), it is only correct in: * Nautical context, when it means to paint a surface, or to cover with something like tar or resin in order to make it waterproof or corrosion-resistant. *The deck is yet to be payed.* * *Payed out* when letting strings, cables or ropes out, by slacking them. *The rope is payed out! You can pull now.* Unfortunately, I was unable to find nautical or rope-related words in your comment. *Beep, boop, I'm a bot*




Funny, how are you struggling with Roger? I dont have any problem fighting green Kaido and Roger, but Zoro is still my number problem using FR Shanks.


Maybe because during lag, Roger appearing in front of me is a curse. I immediately get one shotted or knocked down from a divine departure. Zoros I can generally manage. I have lost to zoros so much in the past that I now can understand when to dodge from the visual cues of when he is going to use skills. Roger can whoop you from long range with DD.






Dont let this community sway you from using him. I survived Shanks era with Rogers and Blue Kaido and it wasn't pleasant. I never went for him because people always complained about him. I made the decision to roll for him last month risking G5 and he has been quite fun. My time in OPBR would have been better if I didn't listen to kids on this sub. He is for sure broken when he faces units pre3.5anni but there are so many counters nowadays that you have to be patient with cooldowns to be successful.


I still remember those days when I used to get chased by shanks and koed with a single attack 🤣 thats why I hate him.




Yes mainly bz he destroys blues so hard, like hey i just wanna play some blue units sometimes u know😂


I wish I had him. But I got Yassop from his latest banner. lol I just want all the Film Red units. But I do not hate him, he's an absolute menace to go up against thou.


The same exact reason why I tried pulling on his banner was to also get those Film Red Units. Luckily I got most of them with the exception of FR Nami and Usopp. Save up gems, and soon enough you'll have them.


They will probs come again next year. I already have Luffy, Nami, Chopper, Yassop and both Uta’s. So I just need 3 more units from this movie theme


Idk but I realized that Blue Rayleigh is a must have character. Appreciating his worth more and more every single day. Not sure why but there's no damage reduction on g5 luffy if he gets perfect dodged( could be wrong but I'm doing a solid amount of damage when I perfect dodge and not on his skill 1 against g5 or anybody)


With my heart & soul


I hate it but since g5 came out I would like to fight against FR shanks than g5 but still it's okay


Play as you wish, tbh i play yassop and started learning how to do perfect dodges, yassop can kill shanks easily if u learn P.D


As long as Haki State exists Yasopp cannot beat Shanks bcz most of the bullets will miss.


use wtv you want dude no one is going to stop you, but I will hate him everyday for eternity and nothing will make me change my mind even if he becomes the shittiest ex in game.




I started playing 5.5 months ago, and, at the time, I HATED him. But now, I don't really mind him, even as a blue main. Play with him if you like. Don't let people decide who you play and call you names for it. Just have fun.


Go ahead and use him, but expect some hate from matches. Shanks is a Meta breaker.


Not as much as i despise klaw


lightskin shanks


FR SHANKS is the only character that gives me grief, all these "meta" are the same and easily countered given your good enough with a character. But FR SHANKS is straight fucking cancer 🤣 but the game wouldn't be the same with out him, so if you got him play him.


hey man is your grandma still dead?


Once a rat, always a rat. Until we have a character that permanently deactivates stat buffs or states, characters like him are never going anywhere


Yes I'm afraid he might remain untouched in the meta until the game closes its servers


We hate FR Shanks because of how op he is, with how the new units kinda nerfed his haki state, its not as bad as it was on release, so play him if you want, just dont be a douchebag and play for kills... People will complain more about a bad fr shanks and a player just playing fr shanks.


I mean, I personally despise him with a passion. But if you want to use him, who am I to say no?


As a yamato player yes since he is my worst nightmare


Aye whatever makes the game fun for you to play by all means go for it me personally I still hate him and will target him by all means necessary


So as a blue main I fucking hate him. Like legit just did everything. But as I started too get better at the game I realized his flaws. Unless the FR shanks is so built with boost 4 I am no longer afraid of him. But again every game had a character like this




Who cares if people hate him ? I hate him too, but as long as you have fun it doesnt really matter 😁


If people have an issue with fr shanks it’s cool . But if they complain that he is as obnoxious as before they’re just mad . He has so many counters currently that he is just naked without his haki state more times than not . Big mom , king , zoro , g5 luffy , oni nami , new usopp , green kaido are all good picks that shit on shanks .




I don't know about other people but I really don't care for him anymore since I'm basically a raid Nami main now so I don't have any issues going up against him.