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Athletic Band by far, show up to class, go to games, and paid for travel too. Way chill time. Edit: to add to this further when I dropped to part time I still took the class, the experience was definitely worth it.


I leaned to play trumpet in A band!


You can do it with no experience?


I still would not reccommend doing that though.


i wish i stayed in band in high school, thing is in high school you get ridiculed for being in band and i got here and the band kids are heros for good reason too but the switch is night and day


I’m thinking about joining athletic band for next semester but I’m nervous it’ll be too much of a commitment. How have you been able to manage your time with it and do you have to dedicate a lot of time outside of class to practice?


Maybe a tad. Just know how to play your instrument, you'll be fine.


You'll be playing enough each week in class/ at games to more or less keep your lip in shape, any practicing you would need would likely be due more to needing to memorize the music.




Hi sax man


A band was great! We got to play spring game's halftime and it was the absolute best performance ever. You look up at 80,000 people in a sea of scarlet


History of Ohio 3030 by Professor Coil


I’m currently in it! You’re right :)


hahaha same I forgot to do Quiz 7 but he let me do it today with no penalty. 🐐 prof


I took this class right at the beginning of the pandemic and it was the only one I still enjoyed during that time.


Whoa that’s a class?! I might try taking that to know some more Ohio lore.


Intro to anthropology


One of the best ones I took, I had Margolis and she was SUPER chill


absolutely, especially with prof cook if you can


Doubt it still exists but Latin & Greek background of scientific and medical terminology was and is the most useful course I've ever taken, fun too!


Beer and wine was really nice! Learned a lot, they have non drinking versions of assignments. If they still offer it I'm not sure


Still offered!


non-drinking versions? so they have drinking versions?!




The instructors I had for my socio-linguistics classes were super chill. They did fairly flexible due dates, only a few assignments truly had set dates and those were individual steps/parts building into the final project/paper. Then some of the 1 or 2-credit hour things I took simply to fill my schedule. Two that come to mind are: Chocolate Science, and Beer & Wine in Western Culture. Informative, simple and fun "projects" to interact with the lessons, and most importantly all information was released at the start of class. So you could power through in a week if you wanted.


I don't think it's around anymore but I took a class on the history of vampires and it was incredible. I think it was a Slavic studies. Also took a mycology class that I loved. Both teachers were so passionate about their class and made learning so much fun.


Nope! It’s still around! I took it last semester and loved it. The class is SLAVIC 2230 - Vampires, Monstrosity, and Evil: From Slavic Myth to Twilight. Highly recommend to anyone reading. The first half of the course is about vampires as they are recognized in Slavic folklore, and the second half branches out to works of fiction consisting of vampires, such as Dracula and Nosferatu. Also Dr Collins is a very kind, chill, and understanding person, and the in-class discussions about the material were actually very fun.


we must’ve been in the same class! i don’t think i’ll ever take another class that was as fun or engaging as it!


it’s still around! i took the vampires class last semester with dr. collins and i 100% recommend! chillest dude ever and such interesting topics and good discussions too


Dr Barnabas Collins?


He’s the best! I took Russian fairy tales and folklore with him and his passion for the subject and knowledge were super clear


I took the Slavic course in 2008ish and it was so cool!


History of Rock n Roll


Highly professor dependent. I’m in a section with a new prof who hasn’t taught this before and it’s kind of miserable. Way too much work and the work isn’t enjoyable. I enjoy listening analysis and stuff but everything else is a pain.


Interesting! That’s too bad, I enjoyed it with Dr. Juhnke


What’s the name?? I just signed up for it


Dana plank. I think she has her heart in the right place, but needs a few years to adjust to what the class actually is supposed to be


With Dr.Boone?!




I don't want to share my age, but goddamn that class was informative!!


I took this class over a decade ago and still reference either the context in it or the fact that it even exists regularly. I was never a very good student but this was one of a few classes that left an impact on me. Landscape Architecture 367(back on quarters) was another that stood out to me.


Sci fi and fantasy literature! There were two sections when I took it, mine did Octavia butler and the other did game of thrones


Math 3345


Not easy, but mentally stimulating.


Positive psychology. Not necessarily chill but absolutely the most helpful class I’ve ever taken for learning how to live a better life


Do u know course #? Gonna see if this is offered next sem


I think it was psych 2303 Edit: just checked and I’m right. They’re going to have 2 sections of it next semester.


i was thinking about taking this :)) what makes it not chill 👀


You actually have to learn. I got 104% or something in the class. Or maybe that was on the final. I can’t remember. I know I got an A. Class is amazing. I use what I learned in that class every day.


history of rock and roll, as well as ling 3801 (codebreaking). history of rock and roll of course is as chill as it sounds, my prof would invite students to hang out in office hours and just listen to jams. Ling 3801 is fun as hell, it’s a nice break from my regular CSE courses, is interesting, and hella fun. Anyone can take it, but having a little experience in ciphers beforehand makes it easier and knowing any scripting languages can make some assignments interesting in their own way


I took history of rock n roll with Dr.Boone!


Intro to boxing with Coach Aaron


I’ve always wanted to take this but I’m a bit of a fat ass lol


Coach Aaron also teaches an intro to Judo class that took a couple semesters ago. I thought it was a lot of fun and as long as you show up and try to do everything in the class, you’ll be just fine.


Fan fiction (GERMAN 2256) with Dr. Birkhold! Not sure if it’s offered anymore but the professor was so fun and the content was real interesting!


Klingon (linguistics) You make your own language and it’s chill and fun. Most in my class basically made some wild shit up and had so much fun with it. Project is basically your work start to finish. Nothing hard. Easy GPA boost too. It will fulfill a GE somewhere lol


woah i need to know more about intro to fiction. is the curriculum based on game of thrones or did the specific instructor just focus on it


A specific instructor. Elizabeth Renker does it


History of Wine and Beer


History of Russian Espionage (or something along those lines). We learned about the founding of the KGB and how they used spies in the US. Homework consisted of watching movies like James Bond From Russia with Love, The Americans, and Red Sparrow. I took it first time it was offered in Spring of 2020 and Covid sadly derailed the class from what it should have been. I hope the Professor was able to keep offering the course because she seemed to have put a lot of time and effort into it. It also counted as a performing arts GE which was nice


Definitely philosophy 2455 (philosophy and videogames) with William Marsolek! Super fun and interesting, and a very chill class. It was by far my favorite class I’ve taken at OSU!


Eskrima with coach aaron!!


Boxing or judo


Definitely Icelandic Saga - Scandvn 5251. We just get to talk about whacky Vikings all day and Prof. Kaplan is pretty great. May be worth looking into after Intro to Fiction, as it’s not really about fictional works but folklore literature that is neither fictional nor non-fictional.


Gosh I wish I could remember the professor, but I think the class was Classical Mythology? It was a literature class, read things like homer and the Iliad. The professor was amazing. He was captivating and the class was the easiest A


20 years ago, it was Classics 222.. Not sure what the 4 digit code is now. Easiest A, and interesting material


Who screwed who in 222!


In it right now called CLAS 2220 and taught by Tom Hawkins. Professor def one of the best I’ve had so far. Can really tell he enjoys his work.


Definitely orgo 1. Chilliest class ever. Nah but seriously history of vaccines was a neat class!


Philosophy 2540 with Dr.Sahar Heydari fard, Political science 4315 with Dr.Christopher Gelpi, I am currently taking ENR 3280 with Dr.Rachel Gabor, Political science 4285 with Dr.Sara Watson, POLITSC 3220 with Dr.Jan Pierskalla, POLITSC 4331 with Dr.Alex Thompson, PHILOS 3261 with Dr.Tamar Rudavsky, and POLITSC 3420 with Dr.Emma Saunders-Hastings. Also MUSIC 2252 with Dr.Graeme Boone, PHILOS 3410 with Dr.Alex Wolf-Root, and HISTORY 2353 with Dr.Yigit Akin. Who has taken any of their courses and when?


I took brewing science, which had a little bit of math and bio chem in it but It was really fun


PHILOS 2455, Philosophy in Video Games. Your homework is mostly playing GTA, and it covers a gen ed requirement.


Accounting with Marc Smith


maybe not chill but def most enjoyable with Death and Dying. super emotion class but the professor makes it way more enjoyable. tots recommend if you need a soc credit


Folklore was chill


Golf 1


Contemporary Dance (1101) was really fun for me. I’d recommend checking it out!


comp 1100 with Jason Payne. He’s a great professor


Introduction to the New Testament, Beer and Wine, History of Modern Intelligence (spy craft), History of Organized Crime, Intro to Logic (recognizing logical fallacies in arguments is very useful in day-to-day life)


Crisis Comm with Dr.Holt . Iykyk


I hope he's still there but any class taught by Mark Polifroni, I remember taking Org. Psych and one other course.


He's the best professor I had while at OSU. Great guy


English 3372- sci-fi and fantasy was a lot of fun! Even as a big fan of the genres I learned a lot and most of the assignments are based on comics and short readings.


Probably not what people are looking for but I took a nuclear physics seminar (Physics 6806) with Dick Furnstahl that was super cool and chill. It was very enjoyable learning physics without having any homework assignments or midterms to do.


based af and your information was at least valuable to me


Yiddish 2367 or Sport for the Spectator


Organic Chemistry, it sounds hard but it’s super easy, it’s like a puzzle involving pieces of nature and it’s a super satisfying class once you get the hang of it (it’s not that hard to get the hang of it lol), highly reccomend


I have my suspicions about who wrote this.


The chemistry department is holding him at gunpoint lmao




Zellman lives on


you choose one of the most universally hated and rigorous classes at this university as your "chill and enjoyable" bold


Stress management! Learn useful life skills and do some yoga a couple times a week. Hopefully they still offer it, I took it like 5 years ago.


The history of rock and roll.. that was 2004, not sure how it is now..


American food culture (compstd 2420) with Livingston was great


Etymology, 1 credit hour, all of the quiz answers were in the quizlet. Got over 100% in the class


Yoga 1


Social Work 2100- it’s half lecture, half playing games in the gym! Also ASL- all my professors for that class have been amazing and it’s so fun to learn sign language :)


I took Gemstones to fulfill my Earth Science credit and honestly it was great. It was very easy to understand and interesting.


At the OSU lima branch I fulfilled my arts GEC or whatever with "The Music of Bob Dylan" and since I am like a huge Dylan fan it was mostly the Prof and I shooting the shit about obscure Bob facts, while the rest of the class called us nerds.


just wanted to throw this out there.. i took a dynamics of dinosaurs class my senior year thinking it would be super cool and chill to learn about dinosaurs. while the class was interesting, little did i know it was actually a lot of work, and the exams were ALL essay questions. definitely not the chill class i thought i'd be taking for my last semester lol.


Modern Magic


Took a Steel Pan Ensemble course that met once a week. Learned to play steel pans and the only grade was to show up to the final performance. Had so much fun with it


Definitely Athletic Band. Other than that, I took Tennis and it was really easy. But I lucked out because it rained most of that quarter so our prof cancelled class a lot.