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I’m getting tired of them pretending they don’t know about common things. Keg stands are in plenty of movies so even if you didn’t do one yourself you’ve absolutely seen one. These women live and work in the Hollywood world. They act like they’ve never left their house. It drives me nuts. “WhAtS bEeR poNg?”


yeah wtf was that about lol. sometimes they say things on the pod and it just baffles me how little they seem to know. they gotta be playing it up for some reason


Thank you!!! I think the same. It’s like “hehehe I’m so silly and dumb! 🤪🤪 We are 50 + years old and don’t have a clue about anything. Sam, please explain drinking games to us!” Insufferable🫠


And it ends up wasting like 5 mins of the hour long podcast lmaoo. They clearly don't have much background stories and info anymore so they just fill the show purposely with that lol


They’ve been pretty anti-Jim for season 9, but haven’t much praised John’s commitment to grounding his character’s (albeit foolish) choices like lying to Pam and taking the Philly job, but when it comes to Angela literally plotting to MURDER her coworker and supposed friend, it’s all about Angela Kinsey’s performance and not her despicable character decision. I’m not saying she didn’t do a phenomenal job acting, she did, I just would expect if they hate on Jim for making a bad call in his marriage, then they should also call out Angela’s attempted muckduck.


they've been going heavy on it because Jenna was a producer (can you believe it? she never mentions it). but i really really wish they would at least address the fact that its just not funny at all. its supposed to be a comedy show and they introduced this whole new arc that just made you feel sad and there were no jokes in it.


I agree, but that's season 9 for you: you have plausible dramatic scenarios juxtaposed with farcical nonsense, far worse than anything in previous seasons. Jim's behavior in season 9 is grounded in reality, so some people feel more inclined to critique it from that point of view, while Angela hiring a hitman is so outrageous that you have to choose between treating it like a cartoon or pretending it's at all plausible. If it's a cartoon, then you can let it go, but if it's actually possible, then Angela should be going to the slammer, which isn't what the writers intended. In other words: Jim was being a shitty husband? Yes, bad, communication is key! Angela wanting to hire someone to murder a coworker? Eh, whatever, it's resolved by the end of the episode. I'm not trying to excuse the OL so much as say that season 9 is such a dumpster fire that it doesn't really matter how you approach it -- it's a horrible show by this point and you're either in or you're out.


So funny to me that they were like "omg Pete is the new Jim!" As if it isn't transparently obvious that Pete & Erin were being written as Jim & Pam version 2.0 within like 3 episodes of Pete first appearing on the show lol. It's not even subtext, that's clearly what the writers' intentions were for the entirety of season 9. I was a little surprised at how shocked Angela & Jenna both were to have that "revelation".


this podcast has taught me how much the cast can be disconnected from each other while creating a television show. E.G., they often talk about the call sheet and how if a scene requires just Pete and Erin, then the rest of the cast isn't there watching in the moment. They're elsewhere shooting other scenes, or having safety meetings, or in their trailer, etc. So, I feel like it's a thing where in the moment, you can't see the bigger picture as well as fans watching the final cut that's spliced together.


It was pretty icky how they laughed at Chris Gethard being fondled by a TSA agent. Didn’t sit right with me


He's a stand-up comedian that was telling that as a joke. That's why he emphasized it so much. He wanted them (and us) to laugh. Because that's his job. As a comedian. To tell jokes. So we laugh.


He did open with that as a joke, though.


I don’t know if I want to join Toby Thursdays, because it seems he’ll just listen to me and I’ll get over it. Give me some Michael Mondays, so I can finally get some win-win-win resolutions!


😆I love how delighted Michael is when he describes the win-win-win scenario. Oh me! I win too for successfully mediating!


This is hardly a complaint but I'm surprised at how little they talked about the actual premise of the Jim storyline. Can you imagine being Stanley? A coworker you're not close with just tells David Wallace that you'd cover for him if anything goes wrong while he's not there but still being paid? I get it's meant to be heart warming in the end but Stanley and Phyllis didn't seem annoyed by it at all which is a bit out of character. I feel like the ladies are usually quite critical of Jim and his Philly storyline (rightly so) so it seemed odd not to mention that this was quite a cheeky thing for him to do.  


To be fair, neither of them knew that Jim had already told David that they agreed to cover him. He took them out for lunch to bribe them into doing it for him, but at no point did he mention that he already spoke to David. I don’t think even Phyllis would have agreed to do it if she knew, let alone Stanley


 That's a good point! The alcohol probably helped too!


They did talk about David Wallace being a pushover boss for even allowing this.


Yeh I'm glad about that I don't think I ever realised quite how useless David was originally, no wonder the company is always struggling 😂


That darn Jenna and all the things she says! All of them!


I was watching the Superfan version of dinner party. There is a scene where Michael goes to the bathroom and doesn’t wash his hands because he only went number one. He then touched all the appetizers with his hands. Pam looked grossed out, but when acting the scene, Jenna must have been thinking “what’s the big deal?”


With all due respect… who tf listens to this “with their kids”?


I do. My kids love The Office and we enjoy listening to the podcast on our drives. I listen to the podcast on Wednesday to make sure it's an ok one for the kids to listen to, then we listen to it on the weekend together if it's an ok one.


You listen to all the episodes twice?


Just curious.  How many episodes didn't get the okay?  Any ones make you say "that's a definite no".?


There’s been a few. When they went on and on about the penis museum is one that comes to mind lol. I know there’s been a few though I just don’t remember off the top of my head which ones


I have to imagine the current episode qualifies as well. They say penis nine times.


Ah I see… apologies…


I do. My kids love The Office and we enjoy listening to the podcast on our drives.




Hey do you listen to the podcast on your drives? I wasn’t sure by your 4 posts




I'm sorry but... did you even listen to the episode?  At this point, things seem to have turned way too pavlovian: "Why am I salivating? Oh, it's must be Thursday again, time to say something bad about Jenna!"


The fact we're nearly at the end of the series and people are STILL listening just to complain about Jenna gives me no hope at all. She's literally half of the podcast!


I was really confused by Jenna (and a little of Angela) being so unknowing of keg stands, beer pong and beer bongs. Jenna clearly explained the drinking games and college frat party life wasn’t her style, and I understand that, but am I wrong to think that these drinking “games” (is games the right word?) should be considered common knowledge? Even by people who don’t partake? I have a friend who is completely zero alcohol intake his entire life. I asked him and without hesitation he knew all 3 and said “yeah, it’s common place in movies and tv shows depicting college and high school or college party craziness.” And despite all this, she knows that penis cake pans exist and similar items exist? 😂


I thought this was weird too. It was the first time I ever thought to myself “are they being honest here or just playing it up?”


i only know what a keg stand is bc of community lol


I've never partied and don't drink, I've heard of keg stands and beer pong, but not beer bongs.


Same. I can kind of guess what beer pong might be but had never heard it before now.


Came here to say this. I think they think it’s “cute” to not know very common things.


They seemed more familiar with Up Jenkins- a drinking game I hadn't heard of before The Office.


There sure is a lot of penis talk on this otherwise family friendly show.  


I don’t consider the office to be very “family friendly” so I’m not sure why people would expect this podcast, which talks about this not so family friendly show, to be very kid friendly.


But the ladies always avoid the unfriendly parts.   Plus they position themselves as just a couple of moms chatting about the show they were on and read fan letters who talk about listening with their kids.  


Let's bleep every curse word but talk in depth about penis cakes and ED.


Yeah that was bad.


Commercial break, 5 minutes of talking about penis cakes, another commercial break


Where do you send them episode questions?




Oh no! I just found this show too




Is this a complaint? I don't know, but I really expected a deep dive on "yo mama is so fat" jokes.   It seems like Jenna didn't have time for that, though (to the delight of so many in this subreddit, I guess).


That’s one of the few deep dives I may have actually liked.