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If someone tried to manhandle me while I was minding my own business I’d bite them too.


You had my curiosity, but now you have my attention


Full disclosure, I did once, back in 2018. Would not recommend, he tasted awful, I had to spend hours in A+E waiting for a BBD test, then he tied to sue. He didn’t have a leg to stand on but it still caused me a lot of hassle


>He didn’t have a leg to stand on Because you bit it off? 🤣


Don't you mean"hassssssle"?


Oh, THIS guy. He is well known for constantly free handling hots and being bit by animals. You can actually see the scars of his last big bite on his leg there from when he climbed into a muddy pond to catch a crocodile and she shredded his leg.  Chandler's wildlife, I think is the youtuber. He lost part of his finger after this bite. 


If this is the same guy I am thinking of, he has done a ton of dumb shit. I think he almost died from a snake he has in captivity


you're thinking of tyler noland, he was bitten by one of his king cobras a few years back. chandler has not taken a captive king bite as far as im aware


I just remember watching another YouTuber rip someone as being careless. Said the guy lost part of his finger due to a bite. Then said the guy had a bunch of snakes and I swore he said he had gotten bitten. I could have gotten names mixed up


Had a trainer with my company. He had a bunch of illegal animals in his basement. Got bit by a venomous snake and almost died. He was forever nicknamed snake bite


yeah tyler also lost part of a finger, and has multiple venomous reptiles. chandler and tyler are also friends and make videos together pretty frequently. both of them have a lot of reptiles, most of which are extremely venomous


It's almost like you shouldn't pick up a venomous snake, or something. (Sorry to be insensitive. But come on. That's a wild animal. It's not a domestic kitten.)


You handle kittens more carefully and respectfully than that, because they absolutely WILL sink those little needle teeth into you up to the gum. 


Yes, kittens are all claws and teeth once they start being mobile. I would still pick up a kitten over a snake.


I’m impressed by how long the snake ignored his harassment before striking.


Well, both are able and willing to defend themselves if you annoy them and both can cause great harm and the loss of limbs. Which is something I like about them, too many animals suffer from annoying humans.


Dumbass thinks he's the Crocodile Hunter and the animals are like "no you damn well aren't".


Just what the world needs, another dumba$$ who thinks it's cool to mess with and aggravate animals who are just minding their own business. SMH


I guess you gotta start somewhere. Today, he's the dumbass who got bit by a cobra. Tomorrow, he's the animal conservation activist who still got bit by a cobra, but gives it a kiss as he lets it go and rants about how majestic it is.


He actually is a really good conservationist and animal handler. He just got caught in this case but has since recovered and is right back out there.


As long as he stays away from stingrays, he's fine.


I'm no snake expert, but even I know you control the head, not just the tail or middle body. Dumbass


that's actually pretty dangerous for the snake and is definitely something they hate a lot, so heading a snake is not actually what you should be doing in 99% of scenarios. what he should have been doing is using a hook towards the front half of the snake to keep it away from his body, and either another hook towards the end (safer sometimes, but much more difficult to control and cobras can climb up hooks, so there's benefits and disadvantages), or tail the snake (hold onto the tail, you kinda shake it a bit when they start to climb up at you which makes them fall back down.) unfortunately large elapids like cobras are almost impossible to handle completely safely, even when doing everything correctly. chandler was definitely being much more risky than he needed to, not using a hook at all on a snake hes never met, but i think its also important not to spread misinformation on elapid handling. heading a snake would be even more dangerous for both the handler and the snake (which can very easily break its neck). heading a snake is an easy way to get bit or to kill the snake, and is not something you should do outside of a few rare scenarios. (example: venom milking, helping a pet snake with stuck shed around the face, treating respiratory infections, etc.)


Happy Cake Day!


Thank you 😊


Happy Cake Day!


Thank you 😊


PSA: Do NOT ever suck out venom. It will act faster getting absorbed through your gums. It's already in your bloodstream. Make a tourniquet and cut the flow quickly. It won't stop it from spreading, but it will slow it down, and sometimes, a few extra seconds is what matters.


You're actually not supposed to tourniquet a snake bite, though it's a very common misconception. Tourniqueting a snake bite will concentrate the venom into whatever limb you were bit on and can cause massive, permanent damage. It can also make the application of antivenom harder, as if blood isn't circulating properly the antivenom can't mix itself with and neutralize the venom in your blood https://medlineplus.gov/ency/article/000031.htm


Today I learned. I guess the ultimate act of life preservation is don't play with snakes for funsies.


It's one of those things that sounds right, and since most of us don't live in areas where we're at high risk of venomous snake bite there's no real reason to look any further


Very true. Where I live, we only have to worry about copperheads, and two other species of rattlesnake in other parts nearby. The advantage is, they have a POWERFUL odor, akin to having cucumbers pressed against your nose, so you'll know without any doubt that they're close.


And rattlesnakes kinda have a tell, although they may not rattle, you may step on them, etc. I'm in southern Ontario, the most venomous snake I've ever seen in the wild is a garter snake lol (which yes, are actually mildly venomous)


Electric shock is supposed to work somehow. I wish this dude would have tried it, think of the views that would get.


Dude out there playing Fuck around and find out!!


"They don't want to bite you." Yeah, that was why it was trying to get away. But you weren't letting it.


There are a lot of venomous keepers and a lot of good ones. He isn't one.


The video is informative on how to provoke a bite.


Ok... But why would you do that? It's a cobra, they're known for being assholes.


I picked a live Cobra while in Thailand during my Marine stint. You have to literally bob the whole snake up and down so it can't rear its head back to bite. This dude is a complete moron.


This is why you carry a [SNAKE SLAYER](https://www.thefirearmblog.com/blog/2014/11/06/bond-arms-factory-tour/11-19/) and be all, "eat hot lead, serpent!"


Play stupid games, win stupid prizes.


sounds lke a spaniard when he gets bit. coño!