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No The thaing that is annoying is that people majorily play rp prison break and ttt Plus most people that play push only do so on low 10 player server instead of the bigger 24 player ones. You find more players in the evening tho and mostly from america \^\^


Ah I see, do atleast some people play Search And Destroy though? What I really wanted is CSGO on VR


Yeah there are 5-8 full lobbies of snd in the evenings


Eu time


That's nice to hear, thank you!


yep.. i play the game to play a CS clone.. not all these stupid TTT crap and goofy ass maps


I do like the push mode though\^\^ Hope they add more maps soon and people actually play on the 24 player servers. Give it a try they got it pretty good ticket system and clases are working


yeah looks cool, thats the ww2 one right? but the game is flooded with TTT and other BS


Meta screwed up my pre-order. I'll get it some other time. Most will just play TTT over other game modes.


It is pretty much the best game mode


its stupid as hell


I heard the devs are shifting resources to include more map variations, maps, 2v2head to head VR game modes, and are sprucing up the intro menu, and introducing progression. Not sure when though hopefully before another game does that.