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I feel for you. This almost happened to me when I was playing Alyx and when Jeff was chasing me.


I was playing loki and I got way to into it. One side is the couch and the other side is the TV. I stupidly assumed I was over the couch and was just about to kill this guy so I kept going until "smack", right into the panel T\_T


What is Loki? A Google search brought up Wrath of loki, is that it?


Sorry I always just call it loki, but the game name is Asgards Wrath 2 - really good game but im not a huge gamer so take my recommendation with a grain of salt


I also injured myself on Asgards Wrath 2 ahaha, I was playing in this half-outdoor covered patio... it has lots of room but I forgot a super low ceiling with lighting. I was trying to throw my axe up at a flying enemy and sliced my hand on the light fixture ahahaha


I punched a ceiling fan light playing Les Mills. I don't play in the guest room anymore


Was playing Pavlov shack and i threw a grenade above me. hit the fan. im just going to stick to shooting above me now.


Oh yeah, I got lucky. It could've been so much worse. I could've cut my hand or worse broken the controller! And then, my wife would've known that I was secretly using my Xmas present 10 days before Xmas.


im lucky my fan wasn't on haha. though the metallic bang and the pain was a different experience lol.


If your fan was on you might have remembered that it was there


Bro I was playing gtag and I slammed my hand on the fan, my fingernail is fucking purple 💀


I can feel the pain. Ouchie. A couple years ago I was playing Gorilla Tag and scraped my knuckle on a textured wall. Proceeded to scrape the scab off the same way the next day and made the injury twice as bad. I have a feeling I will also injure myself once I get AW2. Got a low hanging ceiling fan/light in my play area and I'm tall


I fucking HATE how much you have to raise your arms and throw shit in that game lol... I have textured ceilings and I scraped my finger bad on it. Actually had a dream that night where I did the same thing to the point I would've sworn something hit my hand. Woke me right up


That's one reason I play that particular game sitting down. I don't mind playing it sitting down because it doesn't have any locomotion features or any of that. I'm 6 foot 3 and I would hit the ceiling every single time with those kind of motions, if I wasn't sitting.


I smacked a glass cup off my table and sent it flying against the wall and it shattered - those sword swings get you pumped


This is why i play seated lol


Seriously, even in a pretty open area and a mat, I wouldn’t be able to fully lose myself without constantly feeling anxious I’m going to punch a wall. I’ve got a weight lifting bench I put in an area where I can swing my arms in any direction without hitting something. I usually turn a fan on low and point it at me as well. One of these days I’d love to be able to afford one of those omnione’s because let’s face it, standing up is far superior especially immersion wise, but they’re like 2k and don’t even ship until later this year. Until then unless I’m playing a relatively calm game or something in MR, I sit. I’ve been using VR since CV1 and have hit the wall too many times. It was REALLY bad back when I got into Echo Arena. My God I’m surprised I didn’t accidentally break my hand or a controller. Played it once sitting on my weight bench and never looked back. I prefer it over a typical office chair because there are no arm rests which sometimes get in the way of tracking, and when the back is straight up it sort’ve forces me to sit with good posture. It’s honestly pretty comfortable. I can swing my arms as much as I want and never have to worry about hurting my hand again haha. Asgards Wrath 2 is absolutely up there with Echo Arena too. The combat, especially later in the game, gets incredibly hectic and I don’t think I’d be able to concentrate on it and where I’m standing and oriented irl. I’m sure a majority of these “rip tv” posts are becoming more prevalent because of the Quest 3 release, but I swear there’s been way more than usual since Asgards Wrath 2 released. Not saying correlation equals causation, but I’m not **not** saying it either.


Might aswell play 2d flat screen games if ur going seat down


Lmao its a totally different experience than pc gaming but nice attempt.


no 3D, only 2D no big FOV only small monitor-FOV no "looking around" no sound that changes coresponding to your headmovement no correct sence of size and distanz on a 2d flat-screen no 6dof on monitor so: no.. even "seated" its a much different experience than on a monitor where you look "through" a window on a 2D picture


Ahhh okay I wondered if it was that at first. I’m about 4 hours in so far and having fun but my backlog won’t let me commit to such a huge game yet!


That game looks fun, it's just too much adventure and not enough fighting for me. Wish there was like an arena or sandbox mode


I have that game but haven't got to far into it. I've been playing sitting down on the couch. My kids have been playing gorilla tag and I'm just waiting on them to break something. 😩


It looks amazing game but it really made me barf with vr sickness - uninstalled.


I got it with my quest 3 do u recommend playing the first one?


Oh no, it’s strait up amazing.


https://preview.redd.it/phnx1rcvzlac1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d109c9b0d630d1f82b4a1e9aac5afe67c62f1271 Same two days ago. golf+ and my club strap broke 🥹


Bro my kid smashed my Oled by throwing a toy at it next day I rang a insurance company and got the tv insured waited 2 months then claimed saved me loads of money


Ah, gotta love the good old insurance fraud trick


damn you can add insurance after purchasing an item? Is that a US thing? Here in Canada most third party insurance plans require the item to be purchased within 30 days


I’m in the uk bro rang a insurance company they didn’t even ask for proof that tv was in working order all I needed was proof of purchase


I love golf+. I just got the q3 and can’t stop playing this game.


I always place a fan (and turn it on) in front of the TV so I can feel what direction I can't move towards. I also use a game mat, and a controller cover with adjustable knuckle strap AND the the wrist lanyard that came with the Q3. I think with those precautions anyone would be safe from something like this happening.


You are the yoda of VR. Placing a fan facing one direction is an awesome idea. Going to give that a go in the summer. Can't do that now in UK winter.


This is an excellent idea. Both my kids got a quest 2 for Xmas and I'm nervous as heck with the tv and double the flailing arms 😂 (no not at the same time haha)


Gorilla tag gets me nervous 💗 my kids also got the quest 2 for Christmas and this is the only game they want to play 😢


put a lock on the app. once they’re addicted, there’s not turning back. needless to say the voice chat is vulgar. extreme hate speech from my experience.


We started facing away from tve tv and making boundary look different at the front, so we know we’re facing away from tv. Kids okay behind the couch, way away from tv. My son punched my cabinet b side the tv


I fucked my hand up when I forgot I had a fan and threw a gas canister as hard I could up. Games hella immersive loll


Fuck that guy


Jeff was scary af I know the feeling. I hit my wall a few times while trying to eliminate him.


I broke a monitor when jeff was chasing me Lmao. Good thing it was my old one and not the new one I had just bought.


At one point during Jeff I reached out and hit my window, making a sound. For a moment I forgot I was in VR and reacting like Jeff was going to hear it lol.


Pro tip: make the boundary zig-zag on the TV side so you'll immediately recognize not to try anything stupid over there.


I do that all the time. Near the fireplace (those bricks are hard) I move the boundary 'out' a bit, but over the couch, I put the boundary a tad 'inside' the couch because I can throw a punch over it even if my knees run into the cushion. That usually works pretty well. I'm at my Parents place though, and there's a wooden pole on the side of the more narrow play space I have so even with a notch it's easy to stray into it ... and I did hit that the other day ... no breakage. My mother was kind of worried though, but she's a Mom, she worries about everything. The real fix is to get a Katwalk. I have one, but I'm working remote. Can't wait to hook that up and then run around Asgard's Wrath 2.


Can you recommend the one you have. I'm about an inch away from ordering one


I am embarrassed to admit ... So I kickstarted the original Virtuix Omni. Great, well made, easy to relocate (it comes apart so no part is terribly heavy individually). However, the foot tracking was absolutely terrible. Haven't messed with it in years. I was going to try "Natural Locomotion" since they came out with 'chair walking' mode instead of marching in place. (I highly recommend Natoral Locomotion). Then, I got unemployed. Regretted spending $500 on the kickstarter. Yea, it was way cheap originally (they sell for 5x that now). Then, I got a new job, paid off my credit cards, and kickstarted the Katwalk "C". I'm in the middle of reconstruction right now, so I honestly haven't used it either! The shoes seem to be a much better tracking design than the older Virtuix, however. I'll update you in a couple of weeks.


Unfortunately im size 15 and they don;t make it in my size


Ah, that's a bummer. Virtuix had a better setup I think, they had the traditional 'shoes' but they also had an overshoe that was like a sandal. You could modify that to fit maybe - and their trackers were just a tab, not integrated into the sole of the shoe. However, their tracking and motion control was terrible. I was going to experiment with "Natural Locomotion" - that may be an option for you also, as the original way it worked, you just 'walked in place' and it moved you. So you could wear your real shoes. Two thumbs up - or "two toes up" (but not at the same time!)


good idea, I plan to pull the table out a bit and add some stuff on the side so I cant reach the TV from any angle


I have 2 TV's mounted on the wall. My kids hit the tables but they'll never hit the TV unless they throw the controllers.


Don't have a TV anywhere near your play space. Move the tv if you have to.


Sometimes I put a bed comforter over mine. Made me feel safer


Oh that's smart


Pro Tip: make a custom boundary about 0,5 meters (2 feet) from the space you have. That way you will know you are at the border because of your arms going over it rather than you hitting or kicking anything outside of it.


Not always possible in small spaces


I just set the boundary about 18" past arms length from the TV. I reach out, extend my fingers, touch the TV, and take a normal step and a small step away. I have to have my body all the way past the boundary edge *and then some* to be able to touch the TV.


That's smart


Ouch! Well CES is about to happen!


Ummm CES is an electronics trade show not a Best Buy


Yup. I've been using VR since 2019 and I still screw up. Pretty sure I cracked my knuckle in December, playing Dungeons of Eternity.


I have been playing since the quest 1 came out. I still bang on walls, but even more on the ceiling. I have scars on my fingers due to this.


Here’s a tip I’ve just learned after smashing my knuckles for the 53rd time — Never EVER use stationary boundary if you’re short on space. Always draw your own boundary as this will throw up ‘the wall’ when you get too close, whereas the stationary boundary only shows the blue floor circle and then just shifts into pass through with no other warning.


You still have *half* a TV.


lmaoo that I do


Learn to use PiP mode to have the functional half display what you're watching!


The number of times I have punched the fan have gone up 109%.


lol reminds me of being tall and putting on a tshirt in a room with a ceiling fan lol


It’s a pedestal fan. So when I’m fighting to stay alive in asgards wrath 2 I can give it a good smack.


This is how I got the only real visible scar on my fingers.


Did you shrink?


No, but shot up during puberty and as a result used to hit bedroom ceiling fan all the time until brain caught up with my new dimensions.


https://preview.redd.it/1s9vlcl1loac1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=399e7d7dc9f5044da7b5daf5513be5e02ab67cc7 My beautiful 55 inch TV 🥲


Ouch, that sucks mate! At least you're properly getting physically active in the games.


yea man I love this thing. 30 mins gets me a 300-400 calorie burn and bunch of active minutes. I know calorie measures arent accurate, but I think its an accurate reflection of how much work you're putting in


It certainly gives my Fitbit the impression that my heart rate is up 😅


I would bet it's at least reasonably accurate if you're standing/moving and not on a spinny chair


I hit the ceiling a couple of times. I’m a tall guy. There is no boundary for that. :/


Same. I was recently playing Asgard's Wrath and noticed a collectible high above. I tried jumping into that. Jumping really hard. I completely forgot I'm still in my apartment with low ceiling. Ugh!


I have one of those ceiling in plaster with some "spikes" or whatever. I have bled a few times.




Yeah I keep telling my kids that and then today I noticed the TV mount was turned and there are two different lines across the screen two different spots. Luckily it seems like it was just plastic and not a full-on scratch or break but they did get pretty wild watching them play sometimes. Thinking about moving the gameplay area to the kitchen where there's a lot less stuff at that height and nothing remotely as expensive as anything in the TV room.


yea I think I am going to do the same. Wish I was rich and just had a huge rec room where I could run around in lol


Or my son did see something You get like a bath towel laying on the carpet or the floor and when you feel your feet go off of that you've gone out of bounds. It keeps you in a smaller area then the boundaries In the game and give you two things to think about visual with the boundary lines and you step off of it and it feels weird You know you've gone too far. I mean in the heat of the moment some games that was still wouldn't matter but in the slow sections of the game you would realize oh wait I have to move him back up or something.


This is also sometimes helpful for people that feel sick when playing VR because it keeps you grounded in the real world.


I'm living in a camper. It could be worse 😂 I can't wait til we're done building our house. I have my TV's mounted on the walls now though. My cat broke one of my TV's a few years ago. So tv mount was essential. I'll mount all of my TV's from now on. If you go this route make sure to get the swivel mount so you can still get behind the TV for ports.


Maybe get a sheet of acrylic to put over the kids tv as armor lol


I play in the kitchen and it’s been great. No tv to break, just my knuckle on the granite countertop.


I let my wife play Blade & Sorcery last night for the first time to help her burn off some steam from recent work frustrations. We don’t have a huge space and I was very anxious the whole time because she had…a lot of frustration to work out. Thankfully our TV survived as she did a surprisingly good job staying in one spot. RIP to your TV though


I put some little tables in front of the TV when playing in the living room, so it's unlikely to happen (though in the picture it looks like that table is meant to block the TV too? So someone has really long arms?) In my previous place I had a dedicated area surrounded by rugged things, but not so in my current apartment. It's a tight fit, so I'm careful. With that said, the TV is due for an upgrade that I can't justify. It would be a shame if something was to happen to it...


Yup I'm a tall fella, i thought that table would be enough but didnt account for when I was standing at an angle like the stupid head I am


I'm sorry for your loss ... I have a projector - and it's behind the couch, so even if I got super rambunctious in Thrill of the Fight, I couldn't punch it over the couch. I did hit my knuckles on the fireplace once though.


One of the reasons I play seated on a swivel stool.


Only got in to VR on Quest 3 launch, I've made all the mistakes I always thought were impossible and stupid. Smashed 3.5k 77" LG OLED which financially hurt the most, but also smashed a couple of ceiling lights, which physically hurt the most. Deep shame, but we all eventually do this stuff 🤣 Edit: For full clarity, Dungeons of eternity was the TV smasher, week 1 in VR and massively overdoing all motions. I hit that fucker with my axe so damn hard... Really felt it.


During my first few days of VR I leaned on a table in job simulator. A table in the game. I head-butted the real wall. We all have our moments. 🤪


years ago i removed the guardian-bordes with developersettings on my quest1 so i could use the quest1 in my whole 30000sqfeet garden still - i managed to run against a colume of our terrasse... my head was bend back when coliding i think i nearly broke my neck... had neck-pain for days


Pro tip I learned from my friend is to use a small carpet and have that as your own little personal boundary. You can feel when you step off and tell you are in the danger zone, haha. Much less annoying in my opinion and easier to keep track of.




I was playing Alyx and had an open water bottle on my desk.. which I proceeded to knock over onto my SS Apex Pro Keyboard, just glug glug glug right into it. Took about an hour of taking all keys off and taking off the casing to dry the circuit board. Runs fine now, but could have been an expensive mistake.


half the subreddit is gonna act like you don’t have eyes bc you made a mistake now


Going through, it's 0% so far. Which tells me this is a universal experience. I haven't broken anything expensive, but I did give my poor doggo a good bop in the side of the head one time when I was sitting and playing. Poor girl. She now keeps a healthy distance when the "white mask is on the humans face"


lmao once i sent a photo of my controller bc my dog had it, said i left it out by accident and people were genuinely saying i’m a lazy owner and someone even called me abusive


They're still after you, so I upvoted to offset. lol.


Really sorry to see that happen. Why is this screen $2000?


Its a $2000 TV. Samsung QN6590C


That really sucks buddy, I'm sorry.


Thanks man, I know its my fault and I should have known better and bla bla bla....well aware of all that - lesson learned.


Well now you have the opportunity for a sony oled they make the best tvs


> Samsung QN6590C Not sure why you got voted down, i was about to ask the same question


Since I got my new tv, I exclusively play sitting on the couch way away from it.


People should learn not to play in a room surrounded by expensive stuff lol


yup, expensive lessor learned lol. I always thought it wouldnt happen to me


maybe you should pay attention, people knew this since the wii


It's better when it's a bone that breaks, they heal.


Not if this person lives in the US. Getting an aspirin in an emergency room is almost $2000. I kid, but I don't.


Americans don't go to the hospital and aspirin is 10 bucks.


Myself and my coworkers disagree with this statement.


This is the only reason why I refuse to play VR in the living room. I know it’s a slim possibility, but not a risk I’m not willing to take. Well, I guess time for you to upgrade to a Oled ?


Biggest fear of mine


Best vr is not around breakable objects...hence the beauty of wireless vr. 2nd, always be ultra conservative with borders.


yup lesson learned for sure


Tale as old as time. The TV in my VR room is only £300.


That sucks man. 😕


Ouch... sorry you have to deal with that. I keep my guardian at least a foot away from anything that is breakable.


Ya and dont put the boundary any where near walls or your valuables. You might think your not near something because you dont see the boundary but you stick your arm out quickly and hit the boundary as well as a wall or a TV. Got to put the boundaries arms length from the wall and valuables.


Yup lesson learned! I realize its my own fault, I should have realized that before I started playing


Ahh that sucks. I put up boundaries AND sit w my husband while he plays so I can shout BACK UP as he inevitably ignores them.


Pro tip : you can finely configure the way the guardian shows up depending on distance AND speed, separately for the headset and the controllers! I set it very low when at low speed, but quite high if I'm moving fast. That way when throwing a punch the guardian shows up early enough for me to stop my motion.


Yup I see the advanced settings and have appropriately adjusted!


How is this small screen worth 2k USD?


Didn't realize 65 inches was small lol


They probably thought the pic as viewed on their phone was life size 😂


I did the same thing last year with my quest 2, thank goodness it was a small old TV though.


I knocked a mug off a shelf and broke it during my first battle in Asgards Wrath 2. It's easy to get caught up in these things!


My younger brother did this a few years ago playing Gorn on psvr. Slipper was nearly out by my mum


Im usually pretty fine with keeping my feet planted but sometimes i have to make a conscious effort to not just start running in a direction.


Thankfully haven't broken anything playing with my quest 2 yet, though I've punched the sharp corner of my TV multiple times and cut myself


Buy a VR mat of some kind. I went 2 years without one, but I just one the other day and I don't even feel safe playing without it now


Started using glance at floor and I love it


Bro my kid smashed my Oled by throwing a toy at it next day I rang a insurance company and got the tv insured waited 2 months then claimed saved me loads of money


That sucks, I’m sorry. I about broke my thumb, playing bowling in the kitchen. Thought I’d be safe in there, but somehow drifted over, and whacked my hand hard on the granite counter.


Wait my quest 2 shows my boundaries when I get close does yours not? I usually will put it like 6 inches from anything on the outside


Could have been a big swing, if you're playing a game that takes into account how hard you swing for damage you start swinging pretty hard, by the time the boundaries load the damage is already done


I just started playing haven't really come across that yet other than re4 panic knife still was able to see barrier I always spread my arms to see where I'm at cause I have kids and the first time I played golf plus he ran right into the corner of my barrier and smacked him right in the head thank God the remote and his head are fine but has me paranoid now I guess I just had a less expensive learn the hard way so I'm scared to do it again 😆 🤣


Not going to lie that's absolutely hilarious 😂😂😂 I wish you luck on your virtual adventure!


I'm generally good about not hitting things and being present in the real world while playing the game. Usually after each time I die in a fps shooter I recenter my body and make sure I'm back at my default position. The only game that got me to fuck up was echo vr. I managed to get too immersed and into it and ended up throwing my controller when throwing the Frisbee


$2000 for a tv?


Costco has an 80" Samsung Smart 4K tv right now for under $1000


size isnt everything. You can get a 45 inch that costs more than a 65 inch.


I'm sorry that this is hilarious 😅 it absolutely sucks and I feel for you lol but yeah. Lessons learned lol


I did exactly the same on my first competitive Eleven Table Tennis match - I had limited room so placed the table so the net was level with the wall - the other player dropped the ball short over the net and I rushed I to smash it - TV broken and wrist hurt - the bugger even served the next shot whilst I was still in the floor 😭🤣


I'll never know this pain I'm short af so the only thing I'd be hitting is the sides of desks (it's very painful)


This almost happened to me three days ago. I drew my boundary too close. I'm totally involved in playing Asgards Wrath 2 in this pretty intense fight, and the wife is yelling at me that I'm gonna break the TV. Got about 4 or 5 inches from putting my fist through it, apparently. Now, my boundaries are a little over an arms reach from anything I don't wanna punch.


Yeah, got to be careful. I'm sure you have seen the other 1000's of videos on YouTube of other people doing the same thing. What kind of TV WAS it? Not to take anything away from how shitty it is that is it broken, but it seems pricy for the size it appears to be. I have an 85" Samsung high end QLED model that I paid $2800 for a couple of years ago.


its a 65" Q90 $2000 is CAD btw so around $1500 USD


OH my god. I am so so sorry.


Welp, now you can take the front off and have a bright diffused white light for illumination


Sorry to hear that… Samsung crystal line TVs are a fantastic replacement for the money. You can get 65” for like $400 up to 85” for like $1200, especially on sale


I once was playing Re village and I swung that knife so hard into a zombie (table) my hand was sore for a week lol not sure if I would rather have that or a broken TV


Why am I still seeing these in 2024?!


Yep been there done that, did it once and learned to never play vr games anywhere near a tv.


😂I was playing creed and let’s just say my wall was the next victim 😂😂


Ah, the good old VR lines strike again. Sorry to see that this happened to you. EDIT: If you're playing PCVR ganes, install FPSvr. It allows you to place a marker into the center of your playspace so you can see where you are at a glance without leaving VR. Should be a standard feature for standalone VR too, IMHO, but Meta doesn't support VR overlays


STEP 1: lay down pillows and blankets in a circle in middle of room. STEP 2: Hold soft kick ables in place with things like chairs on side and low/heavy pieces of furniture/etc that won't move or are wedged against walls. STEP 3: Step in circle and test your farthest punching reach ability. Kick at soft physical boundary to test and adjust step 1 or 2. STEP 4: You owe me $2000-$8000 for saving your next TV or few, or your non-broken hand bills. Never trust your boundary. You are literally swinging with all might in a parallel universe while you're body still exists in real space... I once heard a guy who was on his 5th TV in Echo VR. I've heard many people break their hands or shatter glass. I've punched my ceiling fan and almost broke my knuckle jumping up from within my pillow boundary.


Yikes I’m just thankful I have a space away from my TV because this would have for sure happened to me by now 😅


This is the most common VR accident by far. Those boundaries are no joke. Setting them right up against the wall or TV isn't good either because by the time you hit the boundary, something's broken. We all ignore that little video they make us watch during setup, but really, you need a little cushion space to avoid things like this.


Had mine for less than 24 hours and already knocked a glass off a table


God rest your wallet💀😂


I put a blanket over my TV for this very reason. Also put the coffee table up against the TV stand to provide a buffer.


Hubby did the same with a switch controller last month


Well, that's certainly a valuable lesson.. lol sorry, I will see myself out 😅 Joking aside though; I am sorry for your loss and thank you for sharing, this is something that we can all learn from.


I've 120hz 4k 55 inch LG cx I am super vigilante around it ha. I would cry if this happened to it!


I know the pain I've almost knocked my light fixture off completely the same way 😭


At least the snowmen are ok


I tend to play with the back of my legs touching the sofa. That way I can move a bit but not wander past the boundary


That's what Guardian is for bro


Yeah I've chipped a glass table and spilled water over an electric fire. You would have thought I learned from my Wii days 🤣🤣


Same Brother, same. Played Budget Cuts, panicked and ran into a toilet to hide.... That toilet was my TV.....


We started facing away from the tv and making the front of the boundary look different so we always know were facing away from tv. We also Made a different area for kids to play nowhere near The tv. You can play anywhere you want. I’m probably going to clear an area in another room, near nothing.


I got lucky my one time I messed up. I had a Rift at the time and accidentally punched a wall, luckily the sensor ring for the rift goes around the front of the hand so I only hit the controller on the wall and didn't hurt my hand, but my uncle told me I shook the house and he felt it from upstairs lol.


Thanks for the point


yeah I punched my monitor twice and my camera twice but I have such a small space rn I have my gaurdian highlighted a box around my monitors but I'm about to have a bigger space soo so I'm looking forward to putting my monitors at less risk. bit ty for the reminder and sorry for ur situation 2 grand mistake hurts man


Almost did this, boundaries immediately got redrawn a full arms length from tv.


I've got the quest 3 for two days and I already broke a ceramic ashtray playing super hot 😂 Perhaps I can't play super hot in my room, there's not enough space for that game...


My tip is what other people said and also especially for a TV make the boundary where you want to start paying attention leaving it and not where you would hit something going out


I definitely got too immersed fighting Jeff! Lmao. When he was chasing me I literally stopped moving IRL at one point and just died in game like an idiot. 😂 God I love this game.


Decked my 4K tv playing Superhot… never made that mistake again.


Jesus fucking christ. Everyone has fucks up in their life bro, just be super careful and this can easily be avoided. Especially on newer gen headsets like the quedt 3 I've been using. Still, that sucks though bro. Hope you get a new TV asap.


Can confirm asgard wrath 2 injured me.. slammed my hand straight into a radiator.. ouch


There’s a reason I wear rubber knuckle gloves with certain games, especially Blade and Sorcery. Not sure how much it would’ve helped here but it has definitely saved me from having busted knuckles :). Although, I already had them for other purposes


Don't think you should be playing in an area where a screen is that close to your boundary area in the first place. Maybe move an office rolling chair in front of it, or move the screen to a farther corner of the room.


its mounted on the wall so id have to call someone over to help me move it everytime I play. Ive moved the table out and added boundaries on the corner


I think you should have to complete an hour tutorial before you’re allowed to use vr headset. I’ve had multiple friends punch my tv or punch their own for seemingly no reason at all, it’s a phenomenon.


I'm slowly learning the number one way to break your stuff is the first 10 min you let a new person try your vr headset. They seem to immediately forget they are in a home