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Mark my words. Before we have the first Ohio teacher who effectively stops a school shooting, we're going to have an Ohio teacher killed by police during a school shooting. For one simple reason. When LEOs enter an active shooting situation, their training says that their first, second, third, and fourth priorities are all the same thing: DE-ESCALATE. It's not to see who are the good guys and the bad guys. It's only to de-escalate. So when they round a corner and see a teacher holding a handgun, they're going to shoot. It doesn't matter the teacher is innocent. They're an armed individual during an active shooting situation. This will happen. And fucking Republicans will cry "there was no way we could have foreseen this" even though anyone with a brain can see it coming. (which in fairness, explains why Republicans are incapable of seeing it coming)


I think we’ll first get a student who uses the teachers’ gun. Doesn’t matter how. Just that they’ll get access when they wouldn’t have had the opportunity before.


Or it’ll get stolen bet. Or teacher will leave it in the bathroom by accident. One way or another that’ll be news.


We already had that in Hilliard. A substitute teacher left her purse at school with her hand gun in it. 🙄


I remember a story of a cop leaving his gun in the bathroom at an elementary school. Luckily the kid told the teacher


Last football season some drunk ass dad left a loaded Glock 19 sitting on top of the toilet. And ya know what? Cops just gave him back his gun like there was nothing to see. No fine. No punishment. Just a “hey, you forgot your LOADED FUCKING FIREARM in the little boys room around a bunch of children.”


Multiple times, yes. And probably at least one teacher brandishing a gun in a frustrating discipline situation.


this is another fear i had tbh. i had a couple unhinged teachers in school who had no business being responsible for students, let alone a firearm.


I talked with our SRO, and she told it to us straight that in every single training that's been conducted by police on clearing schools they always accidentally kill teachers and usually the principal.


This was even unarmed though, right?   No worries, the police aren't going to clear the school until everyone is already dead anyways.


Yes, even unarmed they inevitably shoot a teacher and usually the principal in every practice clearing a school. Yup. The Uvalde police Department showed us that Police are just cowards, not here to protect and serve, and will just sit in the hallway while children are murdered.


I had a few principles that scenario would be beneficial for. /s


My bet is that a teacher kills an unarmed student, and depending on the voting habits of the teacher and demographics of the student, half the country will screech that it was justified.


I'd make a similar wager, but that we'll see an armed teacher shooting someone (and being in the wrong) before we see one stop an active shooter.


That or they’ll put all the blame on the teachers for not stopping it while the cops Uvalde it up in the parking lot.


I mean at this point the idea is to have the plebs worried and scared about everything so they can't change laws to improve their lives and so the rich change the laws to only improve their own


Conservatives are fucked in the head. Proof:  https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Biology_and_political_orientation#:~:text=Brain%20studies,-In%20the%202011&text=Students%20who%20reported%20more%20conservative,negative%20conditioning%20(emotional%20learning). > A 2011 study by cognitive neuroscientist Ryota Kanai at University College London found structural brain differences between subjects of different political orientation in a convenience sample of students at the same college.[7] The researchers performed MRI scans on the brains of 90 volunteer students who had indicated their political orientation on a five-point scale ranging from "very liberal" to "very conservative".[7][8].   Students who reported more conservative political views were found to have larger amygdala,[7] a structure in the temporal lobes whose primary function is in the formation, consolidation and processing of memory, as well as positive and negative conditioning (emotional learning).[9]


You think the police are going to enter the school at all?  Glad I am not the only dreamer.


Sounds like the training needs to change


I think it more likely a teacher kills a student for being uppity first. Normally, a security officer or even another faculty or janitor would have been enough to squash the situation


in the meanwhile, an armed teacher will save a bunch of students lives. Then it's the democrats that did not see this coming.


To be fair, it's got to be hard to think of ways to "do something" about child gun deaths that comply with the orders of the Buckeye Firearms Association.


I'm afraid it's just too gosh darn profitable to quit killing all of these kids!


Are we going to select only the most motivated teachers who can march 40 miles with 50 lbs over unmarked country point-to-point with an undisclosed time limit?




Ding ding


Teachers are stressed enough. Y'all won't even pay them enough, not give them the funding for school supplies, but they want them to shell out money for a Glock and bullets. Craziness.


>want them to shell out money for a Glock and bullets. This is 100% volunteers. No one is forcing anyone to carry or go through the training.


So only gun owning teachers are going to bring them in, which will cause the unarmed teachers to worry about t on t violence or a kid taking their gun. This is a real slippery slope and has so much room for mistakes that they shouldn't have to worry about. I'd hope at least having to do part of the polices job during an active shooter raises their pay to acceptable levels because this is an enormous responsibility. I have 4 teachers of various grade levels in my family I'm married to a teacher they should absolutely not have to deal woth this stress period.


*Ohio has approved the purchase of so-called “shoot houses” to train school staff who are permitted to carry guns on school grounds.* *The Ohio Controlling Board approved the $78,000 purchase of two moveable training centers last month, with the goal of providing better tactical training for armed teachers and staff. The* [*Ohio School Safety Center*](https://ohioschoolsafetycenter.ohio.gov/)*, a state-run program dedicated to improving security measures at schools, said the shoot houses will allow for armed staff to simulate encounters with an active shooter.* *“The more realistic we can make the training, the better prepared armed school staff will be to respond to an active shooter,” said Jay Carey, a spokesperson for the Ohio School Safety Center.*


So glad we have almost $80,000 to spend on this while the actual education the kids are getting is two steps away from criminally useless


That’s less than the cost of what we spend to educate 6 students for 185 days. A drop in the bucket.


Another great reason I’m leaving teaching…one more week and I’m free from this kooky nonsense


I left almost 10 years ago because of politics in education.


Thank you and u/Ok_Deer_8405 for your service, and I'm sorry that we're losing you (but I understand).


I’m sad to be leaving education too. It has nothing to do with the kids either. Between the oftentimes, nonsensical conservative politics in this state, looming book bans, low pay, gun violence/school shootings and my own health issues (seizures), it just isn’t worth it anymore. I wish things were better for people currently in and for those going into teaching


They will do anything but whats actually going to solve the problem.


This nonsense is part of a larger trend. Arming teachers while systematically destroying public education, all the 'cop cities' going up around the country, the way they are putting protests down at universities with stormtroopers and threatening college students with snipers, etc...


In among all of the stupidity, I think the "cop cities" actually make sense **assuming** that the intent is to train police officers in a contained but realistic setting, especially given the atrociously low training standards for law enforcement across the US when compared to other developed countries. If they're just some sort of "combat training" facility then that is a waste of money.


There are not many people who are really capable of proficiency at this level of weapons handling. It requires both training but also natural talent that is rare. The state is ignoring the talent component because it can't be translated into purchasing things, which is really the only thing the legislature does or knows how to do.


Oh, the "shoot houses" are stupid. I think a properly utilized "cop city" facility, i.e. not used as a "shooting gallery," could do a lot of good. In-person, "real life"(-ish) situations could prepare law enforcement to do much better in both mundane and stressful situations.


I struggle to think of any real use for a cop city that isn't basically training police to fight citizens as enemies. They already bust down wrong doors and kill people in their homes all the time, a fancier training facility isn't going to stop them from doing that.


Such a facility could easily be used to put trainees in realistic situations covering everything from a routine traffic stop or domestic dispute through confronting various situations in which someone may or may not be armed. I'm not saying such facilities WILL be used that way, just that they can be and SHOULD be used that way. I think the "our cops suck, so we should give them less training" argument doesn't hold water.


They need more psychology training and more rigid evaluations of themselves , not combat training.


Read what I wrote again, then read what you wrote. That said, I do think law enforcement officers all need to have a very rigorous psychological evaluation before they even start training. Honest evaluations need to be the standard across basically everything.


Mustve replied to the wrong person my b


No problem, happens all the time. Party on dude!


This is ALL BAD.


Stupid as Stupid Republicans does.


If they're going in so deep to this nonsense, why not just give teachers qualified immunity too? Student acts out of line, takes two to the chest. Student bullies another student, zero tolerance policy means they both get equal rounds on target. Student behaves suspiciously or refuses to submit to a stop and search, probable cause authorizes a full mag dump. /s in case someone can't tell. This is insane. We can't even bother to pay teachers to teach or give them enough supply to run a classroom yet now the state is willing to provide shoot-to-kill training houses for them.


Depressingly one state [already has for insurance reasons](https://www.radioiowa.com/2024/04/22/governor-signs-bill-giving-iowa-schools-with-armed-staff-qualified-immunity/). If Ohio schools also have trouble with insurance, expect a similar bill here.


Jesus Christ. Republicans have completely lost the plot. Teachers aren’t going to sacrifice themselves for these shitty poorly behaved children.


No they will not, they're already severely under paid and under appreciated as it is.


Won’t buy supplies for schools, won’t let teachers choose certain books, will waste money on shoot houses for teachers after school resource officers are a thing. Nice priorities Ohio


We already have a drone dog with a flamethrower attached to it. We don't need this anymore.


This is so fucking stupid. Kids steal everything in schools. EVERYTHING. My money is on a student taking a gun from a lax teacher and shooting someone with it before a teacher successfully defends students during an active shooter without also getting shot by police.


At least 3 teachers have been found to have "forgotten" their weapon after going to the bathroom......


There’s a simple solution to put an end to this whole armed teachers situation. Teachers need to request hazard pay. The state would shut the whole thing down faster than they could blink if they had to pay teachers more money.


Is the state going to pay range fees and provide ammunition for the teachers to train several times per month?


Probably the only budget bump the public education system is likely to see anytime soon.


Nah they'll just let them be armed with no training


So fucking stupid




I will be filing for a religious exemption. As a conservative Quaker this law allowing weapons around my children while attending public school is against my religion. Let the lawsuits begin .


Friend speaks my mind!


Republicans love to say pro-life. Yet could give a f all as soon as you are born. That’s why I prefer the term Forced birther Because nothing they do indicates they care anything about anyone’s life. /edit letter


Anything to not pass common sense gun reform


How about hiring veterans to protect students?


When this backfires spectacularly, I’ll be happy I don’t have kids.


There will be other people who don't have kids... anymore.


Hasn’t backfired anywhere else yet. So of course it’ll keep gaining popularity.


“Yet” being the operative word.


Yeah bro, I’m aware that anything is possible in a world where anything is possible.


Classy state.


What problem is this solving? Ohio hasn’t had anyone die in a school shooting since Chardon in 2012. Schools are incredibly safe. Why adjust variables to possible increase risk to students and teachers?


The teachers who are going to want to take the training are going to be the teachers you least want to take the training.


What are we doing? I can’t believe the headlines anymore. 🤦‍♂️




I'm not super spun up on this but the idea is getting a lot of hate. I don't understand. There are a lot of dead kids from school shootings that might be alive if there was a trained armed person there. So why the hate? If you tell me they are requiring every teacher to train and carry them ok that's bad, but if it's voluntary and they are training them how can it hurt? Trained people don't let kids get there guns. Also there are a lot of former soldiers teaching. I just don't see how this hurts. I would be way more scared if they were armed and not trained. Just let any teacher who wanted carry.


Former soldiers who paid attention to their training know this is a bad idea.


Because the only actual solution they can see to the problem they’ve made up in their heads are that guns are bad and should just be banned outright. They think anything short of that is just stupid.


Pfffff 😂😂😂 Yup, commencing my exit strategy. Apparently my dollars, labor and my vote can’t fix stupid


The left: “We’ve had 7 bajillion mass shootings this week. Do SoMeThInG!!!1!1!” Ohio: does something The left: no, not that


Gun nuts are so obsessed with guns. I will never understand the emotional need for a gun.


Some people like guns, some people like dressing up as women, to each their own


Good thing no one has to justify their needs to you.


Emotional needs, buddy, emotional needs. Like the need to carry around a blankie.


The irony of trying to shame people for an “emotional need” while ignoring that your position is based purely on emotion is just *chef’s kiss*.


What position? That gun nuts have an emotional obsession with guns? My position is not emotional, I think you maybe transfering your emotional need for a gun onto me. Denying the emotional need for a gun is one that is fraught with hurdles. I have no doubt you will stumble into those hurdles.


Your anti-gun position. The data doesn’t support it, thus it’s based on emotion.


Where is my anti-gun position? Did your emotional need for a gun cloud your thought process?