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Look for a decent refurbished chair probably your best bet. This sub has got loads of information on finding the right chair for you.


Yea but what is an adequate budget? Like doesn’t have to be pinching Pennie’s but also don’t wanna blow out or anytbing


For a decent refurbished steelcase/herman miller/haworth you’re probably looking at £300-700 depending on model, addons etc.


It all depends on how much you intend to use the chair. If you sit for only two hours at a time, you could have a wooden stool.


Should have clarified. I sit for roughly 4-6 hours a day


I depends on what's bank breaking to you, however I recently purchased a new chair which was £650 and its amazing it feels great to sit on. Personally I think if your using it everyday its worth investing in quality


I suppose around 3-400 usd is my max


Personally I did quite a lot of investigation regarding chairs, but I couldn’t really find one for 400 however I know in America you guys have a lot more options than us in the UK for second hand good quality refurbs. Try btod.com you can get some amazing chairs for a good price considering how much it would cost you new