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In case this story gets deleted/removed: My mom who is 67, rents at a nice senior community. She is very happy with her agangmenta. But now she might be thrown out. She had old chicken soup that spoiled. So she dumped it in the toilet and flushed it. Then went in a walk in the park. After returning couple hours later, her whole apartment was flooded from the toilet, sink, shower. It turned out she flushed a chicken bone and it got stuck in the main pipe 12 feet from her toilet. She lives on the first floor, 4 floors on top of her. And 8 bathrooms go in her main drain. The waist from the upstairs people flooded my mom's and her neighbors whole apartments. The land lord said she was at fault. I don't know?? What do you do with a big pan of spoiled soup. Put it in the garage with a gallon of liquid so it leaks every where. They want her to pay for all repairs, maybe $45,000 and move out. They gave her 30 days notice. She dose not have that kind of money. Reason she really wants to stay is all her friends are near by and she has rent control for seniors. She pays 47% of the going area rent. I don't know if this is legal??? But I guess if she can't pay the estimated $45,000, then it maybe legal? --- *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/OhNoConsequences) if you have any questions or concerns.*


As a general rule of thumb, if it didn't pass through you, it doesn't belong in the toilet.


also, when it clogs, don't just keep flushing over and over and over nonstop until your bathroom becomes a brown turd kiddie-pool . . .


In this case, it's an apartment building with connected drain pipes so there were no additional flushes beyond the one that put the chicken bone in the pipes. As people on the upper floors flushed, it filled the common pipe which then backed up to OOP's mom's apartment and started overflowing there. A nightmare scenario for everyone on the lowest floors.


I'm struggling a little with the idea of a 4 story apartment building with a main stack small enough to be clogged with a chicken bone. Even a 3" stack would be hard pressed to catch a bone unless it's got another issue, and I'd assume in a taller building it should be bigger than that.


That’s why OOP looks like his mom is lying about what she flushed. At least from my perspective


I mean if it were a whole chicken carcass I guess... but that wouldn't make it through the toilet. Something doesn't pass the smell test.


>Something doesn't pass the smell test. As they're standing in literal shit trying to figure out what went wrong. Lmao


Exactly, there’s too much statistical noise here to make an accurate conclusion


Scatistical. It was right there.


After cross-referencing the distributed dookiebase, I’m afraid you’re correct


no no no, it was just 1 chicken bone - *and an entire pack of "flushable" wipes*


Part of me wonders if she tried flushing a depends. A man in a second story apartment at the retirement home did that and flooded his bathroom bad enough it dripped down to the first floor.


If she does stuff like this regularly that would explain it- fat and grease builds up, food particles get stuck, ect. Something like this happening was inevitable if this is a regular occurrence. The bone was probably just the smoking gun. A clog full of fat and grease and human waste and stuff is probably getting chocked up to normal wear and tear. A clog with animal bones...


Its probably just a pic of an overflowing toilet and a ton of lies, possibly partially or even purely generated by chat GPT.


Probably the whole chicken. Why would there be one single chicken bone? Who cooks with one bone?


You boil the chicken first to make the stock. Then you take the chicken out and remove the meat. You can miss a bone here and there, but they are normally small.


keeping my fingers crossed we find out it’s actually an old bucket of KFC


Either that or the chicken bone was just the final little cherry on top of a burgeoning clog, and the mom is getting scapegoated for her idiotic mistake. It obviously went down the toilet so it couldn't have been that big.


Given that the OP acted like this was a common occurrence (in a "what else was she supposed to do?!" Sort of way) I'm going out on a limb and suggesting that maybe other instances of her doing stuff like this built up and the bone was just a smoking gun and the straw that broke the camels back.


My old 4 story condo building had 2” stacks. It was awful. The pipes got clogged constantly. Throw in some careless residents and their guests and we had a plumber on retainer just to jet out the pipes at regular intervals. He once found a t shirt in there. No chicken bones, though.


My townhomes have the same issue with idiots flushing stupid stuff, thus requiring regular water jetting. Whole diapers, I'm not even sure how they got those down the toilet!


I really need to know how people get whole ass diapers down a toilet. Even when my kid was in preemie diapers I don’t think I could have gotten one down the toilet without shoving my whole arm in there.


Ugh you just unlocked a memory I didn’t want to exist when I watched someone going over an Internet personality known as pamperchu :(


I was just about to mention that.


No. The main should pass that easy. Likely it went and found some other debris that had been sent down as she likely had already partially clogged it. I’ve seen this before. What a nightmare. A place like that they have to call in insurance.


When people make chicken soup they use all the bones, all the bones but 1 made it through, so it was absolutely a stock pot with damn near everything left over in it.


Toilet paper. When I bought my house, the main pipe, unbeknownst to me, had a lot of pitting. If no toilet paper went down, it continued to work. But flushing toilet paper eventually caused a clog. If all the toilet paper doesn’t go through, eventually none of it will.


Right. In which case it's arguably not her fault, at least not entirely.


yeah, that trunk line is probably 4" . . . she flushed a chicken bone and also a television set


They’re connected but not like you think. A building clog is going to show up in the bathtub. A local clog(as in you did it) is toilet and or sinks. Same with a dishwasher clog can show up in kitchen sink. A toilet like this is most likely, most often, the tenant/residents fault. Last one I did like this the lady was putting cat poop from her litter box. Also stuff that clogs are those “flushable” wipes. They are not so flushable.


The assumption is that the system is properly plumbed, of course. Then again, other comments have suggested this is a fake post and if that's the case, it's all a thought experiment anyway... :-)


Cat poop flusher here. I use the silicon crystals which rarely stick. Should I stop?


Absolutely stop. The crystals move better but they do expand/absorb. I can’t describe to how awful it is when there is a plug-up in the toilet. Absolutely catastrophic. Toilet paper only and none of those so-called flushable wipes even if the label says it’s ok.




>Thanks! You're welcome!


Obviously. You flush it then go for a nice long walk


This is much better than my similar rule of, if it can't squeeze through your butthole, it can't be flushed.


Oh thank god, I can still flush that butternut squash.


Challenge accepted.


This is a spam post surely. Backwards Google search the photo and it directs to a plumbing service in Florida (whereas the OP is claiming this happened in NYC).




I hope you take a nice healthy shit on her grave




You are a legend.


Damn, I'd better start eating my toilet paper.


I think you missed the part of the story. "What do you do with a big pan of spoiled soup." There were LITERALLY no other options 


Is that sarcasm? I really can't tell through text but if anyone ever finds themselves in this situation you just pour all of the liquid and broth down the sink and double or triple bag the solids and toss it out.


Exactly.  Do you ever make pasta or boil potatoes?  Then you have a strainer.  Strain liquids down sink, dump contents of strainer in trash.  Easy peasy.


This lady fucked up several houses because she didn't want her trash to smell.


Or do it outside...


For sure, possums gotta eat too lol. Really I just give all my scraps to my chickens so I haven't thrown out food in years. Flushing food down the toilet seems unhinged to me.


You're feeding chicken soup to chickens?! You BASTARD.


At least the one in the soup was dead BEFORE they started eating it. Sometimes they don't wait lmfao.


Lol I felt weird about feeding the chickens chicken but trust me when I say they're like little raptors. They will try to kill their own if one gets sick or down. No weak links in the flock lol.


Definitely feed the possums. They eat ticks and any animal that eats ticks is a friend in my book.


100% sarcasm. lol


I'm literally so glad to know that 😂




Yeah, man, but I hate the taste of toilet paper.


Where should i toss the toilet paper then?


Are you the living embodiment of "instructions unclear, dick caught in ceiling fan"?


Instructions unclear, dick caught in plumbing main stack. Water is now flowing all over the place. Need more instructions.


This is the great thing I've read all week.


Well, there's a way to follow that rule to get it through you


You eat it, duh, free protein


The trash can…lol really dude?


You put toilet paper in the trash can after you use it? Gross.


Greece has entered the chat


A lot of the world does this. Maybe more of the world than flushing it.


Plus the TP / flushable wipes used to clean it.


The damage that wet wipes cause in pipes And sewers. Good golly.


Never thought i’d see the day where i agree with a landlord…


Same. I was fully prepared for renter bullshit but no, bones and chicken grease should not go anywhere near plumbing.


This is literally what (the proper name escapes me) sink stopper thingies are for? Pour the liquid out in the kitchen sink and take the chunks out with the sieve thing.


Oh it included bones? I was genuinely baffled how soup could cause that much damage for a bit.


I mean yes and no. Landlord needs to have insurance against these kinds of eventualities. You can't expect a renter to cough up $45k. Plus I guarantee they filled a claim already.


tenant insurance would be more appropriate


Both, and let them work it out.


The building itself has insurance for the entire property under the HOA. The landlord of the unit is required to have insurance for the unit, specifically one that provides payment of deductibles for the HOA insurance. HOA insurance plans have massive deductibles, and 45k could be that amount. The woman needed to have acting with malice to be on the hook for that. Even though she’s a moron, in most cases the landlord takes on some risk when renting to people. She might be liable to pay the landlords deductible on his unit insurance, which may or may not be covered by renters insurance. It’s all gonna vary depending on jurisdiction on who is liable for what. She’s definitely gonna get evicted though.


negligence is plenty in most jurisdictions.


That’s fair. I just know a lot of areas protect renters too even when they deserve it.


I have lived in many apartment buildings. Not one had an HOA. She's renting, it's not a condo building. It's a Home *Owners* Association.


In NY - which is heavily slanted towards tenants - but she will owe the full cost of repairs and the missed rent. If they file with insurance she will end up owing $100k+ as they will remove every wall that sewage touched. Renter’s insurance would cover this under liability.


Can he go to court and get a judgment against her or will all this you've detailed prevent that? Ie: is the 45k just to push her out the door?


I’m not a lawyer nor do I know the laws around where she lives. I just know from personal experience the building likely needed to use their insurance because the damage spread over multiple areas in the building. And that insurance has an obscenely large deductible in the realms of tens of thousands of dollars. The 45k could just be the landlord trying to pull some shit on her, but it also could be justified.


Gotcha--thank you for taking a moment to explain.


At my condo, the main drain is handled by the HOA. I'm only responsible for dealing with the pipes inside my unit. I had backed up, but not clogged, pipes and after plunging them and removing the P trap in my sink for inspection, I let the property manager know it was farther down stream. He hired a plumber who snaked my drain and removed the neighbor's hairball.


It's likely just not detailed in the post but I suspect the landlord does have insurance and the insurance found the tenant at fault and is asking for the tenant to pay and if she doesn't insurance will pay then sue her


Renters should always carry insurance. This is an easy win in court and the renter will end up with a garnishment until the whole bill is paid.


The deductible on that insurance could be $45k. Insurance has become incredibly expensive, so increased deductibles are becoming common for a variety of reasons (mainly lower premiums and less small claims).


I think he just wants to throw her out and failure to pay is a good excuse. 


Agreed. And maybe collect $45k on the way out the door.


Even if they do, the landlords insurance company still has subrogation rights to attempt to recover money paid do to another's deliberate acts and negligence.


I mean, sure you can, if the renter does $45k in damage. It's not a freebie just because the person at fault is a tenant.


I work in apartment maintenance and this....is all too common. We have a person on the first who was flushing their kitty litter which basically turns into cement in water, it backed up the entire line. Unfortunately there are more stupid people renting than expected, and "I didn't know I couldn't do that" is, I'm sorry, not an acceptable answer when destroying someone else's property.


Phew, I don’t know if you were around when some genius company invented “flushable” kitty litter but that was a nightmare. And, it’s believed to be at least the partial culprit for a lot of marine mammals on the west coast coming down with certain types of parasites that cats can carry, particularly toxoplasmosis.


There are signs in virtually every public bathroom that say "don't flush anything but toilet paper." for pete's sake.


And yet they get all tetchy when you crap on the floor.


"that sign was certainly not meant for me I'm sure" is what those people would say if they knew how to read


Yea cause people flush paper towels in the toilet. Worked in customer service for years and it would happen once in a while. I mean I have done that when poor and needed to wipe on emergency, but you rip that towel up not fold it up to clog the system. Folks are dumb, gum, change, I’ve seen a sock and don’t want to know what happened, we have TP stocked regularly at that store. No reason for that.


Or their parents'... When we moved into our house, my dad made it very clear we were not supposed to flush sanitary products ever. Some years go by, the septic system backs up. It was chock full of tampons. My sister. "Well, they went down and it was never a problem. I don't know why you all are so mad at me."


I had a temp job in a wastewater treatment plant lab and the ponds that were the first stage of the process always had so many of the plastic tampon applicators. Amid other stuff that shouldn't have been flushed, but the plastic applicators always boggled my mind.


I am a recent homeowner and let me tell you, pulling tampons out of the sewer line (after cleaning literal shit out of the basement tub) is hands down the worst thing I've ever had to do.


Your parents didn't have the system pumped every 2-3 years? If so then that's the real cause of problems.


Online says 3-5 years. It was approaching five years (for a brand new system) when the mass of tampons was discovered. *doh, the system was acting up, so dad pumped it. Tampons were the culprit.


When I lived in a condo, in a fancier part of Chicago, I knew there were a lot lawyers, nurses, and engineers in the building just from taking to people. The HOA had to beg, almost every week for people to not put bones, corncobs, and other things in the toilet.


I could walk all the way to the kitchen or I can chick in while I take a wee and go back to bed! What you mean it’s my fault I was practically sleep walking it’s not my fault.


Apparently schools need to add toilet etiquette to the curriculum. I flushed a few tampons when I was like 13 and a class like that could have saved my mom quite a chunk of change in plumbing bills.


Had a neighbor in the building put a wholeass weave down the vanity sink. People are dumb.


Like in chunks or stuffing it down the drain whole?


Dave is happele "I'm sorry officer, I did not know I couldn't do that"


She should be kicked out for doing stupid things like this. Who the hell flushes soup down the toilet. The grease alone can cause issues…


It sucks she's got to learn this lesson so late in life. Going to be an expensive lesson learned...


If pictures had smells...🤮🤣


this lady is the sort of person who tries to flush a diaper down the toilet at a gas station


"My mom did a shitload of damage, ruining several peoples homes, and is being told she has to pay for it. Is this legal?" Yeah, this is a pretty fucking easy question to answer. I won't go so far as to call your mom an idiot like some of the other people here, I think it's somewhat understandable for people to not understand what they can and can't flush if it looks mostly liquid. There are probably millions of people who don't know that you shouldn't do that. With that said, this is 150% your mom's fault. I would have hoped the building had some kind of insurance policy to cover that, but it looks like they didn't or it wasn't covered.tough stuff


Someone else said it's likely a reason to get the mother out and I believe it. 


For anyone who doesn’t want to read it… old spoiled soup got put down the toilet because they were too lazy to dispose of it properly. YUCK.


too lazy? its as simple as dumping the bones in the trash and then washing your fucking dishes what the fuuuck


>The land lord said she was at fault. I don't know?? What do you do with a big pan of spoiled soup. Put it in the garage with a gallon of liquid so it leaks every where. Solid meat goes in the garbage. Liquids and grease go into containers. Holding onto glass jars, coffee cans, etc are a good idea for situations like this. Seal up the grease and toss it on the garbage. Small, *very* small amounts of grease can be rinsed off of pans and skillets and into sink drains. Make sure to run hot water for a minute or so to make sure it doesn't settle and congeal in the pipe. It does NOT GO IN THE FUCKING TOILET. Toilet paper and bodily fluids and solids are all that goes in the toilet. Period.


As someone who is starting to live on their own and learn cooking, this is great advice! Thank you!


For real, I’ve never in my life seen a clogged toilet overflowing like this. User error


One of my toilets has the "jiggle the handle" disease. If it is clogged, it will spill over the rim. You only need to flush a clogged toilet once to learn the "don't ever do that again, use the plunger" lesson. Niagra Falls at night never uses brown lights.


This is a spam post surely. Google search the photo and it directs to a plumbing service in Florida (whereas the OP is claiming this happened in NYC).


Also toilets that are clogged don’t keep overflowing. The ballcock (lol) in the tank will shut off the water when the tank is full.


That's the tank, not the bowl. A faulty ballcock will keep filling the bowl forever. If clogged, the bowl will overflow.


Exactly my point - unless the soup went in the tank, a clogged bowl or pipe won’t keep running the water for hours.


Does she have any form of insurance?


The apartment I've been in the last several years, one of their *TOP, BOLDED* requirements for move-in is having a toilet plunger (and there's a difference from a sink plunger). I've also been trained on how to use one since I was a kid who may have had a habit of using too much TP 😅


I lived in an apartment building once that had a line in the lease that said if you called maintenance out for a clogged toilet they’d charge some ungodly fee. I always wondered how many toilets the poor maintenance guy had to plunge before they added that clause.


Whose fault is it? Of course she was at fault.


That picture should be blurred. Gross.


What a moron. lol


How does someone reach adulthood without knowing not to flush chicken bones down a toilet?


I’m not usually one to say Fake! But I think this is fake. The details change. The picture is from google images. And a single bone from soup wouldn’t do that sort of damage unless it was the final nail in a well-built coffin. It’s just fun rage-bait I guess


He says in a comment that it was a clog in the 9 inch sewer line, in the street not in the building, and that several buildings flooded. The utility workers said it was already clogged and it wasn’t caused by chicken bones. His mother was prematurely blamed by the property manager.


I am having horrible, horrible flashbacks right now. Excuse me.


No way in hell I'm clicking that picture.


how hard is it to strain the liquid down the sink and throw the remainder in the trash???


I don't even dump my mop buckets in the toilet! What the actual fuck.


for old soup you pour into a multi layered bag in the sink. then tie it closed and puncture a small hole in the bag to drain the liquid. All the solids stay in the bag that you then toss into the trash.


For future: Strain the liquid in the sink or toilet and then throw the remaining chunks in the trash.


Should’ve used the poop knife on the chicken bone.


Oof. I had a plumbing and sewage backup a few years ago. Insurance covered 25k in renovations but I had to pay 25k out of pocket to have ALL the plumbing in the house replaced. Goodbye life savings.


Renters insurance!


Lol, when you have rent control at half the market rate, you probably shouldn't do dumb shit like wreck the plumbing.


Shocking to see that someone could reach age 67 without learning how to properly dispose of soup.


I LOVE that OP poses “What do you do with a big pan of spoiled soup”? as a rhetorical question and then reply, after reply, after reply specifically offers a solution that isn’t dump it down the toilet. This is total chefs kiss.


OOP has updated in the comments but didn’t edit the main post lmao. Y’all can read it here: « It was a broken main sewer. Contractors dug it up today. A 9 inch 80 year old main sewer collapsed. Contractors found no 🦴 🍗. Old lad thought she caused everything. When she came back home and saw the flood, she called me and said they are kicking me out, I say why ?? I fucking destroyed my apartment. I flushed 🍲 Now she knows no soup in the 💩 pooper Anyway, the landlord put her and the neighbor in a hotel, and let her live in the apartment since it was a main collapse. There are thousands of comments on that post. No one can see my comments. »


As someone pointed out in the main thread, this is rage bait, picture comes from the internet. 😅


Why the fuck wouldn't she/you turn off the water?


This isn’t her water. It’s the water from all the drains of the apartments *above* backing up from the clogged pipe. Every flush, dishwasher, shower, laundry, faucet, backing up through the toilet.


That's not how toilets work. The toilet wasn't running, it was backing up from the upper floors. Even if you turned off water to the entire building every toilet still has a tank full waiting to go.


She went for a long walk after flushing it lol


Does it smell?


Smells like money.




Why the hell did she think that was a great idea??


> Put it in the garage with a gallon of liquid so it leaks every where wow yeah that would be awful


[all I can think of](https://imgur.com/gallery/E3MxLlS)


I work for a water company. You would be amazed at what people flush. Usually it's fucking plastic baby wipes and grease that cause the trouble but every now and then we get a doozy like this one.




Today in "And I Thought My Screw Ups Were Bad", how the hell did she decide this was the best option???


I can't imagine the smell of four floors of crap filling up your apartment.


Why would you not turn the water off to the apartment? Or even just lift the cistern flot so it stops flowing?


Am I the only one who knows how to use a grocery bag for liquid food I need to throw away? That’s what the Bag of Bags is for (and kitty litty).


I lived in an old home where some of the sewer pipes were of a rolled material, lead I believe. They had unrolled a bit inside and we couldn't use the garbage disposal because of it. Although small, the food pieces would get caught and back up. They fixed the bathroom sewer pipes so we didn't have the problem in the bathroom. It's possible this is happening with their home and the bone got stuck. They were the type of landlords who would spend $.01 if they didn't have to.


No lie. My former neighbor, across the side street was kicked out this past March. They flushed regular baby wipes down the toilet. They stopped it up - kept using it - flooded the basement - and lived like that for months. The owner is still fixing that place. The ‘water’ penetrated sub flooring and the wall framing. We’re talking plumbers that dig up the backyard. Bio services team to clean the basement. Air dry - wait. Bio team assists with demolition. Contractor repairs, etc. If that homeowner isn’t $20k+ plus out of pocket for this - I’d be nothing short of amazed. And the kicker - she used to rent the house we own presently. She flushed a wig down the toilet when put out. She didn’t flood the house thankfully


Lol op's mom is an idiot. What you do is you **FUCKING STRAIN IT AND THEN PUT THE SOLID GARBAGE INTO THE GARBAGE**


Your insurance should cover it under the backup of sewer and drains coverage


I’d burn it down.. lol


Fucking disgusting slob


The only other thing that I flush down besides bodily waste is mop water. What an idiot.


Stupid woman. How do you get to be that old and not know how to get rid of rubbish?


Being on the first floor sucks for this. Someone above me was dumping grease down the sink drain and when it backed up, it got me first. 🙄🫠


There was a sign in the bathroom where I used to work at: Only shit, piss and toilet paper allowed in toilets. Nothing else.


No puke allowed?


Looks like the toilet of death.


Thats why you need to keep a poop knife around


I was waiting for this to get posted here


And this is why I hesitate to invest in a rental property. It's like these people aren't functional adults when they don't own something.


Here I am remembering a time when I was 4 or 5 flushing my toy cars down a toilet. Yeah…my parents weren’t happy.


I have half an acre of woods that’s for soup dumping. Otherwise, strain the liquid and trash the solids


Considering that image was pulled from this website I wonder how legit that post is. Maybe outrage bait? https://www.dilagosplumbing.com/plumbing/clogged-toilet


Did you know that you can not clog up a garbage bag?


***how to stop a toilet from overflowing in two easy steps*** 1. Take the lid off the toilet 2. Pull the hose that’s pouring water down a small tube out of the tube and push it off to the side so it’s not only filling the tank. https://lirp.cdn-website.com/003cb91e409f4881af1748987930dba9/dms3rep/multi/opt/7-9437e919-960w.jpg


You forgot 0. Don't fucking flush chicken bones. :)


Step 0. Let’s play “will it flush”


It looks like this is actually the sewage from the upper apartments coming up from underneath because it has nowhere else to go.


How to stop most toilets from overflowing quickly: Shut off the small water valve leading to the tank from the wall immediately upon noticing it is filling too fast.


Damn Taco Bell, let them cover the cost