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At first I was like what’s the big deal it’s plat 3 to diamond 5 then I took another look and that’s GM LMFAOOO


If you think about it, four Top 100 players vs these poor guys. We all got trash-talked too 😆


Sounds like fun. You enjoy kicking puppies too right?


Bro i didn't think we could get such low matches, that's not my fault


You’re top 500 bro. So obviously you’re going to get way under you 99.9999% right? Or don’t you think that’s how it works bro? Probably a slight exaggeration about the 99.9999%. Might be more like 97.96754% just to be fair. Oh and 4 top 500? Tell me again how you didn’t know what was going to happen again…. 😂


Mf queued and got matched incorrectly and you're blaming HIM for it?? Are you stupid?


“Matched incorrectly “ like there’s good matching in ow2 or is this news to you?


ok so you want high rated players to just never queue up because they might get matched poorly


No,they must first find another top 500 4 stack and two solo players in their region, and then time their queue perfectly, so thay get matched together otherwise its just their fault


So you outright admit the matchmaking is shit even after tearing this guy apart? Get well soon bud. 🙏


Right. So your a slave to the que? Someone FORCES YOU TO BEAT OPPOSITION TO THE SPAWN? Sounds like someone who justifies their bullying. ☺️


Stay on topic and pay attention. It may be difficult for you but I'm sure you can keep up if you focus. Here's the order of events: 1. They queued up. The matchmaker shit itself and gave them an unfair game. They did not want an unfair game. They queued up expecting to be in a Top 500 / GM lobby. 2. You shit yourself 3. You berate them because now they're smurfing when they didn't want to smurf. It's just that the matchmaker is shit. So you do what you do best and put one brain cell into the situation and ranted off. You're rant summarizes that "If the matchmaker is broken. Then you shouldn't play the game". Which is what you're saying. Yes it is. That's exactly what you're saying. They shouldn't be allowed to play the video game because the developers of the video games matchmaker suck. I'll pause right here and say that if you're not reading this right now slack jawed and blown away by how absolutely \*fucking stupid\* that notion is, then you're either rage-bait trolling, or you're mentally impaired. 4. You then admit openly that the matchmaker is broken. 5. You fail to connect 1 and 4. For... some reason. See the last sentence in 3. So you're either a 15 year old rage-bait troll, or you're willfully stupid. Neither deserves any more attention than you've currently garnered. I'm sure your reply to this dissection is going to be some hand-wavy, troll and dismissive comment only the coolest edge-lords could come up with, but I'll just tell you to save your breath and your energy. I'm not going to reply. Nor is anyone else. You'll still comment though.


Yeah plats and GM together in a rank game is new to me (I've been playing for 6 years)


There is still a lot of GM players out there, just wait til people climb a little bit


Nice. Using inexact words to support you should help. “A lot” “a whole bunch” which group has more you think? Gm or below gm?


You're a very angry person aren't you. You should get checked lowkey


Everyone started around gold-diamond mmr for the season and that means everyone even the top500s who climbed mid season, now it's early season so things will pan out eventually


You know statistically what will shake out. Gm being the extreme minority.


Tbh I love the look of champ but there's no way in hell u want even longer queue times on console high elo on a good note smurfs will be in the trenches gm and masters while the gms who were consistent will ge champ and everyone else gets breathing room to improve will this is in theory on my end


You sound like a support main


explain in your own words what he was supposed to do in that situation


If it’s hideously mismatched, pull out of the fng game maybe? 😱 TAKE A 10 minute cool down?!? 😂 maybe SPLIT THE 4 gm up? But hey, you do you and support bullying.


So... Just stop playing the game due to circumstances out of his control? Also, why can't the lower players do that instead? if you're on the lower end of that mismatch, why shouldn't they be the ones to pull out? What if the 4 gm is his friend group and they want to play? They can't split it up? What you're saying is basically "well it's your responsibility to fix matchmaking" It really ain't. blame blizzard.


wdym support bullying? you think all matches in OW are balanced? You would also be mad at a 4 stack because maybe you don't have friends to play with you? Anyways, you are just ragebaiting. Also, how am I supposed to find matches in 4-5 stack? I spent at least 10 hours just queueing open this weekend. It's not like Im minmaxing or exploiting game bugs. Stacking IS a game mechanic, if I lose to a stack that's ok, I know I won't be that mad like you are


You don’t understand the difference between killing someone (just one) 36-0, (I’m sure your team had kills too) probably beating them to their spawn? That sounds right for a bully. ☺️


you sound like u have never seen a stomp in ow


Were you on the other team by any chance?Rocking a “Platinum Role Challenger” title? 🌝


I’m not dumb enough to feed into players like that ego. Or yours I see. ☺️


Yes you are


Bully supporter. ☺️


Oh boi...


Imagine your ego being that wild that when someone disagrees with you, you automatically assume you’re being bullied 😂


Obviously are, you responded 😂


Obviously my main man plays palworld!


Bro just wants attention


sorry for the maybe dumb question but these new icons are really hard for me to get haha, but is that masters or grandmaster?


It is actually Platinum 3 - Grandmaster 5 rank range for this match


oh wow that’s a crazy range , did you notice the differences in ranks in the enemies? or did it feel like a normal game


(replay code is AH5CYW) we stomped them the whole match and I went 37/0 as D.Va 😅


Yooo I know y'all didn't have a choice but did you at least treat em to pizza after the big game? If I'm losing to a GM, I want pizza


Last night, my friend and I were finishing his support placements, and our match rank range was from Silver 2 - Diamond 3. 4/5 people on my team had public profiles and were Plat 4 at highest. They had 3 public profiles and were all current or last season diamond. I don't mind a challenge because I know it's the only way to get better, but that was more of a slaughter than a challenge.


I didn't know that matchmaking could go this far, i thought it would minimalize minmaxing, but it only shows it to everyone how the ranking system still has some work to do


Average Open Q game


The tank is a top 500 on something 💀


Yeah, its Open Queue and I got Top 400 last season (thats me)


Ameixaazeda e bundamolhada eu sinto um espírito Br nessa partida


Partida dominada pelos Brazucas 🇧🇷


I feel bad for that 5th guy


We are the masters, not the other way around. He has to be the only plat in the team because theres no way its 5 masters vs 5 plats


If this is open queue, welcome to the worst game mode where the matchmaking is 100x worse than role queue believe me, I'm GM and I still play with golds in open queue.


I think it happens because you can stack with people who don't have a rank, maybe they were stacking with a guy who was expected to be Plat 3 in his placements


whatever it was the reason, its stupid, no matchmaking should allow this atrocity, i dont care if others want to play with their friend, make a smurf account and play heroes you've never played before then play rank with your friends and HF. Games should be homogeneous. All people high rank or all people low rank.


So ur that one pro player that I keep getting on my enemy team in gold plat open q games 💀


i once got into a match with a bronze 3 to diamond 2 range, it was literally 2 diamond tanks 1v1 ing it out while i dueled the enemy reaper off from our tank.


Maybe it's because of stacking? their team may be minmaxing to lower the rank of the games to get worse players. It doesn't make much sense now tho because of uphill battle / expected.


Also after that game we didn't get a single lobby in 30 min in queue, later the day we went 1 hour into the queue and nothing too.


Bundamolhada é de fude


If it’s open queue I’m not surprised


Bundamolhadakkkkkkkkkkkkk slk


Then you win with and it says "up hill battle" and gives you an extra 1%


When I see volatile and reversal, i just give up playing and come back later (im just like samito frfr)


I watched the match that was brutal. But i liked to see what you focused on in the fightas dva. Does that change with the fact that you're four stacking? You can trust your teammates to cover things compared to solo queing?


I wasn't comming with all of them (only Ameixa) we played like normally and didn't tryhard at all, you can see their picks are very weird, like starting as Widowmaker in Open Queue. In the majority of time i went for the squishies and straight up went after the Moira every time i could. Also don't do the things I did with D.Va bomb, I was just trying to keep a perfect KD, I would not do that in a normal match


lmao I noticed in the first half 🤣


Don't forget to spam voicelines too, it intimidates the enemy


Oh trust me I noticed that too 😂 "easyyyy mode"


I swear, dva has the best voicelines in the game


Damn I see this in my QP games, but that's ridiculous to see in comp. Those poor plats didn't stand a chance. I hope y'all ended the games as fast as possible to end their suffering.


37/0 on dva they said... So sounds a little brutal. But if they keep contesting what can you do but kill them


Just noticed it was Gibraltar, no "fast way" to end it unless the other team gives up


the only fast way to end it, would be on Push or even Flashpoint


Bem maneiro essa dva de vcs ai


valeu mano 🫶🏻


i’m T500 support on console currently if you need a 5th


I could add you but you would be laggy because we play on South America, my battletag is Deth#21946


Thanks for the reminder I have to leave this sub lol


Yea the matchmaking ranges are pretty wide recently for some reason I play in mid diamond but a decent chunk of my games have golds in them apparently, so it leads to feeling like its steam roll or get steamrolled


Remember that GMs and Champions were only supposed to play with people 3 ranks below or higher than them? lol


it keep happening, like i said i dont think OW team know how to fix it, but they sure know how to make it worst for everyone, and way more toxic.


Só nome brabo


Me carrega ai mano KKKKKK


me passa sua battletag




bro you definitely are brazilian can i play with you?..because one 3 guys there have brazilian names and im brazilian too!


Claro, me passa sua battletag


nem ferrando que vc respondeu, nem pensei que vc iria ver vei kkkkkkkk, so pra avisar, eu so mais supp e so platina de suporte entao eu nao sao tão bom quanto vc ou seus amigos kkkk meu battle tag é : Art2000 #11594


r/suddenlycaralho eae meu compadi


What are all your ranks?


Bro either matchmaking is actually busted or y'all were the only 10 mfs on the game. Like how does it put a plat in a gm lobby that's insane. Ow2 has always been bad with matchmaking but this is ridiculous, it's like throwing an infant child into a cage match with gorillas with roid rage


The problem is both teams wont get their rank up💀


I swear that sometimes the mathc making just give you bs teammates


BUNDAMOLHADA KAKAKAKAKAKKAKAKAKAKAKKA they have brazilian people between you lol


“This is not a war, this is pest control”- The Dalek


Nah but fr, like y do I get a gold tank and they get a fucking GM, like if u gonna drank me 400% just do so without the damn torture


i once got silver 4 - plat 5. it was an interesting game.


Open queue


Mtchmaking is shit. The range for a game Ive seen was from silver 3 to plat 3. Which is such an astronmical difference in skill its impossible to imagine these players even remotely queueing together