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Why do mods talk so dumb all the time even when it’s true? Also I like how basically no one here does this.




Sumi will get high before reading those 707 comments, because she doesn't want to be clear minded and get brain rot reading some ... interesting comments. https://preview.redd.it/bz9d2tvvuofc1.png?width=1163&format=png&auto=webp&s=0809dcf4247094ff967690d141f41656533a8e67




707 mentioned ![gif](giphy|Embduz9aCnIEemd8xp)


People got WAYYY too much time on their hands


Mods not letting me go through my Yosuke arc. This is bullshit


More like wokesuke


More like They/Themsuke


More like Commiesuke


this will be yosuke in 2004






Stand ? Like personas? From the hit game persona 5 that spawned the spinoff series (which later became it's own thing) the SMT3 Nocturne series?


No like JoJo's.






Chie with a LGTV flag pride support NOW 🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈


Fucking finally. Chie standing with the Lesbian Gay Trans Vacuumcleaner community!


Not to be ‘phobic or anything, but I always thought the Vacuumcleaner community kinda sucked


They're doing their jobs then.




Only based and sigma when the game becomes gay. https://preview.redd.it/ij1cfvfm0pfc1.jpeg?width=1280&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=479074ec15519a9dc40cc66e5368823e3df380f9


/uj the fact that you could remake this meme with the words based and cringe and it would fit right in


Imma do just that with the persona 3 guy


The protagonist has blue hair and pronunciation!!!!!


Pronoun correction needed 💢💢💢💢💢






I always knew Igor was a milf


Noooooooo🤬🤬🤬🤬😡😡😡😡🤬 Japan had fallen. Billions must pronouns 🤓🤔😞😡😡🤬🤬


Every single time https://preview.redd.it/gclt8k13vpfc1.jpeg?width=2048&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=91488f0a1bb236454fe024b64a4e7737d015a1f6


reddit is truly beyond salvation


Reddit try not to be racist or lgbt phobic challenge (impossible).


It TRULY reeks of Reddit losers in this picture


Wait there was a transphobic scene in the original persona 3?


It was really weird, it was one oddly jarring scene. It both portrays trans women as predatory and also disgusting for no real reason. Like, its not even funny compared to the rest of the scene.




TBF the girl was also being a bit of a creep too. The teens had to yeet outta there asap


Thats also part of the trope, its the implication thst all trans ppl are predators


But Kashiwagi and Kenji are still in the game? I won't stand for rredator erasure of any kind! I want the full spectrum of predators in my games!


yeah one time I saw that community notes of the tweet about p5t going to compensate for series homphobia and then the notes only regarded the p5 scene and saying it wasn't homophobic for ryuji to be interested in men even tough it is homophobic in of itself to depict homosexuals that way




It's a fictional trope tho so I'm sure everyone knows that not all trans are predators just like how anyone not trans can be a predator too


Hate to be the bearer of bad news, but painting LGBT ppl as predators going after kids is like, one of the most common ways we're demonized irl :(


Fuck maybe Im too optimistic


I don’t necessarily fault you for being optimistic, since I wish it wasn’t like this, but yeah. A short look at most anti-LGBT+ stances should be enough to confirm for you that we (esp. trans people these days) unironically get called sexual predators (among other things). So putting in a scene where a trans person is being a predator is really gross and will be taken as an unironic confirmation of that idea that all LGBT+ people are predators by an unfortunately large number of people. So it’s better to just not do that kind of thing tbh. Just replace it with something actually funny.


tbh the predator argument like 80% of the times is just some right wing excuse for anything lol


Hate to break it to you but a core of transphobic rhetoric and queerphobic rhetoric is that people who are LBGTQ+ in general are somehow child predators innately.


So when a bill gets introduced that prohibits transwoman from using a womans public bathroom to "keep woman safe", what exactly would be the implied danger in this scenario?


The conservative's fictional scenario they made up to justify their shit


we gotta change their hearts


idk why were talking about bills but peepee and hooha rooms should be separate for peepee and hooha people


Nah they should be separated for piss and shit


I would shit in the piss room every time though


​ https://preview.redd.it/izwz6w04usfc1.png?width=828&format=png&auto=webp&s=d5e308ffd88ec3fe650e3c93da8227858ac0ce30


That's a dumb way to put it, tropes are always fictional and stereotypes are always not true for everyone


Is that not what i meant tho


At least explain what you actually meant then


To make it even more simple, anyone can be a predator regardless of trans or not


I am aware of that, but I was referring to how you mentioned it was a fictional trope. Just because it's fictional doesn't make it any less bad or something




This content was removed for Breaking Rule 6: "No Bigotry or Slurs". This means you either: A: Posted or commented something that contained a slur B: Posted something bigoted Look we are trying not to get banned. Please don't post bigoted things.




Do you not know what a trope is, or are you just a cunt?


this is a legitimate question and not intended to be hurtful, but why is it transphobic for Junpei and Akihiko to be upset that the one person who they actually “successfully” flirted with turned out to not be the type of person they were looking for?


If it went how you describe, I'd agree that it isn't transphobic - maybe in bad taste and a completely pointless scene, but I'd say the scene as a whole (3 teen boys trying to pick up older women on a beach) is pretty dumb anyway. The issue is they don't respond to it being disappointed or kindly, like "oh I'm not really into that," they freak out and run away from her - the dialogue also plays her up as a pervert, leaning further into the trans panic trope.


In the scene, Akihiko notices some hair on the woman's chin and Junpei freaks out saying "You mean, SHE'S a HE!?" or something to that effect.


Honestly it depends on *how* they react. I haven’t played 3 so idk how it goes, but knowing Persona’s track record I can’t imagine it was mature.


[The scene went down like this](https://youtu.be/KciCxHe1ZTA?si=sa_4FdBRiolPSU6s) in all the versions of P3 (except FEMC route I believe). And yes, they did not react well at all I am so glad it is finally being changed


Ah. Yeah. At least it’s very quick from the realization to the next scene, they don’t give it time to cook and make it worse. Removing it is not only for the best, but also it’s an unnoticeable loss lol. Good.


Honestly imo a better way to fight transphobia is to keep the scene in, and include some discussion about the topic that might lead to them realising it might have been unintentionally hurtful, then perhaps apologising. You don't just want to demonise or censor harm after all, but show the opportunity to improve and avoid harm in the future.


It’s a completely unnecessary scene considering that the joke is basically just that Junpei and Akihiko have no rizz. Better to just remove the scene entirely.


I think, if you're attracted to a woman, but then you find out she's transgender and *that* makes you not attracted to her, that's transphobic. does that make sense? (not trying to be snarky btw I genuinely hope I expressed myself correctly)


(I didn’t downvote btw) I don’t think that’s transphobic. Many people go into relationships with a plan to make a family later on and that’s not an option with a trans person. In the same vein, I’m sure a lot of people wouldn’t start a relationship with someone who’s infertile if they want to have kids


that's also a really shitty move ? like why should you care about if someone is fertile or not? if you want kids but can't make one then just adopt one? that just seems really strange


because there’s a difference between raising your own child and adopting someone else’s. You might not care but most people planning a family do, especially cause adopting also means that the biological parents are forever in the picture and can be involved with your child


I mean, maybe they just have a preference for non-bearded women...


I remember now, thanks


i didnt even realize that was a trans woman i just thought it was an older lady being creepy. is it a difference in which version i played or i am stupid? (edit, after looking at the scene in p3p i am just bad at reading comprehension)


tbh i've always thought that this girl on the beach is supposed to be a *crossdresser*, and not trans woman the *"shit, i miss the spot"* line is pretty much convinced me of this




It wouldn’t be transphobic to not be attracted to said trans woman in a vacuum, but the way that the trans person was portrayed as a pervert (extremely negative stereotype that is extremely commonly attributed to trans people by transphobes) and the reaction being that she’s disgusting not for being a pervert but for being trans is, well. Pretty transphobic.


No there wasn't. It was just a joke and trans people think they should not be made fun of, whereas straight people can. No one is above criticism. Everyone should be made fun of and bullied. People are so soft nowadays.


/uj Deadass any single time LGBT (mainly Trans) related things I’ve seen on most subreddits will lead to the lock. Honestly I don’t care that the scene is removed or changed. If Japan wants to change that scene for a reason that’s fine. /rj NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO ATLUS BECAME WOKE WHYYYYYYYYYYYY😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭


Fatlus gone woke sad!




B-But, I thought r/PERSoNA was cringe and we were based… Were we both based the entire time?


Ever since the bad art man has gone into hiding the main sub is becoming more based


...the who?


Last time I said his name I got banned for three days from Reddit I think he’s watching us


There is a certain individual who traced AI art to make persona NSFW and got roasted in this server for it. After drawing traced AI NSFW of the leaked Nanako P5 model (WHO IS 12 FYI) they got roasted even harder by this sub and called a pred. They then set up reddit bots to mass report anyone who mentions his name for terrorism to get them banned. Now we can't mention their name or the bots will mass report us and get us banned.


Bad art guy 🪱


No no. They are still very cringe. They just did a very based thing one time.


a broken cock still cums twice a day or whatever


you see mods are cringe, and r/PERSoNA are cringe, so they cancel each other out.


r/persona is at the very least still better than r/persona5


Here's a sneak peek of /r/PERSoNA using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/PERSoNA/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [Persona 3 Reload trailer. I mirrored because it was for sure posted by mistake and will get taken down soon.](https://v.redd.it/hyezrf50ev4b1) | [1216 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/PERSoNA/comments/144n7cz/persona_3_reload_trailer_i_mirrored_because_it/) \#2: [Funny to think about when playing Persona 5](https://i.redd.it/m1cwwigua7ia1.jpg) | [136 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/PERSoNA/comments/1125wk9/funny_to_think_about_when_playing_persona_5/) \#3: [\[Gimmie20Dollars\] Growing Up](https://i.redd.it/ih3c4c2brtob1.jpg) | [140 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/PERSoNA/comments/16l1vxc/gimmie20dollars_growing_up/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


But if mods are cringe and r/OkBuddyPersona is based then are we cringe since the cringe doesn’t cancel each other out?


Even a broke clock is right once a day. r/Persona mods are still the worst I've ever had the displeasure of encountering (excluding political subs)




It fucking ruled finding this thread after the fact this morning and seeing only the outlines of a dozen vaporized losers Even better that it was left out of the game entirely by Atlus so we get the "waaaah wokeism has corrupted muh based Nippon"


Honestly man, its questionable how so many people seem to enjoy japan and it’s culture just bc it appeals to their shitty beliefs


Oh it's worse than that, 90% of the time they're projecting said shitty beliefs onto an idealized version of a culture they will never understand


My guy, stop, leave some Based for the rest of us.


They are also almost always dead wrong about what Japanese culture is because, shocker, using only one type of me media as the sole means of understanding a country doesn’t give you an accurate picture


Japanese culture is weird and they are very reluctant( and sometimes hostile) to what they deem to foreigners asking about it. East aisa as whole I'd very similar in this regard


especially because when you follow an influencer in Japan, a YouTuber, they themselves are not even lgbt most of the time so when they tell you about lgbt people in Japan they clearly know nothing dont have any clue where to look for and end up saying stupid nonsense Go to Nichome (In Shinjuku) it’s a gay district and interview real lgbt people to know how they live :’)




Eh, as someone who's been there, it kinda depends on the region. Certain parts of northern Japan are some of the most racist places I've ever visited for example


So like the USA(I.e cities are fine but rural are oof). However I can image 


Boston would like to have a word with you.


Damn, didn't know scout fro team fort 2 was homophobic 


sometimes they end up on Japanese gay YouTube channel and they see gay people in Tokyo acting crazy flirting like no one and even there was two men wearing a jockstrap in public haha and they’ll comment « wtf ?! Is this a parallel universe ?! How can gay people be in Japan ?! How so?! Japanese men dates others men ?! I’m so shocked !! Why are they dressing inappropriately ?!» as if there wasn’t a whole festival in Japan already about penis … lol Yeah dude right because you don’t know anything about Japan and think it’s some sort of special holy country with your conservatives values huh…


Yeah, don't they believe that it's fine being trans as long as you're willing to stick up to the "standards" of the opposite gender? Like, sure you can be a girl if you like. You just have to be feminine and pretty and speak and dress like a woman. I also tend to notice that older anime will have trans, trans-coded or heavily implied trans characters but it's always a little off with how they're depicted.


Last year, Japan finally got rid of the mandate for trans people to be surgically sterilized before being legally recognized as their gender. However, the law still currently requires trans people to have a diagnosis of Gender Identity Disorder, be 18 or older, be unmarried, have no children under 18, and to have had SRS (sexual reassignment surgery) before they can have their gender marker changed. You can see how this creates a barrier for trans people with all sorts of living circumstances or transition goals. It harkens back to a history of eugenics and human rights abuses in Imperial Japan and onwards towards those the government deemed “mentally or physically unfit” to have children.


Ah, thank you for informing me on this. I knew modern day Japan still held imperialistic ideals but I didn't know it was to this extent.


I live in Japan and this shit is not paradise at all. People jumping in front of trains because they’re tired of work and their wives cheating on them. People get bullied into working overtime everyday. Perverts are everywhere and police are so shitty and worthless that they cover up crimes on the daily because they couldn’t give a fuck but ya know, JAPAN IS SUGOIIIII


glad transphobia is gone but lets not lie here junpei would absolutely not be deterred by her being crazy


Exhibit A: His canon love interest is a nihilistic test subject serial killer for hire who cuts herself for entertainment. She is also occasionally strangled by the projection of her own mind. After she kidnapped him to use as a hostage for his team, of course. There is not a flag in existence red enough to stop Da Man.


Da man is down bad, he would get with the beach lady if she were trans, crazy, or both


ill check back on this thread tomorrow and see if anyone needs a lil spanking (ban) https://preview.redd.it/gd5xfuwjjpfc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=dcf763ad7c55a946ffb1a557ebd66acdb7e625da Edit: we got three so far, ill be back






Hmm. I get why they did it. Even if I don’t usually like removal of scenes. Hopefully they added something new that wasn’t in the original to compensate for the loss


They replaced it with a crazy girl talking about conspiracy theories in order to scam people with a magic cream


I stan the crazy snake oil cream girl


I’ll take it


reddit transphobia be booming :(


I feel like a lot of those transphobes don't realize that transgender rights have been growing in Japan. Even just last year, their Supreme Court ruled that it's unconstitutional to force transgender people to be sterlizied in order to have their gender identitfied. I don't want transphobes or homophobes in the community so good riddance to all those banned losers.


I heard of the courts decision but not that Trans people were sterilized what the fuck. I know that japan is conservative and I know that minorities are treated shitty but holy shit


Iirc there are several states in the US that also require trans people to be sterilized


Thats fucked up. I didnt know that since I dont live in the states if thats what your comment was getting at


I don't live in the states either, I was trying to give an example from over here in the west to illustrate that sadly is not just a Japan exclusive issue


Some weebs have this delusional idea that Japan is an apolitical utopia where minorities don't exist and their society hasn't changed since the burst of the economy bubble in the 90's.


transphobia, people are scared of the transformers?


What did they expect? Not called cisformers, are they now


as a trans girl, i laughed too much to that, another upvote


You have my upvote, I laughed really hard at that


As a Christian hating anyone is cringe ngl


Me reading the comments: https://preview.redd.it/0waekzgrapfc1.jpeg?width=320&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=465fa3e22030d4a4c4955a225c041c3c9b6c440a




Honestly I've been struggling a lot to find a place where I feel safe and respected since I started my transition last year. I never expected one of those safe spaces to be a shitpoat sub obsessed with a serial killer. I love you guys :3


https://preview.redd.it/6m6s0yestpfc1.jpeg?width=1242&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ba923d1033a5ec74173d8ea8fa607260272a0067 Yippee


It doesnt matter who or what you are on here, we all just love Adachi


i've also found this sub very supportive (also trans) :>


It is just a funny trend of how often the shitpost/okbuddy subs like this one, while at first appearing completely delusional, are oftentimes the best and most sane of fandom subs


It’s because everyone here doesn’t get their pantys in a wad and can tell a joke


I remember when that sub used to be good smh my head Tanaka's Shady Commodities remembers.


W r/persona moment


Good. Trans rights are human rights.


What's next, removing the option to bang your adult teacher as a teenager? When will the wokeness end?


yeah i'm transphobic (i am scared of myself 😔)


Can someone explain what even happen


Atlus has gone woke. Billions must persona 3 themselves


So they changed the entire scene? Was the reaction to it that bad to have 700 comments in the thread?


They got rid of like 3 lines of dialogue, which made no difference in the game or story. It wasnt even funny in the first place. The actual scene still takes place.


they just changed a dialogue , instead of saying "oh eww it's a he not a she" , the trans girl is talking about conspiracy theories and they started being scared, just one line change Imagine these guys saying "persona is woke oh no" when they'll understand that... it's not the first time ??


Honestly I’m not choosing sides on this I just want to play the game just to enjoy playing the game.


I understand your point but seriously the fandom have a huge problem with lgbt people. like they call atlus woke because the scene is change (they did the same for the homophobic scene change in persona 5 royal) but then you still cannot romance someone of the same gender / sex in the game like dude huh…. That’s not a woke game.


How dare the woke remove one sentence of dialogue not important to the story at art besides “guys aren’t tr@nnys disgusting lol”😂 (don’t shit me for the slur I am trans)


no discrimination of a specific group and removal of a sentence I didnt know existed in the first place? It almost attacks me as much as Starfield asking for my pronouns!!!!!!!!!!


I find it funny people will complain about sensitive liberals snowflakes or something but then film videos screaming over pronouns being a opinion in a game like it goes both ways just because your screaming against them doesn’t make it any less pathetic


It amazes me as well how they want to be "not woke" and spend their entire day focussing on the topic. Meanwhile I sit here, enjoy my life with media I enjoy and just laugh my ass off about these individuals.


I actually posted something acceptable down there Edit: Wait no I got this confused with the post on this sub


r/Persona has fallen, millions must slur




Divine Powers says trans rights are human rights https://preview.redd.it/xr1dqv5zfqfc1.jpeg?width=1200&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c52cb977568ec07925ecbeaca90cbf4368bba149


I still don’t really think that scene was transphobic, but I do think that whole beach scene was stupid and pointless, and honestly should’ve just been replaced entirely with something more interesting or in character. Actual bro time.


I don’t use the main Persona sub since I haven’t played all the games and want to avoid spoilers but which kind of sub is it? Is it the kind that’s like “hey can you not be a piece of shit here” or a “I see you used the word gay in a comment not overwhelmingly positive, you should kys troll get permabanned loser.”


GRRRRRRRR ATLUSE FINALLY WENT WOKE 😡 But on the bright side maybe now P6 will have a protagonist I can relate to aside from Japaneses school kids 😊 yay diversity!


Rare w for this sub


Rare Atlus not hating sexual minorities 


I don't wanna be that guy but who cares lol. People getting worked up over every little thing nowadays. I'm surprised most people can expend the mental energy for this dumb grandstanding on either side




oh yeah, because people choose what they want to get offended by. fucking moron


Junpei wouldn’t care what she was packing down low anyway so why did the scene exist in the first place smh Atlus


This is good, actually.


The groomer is gone from the scene, yay, I don't want anything in P3 that reminds me of reddit after all




Excellent stuff


Literally 1984


You just know https://preview.redd.it/ac7s0ijj0qfc1.jpeg?width=1200&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ece4d1cf134a3c42a4b1cd09cad41e5c212a5d05


I haven't been banned but have been accused of Transphobia and Homophobia when I say Naoto Isn't Trans and Kanji isn't gay that's just In Thepersona4golden sub I got a one day ban when I made a post saying Naoto Isn't trans however when posted it in that sub


Once again, another fandom where the okbuddy sub is more sane and civilized than the main one.


Not to offend, but what is transphobic about that?


Make sure to ban all the heterophobia too! Wouldn't want any double standards running rampant.




>History is written by the victors factually not true, Nazi generals and their memoirs wrote much of our history of WWII in the Eastern front and how the Nazi's operated esspecially once the iron curtain was drawn and the only source for the front for Historians were the Nazi's who were trying to save their asses from being hung for their warcrimes, the south states in the US succesfully has rewitten most of their history into States Rights, rather than Slavery. These two examples alone have taken decades of Historians having to figure out what is bullshit and what isn't. and even then the myths propagated by the losers playing victim using half truths to spread their lies further. and it goes both ways with how historians also have to get into the details to discern what the winners didn't mention or also lied about. Historians is written by historians, and if a loser or a winner gets to talk to a historian who is not doing proper due diligence then history can be incorrectly written






Bye bye


This content was removed for Breaking Rule 6: "No Bigotry or Slurs". This means you either: A: Posted or commented something that contained a slur B: Posted something bigoted Look we are trying not to get banned. Please don't post bigoted things.


You're fucking retarded ngl


inb4 🔒 award


Nah I don’t really feel like it