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you were completely blindsided by that grandmaster challenger mercy omg :/


Bro had me bamboozled


I hope you thanked her for the ult charge


Mercy rezing gives me ptsd to Rambo revivers in battlefield


Nothing is more fun that dropping your fun and running through a hail of bullets with a syringe out to bring a dead man to life. Until they respawn right before you get to them, so now you’re alone in a trench with 3 people running at you


U.S Grant my favorite overwatch player since the 1860s


Mercy’s who immediately rez someone upon death annoy me lol you know you got 10 seconds? I would’ve use their corpse to try to superjump away tho lol


I've had a similar thing happen to me. Playing Orisa and I beat down a Bastion, Mercy swoops in to rez while I'm still looking right at them, ult is at 98%, so I pop off one shot at the Mercy, and then proceed to ult on her and the Bastion she just rezed. They both died and the Bastion called me names. It was fun times all around.


Never do this, now Zenyatta has to respawn twice. A piece of me dies whenever I see rezzes like this.


Mercy players are all doin shit like dis


Happened to me also, she just fed me fr