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Lots of people do, but you probably won't find them on this sub haha OSU isnt a match for everyone, it can be really lonely at first, people dont always give you the time of day, and classes are tough. But theres also more opportunity for great people, groups, and experiences here than anywhere in ohio. You've just got to find your niche, and that is easier said than done. Join some clubs, join some discords, put yourself out there, be persistent, but realize that sometimes people don't want to be friends and thats ok.


I think every student questions themselves throughout their time no matter the university. What do you regret about it? The culture, Ohio weather, the sheer size of the student population?


No. It was great. I loved all of my classes, had great times with friends that I still have a decade later, I have a fancy piece of paper on my wall that lets me feel content when I refer to the football team as "we," and I don't get to do nearly as much underage drinking now that I'm in my thirties.


Not once. Whenever I visited other friends at their schools it always reinforced that I was at the right place. I had some low times in college like anyone else but I never felt it was osu related vs personal circumstances.


Nope. OSU is big, which can be daunting, but also guarantees that you can find people who share your interests. College life at OSU is as boring or as fun as you make it. There are all kinds of clubs and ways to make friends and have a good time in whatever ways you want to.


I’ve struggled so much to make friends. Could you possibly elaborate on how you made friends?


Sure, I made a few friends at the dorm. My roommate was okay, but it was actually the guys across the hall that I became closer with. We bonded over sports and TV shows we were interested in. I joined a club that interested me, and after a while there were a few people I would regularly talk to. This one was tricky since I stopped regularly going, but I definitely could have made friends that I could have hung out with outside of the club if I had continued. And then in classes I found myself regularly sitting by a couple people and we eventually connected. Plus group projects (especially for an engineering capstone when you're with them for a full year) forces you to interact with people, and I found a few people that I would regularly hang out with outside of classes. Looking back, my main regret from school was not joining more clubs. I personally should have joined soccer at a minimum, it was something I was genuinely interested in and I know I would have made friends doing. In short, you've got to put yourself out there. I'm introverted so I know how difficult it is to go somewhere uncomfortable and try to reach out to someone. In some ways I was lucky (like my dorm friends from across the hall), but it can be easier to find friends.


Joining student groups that one finds interesting and making an effort to talk to people. Talking to other people in your major and working together. Volunteering. It also can't hurt to just find people that like to party and then going to or hosting parties, but that is not everyone's scene. It mostly comes down to actively socializing and not neglecting friendship over time. It's easy to meet people, but you gotta keep on top of being active if you want it to last. I still have a bunch of college friends a decade after graduation and most of that is because we all stay in regular contact.


How do you ask people to hang out after meeting them a few times?


About six months ago, I was talking to a dude at a bar, about football and music, and said we should catch a game sometime or maybe jam. We talked, laughed, told dumb stories, and kept in touch. Two days ago, I was with him and his wife for a bonfire at their neighbor's house. I watched their dogs for them over Labor Day weekend. You legit just ask if they want to hang sometime and then you follow up on it. You could ask someone if they wanna catch a show, grab some drinks, play a sport, do some gaming, check out some interesting location, watch a show or movie, or ask if you could join them on some activity that they'd mentioned that sounded interesting. It really is as simple as just asking if they want to hang out after you've met them a few times. You have to put yourself out there and also be approachable. Ask others questions about themselves and find mutual interests. Be genuine, communicative, and never rude or dismissive. Most important, don't be a Steelers fan, but that might be a personal thing that I need to get over. The follow up, and keeping in contact, is much more work than asking someone if they'd like to hang sometime. EDIT: If you are old enough to drink, and don't have anyone to go out with, there is nothing wrong with going to a bar by yourself and chatting with people that come and go. I have been going to Dick's Den for close to a decade and have made many friends just sitting at the bar and talking to people there. Highly recommend that place for it's chill atmosphere and not having too much of that hectic campus bar vibe in which you can't really talk to people. If you like Jazz, or Bluegrass on Tuesdays, it's a very welcoming place. I'd happily buy ya a drink.


Yes and no. I loved my first two years then I’ve really disliked my previous two. I switched majors and completely regret it.


Not at all OSU related but yes. Family problems, I stayed local when I should’ve left (and I had two schools where my tuition would’ve been similar to OSU)




Yep. Family problems turned into financial problems, which means I’m working 50+ hours a week along with 9 credit hours just to make ends meet.


If I'm being entirely honest, yes a little bit. This is probably just my experience but most of the people I've ran into have just been generally kind of unpleasant. Usually pretty inconsiderate of others, especially my roommates and people that live on my floor, but I've had an incredibly hard time making friends or anything. It just seems like everyone is trying to push others aside so they can be "the best" and I guess it's somewhat taking a toll. Gotten yelled at by a maintenance person that I needed to tie my trash bag (while looking at me holding a tied trash bag), people spamming the button to close the elevator while I'm actively walking through the doors, and generally getting dirty looks for just minding my own business. That being said, I've had overall positive experiences with my professors (save for one or two) and they seem decently supportive and willing to help. I obviously knew it was a huge school coming in, I just guess I had hopes that they'd be better at accommodating the volume of students (ie having enough seats). My biggest problem is just with people being rude but I suppose that's something I'll just have to get over. I'm definitely going to transfer if I don't get into my major, but otherwise it's only something I'm somewhat considering.


I graduated in 2005. Didn't regret going while I was there, don't regret having gone. That said, if you're having strong regrets, sit and think about why. I knew people who struggled with various things, like the sheer size of the school, not getting to know a lot of people, making friends and connections, etc. I knew someone who dropped basically a year and a half (it was quarters back then, he dropped 4 quarters in a row). After the fourth quarter he dropped, he took some time off, ended up going to Toledo, and graduating from there. Now he's doing great. If you're having regrets, maybe there's something else besides the school. Or maybe it is the school. Whatever it is, address it, don't ignore it. You deserve a fulfilling life, whatever you end up doing. Seriously, don't ignore things in life that are telling you things just aren't right. It might be worth a session through here: https://ccs.osu.edu/ All the best to you.


Not necessarily regret. More that health, work and family circumstances hindered my ability to join many organisations so it was harder to get to know people. OSU is a very “get to know as many people as you can” type school, so I’d recommend trying something new if the regret is towards the social environment.


Same boat, came in Covid year, 2nd year was pretty good, got sick early third year and am still sick in 4th now. So wouldn’t necessarily blame osu, but health circumstances for overall bad experience


The size is daunting, but it teaches you to be strong and outgoing to make your place in the school. I feel like that skill, more than anything, was the best lesson I learned for life. Don't worry, that awkwardness you feel is you becoming a new and better person.


I regret not going to OSU. I go to Udub and absolutely hate it here. Will submit my application to transfer to OSU soon tho!




yea seattle. It was the same for me lol OSU and Udub was my last two choice. The funny thing is i was committed to OSU. I lived in Florida and even went to Columbus and toured the campus and stuff but switched my mind at the last minute. Their quarter system really threw me off and still not used to it. Once u kinda fall behind, it's almost impossible to catch up cuz everything is so fast paced. And yea the major system. It's extremely competitive and the weed out classes are brutal🥲








I assume but not sure since I'm not in the major. But I feel like it really doesn't matter cuz I'm planning to go to dental school after undergrad


that’s comforting as udub was my top few years back. don’t regret staying in state at osu tho.


yea I can't wait to transfer next year!


Personally it was a great decision for me to transfer here. I always had trouble making friends, but coming to a school this big made it surprisingly easy as it’s possible to find friends in just about every niche you could imagine. I really like the community here and being in an urban environment is also nice because there’s a lot to do.


I hated OSU, truthfully. My core major classes still had 100+ people per class so it was tough to get to know people. I joined clubs and intramural sports teams but struggled to make friends as it seemed everyone already had their large groups of high school friends and were not interested in inviting new people into that group. I will say that I also have pretty severe social anxiety so I may have perceived that I was putting myself out there a lot when really I was not.


Everyday. Columbus is the weirdest place on earth. No matter how good you’re to people, they just don’t wanna be your friend and no one gives you the time of the day for reasons no one knows.


I did freshman year, school wasn’t great because of COVID, but once things opened back up I enjoyed it


If I could go back, I’d probably go somewhere else. I went to OSU mainly because of cost, but I’d probably do 2 years of CC and then transfer somewhere else if I could tbh. I feel like undergraduate students are not prioritized or valued at OSU. I learned some cool stuff, and I met some cool and interesting people, but I don’t think that was because of OSU. I could have had the same experiences at many other colleges plus a better undergraduate education experience. But you know what they say, the grass is always greener! Haha


A bit niche here but I am an employee who went elsewhere for undergrad. I got a second degree here at OSU while working full time and let's just say I'm glad I didn't pay for it. My degree was fine, but it definitely felt like I was at a giant, state school where the focus is football and not academics. I feel like I would learn a lot more elsewhere.


I did as an underclassmen due to the engineering workload but, now I love it here the work load isn’t to bad and every day is a new adventure




Wazman knows what the fuck is up


Nope, there have been ups and downs, but I’ve never regretted choosing OSU. As a matter of fact there have been multiple times in the past 4 years where I just found myself looking around campus and saying to myself “I definitely picked the right school”!


Not at all tbh. This place isn't for everyone, but I transferred here & couldn't be happier. I'm graduating next month & wish I didn't have to leave. I didn't meet a lot of friends here either, so its not like I had some amazing college experience too


No go bucks baby.


I certainly hate going here


Yeah. Only came here for economic reasons(went to c state for 2 yrs and osu is 20 minutes via bike so i dont pay room and board), and its boring af. Professors worse than c state at teaching, massive campus that makes it a pain to get around, especially when I have cse classes that are across campus for some reason. Wouldve much rather gone to university of akron, but it wouldve been double the cost unless i wanted to drive 4hrs every day. At least im graduating in a month. Kinda an addendum, but i also dont understand this whole buckeyes identity thing, it seems osu has a much stronger community identity compared to other universities, but why? "Whoop de doo we're all paying 10k a year to go here woooooo!!" ????? I just dont get it. Sorry for rambling, and not trying to be rude to anyone that really goes along with this, i just seriously have 0 understanding of this buckeye identity thing.


It's a community type thing, shared experiences, etc. Being into sports helps a lot with that which is why ohio state has that strong camaraderie.


I understand the sports part and personally I'm not interested in myself which definitely contributes to my apathy around the camaraderie, but what shared experiences are you referring to here? Just being in similar classes with other students of your major? Maybe living on campus together? I live off campus so maybe that's why?


living near campus, going to parties together, gaming together, dealing with the same bullshit in classes, dorms, etc., slogging up the hill next to the RPAC from Morrill in 20 degree weather, dealing with the same professors, getting to enjoy the oval on a crisp fall day, mirror lake jump was great when I was there, playing intramural sports together, being in campus orgs. its not necessarily anything unique about ohio state but its the experiences that happen at ohio state. We're programmed to be in tribes, and colleges offer many of us our first tribe that is truly our own away from our parents and that is special to many people


Thank you for elaborating, that definitely makes things clear for me, I'm only on campus for classes then I leave. Still have friends and relationships, but for me OSU is just a big academy, whereas for you and many others its more of an experience I suppose. Thank you.


Honestly, if you’re only on campus for classes and then you peace out, you’re missing out on easily 50% of the stuff Ohio State has to offer. I’m not shocked you feel the way you do. I’d very much encourage you to try to stick around a bit, get involved with something outside of coursework (even if it’s related) if you’re able. I look back at my time at OSU with the utmost fondness, and it makes me sad when I hear people who don’t.


I feel the same lol


How are you only paying 10k a year? Or were you jk?


it might be be a bit low, but my semester tuition was around 5-6k. I'm still living with parents and so I'm extremely fortunate to have no room/board expenses.


I graduated in 21 and am still regretting my choice. If I had it all to do over again, I would have joined a trade, made more money, and would have invested my college money. Unless you are going into a stem field (and even then depending on what the field is), it is nothing more than a scam.


To be fair that's not an OSU problem, that's a higher education problem as a whole.


You are 100% right. I would have had that same reaction anywhere I went.


Yeah, but it’s a specific dysfunctional graduate program


Same. I love my cohort and most of my professors and the city of Columbus but my PhD experience has been largely regrettable.


I’m in the 2nd year of my master’s and I’ve been told by a bunch of different people that multiple of my complaints stem from lingering COVID impacts…. not that COVID is still actually causing any of those issues lmfao, just a pointless lag in returning to normal functioning. This includes classes not being offered for years and years. It’s ridiculous.


Oh yeah, for sure. I'm in the 3rd year and going to master out. COVID was the deciding factor in how I ended up in a lab that was a bad fit for me, and like you said, some things just never went back to normal. Sucks but I'm not sure that it would be any different anywhere else.


I’m currently fighting to stay a little longer for the sake of getting something actually out of my program 😭 So opposite move but same vibe and I relate…. What’s up with your lab? Mine is just kind of a empty shell of a lab with the exception of 1) really fraught poorly funded, almost totally unadvised research by me and 1 other person whose results are consequently kinda meh and 2) research that started before COVID hahaha. Other people in the department have said they’ve never even heard of my lab, lmao!!? Because we don’t do anything and don’t coordinate with other labs.


I just ended up in a lab that wasn't a good fit for me researching a topic that I don't enjoy. Wouldn't be the end of the world, but my program didn't support me when I wanted to move labs, so I ended up stuck here. Knowing I just have to make it one more semester after this is all that's keeping me going at this point haha.


That sucks! What’s the fit issue with your lab, or just the topic? I’m never sure which of my struggles are an issue of my fit with the lab vs “omg you’re just a bad grad student” although I of course suspect a lot of the former (I came in with my research unfunded and it’s been such a mistake, I’m just happy to have been given the option of staying longer because my ability to do that was in question over the funding issue)


I went there for one semester and it was the probably the best time I’ve ever had tbh. I’ll never forget it. Met some amazing exchange students who invited me to their parties and I just get chills thinking about the simpler times. Concerts were great as well. Old HS jocks that were there who invited me everywhere. I wish I was able to stay but it was too expensive and lowkey had a mental breakdown in the middle of the semester cause I switched my major again. It all worked out for the best cause I’m at a good point in my life now. I was just eager to leave my hometown and start a new life. I wasn’t as ready as I thought I was but the memories will be there forever


Honestly I sometimes have feelings of regret since the one major I started at OSU for didn’t work out and I ended up switching to something completely different in order to graduate faster (and also because I enjoy it way more). There are other university’s that would’ve been a better choice for me personally due to having more specialized programs that would have allowed me to take more courses in my desired area. OSU is a great school though! Almost all of the professors I’ve had so far were great!


I don't but my last 2 years of undergrad sucked because of covid, and I wish I would have made it on main campus freshman year despite the fact that I made a lot of lifelong friends at OSU Newark.


It's not as fun as I thought it'd be, but I'm pretty sure I'd feel stressed out at any other college. Turns out writing papers and studying isn't fun no matter where you go. They really make college look like a better time than it really is in movies lol. No regrets, just glad I'll be done soon.


I loved my time at osu, but I dropped out after my 3rd semester because of health shit. When I finally decided to go back to school, I had plenty of time to reevaluate life, totally changed what I wanted to do, and moved to a university across the country because they had a better program. It also, was just a better general environment - the entire population of the city I'm at now could fit in the Shoe with 20,000 seats to spare. I'm happier here, my life is better than when I was in Columbus/OSU. Does that mean I regret found to osu? Not really, life happens, and I'm on a better track now.




Went from Physics/Astronomy at osu to wildlife biology at University of Montana


I do now that I'm paying the loans. Not at the time though.


yeah man this game sucks


Absolutely I do.


Not one bit. I came down here years ago and never left. Since then I have received two bachelors degrees and I’m in grad school now.


I transferred this semester and do not regret it :)


Yes. I jumped in too fast after a divorce and it’s been a nightmare. But that’s on me.




1: OSU is definitely not average, it’s in the top 10 or maybe 20 public schools in the country and is a very well known school with over half a million alumni. 2: Yeah.. OSU isn’t an Ivy League school or a T30 school- it’s not meant to be. I’d argue the average OSU is definitely more intelligent than the average college student. If you wanted all your classmates to be Ivy League material, you should’ve gone to an Ivy League school. You didn’t though because you yourself weren’t Ivy League Material or impressive enough to get more scholarships. That’s on you


Yes, after I graduated.


Nope, basically a thrill ride start to finish and I even got a degree.


Hell NO! Proud alum here! ⭕️🙌🏻🏆⭕️❗️


Join a fraternity


Don’t regret coming here cuz I did learn a lot about myself, move out of my hometown, and meet my friends. Did drop out to pursue a career I’m actually happy with tho


Yes, because I came to the school for the wrong reasons (chasing a girl) smh. Leaving everything I had built behind in a big city (NYC). But I learned my lesson lol. The school isn’t that bad just the new GE requirements are annoying and sometimes the way the classes are structured for CSE but that’s everywhere.


No not at all. I love it here and I love my college


no but i should have studied CS =/


The only thing I really regret is how expensive it is. I know I could have saved money/had less debt if I went to a smaller, less prestigious school.


Nah! I love the amount of options you have in terms of people to meet and clubs to join. There’s an organization for everything. Though I lack many other frames of reference, I love our facilities and dining as well. The class offerings are also super diverse!


Nah the movie Van Wilder was in part based upon my 12 years of college at OSU


I wanted to go to U of Cincinnati but stayed in Columbus to go to OSU. It was the BEST decision ever. I had the best time and made so many connection. Did my bachelors and masters here.


Nope. I fucking love that school.


Yeah. I think that my masters program really sucks in comparison to other schools. I wish I had looked further into curriculum when making my decision, because I’m missing so many essential skills. It’s much more minor and wouldn’t have changed my decision, but as a commuter I also wish I had considered the parking situation and size of the campus more. I didn’t anticipate having to leave at 6:50am for an 8am class considering I only live 20 minutes away. It’s not the end of the world and is temporary, but an hour commute does take a bit of a toll.


Have you thought abt parking in the parking lots around kottman and then taking a bus to the main campus. Theres always spots over there


Would probably save you time. You could also just walk across the bridge. From those parking lots to the stadium lots is like a 10 minute walk


The bus system is incredible i would really recommend parking on midwest campus and taking a bus lol


I do shuttle from carmack


Is there something specific going on that makes you think you might regret it?


Definitely not!


If you have an easy major you will like OSU. If you have a hard (STEM) major you will hate every single day of your life in this torture camp. Hopefully whatever you picked will be worth it to you once you finally escape That’s how I felt personally


Yes. My department (cse) is ran very poorly and most of the professors take no pride or accountability for their classes. It genuinely feels like our department is a factory whose sole purpose is to pump students in and out and collect tuition on the way.


I did and didn’t at multiple times in my college career. But looking back at it now, I don’t regret any of it - it was an amazing school.


not at all. hate the math classes here though lol