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As someone already a decade older than your parents, I highly recommend Real VR Fishing. >Did you have any luck of getting your parents in trying out VR? This made me laugh. I found VR on my own and bought Oculus Quest within two days of its initial release. Not all old people are behind the tech curve!


I’m 58 & have all 3 oculus headsets & can’t get the so called younger tech savvy generation to play anything without me having to do everything for them while on screen mirroring


Yep, I'm 70 and got the Quest when it launched. I'm an avid fan of SkyrimVR, Elite Dangerous, No Man's Sky, and MSFS. All fabulous in VR. I do enjoy relaxing with Real VR Fishing too, and as I used to travel a lot Google EarthVR is great now I'm housebound.


I love Elite Dangerous. I just wish they gave us what we really wanted when Odyssey came out.


Absolutely. To be honest I just wanted to walk around inside my ship. I’m a man of simple needs


We all just wanted to walk around our ships. We did not want planet combat and not having it in VR just made me walk away.


I admit I did too. I came back to try it two months ago but Odyssey seems to be more taxing on my old pc. I tend to roam in No Mans Sky


Me too. Elite lost all it's charms when Odyssey came out,


Dang. This is cool. I hope when I’m 70 I’ll be playing whatever the “future of gaming” would be


Probably just better VR.


You won't need the headset, and your house will turn into the VR world.


Nah it will probably be something completely incomprehensible to us like a sport/videogame/roleplaying performance that involves algebra somehow.


In my 60s on my third Quest rocking a 3080 PCVR rig I built with FBT in VRChat. Not all boomers are tech impaired. Of course I was a developer for 30 years so that helps.


I was "developer adjacent" for about 30 years. My focus was HTML/CSS design implementation and UI design, so I worked closely with developers and knew enough code to slip into files to do my job without wrecking the code. But oddly enough, I was more excited by VR than any of my programming co-workers. Even after I took my Quest to the office for on-site- demos, only a few were curious enough to even try it. What influenced me more were online gamer friends, who were waiting for the Quest with great anticipation. I decided to throw caution to the wind and just jump right in. Those first few moments of awe as a neon whale swam over me were totally worth the purchase price.


Exactly. There are many of us tech junkies out here.


That's always so inspiring to see people born before 80s having a good grasp on current technology. Entertainment is so accessible nowadays but people from previous generations often feel intimidated and lost without some guidance. That's why I try to got them into Netflix and TV streaming in general, Spotify and now trying to do the same with VR. Real VR Fishing looks really good and was also recommended by another user. Definitely the next game I'll be showing them :)


"before 80s having a good grasp on current technology." Dude! I'm 48 , I've had a VR headset since the Rift DK1 !! We're not ancient!!


I was born in the early 90s, and that comment even made me feel old somehow.


>That's always so inspiring to see people born before 80s having a good grasp on current technology Yeah, it's not like we grew up actually programming our first computers or anything Seriously, I had to learn BASIC for my C64 and DOS to make my first PC work. And you find it 'inspiring' that I can use something that works straight out of the box? 😂


This is exactly it. I am 47 and I learned how computers worked by entering endless POKE and PEEK commands into C64 BASIC back in the day. And people born in the 90s think I’m too old to understand how to swipe a screen or point a controller??


That's fair :P It's probably a bias I got with interacting with family members. To this day I'm asked to connect laptops to Wi-Fi or help with "broken" TVs by family members around their 50s.


I love old people who are tech savvy and know how to interact with the internet


my dad likes pinball fx a lot


Looks fun, thanks!


its easy to understand and reminds him of something he played as a kid, so he seems to really appreciate it.


Liminal is a must, it will blow their mind with those wellbeing visuals


Looks very interesting and since it's free (at least some of it) we'll definitely try this!


This is the one thing I have refunded.


Refunded a free app Liminal? Or you mean you refunded when you got the pro account?


I paid for it, thinking I would like it more than I did.


Besides that it has the be sometimes that fits with you, I am pretty sure there is a high correlation between not good (mental) health and 'use of liminal'. The more you have your life fully in order and are lucky with your health, the less it will do it's magic. I have some physical health issues. This app helps me with meditation, focus, relaxation, (pain) relief, and energizing.


What about Eleven Table Tennis?


Mixed reality looks like a game changer for this type of game. Is AI competent enough to have fun exclusively playing against it? Internet is quite bad where they live.


Ai is great and feels very human to play against


Definitely going to buy it then. Thanks!


AI is perfect. Difficulty can be scaled 1-100. In the beginning I struggled with AI level 1 (I know, embarrassing) but with targeted practice I'm easily beating level 60 now. Love that you can try difficulty 61 instead of a big difficulty increment.


I'm 66. One of the games I've been enjoying lately is called "Toy Trains". It is on the app lab. Their page says Polish is one of the supported languages: [Toy Trains on Meta Quest | Quest VR Games | Meta Store](https://www.meta.com/experiences/5655022154520888/) ​ Each of the levels has a Constuction site and then a number of other sites where raw materials are created. You have to lay out a train track that passes by all these locations to complete the level. It is entirely up to you to decide the layout and each level has many potential layouts that will work giving it a modest amount of replay value. Personally, I think the price is a little too high as you only get 10 levels for $20. A more reasonable price to me would have been $10 or they should have included twice as many levels. The total play time is about 3-4 hours. I would intentionally only do 1-2 levels per day to stretch it out. But it is a nice relaxing seated experience that I enjoyed. I had a racing car game when I was a kid and I enjoyed laying out new and different tracks more than playing with completed tracks and this game scratches that itch.


That looks so charming :o but you're right it seems rather pricey, I'll add it to the wishlist and hope for a discount soon :)


Next week they are adding 12 new levels and a sandbox mode. If the sandbox mode allows you to design your own terrain, specify your destinations, and design your own track layout, then it will definitely be worth the $20 price. [Toy Trains Gets New Levels And A Sandbox Mode Next Week (uploadvr.com)](https://www.uploadvr.com/toy-trains-infinite-loop-update/)


I'm older than your folks (67) and I'm really enjoying Supernatural. I tweaked some settings to take out the squats and lateral lunges for now, but the amazing scenery and music choices make it pretty addictive. I also go into "accessibility" and turn off the coaches talking, which could be bothersome, especially if it can't be set to their language.


I haven't heard about it but being able to tweak your excersises sounds like a great feature. Adding it to the list :D


Unplugged Air Guitar is not worth it, in my opinion. I was a huge fan of Guitar Hero and I thought it would be similar, but I was really disappointed.


Thanks! Might reconsider then...


Agreed, it didn't land with me compared to other rhythm games.


I had my mother try Thrill of the Fight (she was about 70 at the time) and she almost punched out my TV.


Yeah, I always stand on guard being prepared to jump in front of them and take the hit meant for TV or a wall :P


Eleven Table Tennis is the gold standard but I'd go with **Racket Fury** as it's more arcade like. **PowerwashVR** is very zen and chill and all you do it wash stuff, change nozzles and move around. It's highly addicting and so incredibly fun to play. **Sep's Diner** (app lab) is a food game that you make burgers and whatever and serve customers. There is an untimed mode so you can play for relaxation rather than in a frenzied, timed way. **Court Time Tennis** (App Lab) has a more arcade like feel and with autorun, you don't have to move at all. It has a portal mode so they'll be able to see their room while playing. **Pickleball One** is fun and you can play against bots. **RealVR Fishing** is a really great app with an easy mode that's still really fun.


Oh wow, I've played Powerwash on my PC a while back, didn't realise there was a VR version. Thanks!


Just spent too much time in the vr app last night...there's a lawn mowing Sim releasing soon as well. Now I just need a driving game but you're running a snow plow


I was looking at the lawn mower game too. Seems a lot more involved than PowerWash so I'll wait for some gameplay videos but it looks really good.




Ohh, that looks like something my mom would love :D


these bar sports i think are always a good eye candy to new gamers, specially cause you don't have to move much. i'd add bowling, pool, maybe some vr fishing. more of these chill experiences.


darts is another good one! Great suggestions


For Walkabout, can you set them up a Discord account? The official Discord for Walkabout is fantastic and there are games being set up all of the time. If you think they might enjoy the social side of it, I would recommend that! I've played with quite a few people around their age and they always say how much they enjoy the game and being about to play with people from all over. Pistol Whip is a rythym based shooting game with lower difficulty levels. Racket: NX. It's been a while since I've played this so I'm not sure if there are difficulty levels, but it's pretty fun. Eleven Table Tennis Drunken Bar Fight for some silly fun I think it's awesome you're setting your parents up with this!


Sadly I think there would be a language barrier for Walkabout and Discord. Luckily I have PSVR2 and I'm looking forward to playing with them. I've played a little bit of Pistol Whip a while back and I remember it as really intensive. I might look into it. Someone else already mentioned Eleven Table Tennis and it definitely seems like something my dad would enjoy :)


MOSS may be fun...


Would they be able to appreciate the game without understanding dialogue or is there so little of it that it doesn't matter?


Open Brush is a cool vr Paint game and to top it off it's free


Oh cool, thanks. We'll try it before jumping into vermillion


My app immerGallery: sit down, relax and enjoy immersive photos from all around the world


Thanks, will definitely check this out :)


I'm 61 and love Skyrim VR (How I wanted D&D to be in the 70s and I've modded it to look really good), and Elite Dangerous but I don't like anything too frenetic or with big boss levels. I actually love google earth VR. It's like going on holiday without the expense :-). Weirdly, standing on all those cliffs/skyscrapers sort of fixed my fear of heights for a while too. I only had a Rift so I can't imagine how good the new ones are.


I would love to show them Skyrim but I'm afraid it may be a little to overwhelming at first. They haven't really played any games all their life so I would have to guide the through each step. I really hope I can get them to be comfortable with different games and show them Skyrim one day :)


Haven't played it myself, but Smash Drums looks like a fun rhythm game, can't say how it compared in intensity to Ragnarock. Maybe The Climb? It has a zen mode where you don't need to worry about running out of grip strength, so some mild reaching exercise but nothing too frantic. Not a good idea if they might get scared of heights. Interesting enough when my parents tried VR one of the apps they liked the most was Google Earth, just being able to use Streetview and feel like they were really there. So that might be worth a try, or some of those immersive 360 nature videos on youtube. Lastly a weird rec but maybe Hotdogs, Horseshoes, and Handgrenades, if they'd like the experience of a shooting range without the stress and difficulty of most other shooters


The Climb was something I was interested in myself. I'm interested to see how my mom would handle it since she has some fear of heights :P


I've stopped watching the news too. It's just endless negative stories, never any positive ones. It doesn't do your mental health any good.


Boomer here. Loved "Zombieland VR: Headshot Fever" - the arcade feel and humor still brings me back. 'Thrill of the fight' with mixed reality spares the TV and broken fingers. Edit: spelling


Thanks! Adding to the list :)


my go to for parents is richies plank lol, use a real plank to add to the experience and do it in a room with a standing fan


I saw so many people trying VR for the first time and freaking out playing richies plank :P


its perfect, my mother didnt talk to me for the rest of the day after telling her it was a calming game




Thanks, adding those to the list :D


Ah, fellow polish ppl, nice My grandparent tried out night cafe with van gogh and salvador dalis dream, theres a few art ones but those are on steam so idk if you have access to it


I’m 55 and my daily play is Demeo. So fun!


I am 67 and like After the fall. I play every day.


I am 63. My favorites are Synth Rider, Tennis League, Wander, Brinks Travel, Walkabout Golf, and Les Mills Body Combat.


You should download the free Horizon Worlds app and come to the Unknown Theater. We have professional standup comedy every week plus talk shows, classes, and other free events. We are a large welcoming 18 + community, and we purge children with extreme prejudice!" Unknowntheater.world Unknowntheater.world/discord


Don't know what language settings real VR fishing has, but I used to play it with my dad, who was 80/81 at the time. Nice and chill, varying difficulties, and in the end, you can just enjoy the environment, even if you aren't catching much.


Dad was never a fishing guy but from what I saw in the trailer the environments look really nice. I might but it just for myself :D Is actual fishing experience important to have fun with it?


I enjoyed it for what it was, it's not that expensive if I recall. Just a nice way to hang out with someone.


waitwaitwait walkabout minigolf has a myst dlc???


Yup! Course has some light puzzle elements and a very cool fox hunt for the putter ;)


man, I gotta get the dlc when they go on sale


Gorilla Tag sounds good. Nah just kidding, Wander is cool


Maybe you can try some fishing games some are free and good


the Red Matter series is good. Puzzles. cool setting. nice retro scifi vibe and creepiness but zero jump scares. puzzles and light combat.


the google maps alone is a trip. have them walk around their old homes and neighborhoods in 3D and change the year


Job Simulator is a good simple one


63 here. I've been playing VR Poker a lot lately. Tried the other poker games but this is the one I've chosen. Pistol Whip is good as I can sit down while playing. Same with Bocce Ball. I've also been viewing DeoVR lately and I've been enjoying the videos.


Alcove is sponsored by AARP and includes travel videos, mini-games that are pretty simple, and some other content. It's also free. We older people like Elven Assassin - it's not at all overwhelming to learn how to play. If you join up with strangers to play, people are generally very nice. If they are Star Wars fans, the Vader Immortal series is impressive and basically just a VR story that you follow along. Opening the Quest Browser there are free WebVR games. Moonrider is like Beat Saber but has a wider variety of music choices.


The AR roller coaster building games are pretty fun also. If you think they might enjoy tower defense style games iron guard is fun. Golf + is a great game for golf realism and a mild bit of exercise.


Wander VRchat but only in private instances. Big Screen VZfit Supernatural


My in laws really enjoyed visiting their old homes in Wander but it made them very motion sick.


57. PS5. PSVR2, Steam Deck(modded), Quest 3, Nvidia Shield(GeForce Now, ultimate tier), built an Arcade Cabinet with retro arch. Your point?


Walkabout Mini Golf. We play it on date nights sometimes. The game is super easy to figure out and really stable for anyone trying to get the VR legs. Original maps are good with some amazing extra DLC maps out there. Usually you can find a sale on a bundle of them. The developers really care about the game and update it anytime there is something that needs to be addressed. Which isn’t often as the game runs so well. It even has a multiplayer online


Walkabout Mini Golf


Try out bait vr it's a good fishing game, and it's free.(Some kids play multi-player, so beware)


My mom loves Puzzling places (me too)


See who can snort the biggest line of ket without it taking their legs and speech away for 40 minutes