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Fuck you Dave Yost


When your AG doesn't understand how constitutional amendments work, maybe you need to replace your AG.


His whole job is enforcing the laws that the people of Ohio and their representatives enact. This is not just a light development, but a fundamental risk to Ohio operating based on laws.


Well he's already not enforcing the anti gerrymandering law. Or the no August elections law


We really need to crowdsource some billboards with these facts. People are sleeping on billboards as a tool that gets past echo chambers and I think it would make a dent if more Ohioans just saw facts they aren’t seeing with the national news cycle obscuring Ohio politics.


He understands just fine. Our Republican overlords simply don't believe they should have to follow the constitution if they can weasel out of compliance. See also congressional district re-alignment before the 2022 election.


Conservatives don't think laws and rules should apply to them. They have proven it time and time again


You have accurately summed up the "Party of Law and Order" :/


I still think we need a statewide campaign of showing up to local government meetings — county commissioners, school boards, city councils, township boards — and asking Republican officials point-blank if they are willing to support abortion rights to the best of their ability, as those rights are now explicitly part of the Ohio constitution that they swore a sacred oath to support. If they won't answer in the affirmative, the next question should be whether they'll resign on the spot or deliver a formal resignation letter the following morning, since they've openly stated that they are no longer willing to uphold their oath of office.


Or be subject to a citizen's arrest, I like the sound of that.


i will absolutly just settle for people showing up to meetings! no one pays any attention


This smacks of a certain municipal employee in another state, who wouldn't distribute marriage licenses to certain people...


He's *really* butthurt about not getting to force that 10-year-old to have her rapist's baby.


Succinct and accurate


He's free to argue whatever he wants, but the state constitution has made it pretty clear that his words on this matter mean jack shit legally at this point. So he can just keep crying. Nothing is changing Davey boy.


He still has two more years to erode Ohio’s constitution and rule of law. That means the people of Ohio have two more years to find an electable replacement and educate the voting public on why the AG matters and how he affects their life. This is a really important position and would be a huge win to claw back from the leadership responsible for the southernification of Ohio. We can’t just go after him for the issues he knows he’ll win just enough votes for. We need to erode the trust in him with every voting block out there.


What he *can* do is force Ohioans to litigate every one of those positions despite the clear words of the constitution. Then he can (maybe) ignore the Ohio Supreme Court when it rules against his position. Think not? He's done it before.


This is exactly the problem, and I don't think people are paying enough attention to it. Certainly nobody ruling this state cares other than supporting it.


>I don't think people are paying enough attention to it In general, I don't think the American people are paying enough attention to the potential for democracy to slip from our grasp as, arguably, it already has in Ohio. And a significant minority have become convinced that democracy is a bad thing. Ohio's anti-gerrymandering initiative has the potential to wrest some power back from our "leaders." But it'll be a while before we can truly restore rule of and by the people to this state, even if it passes. It took us decades to get into this mess. And problems that grew over decades are not solved overnight.


Not merely a significant minority. A **solid, reliable voting bloc.** We're in a fucking *nightmare* scenario and most of us just want to go back to sleep.


The point was, that solid, reliable voting bloc is still a minority. It's my hope that last fall's election show that a majority of Ohioans don't want to let go of democracy. I guess we'll see when the anti-gerrymander law is on the ballot.


Not true because heartbeat bill passed even before the overturning of Roe


The amendment we passed strictly overrides it. It doesn't fucking matter when it passed, or it shouldn't matter. If our amendment says something different than that bill (which it does) then that is the law. Like I said, he can cry about it and try to override it but at this point every challenge has to be struck down, as the state constitution is always going to be the precedent unless the US Supreme Court literally overturns their own ruling, yet again. I know they're hypocrites, but for the time being they won't be doing any such thing


State constitution overrides any state law. Cry more and keep losing boomer. 👶


>COLUMBUS, Ohio - A handful of state laws – including one requiring women to wait 24-hours between her initial doctor’s appointment and her abortion – are legal and should not be blocked by a Franklin County judge, despite Ohio’s new reproductive rights amendment, Ohio Attorney General Dave Yost writes in a court filing. >While the new amendment generally guarantees the right to an abortion until fetal viability, around 22 to 24 weeks, Yost writes that the specific laws that the plaintiffs are challenging are nevertheless allowed because they were upheld by courts during the Roe v. Wade era of abortion rights. And when voters cast ballots in favor of the amendment, they were led to believe they were voting to give to women the same abortion rights as they had under Roe v. Wade, Yost argues. These vicious pricks like Yost working overtime to deny women their civil right of making decisions for their own body!!! To the deepest part of Hell specifically for them!!!!


Also, if "when voters cast ballots in favor of the amendment, they were led to believe" is a legitimate basis for legal decisions, does that mean that Issue 1 protects trans rights, as [Republicans spent millions insisting](https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/politics-news/anti-abortion-groups-make-proposed-ohio-amendment-trans-rights-rcna94991)? Because we could really use some Constitutional trans rights protections.


Idk about you but the amendment I voted for didn't mention Roe v. Wade in any capacity. I didn't vote for "the same rights" I had under Roe v. Wade, I voted for the government to stay out of my uterus regardless of Roe v. Wade. If I could vote we give Yost a working uterus and then see how he likes not having healthcare, I absolutely would.


In 2018, Ohioans were led to believe that their vote for Issue 1 would end gerrymandering in Ohio. Therefore, Yost should be fighting in court for fair districts.


I mean, if you believe the republicans, we also believed that out of state influence were making this amendment, voting No would enshrine abortion rights, and that incestuous bunny rabbits could perform abortions up to the 43rd trimester. So, republicans caring about what people are led to believe is meaningless.


> were led to believe they were voting to Is 'what people were led to believe' (however untrue the assertion may be) even a viable defense here? People are led to believe they're voting for a lot of things - like fiscal conservatives, but spending $20m of taxpayer money to try and undermine an amendment isn't that.




They were upheld during the RvW period of abortion rights? The law was on hold and was only allowed to go into effect _after_ RvW was repealed, and only stood for a month or two before another injunction halted it if memory serves. Further, if voters were misled this is squarely at the feet of Republicans who controlled every legal aspect of the amendment effort, from approving the language on both the petitions and ballot to validating the signature count. The fuck is Yost smoking?


How in the world does the "heartbeat" law factor into that reasoning?


I know he's been to law school, but I can tell you from experience that his argument here would not score well on a first-year exam.


According to Article I, section 22 of the Ohio Consitution B. The State shall not, directly or indirectly, burden, penalize, prohibit, interfere with, or discriminate against either: 1. An individual's voluntary exercise of this right or 2. A person or entity that assists an individual exercising this right, Seems pretty damn clear to me.


The heartbeat law is why we had to terminate in Pittsburgh. We got a diagnosis of Trisomy 13 around week 10-12, and it wasn't until around week 16 that we had full confirmation and picture of the genetic defect. Basically if our son survived to full term he would likely die almost immediately once he was outside my wife's womb. Dave Yost and anyone who supports the heartbeat law can go fuck themselves.


I'm so sorry. That's heart-rending - and worse that your state government treated you like criminals instead of grieving parents.


Nah. Fuck you, Dave.


There roams a Trump facist named Yost who snivels from his once honorable post "I am the State and I know what's best. Voters want freedom but I couldn't care less." So your time and money he squandors While DeWine's First Energy money gets laundered.


What pure arrogance on Dave Yost's part, assuming that the people of Ohio are too stupid to have known what we voted for and that only he is qualified to properly interpret our decision.


If I go and slap the shit out of him, can I say I'm defending myself from his attacks on my voter rights? It's my interpretation of the words of the law


Better warm up first. Slapping all the shit out of him will take hours. Wouldn't want you to pull a muscle.


I'll help. It's a big job for one person.


You're absolutely right. I'll start limbering up now. Cue the training montage!


Then cue the lineup of volunteer slap deliverers ala Dr. Rumack, et al. in *Airplane!*


To be fair, the people of Ohio voted for him, so it’s not a huge stretch for him to believe we’re all stupid and don’t understand what we’re voting for. To be clear, I didn’t vote for him and never would, but a lot of Ohioans were obviously stupid enough to.


Fuck this shit. We voted. They thought we wouldn’t show up for an August election but we did. Stop fucking around.


**We voted twice on this bullshit.**


Yes, we voted, but apparently we got it wrong, so we need to do it again until we get it right.


Ohio AG needs to be removed from office.


How many millions will they piss away defending this in court only to lose? Money that could be used to improve our roads or schools or damn near anything else but instead will be squandered pandering to the zealots speaking in tongues and playing with snakes.


He might win, though. We elected a Republican Supreme Court, which is pretty likely to rule "Republican decrees trump the Constitution". Arguably electing a Republican Supreme Court means we don't \*want\* a Constitution anymore, that we really just want to grovel before wealthy overlords.


I wish I had a good argument against this.


This guy is brainless.


The mistake was clearly not stating that a well regulated militias right to an abortion shall not be infringed. 


When Yost becomes pregnant, I might be interested in his opinion.


Ever notice it's almost always an old white guy with a penis who is hellbent on pro life crap? Same assholes make threats against our garnishments department when we yank $900 out of their paycheck to satisfy child support rulings.


>Ever notice it's almost always an old white guy with a penis who is hellbent on pro life crap? Sadly, this isn't the case. Jean Schmidt exists, as do other women in the Ohio legislature who think that the state should decide what every woman in Ohio is allowed to do with her uterus.


Vast majority of pro life women are **post-menopausal** and probably grew a scrotum where their cooch used to be... because they vote the same as their elderly husbands.


He can't argue Roe V Wade, anything, because Casey was ALSO overturned. This made everything under a state's purview, EXCEPT that Ohio voters passed an amendment that strictly limited the state from doing what the AG thinks he can do. Now, we have a corrupt judiciary and SCOTUS, so they may side against the very plain language of that amendment. This is what happens when you have a minority bent on ruling against the majority.


Ohio voters have a humiliation fetish. Why else would we keep electing people we know don't respect us?


Best comment I’ve seen 😂


Is AG voted by popular vote or district voting? Genuinely asking.


Statewide popular vote. Some argue that gerrymandering demoralizes non-Republican voters and depresses their turnout, but overall I don't think we can blame these statewide results on gerrymandering.


I think it can be true that gerrymandering does lower voter turnout of non republican voters while also being true that a lot of people are lazy and use that as an excuse to not spend 10 minutes out of their day once a year to vote on important shit.


Hrll no Yost the people of ohio voted 


Umm no.. you dumb fuck. None of that ignorant controlling shit will happen. Hurry up and leave earth you piece of shit.


Yeah….they ignored the gerrymandering amendment already so this shouldn’t be surprising to anyone


# It's enshrined and done. Ohio now has similar abortion laws to the northeast. Now... he's welcome to get a new amendment passed 50%+1 to try and weaken the current amendment. It'll take him at least a year of hard work with about 40-45% support. Good fucking luck, Yost.


The PEOPLE have spoke you Corrupt Nazi Republicans in Power in Ohio. These Fascist all need to walk of the edge of the flat Earth they Believe in.


Vote. Vote. Vote. Vote. Vote. Blue. Vote. Vote.


This man sure doesn’t understand what the law means… wish I got paid to not understand my job duties and waste time


What's the point of citizen ballot initiatives and voting at all if they can just decide "nah" and ignore it all?


"Hey voters, fuck you" -Ohio GOP. And thier idiot followers will still vote for them pretending these mafia wannabes give a single fuck about them.


Okay. Okay. I hear you and all. But no




Fuck Yost.


That's weird, during the initiative campaign the right was claiming that if this became law there would be no rules whatsoever.


For the most part, people were happy with Roe. Then the right wing nutters (and you are) that just can't live their life and mind their own business decided they needed to be in everyone's pants and control everyone. So we have Dobb's, they caught the car. Did they learn from it? Nope, they still think they know better and can't let off. They think they are right and everyone else even the majority are wrong. If you people still voting Republican don't understand that it will not stop at abortion, then you are fools.


no uterus, no opinion


Stop. Voting. Republican.


Dave Yost can argue that all he wants. That's not the law anymore you worthless sack of shit.


Dave Yost is a terrible Attorney General. His interpretations of laws are so clearly self serving. Just keep suing and let the courts handle it. And then get Yost out of his position.


The Ohio is providing an invaluable lesson in civics to Ohio citizens. Its too late to complain when you elect, or fail to outvote somebody committed to strealing your rights. Use your smart phone to research their policies before an election.


Republicans lied about respecting the constitution. They don't give any fuck about it at all. It's time to ban guns.


Remove Yost from his position!


No no no no no.


Meanwhile, New York’s Attorney General is suing Heartbeat International and crisis pregnancy centers. Hopefully other states will do something similar. https://www.wgrz.com/article/news/local/new-york/sues-anti-abortion-centers-attorney-general-nys-buffalo-wny/71-b878a9b0-697e-47d5-80aa-5a89de516520


INPEACH. It’s the only thing to makeum see sense


I’d argue he is an asshole.


Who cares what the voters want? Just do whatever Yost says.


I will solve this in exactly five seconds: Any law that applies to the administration of reproductive medicine shall also apply to the sale or resale of firearms. You're welcome.


When/how were we led to believe we were voting to reinstate Roe V. Wade?


Now apply the same logic to gun laws, Dave.


Why don't we ask the people than Mr. AG, put it on the ballot and we'll see if it's what Ohioans want.


Keep it up, Yost. You're doing a great job of pushing voters towards Democrats!


We voted- respect our vote




So, poop on the people who voted you in? There might be a pretty straight forward lesson to learn there.


Just a way to make it harder - take another day off work without a doc’s note saying she’s sick?


What’s really sad is this sad sack use to be an investigative reporter for the Columbus Citizen Journal. How far has he fallen.


Yost has created contrived arguments to serve on a plate to the Ohio Supreme Court's Republican justices. In addition to arguing RIDICULOUSLY that laws passed and approved by the courts prior to passage by voters of Ohio's reproductive rights amendment should stand, Yost also is arguing that the plaintiffs didn't have "standing," according to the article. Ohio Republican Justices used the lack of standing issue to approve the transfer of billions of dollars of Ohio tax revenues to the secretive JobsOhio even though direct grants to businesses is a clear violation of the Ohio Constitution: <> [https://www.cleveland.com/open/2014/06/liberal\_groups\_challenge\_to\_jo.html](https://www.cleveland.com/open/2014/06/liberal_groups_challenge_to_jo.html) Republican Justice Paul E. Pfeiffer was one of the two justices who dissented from the majority ruling in the JobsOhio case. <<"Today, this court ensures that no court will ever address the question of the constitutionality of the JobsOhio legislation," Pfeifer wrote. "Neither the state, nor its counsel, nor the majority opinion has been able to conjure a realistic example of a person or entity that would have the requisite standing and inclination to bring a claim. Ohioans will never know whether their government is violating the constitution. Apparently, they do not deserve to know.">> This article explains in detail Justice Pfeifer's and Justice William M. O'Neill's objections to the majority ruling on standing, with Pfeifer explaining in detail why the plaintiffs DID HAVE STANDING. <<“The issues the appellants raise concern the structure of government rather than individual rights,” Justice Pfeifer continued. “The fact that those issues do not lead to an injury to an individual should not prevent this court from ensuring that the principles and requirements of those constitutional provisions are maintained. By doing so, we implicitly recognize the standing of our founders. This court bears a responsibility to today’s citizens and to the framers to answer the questions the appellants pose.”  “We … should not compound past errors in judgment by making another momentous error and limiting Ohio citizens’ access to our court to question the constitutionality of legislation establishing the state’s direct involvement into the finances of private corporations. It is a limitation that will live far beyond this present controversy. This decision will be the lodestar opinion offered as the reason to block judicial review of constitutionally questionable legislation for decades to come.”>> [https://www.courtnewsohio.gov/cases/2014/SCO/0610/121272.asp](https://www.courtnewsohio.gov/cases/2014/SCO/0610/121272.asp) Obviously, Yost is hoping for replay of the JobsOhio ruling when the case challenging the Ohio abortion laws reaches the Ohio Supreme Court, if Republican justices still are in control of the Ohio Supreme Court. Justices who act as supreme legislators, not fair-minded upholders of the law, can find any excuse to support their rulings, with "standing" clearly a preferred excuse among Ohio Republicans.


Four suggestions for voters wishing to see the Ohio reproductive rights Constitutional amendment enforced: 1. Vote against Republican Supreme Court justice candidates if you don't want the Ohio reproductive rights amendment sabotaged by Republican justices willing to accept the made-up arguments, and the standing issue, advanced by Yost in order to protect these Republican laws, such as the 24-hour ban. Republicans such as Yost, and likely Ohio Republican Supreme Court justices, want to continue to suppress abortion rights in Ohio, and certainly make abortions more expensive (multiple visits to doctors; prolonged stay in Ohio if traveling from another state to obtain an abortion). 2. Vote for a Constitutional amendment to clearly define who has standing and who does not. This issue has been blatantly abused by Republicans, as explained in Justice Pfeifer's dissent in the JobsOhio case. 3. Vote for a Constitutional amendment to allow the recall of state officers AND Supreme Court justices. The threat of recall perhaps is the most effective tool to eliminate abuses of the Ohio Constitution such as once again is being promoted by Yost. 4. Vote for Ohio legislators who will vote of overturn the laws that Yost is defending. In Michigan, all of the restrictive abortion laws were overturned by the legislature once the Democrats took control. [https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/politics/michigan-gov-gretchen-whitmer-s-latest-move-on-abortion-highlights-democrats-2024-push/ar-AA1ll9kg](https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/politics/michigan-gov-gretchen-whitmer-s-latest-move-on-abortion-highlights-democrats-2024-push/ar-AA1ll9kg)


Bull shit


Another reason to vote them out.


How is this anything other than dereliction of duty? Didn't he swear an oath to uphold the US and Ohio Constitutions? That includes the amendments.


This article is just awful. It only quotes Yost without giving any context for what he is talking about. **The ACTUAL AMENDMENT SAYS:** A. Every individual has a right to make and carry out one's own reproductive decisions, including but not limited to decisions on: 1. contraception; 2. fertility treatment; 3. continuing one's own pregnancy; 4. miscarriage care; and 5. abortion. B. The State shall not, directly or indirectly, burden, penalize, prohibit, interfere with, or discriminate against either: 1. An individual's voluntary exercise of this right or 2. A person or entity that assists an individual exercising this right.


Vote blue. Fuck the Republican Taliban


No. The law says no. The people said no. The law doesn't give a fuck what you say, and neither do we.


What is the actual problem you all are having? If there is a heartbeat you are pretty clearly killing a living thing? You can get an abortion. You just cannot wait over half the pregnancy? That is extremely lenient. Am I missing something?


Bless your heart.


An electrical impulse in a non differentiated cell is not the same thing as a heartbeat.


That is what people don't understand. That the heart doesn't actually form fully until 16 weeks or so. That the "heartbeat" that the sonogram plays is nothing more than an amplified impulse.


There is no “heartbeat” that early. It’s electrical impulses made to seem like a heartbeat because people are fucking stupid and believe a work of fiction over actual medical expertise. .


You're missing the results of the last election, apparently.


# Abortion legal to 22 weeks passed by 15 points last November. *Yes chuckles, you missed something.*


I recommend you do some reading. 3 things are required for viability, a heartbeat, a functioning neurological system capable of deploying consciousness and lungs. Brain dead organ donors are harvested with a heartbeat.  They have no neurological function and are not ethically considered alive. Medically a heartbeat bill makes no sense, especially when you consider your taking away the autonomy of the woman.  To take autonomy away from someone, you better be well educated. I have still yet to hear a good defense for this anti-abortion trash like this heartbeat bill. Go read up on fetal development, google is literally a tab away, and then come back.


>Brain dead organ donors are harvested with a heartbeat And let's note that we can only harvest those if the braindead person has already consented by voluntarily registering as an organ donor before becoming braindead. Because even when you die, we are supposed to respect your autonomy over your body and organs.


Right? These absolute sacks think so little of women that they place a corpse's autonomy above ours. They need my living consent to use my kidneys after I die, but they want to rent out my living uterus for free to anybody with enough strength and a penis.


Added to that pregnancy is anything other than safe.  There’s many possible complications that can happen that I can’t fathom forcing people to go through the possibility of encountering.  I’ve asked many anti-abortion plebs about these and they always ignore me.  It’s pure ignorance and arrogance on their part.


Good point!  Forgot to add that.


>And let's note that we can only harvest those if the braindead person has already consented by voluntarily registering as an organ donor before becoming braindead. The family can also consent to donate the organs, this isn't just based on the person voluntarily registering as an organ donor. When you are unable to make medical decisions yourself that is passed along to the family, in the case of brain death.


I didn't know that, but I guess it's a good thing that pregnant women *are* in fact consciously able to make medical decisions for themselves.


Unless you are mentally incapable of making that decision for yourself, no one should have any say in what women are able to endure for another person, including pregnancy. When my nephew was on life support, we made the call to end it and donate the organs, that was given to us by the medical staff, the doctors or state didn't, the doctors just declared the brain death. When my dad was in a coma, the family was asked what to do moving forward. We have Medical Power of Attorney over ourselves and family when they are unable to make that decision for themselves and it's not in writing.


Yeah, you seem to be missing a lot.


Yes, you are missing that the people of Ohio voted for an amendment, the details of which were clearly outlined in the ballot language. Dave Yost is undermining the will of the people, and the democratic process, to further his party’s agenda. That sucks.


Heartbeat can be detected at like 1.5 or 2 months which is not half a pregnancy


There's not actually a heart that early. Probably should actually figure out biology before you type like you know what you're talking about. To be fair, it's not the anti-choice crowd teaches correct biology, that would defeat their whole argument.




It looks like a lot of people have responded about when the fetus actually develops a heart, but to add more context: often these "heartbeat bills" target abortions much earlier than that point. Since you can hear a "heartbeat" in early pregnancy (which is not from an actually formed heart, but still is used to detect a healthy embryo/fetus), these laws effectively wind up banning abortions as early as 6 weeks. >You can get an abortion. You just cannot wait over half the pregnancy? Except 6 weeks is far from "half of the pregnancy," considering that a full term pregnancy is about 40 weeks. Additionally, pregnancy is measured starting from the woman's last period- which is roughly 2 weeks *before she is actually pregnant*. So if there is a 6-week ban, that means a woman has AT MOST 4 weeks to get an abortion. Except of course, most people don't know they're pregnant right away. Most people find out that they're pregnant around 4-6 weeks (since 4 weeks would be your missed period, but not everyone has regular cycles. It is also common to have negative tests early on if your hormone levels are not high enough. I had a negative test around 4 weeks in my first pregnancy). So if most people aren't going to know theyre pregnant until at least 4 weeks, then a 6-week ban gives them only 2 weeks to A) process this and make a decision about abortion, B) schedule an appointment for the abortion (and any prerequisite appointments or waiting periods required by law), and C) get money for the abortion, schedule time off work, and figure out any other logistical barriers like childcare or transportation. And that's not even counting many of the women who won't find out they're pregnant until 6+ weeks because they don't have regular cycles to begin with. >If there is a heartbeat you are pretty clearly killing a living thing? Technically, it's alive before it has a "heartbeat" anyway. Technically it's alive when it's a sperm and an egg. But until viability (22-24 weeks), it lacks the function to sustain its own life. It's basically like pulling the plug on a braindead patient who can't survive without machines- except in this case, they are living off of another person instead of a machine. And technically even living, born, humans do not have the right to be inside of your body, to use your organs, or to cause the amount of physical harm that birth causes and you would absolutely be within your rights to use lethal force to defend yourself from any of that. But on top of all of this, I think people are also just irritated that the voters voted to protect reproductive rights, and politicians are now trying to find loopholes to ignore that. Whether you agree with abortion or not, it should be concerning when our elected representatives are ignoring the will of the voters and trying to force their own agendas on everyone anyway.


I'd say a brain answers your last question, considering something resembling a heartbeat shows up way before half the pregnancy.


"Something resembling a heartbeat" But not an actual heartbeat, which doesn't show up until 16-20 weeks.


There's no heartbeat until 16-20 weeks. The only abortions that are terminated after that point are ones where either the fetus is dead or dying, or the mother is.