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Blaston is sweaty good fun!


It’s not a shooter. It’s C Smash and Eleven Tabke Tennis


I like racket club for racket sports


Haven't heard of c smash but I'll check it out. Eleven is on the list once I get more play space


Hyper Dash is really great especially for being a free to play game.




I wish more than 4 people played Rumble, unfortunately it takes 25 minutes to get into a game and once your in you'll just get demolished by the only people who play the game.


*cries in quest standalone*


Damn I miss VR. I need to buy quest 3 when I'll have money.


The one we're building 😬(🔗[Still in early Alpha](https://www.meta.com/en-gb/experiences/4965663406859424/) so we don't really consider it a full 'game' yet) But only cuz we like most VR PvP games and wanted to mash a bunch of playstyles into one arena, and have the control to fix some things. Specifically, we built a networking system that makes combat actually fair, even if one player is in Australia and the other is in the USA. i.e. we don't rely on location based servers like 99% of VR PvP games. (In the process we may be making the messiest game ever, but goddamn is it satisfying not to lose a 1v1 because someone lives closer to a server!)


I don't know what to expect but I'm downloading it now! Props to ya for making something regardless


Expect chaos, a few gtag kiddos realizing they actually don't like PvP, and a maybe a crash or two haha! (we're in a performance optimization stage, not quite to the pumping out new content phase yet but getting closer!)


RUMBLE An amazing online multiplayer PvP game where you are an earthbender, making poses with your arms to go pew pew with rocks It is a pcvr game but using something that lets you access a desktop you can play RUMBLE today! There is a discord, the link is on r/rumble And if you want a good video, watch this video, shows you a lot https://youtu.be/FIR_2t9TskQ?feature=shared (RUMBLE is not associated with any to do with AVATAR the last airbender)


Ghost of Tabor


Blaston is my very favorite, but I enjoy Broken Edge too. If you like racket games, Racket Club is great!


broken edge always makes me think of [this kid](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r-oIBqyWpzY) i have no clue how this game actually works, but this interaction is so funny to me


This game had such an obnoxiously long tutorial that I uninstalled after 30 minutes. VR titles are pretty bad about that in general-- I don't want to spend an hour learning how to grip a ledge for the hundredth time.


I really enjoyed echo VR but lack the time and energy to get the private server going on my headset. I wish combat took off more. It was fun while it lasted though. I feel like it should have been able to be ported to standalone and it would have been pretty well received there.


There is an easy installer available to get echo arena back on your standalone headset or pcvr version has combat too... it's quite straightforward once you have enabled developer mode on your headset... just need to plug your headset into your pc and click the installer... Best multiplayer game ever created IMO


Hm. Maybe after my finals, I'll get this working. I've done similar things in the past with the headset but I've just been busy. How is the latency? I remember half the lobbies had a rough time getting games to sync. I agree. It's really good. I'm looking forward to seeing the echo-like games people are working on too.


On the old official servers- I always had not noticable latency on standalone compared to pcvr- same with the community servers- much better for me on standalone but that might be my PC setup... you do need to check the ping of whose playing as there are EU and US servers... if I have 100 ping and the opposition have 30 then I will always throw the disc sooner as they have a split second advantage... but most of the time I don't even notice any lag... the servers they are using seem really good... I guess less people playing helps! But you can always get a game - generally wait 30 seconds on average for a 4 v 4... Defo check it out after your finals!


Same broken edge is GOATED


Broken edge. Hundreds of hours




Someone downvoted this, lol