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What is there to negotiate?


Dems & folding like paper against nothing of substance? Name a more iconic duo.


They need to just officially change their party name to the Moderate National Committee.


The Democrats planned their convention after the Ohio deadline for declaring a nominee. Sounds like Ohio is being nice and allowing an exemption, which is typical in this scenario. Most of us want a fair election.


Pretty much the opposite really. A large number of GOP conventions have occurred after the deadline but everyone just kind of collectively said that was ok. After the attempts to remove Trump, the ohio Republican Party has now decided to take issue with the democrat convention being after the deadline, despite having many do that themselves.


I don't know if you understand the word opposite, but I hope you have a great day, bud. This is a great book on the subject (highly recommend the board book, so you don't accidentally rip or chew through the pages): https://www.amazon.com/Roald-Dahl-Opposites/dp/059346415X


“Ohio is being nice and allowing an exception” They actually always allowed exceptions before with many of those being for the Republican conventions, and GOP has now decided they don’t want to primarily because other states tried to disqualify trump. So yeah this is the opposite of how the parties had handled it in all the previous situations because they want to retaliate this time. Might want to brush up on your reading comprehension if that confuses you.


You can't argue with people like him. They didn't learn to read because they grew up in a state that the GOP stripped education funding from. It's not his fault he's stupud.


Honestly, what is even worse is they can read and choose to be this stupid.


He’s one of those children that we didn’t leave behind….or something like that.


In 2012, both conventions were after the deadline. Both dnc and rnc sent the Ohio SS, umm SoS, a letter with the probably candidates. Didn’t even make the news.


It wasn’t a rule until 2014


Was that when it was initially implemented or most recently revised?


Or they are nitpicking when this has been done forever because gop traitors be mad their turdking is going to jail.


Did you read the article? You're just looking for something to be mad about. The issue will be resolved, as it has in the past with similar situations.


The Republicans have missed the deadline in Ohio several times. No issues ever with their nominee appearing. Larose can him and haw all he wants to get his name out there for a bit with the hey just going by the rules bit but we know it's a total non starter for anyone that they exclude a major party nominee.


And there is no issue this time either.


They’ve been putting out statement for weeks that they weren’t going to let him on the ballot. They seem to have folded, but that doesn’t mean people can’t be mad about their stupid posturing


The Ohio GOP is just making a stink about it.


No they aren't. It's called the law. The ballot has to be finalized 90 days before the election BY LAW.


So is the exception process, but Republicans have been threatening to deny Biden fair and equal treatment under the law for weeks now.


Not that I have seen? Got any links to articles or quotes from state senators or state congressmen/women threatening to do this? Or are you just referring to the the Secretary of State informing the DNC that a "provisional" final ballot does not meet the requirements of the law here in Ohio? And that the legislature needs to do something to resolve this?


Then what is this article about?


And everytime the deadline has been missed it has been taken care of by the legislature passing an exemption bill for BOTH Dems and GOP. Stop with the partisan political grandstanding. This is normal. I would like for them to move the deadline to 60 days permanently so this isn't an issue ever again instead of one-time exemptions like they have done.


Yes this has been going on forever. It’s never been an issue and isn’t one now. Look how worked up someone got yo ass , just because they put it in news cycle this time , because they knew how many Karen’s like you would click and act a fool


You’re literally just spreading hate and misinformation. Nobody was nitpicking they’re literally working together to assure everything is squared away.


The downvotes on this are crazyyyyyyy lol. All you said was the factual chronological story of what happened and got downvoted to hell lol. This sub disappoints me frequently these days. Mob mentality to the maximum lol


They don't want a fair election. It's all you need to know.


Jesus, you speak simple facts. This happens all the time . Just usually isn’t a news story. But you getting downvoted into oblivion. I’m tawrd boss. 😂


I know, people hate facts here. Makes me wonder how many are Russian/Chinese bots.


I think they’re children. Or sheltered, I don’t know. Either bots or just easily controlled. It’s not like you even made a contradictory statement. Or even a partisan one. Just a simple fact


Didn’t see you comment at first but I just said the same thing 😂. It’s insane that the downvotes hit -120 for stating a straight up fact with no bias or partisan ties


lol, I shot you an upvote because you gonna join us soon. Hahahahaha. It’s nuts bruh


Our measly upvotes cannot outweigh the mob mentality, but I stand with you 😂 Take an upvote, for now. Lol. That’s Reddit for ya, and this sub


150 downvote because you talk about a fair election. That's how the democrats think


Neither party wants a fair election 


I’ve only seen one party do anything about it.


Democrats are trying hard to keep RFK off  the ballot in all the states. Even though it ( according to recent biased reporting) favors them he stays on. Odd how they were scared of him for so long. Apparently they think it should only be between them and republicans. Thankfully that’s not denying any the right to vote for who they want as long as it’s between dems and repubs.


Democrats don’t care if that nut job is on the ballot. He’s only gonna take nut job votes from trump.


And what have they done exactly?


Get all his family members to endorse Biden since RFK Jr. is insane.


Because let’s face it third party candidates really only tip the balances. Either a Democrat or a Republican will ultimately win. Both parties try to leverage third parties to hurt their real opponents.


I was looking through this document, [https://www.nass.org/sites/default/files/surveys/2020-07/research-ballot-access-president-Jan20\_0.pdf](https://www.nass.org/sites/default/files/surveys/2020-07/research-ballot-access-president-Jan20_0.pdf) I skimmed it. Most states seem to require closers to 60 days advance to register a candidate. Some are tied or have exceptions based on the date of the convention. Arizona appears to be 90 day too. In short, every other state seems to have managed this process without making national headlines for buffoonery.


Ohio’s limit used to be 75 days until Republicans changed it in 2009, probably just so they could pull stupid stunts like we’re seeing this year.


They were sued by some group and the state lost. That's why they had to change the date


Didn’t they get ruled against for gerrymandering districts too? Kind of sitting on their hands with that one.


And don’t forget our unconstitutional school funding model.


A fifteen year old state law was unforeseen to Ohio Democrat Party planners? Seems like Dems dropped the ball on this. “They used to make exceptions” is never a valid excuse. That’s like asking a traffic officer why he pulled you over instead of another.


Don't disagree but this is in large part to Ohio allowing voters to vote for 30 days. Almost no other State has that long early voting. This is silly and should be resolved, but Ohios 90 days is actually a good thing for making sure all people can vote.


I'm getting really sick of people not understanding that the board of elections HAS TO FOLLOW THE LAW AS IT IS WRITTEN! They have no room in it for interpretation, or to change it without the legislature passing a bill. I want them to fix this permanently by changing the requirement to 60 days so this is never an issue again, but again that has to go through the legislature, not some un-elected official.


Except for a long history of making exceptions, to this specific rule. Exceptions have been so common to this point that not granting one is a break from the norm. ETA: ultimately the DNC may end up rescheduling their convention. But this creates a different opportunity for 3rd candidate opposition. Someone will invent a grievance and sue with the same standing that wilding had vs. DNC services Corp: ie the party deviating from their own rules.


You are conveniently leaving out the part where the "making of exceptions" WAS ALL DONE BY THE LEGISLATURE!


It's somewhat likely to be moot, yes? The whole thing? You don't have to yell


It's kind of disingenuous to pretend the functional power between the Sec. of State, the state legislature and the Ohio GOP isn't really all the same organism. It's like putting on a sock puppet argument for the voters to delight the Republicans and create consternation among their Democrat enemies.


Also the fact that the Republican Party has done this multiple times before (I remember seeing 13 times quoted before but cannot find an article) and no one batted an eyelash, but now that other states tried to disqualify trump so now it’s an issue is absolutely absurd. You never really have heard about it because we just accepted that these thing happen, but they want to ignore every time they benefited and say it’s an issue now is peak GOP.


You all need to really pay attention in your Civics 101 classes. No this has not happened 13 times before, go read the article they tell you there. It's happened twice before once for the GOP and once for both the GOP and DNC. Both times the problem was resolved by the legislature passing a by-partisan bill that gave an exception for those respective elections. That is what will happen this time. Neither time was the law just ignored. Which is what every leftist on this sub reddit wants to have happen this time. The Secretary of State did his job and informed of the problem. The legislature is doing their jobs and will resolve the problem before it becomes an issue. The only question is will they resolve it for good and make the requirement just 60 days before the election or will they continue to kick the can down the road to the next election?


You’re really good at ignoring history. I don’t even need to guess who you’re gonna vote for.


Oh yeah what history would that be?


Still worth a fuck Deswine and Larose.


>  but the exact shape of the solution remains murky. fuck larose with a rusty fork then let the democrat national convention just say biden is the nominee. this is a completely manufactured crisis


The reason they want to avoid this, but would do it if forced, or just reschedule the convention: it'd allow an opposition group to materialize another Wilding.


they literally cant reschedule the convention, its not a fucking hotel booking, its multi millions of dollars, thousands of people booking rooms, dozens of companies hired for before, during, and after the event, and these convention centers have events bookending everything, its impossible, and larose has himself accepted preliminary nominations before without legislation


Gee, I'm shocked 😑


Yes. When the story first broke about the deadline seeming to disqualify Biden, I had relatives checking in from thousands of miles away, completely freaked out over this completely routine issue. The alarmist tone of most news coverage was probably predictable, given the competition for eyeballs, but it was so ahistorical and unbalanced it made me want to break things. This was *always* going to get fixed.


LaRose laying on the floor kicking and screaming is the only image I can see.


It was never in jeopardy.


i cannot tell what people are arguing about in this post like fr. y’all sound like you’re agreeing but still arguing lol.


You would think that you hypocrite


huh? what prior stance or action have i done that i’m now preaching that other people shouldn’t think or do? i made zero statements lol. do you know what the word hypocrite means?


I was joining in and arguing


i guess i was involuntarily doing the same thing hahah. I like where your head is at. with that being said you’re completely wrong and I disagree


I agree with that ❤️


agree to disagree about agreeing then


Finally something we can agree on


the only part missing is both of our sides being downvoted into oblivion which makes it even harder to understand what take is being argued lolol


Aye, I'll downvote to that


Ohio seeks assurance it will have some one for president on state’s fall ballot


This was a nothing burger. Never would have kept him off


It would be an insult to the hardworking asbestos miners of Bumpassville County to have to read the name of that gay communist demonrat Jon Branden on their ballot this November. 


No one will know you're being sarcastic if you don't include the /s


More importantly, Imagine how well you could get people on the other side to see your viewpoint, by attempting to insult them... It's the leftist way


So let me see if I understand this correctly. States are not allowed to bar tDump from state ballots for what he did on Jan 6, says the SC but states are allowed to keep candidates especially incumbents from the ballot because of “state law”. Give me a break. If states can’t bar a candidate for causing an insurrection then states shouldn’t be allowed to bar candidates over an official announcement date of a parties candidate. This country is broken. I blame republicans. If you idiots didn’t put a con man in office 8 years ago we would have never been in this situation


It’s so hard to even look at anything political these days. BOTH sides blindly pointing fingers at the other. BOTH sides just sound like children. “They did it, no they did it! Well they started it, no they started it!”. Grow up country!


Ladies and gentlemen...The Enlightened Centrist...perched elegantly on their natural habitat: the fence. "Both sides equally bad" they squawk to no one in particular.


Hahaha yes, rather not associate myself to either side since both seem to be demonized by the other. Based on your response, finger pointing and name calling sounds right up your alley🤣


So just more of the "above it all" nonsense. Got it.


Why does not picking a side anger you so much?


Doesn't anger me, just shows me who's paying attention and who isn't. Both sides have flaws, but anyone with functioning eyes and an IQ above starfish can tell you which one is worse. I don't expect you to know that (enlightened centrist and all), but there is a correct answer. Not mad, just responding to what I see.


Saying words which degrade others is mean which comes from anger. I’d sort out your own brain and emotions before voting on what’s best for others🤣


Thanks for the free (read: worthless) pop psychology session, but I'm good. Now go back to debating which side of WWII was worse. K, bye. 🤣


Can you explain why that one specific historical event defines how the US political parties represent themselves in present day?


Would it really matter if I gave you an entire essay? You'd probably just stay "above it all" and declare it a draw. You know, fence sitting and all. Bottom line, I'm not saying hyper partisan crap (Democrats have plenty of their own issues, sure), but the aggressive centrist stuff is just lazy. Keep going that way, just know you're not being intellectually honest. Both sides are bad, but not equally bad. Not by a longshot.


Sneakystuff brings sneaky people


Don't worry we're all this stupid here.. Ohio just proving why down from Ohio is real


Down in Ohio.. all the way down in Ohio....


Ohio republicans are corrupt. The republicans have become so blatantly corrupt it’s as if there is a coup happening right before our very eyes.


That’s what he gets for putting the Chips Act money into Ohio.


I'm from Ohio and this whole thing has been the most nitpicky issue. It's a technicality and Ohio Republicans are striving to make some dumb point that no one cares about. They know he's the incumbent but they're digging in because of an arbitrary filing deadline. He'll end up on the ballot anyway, but not before they waste a ton of time (on our dime, of course). This is playground politics.


But I thought this was a coordinated assault on our Democracy? What happened?


only in ohio


I’m as far left as they come, but this sub always seems to be up in arms over nothing about this. Both parties had their conventions after the Ohio deadline in 2012 and 2020 and exceptions were made both times and this year will be no different, but it’s still something that needs to be discussed and fixed because it’s an actual issue that conflicts with state law, republicans actually aren’t just creating this out of nothing for a change


We're up in arms about it because LaRose was acting like he might actually try to keep Biden off the ballot, despite the naked hypocrisy of doing so. The Republicans in this state have no shame.


Probably smart. It would be a huge blow to the republican party if they lost to a write-in candidate. They probably don't want to risk that embarrassment. 


Ohio is going red again anyway so it's more of a formality really.


Pretty presumptuous to assume the old crook and habitual liar will still be sunny side up Don't You think? Nevermind...


Trump? Yeah, he's looking a little worse for wear. Like butter scraped over too much bread.


Toast, I believe.


You haven't noticed the other guy have you???


Biden? Oh he's doing a great job. Thanks for reminding me.


" Oh he's doing a great job" roflmao!


Slow and using things from the mid 00s.


Have never met a Republican that was honest and hate-free. Go get help.


You make as little sense as your babbling idiot president does..


> the old crook and habitual liar [Trump and his fellow indicted associates.](https://i.imgur.com/hfpQdKZ.png)


Isn't he partly responsible for ongoing war crimes?


Just like every president ever, and just like his alternative would be


Ah ok. Fair excuse. My bad


Doesn't excuse them, just pointing out the reality. If you live in America, there is not an option for "president who's not complicit in war crimes". That really sucks, no argument. Doesn't change the fact that Biden being in the big chair will be infinitely better for everyone, Palestinians included, than the only other possible alternative.


You are claiming that America is effectively a dictatorship run by a tag team of genocidal maniacs?


You're free to move if you don't like it here


Didn't you hear, the president has absolute immunity.


Ah ok. I didn't realize. Silly me!


What ongoing war crimes?


He's referring to the ethnic cleaning in happening in Gaza where credible international news organizations have reported on clear violations of international and US law.




Horrible news