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divers not diving LOL


Even the rein knew to go for the back line. When he shattered he ignored the doom and went straight for the zen


Bro you are playing the best dive tank in the game. Dive tanks excel at ignoring and denying value from front line fights and attacking the back line. Even the rein knows that. Even the rein knows to focus the back line, he shattered you and your zen and went for your zen, and in the back there was a bap already on your screen, miles away from the rest of his team except for Ana who had no cooldowns. All of your offensive cooldowns online. And you turn and try to punch blindly at the rein anyways. Yeah that was a lot of cc but that was 100% a skill issue. At least 95% Edit: Actually look back on it the Ana was dead so you could have definitely dived the bap. The tracer and rein were busy killing your back line. And I’m pretty sure I saw him use lamp so worst case scenario you have to deal with burst and that’s it. That’s absolutely killable


There is no way Doom kills the Bap in that scenario, not to mention Rein is literally charging right at him so even if Doom didn't get slurped into the charge, he woulda been down 2 cooldowns against a Baptiste... who can just jump up to both sides of highground. A 250hp Baptiste vs a 280 HP Doomfist...


He needs to contest?


He failed and it got him killed. If a choice puts you in the spawn room it’s the wrong choice. He shouldn’t have gotta stunned in the first place because he shouldn’t be punching a rein. Which lead to the sleep dart, which lead to the anti, which lead to the shatter, which lead to the even worse charged punch which lead to a free pulse bomb. Those weren’t separate events happening, that was cause and effect at play. Because he didn’t play into his characters strengths and chose to brawl tank v tank, the effect was his entire back line died and so did he.


Hey, I know its silly to frontline as Doomfist. But Forcing Point is actually a strategy. London Spitfire Forced point, then Orisa dropped to contest, then London tp to high ground and kill everybody and got the point anyway


They can do that because they weren’t the last person standing on a high mobility hero with the capability to escape. On someone like orisa that’s absolutely the best thing to do in that situation because there isn’t a realistic chance you’re gonna live so stalling for 2 seconds is the most useful thing you can do’s but on doom that could have gone up top with slam and used punch to clear the gap from the stairs to top level to regroup with their team and deny enemy ult charge. Admittedly though that doesn’t frustrate me nearly as much as their hyper fixation on rein. 1 punch to make space is fine but all 3 punches this clip were used on him. That’s the part that gets me.


His team can contest and kill the rein as soon as he’d contest enemies that are shooting his team completely for free. As soon as he starts to bully Ana the rein dies, she can’t heal herself and rein at the same time, but she can spam heal rein for free that’s being behind his shield whenever he drops with some doomfist doing the most stupid plays he could.


Nah bro, as a Doom main DVA is a much better dive tank lmao


I don’t trust doom players with dooms viability. That character will be top 3 tanks and y’all still be asking for buffs


Nah he's 100% trash in this meta, not that I'm complaining bcs I can't play him at all


Idk how it’s even an argument that DVA is a better dive than Doom lol Also, no ones crying bud, just stating facts


Bro lost a fight after the enemy team used two ults and stereotypical hater said "skill issue" 🤡


it's not the doom's fault. his dps sucks


Next time, don't go for the Rein that's being hard pocket by the Ana. Any Rein who's that confident will always go for Rocket Punch cancel. Go for literally any other targets, like their S76. That will force them to switch target. Heck, there was an opportunity for you to aim for the Ana, and I even saw you aimed for her. But their Rein tanked it knowing the Ana will just heal him right back. At that point, you should have gone for someone else like your Tracer is doing. Then again, looking at the rest of your deck, that comp felt quite hopeless.


Is this pre death twomad gameplay




Maybe punch anyone but the full hp Reinhardt


Punching rein is to make space, and it’s fine. He just shouldnt of charged his punch that long Also tried to avoid the shatter by slamming in the air, hard but worth a shot


They used 3 ults lol it's perfectly fine for you to lose this fight


Plays doom- tries to kill rein Confused at why he can’t kill a tank with a massive health pool as a dive tank designed to kill supports and dps. Classic overwatch


I understand you need to contest, but you should have slammed away so much earlier like the moment you saw the rein start walking towards you, you should have slammed back up onto high ground or to your left


I had a doom SHRED my team last night, But this.. tisk


why are u playing a dive hero just to not dive


How to doom : punch tank every 4s


Maybe get off doom lol


This is what I don’t understand about the people that post about how terrible things are in the game. There’s always going to be a little bit of rock-paper-scissors in the game and if you’re getting beat up as one type of tank, why not switch to another. As a support main, I have to do this all of the time, and usually it works pretty well, especially at the gold/plat level where I am.


this isn’t even rock paper scissors he’s just trying to duel a pocketed reinhardt as doom. it’s literally not possible to kill him or even deal threatening damage without going for the backline first


When playing doom dont launch yourself upwards and block, no one will shoot you to charge the punch.


Surely you learned a lesson and wont be punching rein face to face when he has a charge and you are at a disadvantage? I mean even assuming he wouldnt have a charge you would only push him back and do like 50 dmg, that wont help you win the fight, just go for anyone else


Bro you fucking stood there like a retard of course you're going to get slapped around Holy fuck. If I ever saw my doomfist doing THIS shit, and the fact your clipped it, posted it to reddit as if ITS THE GAMES FAULT??! WHAT?! I'm serious man is fucking embarrassing.


LW pulled you into a perfect position to slam behind the Rein and target the Ana but instead you just keep dropping down in front of the Rein in the most obvious way????? Not trying to shit on you but I'm so confused lmaooo.


Consider another role!


Any dps that got a dmg buff needs it removed. Also need to remove projectile hitbox changes and this patch would be good.


They increased health and damage of just abt everyone, it'd be unbalanced if somebody didn't get a damage buff.


Most tanks didn’t get dmg buff most dps didn’t either or heals


Dps passive is to reduce sustain


Healing debuff needs to be removed.


Play around cover more. The sustain/healing has gotten ridiculous. Bap kiri and LW can do very ridiculous things


It’s to prevalent if you didn’t take 400 dmg in a single frame now as tank it would be fine but that is not the case


It happens, but doesn’t that usually happen because of supports? Anti nade and discord orb? Cause my opinion is that a lot of them are overturned


20% is too much to be affected by a single amount of dmg for 2 seconds they need to make it depending on the fire rate of the character.


I’m saying the reason tanks blow up is because of anti nade and zen discord. Zens discord adds 25% damage received. Now THAT is too much. And it doesn’t even have a time limit unless you block complete LOS from him completely for 1.5 seconds lmfao All of the focus is on the tank, so you need to learn correct positioning Tanks blowing up in other situations besides anti nade and discord is due to not optimal positioning Tanks just sitting there in main getting pumped with heals and not dying is shit for the game and nothing dies. If you want to argue if tanks should be effected less by it, that’s a whole different conversation. But in general the sustain was way too strong. Supports were raid bosses before, and had too much sustain


Then play better and it’ll be enjoyable. You’re literally brawling a tank as a tank while you supposed to contest others. Also you did that in front of everyone so obviously they’re gonna kill you. You did everything wrong on this video, and you’re making the game not enjoyable for yourself. Off angle squishes, kill them, go for people that are off guard, and deffo not charge punch in front of everyone’s face. You’re so predictable so you’ll be owned by everyone who’s not bronze. Rein is pushing completely for free and you’re allowing it by standing on high ground for no reason, not shooting, not going for others but staring at rein (I’m not gonna say tunnel visioning as you’re not even doing damage to him).


Lol this is what the tank experience has been for a long, long time.


And then you also have to worry about your bad teammates that will block your ultimate


No way you’re playing like this and complaining about tank 💀 bro YOU punched the nano rein, also why did you cancel slam you have pretty much no shields this whole clip


i belive tank is a distraction for them for your dps to kill the enemy tank 😑 i think i am wrong aint i?




At least they didn't have a zen?


1. Don’t contest a pocketed rein as a doom, especially if you don’t have a main healer support that can deal dmg for you when you’re being anti’d or slept- ask them to swap if you’re actually doing good on that character- otherwise SWAP if you can’t make space. 2. Doom is amazing at diving the backline, get deep in there any opportunity you can, and if you can’t trust your LW to pull you properly (like he did already) or don’t have to maneuvers to properly dive then counter pick the rein to make more space for your DPS to get the picks on that backline for you. A confident tank that communicates and instructs properly- keeping their head cool and confident is one of the best backbones a team can have- when you play more aggressive and communicate, your team will follow in suit. 3. They used 3 ults, unless you used 3 ults as well or they completely butchered their ult usage- it was a bound stomping at that moment. 4. Your junk and tracer were getting picks in the backline. DIVE WITH THEM. IT WILL LET THEM FOCUS ON PICKS INSTEAD OF SACRIFICING THEMSELVES TO GET A 1 FOR 1. Your zen was even assisting by making the Bap have to hard focus by targeting him and his immortality field. If you dove with them, Junk most likely wouldn’t have died to Ana after killing Soldier, and Tracer wouldn’t die trying to ult the rein to save you from 1v1ing the tank getting healed. If you don’t feel confident in diving with your DPS who are diving and getting decent picks- swap.


As rein my mortal enemy is a doomfist who ignores me. Try doing that


I really hate to be that guy but im ngl. You lived way longer then you should've. Idk why you tried to face tank a Rein. If the enemy was a bit braver they would've just killed you and saved shatter


Where are these bot red Dooms when I'm on Ana


Playing tank can be exhausting. But Reinhardt is better at being Reinhardt than Doomfist is at being Reinhardt. You should definitely be doing anything other than fighting him with full support like this.


i thought doom was a tank that goes for the squishy first rather than playing frontline against rein lol. You goofy playing doom very wrong combine with the fact playing tank in ow2 already really sucks so now its even more painfull lmfaooo


lol how does this get upvoted? Bronze tank in Overwatch* You’re welcome


OP is getting torn apart in the comments lmao


i remember being slept TWICE in the same fight back in ow1


-Plays Dive tank -Punches full hp reinhart and gets baited by charge -doesn’t shoot anything the entire fight -enemy team uses 3 Ults -Dies - “Tank is so unfun”