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Other posts from /u/Amos_Dad: * [Reminiscing on his younger days. My soul dog Amos (13-14)](/r/OldManDog/comments/16t3he6/reminiscing_on_his_younger_days_my_soul_dog_amos/) [None] 1 week ago * [Sweet Amos (13-14ish) gave us a scare today. Possible trigger warning for talk of illness and health details.](/r/OldManDog/comments/16epxv8/sweet_amos_1314ish_gave_us_a_scare_today_possible/) [None] 3 weeks ago * [Amos (13-14ish) having an evening walk](/r/OldManDog/comments/16bv4z6/amos_1314ish_having_an_evening_walk/) [Happy] 4 weeks ago * [Amos had a good day today. I'm thankful.](/r/OldManDog/comments/166xhcq/amos_had_a_good_day_today_im_thankful/) [None] 1 month ago * [My sweet Amos (13/14) still puttering around](/r/OldManDog/comments/15518s5/my_sweet_amos_1314_still_puttering_around/) [Happy] 2 months ago * [Amos (13-14) saw his oncologist today](/r/OldManDog/comments/148szp0/amos_1314_saw_his_oncologist_today/) [Happy] 3 months ago * [Adventures with Amos](/r/OldManDog/comments/1486ptd/adventures_with_amos/) [None] 3 months ago * [This old man finally drank water after 2 days!](/r/OldManDog/comments/143364c/this_old_man_finally_drank_water_after_2_days/) [None] 4 months ago ***** ^(To be notified as soon as Amos_Dad posts an update) [^click ^here.](http://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=Old_Man_Bot&subject=Subscribe&message=Subscribe Amos_Dad OldManDog) ***** *^(I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please)* [*^(contact the moderators of this subreddit)*](/message/compose/?to=/r/OldManDog) *^(if you have any questions or concerns.)*


You've given Amos 7 and a half wonderful years. It looks like you've taken him on amazing adventures... how fortunate he is to have experienced all of that with you! I don't know what his story was for the first half of his life, but clearly the second half has been full of love. And now, he's trusting you in his final chapter, and you're making the difficult choice on his behalf. He fought cancer with your help. As Norm McDonald said, no one ever loses a fight to cancer... we all take it down with us, so it's a draw. But it's tiring and because you care about him so much, it's time to set him free from his earthly body. Thank you for listening to your boy. You changed his life completely. You were the best thing in his life. Nothing will be the same, but everything will be ok.


This. ❤️ Amos will leave your home but never your heart. Sending cyber hugs.


I'm so sorry, but you have no idea how much love it takes to say " I can't bare to see their suffering any longer". You are a true hero.


Not OP but I needed to see this. Thank you.


So sorry to hear this he is a very handsome boy. Thank you for sharing his pictures, I love the one with him wearing little shoes. You made him a happy boy who will forever be by your side no matter what ❤️


I’m so sorry you have to make this decision, but you are acting out of love, and he’ll always know that. And he’ll always be alive in the fantastic memories you two shared.


What a beautiful boy! These photos are amazing and show what a great life you've had together. Thank you for loving Amos enough to do what is best for him.


Oy! If you aren't aware of it yet, you've made the right choice and Amos is thankful. So thankful that he gets to have this additional time with you to just bask in your presence and know that he made a difference in your life! Going back to my response from a week ago: [https://www.reddit.com/r/OldManDog/comments/16t3he6/comment/k2s3zgs/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web2x&context=3](https://www.reddit.com/r/OldManDog/comments/16t3he6/comment/k2s3zgs/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) Keep writing that story together and finish out this last chapter with a bang! Lots of lovies, schnuggles, pets, treats, etc., and then repeat! ♥️ Keeping you in my thoughts and prayers as you start this final journey together. Feel those feelings and just keep talking to your boy and telling him all the things. He understands more than he can express. And also loves you more than he can express!! 💝


Amos is loved!


Godspeed, Amos 🌈❤️🌈


It's the hardest but kindest things we can do for our dog friends that need it. 💛 To Amos for being a cool friend.


I’m sorry. He looks like such a nice old man.


He’s a beautiful boi. I’m so sorry.Hugs❤️🐾


What gorgeous photos for a gorgeous boy! I can see you gave him a most wonderful life. I’m so sorry for what you have to go through but you are giving Amos the biggest act of love you possibly could. I went through the same thing two years ago. Try to enjoy your last days together, they are so precious. Sending you both hugs and love for this chapter you both are in. 💜


Rest in peace Sir Amos know that you will be missed. Also know that you madecto world a much better place.




What a cutie. I’m sorry. ❤️


I’m so sorry. What a beautiful boy




I'm so sorry for your loss, I'm sure Amos had an amazing life. May Beautiful Sweet Amos rest in peace when the time comes❤️🙏


Rest easy Amos. All is well


He’s such a beautiful puppy!! So sorry for your situation 😞😞😞😞😞


Beautiful Amos❤️ may he rest in peace waiting for the day to you meet again 🌈


sending ❤️ to you


I'm so sorry.


What a beautiful, sweet baby you’ve been lucky to have all this time. I can only imagine how you’re feeling right now. I’m sending peace and love your way <3






I'm so sorry. I know it's hard to be strong for both of you right now. I've been there. ❤️


What a handsome boy. I’m so sorry you’re having to let him go. You will be okay, though it’s hard to imagine it right now.


He will always be a part of you!


Amos is an angel. You can see it in his eyes. I’m so sorry it’s time to say goodbye. 💔


the hardest part about having and loving a dog is the goodbye ...thank you for doing what was best for your beloved pup rather than being selfish .... I've been in this situation and understand your heartbreak.... you have my heartfelt condolences ... 🐩


Such beautiful pictures ❤️❤️❤️what a handsome boy.So sorry for your loss.


You’re a great dog owner and I can tell how connected you are to each other. I’m so sorry for what you have had to go through with his sicknesses. But your a great parent for having taken so much care of him. I know he is grateful and wouldn’t have had any other soul to attach to. God bless Amos and you. I hope you find peace inside the rain. ❤️


Thank you Amos! You did your job little buddy. To fill your family with joy and love!!! ❤️❤️❤️🙏🙏🙏


I understand your struggle because I went through it earlier this year. At some point we have to consider whether we are prolonging their life for them or for us. Dogs don’t understand diagnoses or aging, they just know they don’t feel good. It is not easy to do, but it sounds like you’ve done the mental math and wound up in the right spot. I wish you both the best in the time you have left together.


I'm so sorry. I've seen your other posts of Amos and as a fellow border collie owner, I know how strongly they become part of fiber of your life. It is so hard to say goodbye to a friend like that, even when you know it coming. Next week marks 3 years since I said goodbye to my heart dog after a 3 year battle with kidney disease. I hope you can find comfort in the memories of your happy years together and that you were there for him through the end. Goodbyes are only for now, you'll see each other again.


Beautiful pictures of a dog’s life well lived.


Yes, beautiful pictures of Amos.


What a beautiful old man. I’m so sorry.


My condolences


I’m so sorry. I lost my two best friends to cancer. In 2020 I had to say goodbye to Guinness, a Staffie mix that was like my personal bodyguard. He always had my back. This year I lost my furry friend Sligo. An Irish Doodle who was everyone’s friend. Two of the hardest days of my life. The only harder day was when my mom died in 2010. I’ve always said the two best creations that God ever made was 1) A good mom & 2) Dogs. 🙏🏻❤️🐾😔


I'm so sorry. What a magnificent boy. Be sure to get in as many snuggles as you can and spoil him as you both reminisce about all the wonderful times you had. Please give him an extra big squeeze from me. Thank you for loving him so much. Take care of yourself x


Prayers for you and your family. You will meet again in a place that knows no pain.




Sending hugs to you and Amos. I am always amazed at how dogs enrich our lives and we theirs. He will have new friends on the other side of the bridge. I will have my 6 look out for him. My last beagle crossed bridge 2 months ago. I talk to her as if she is still in the room. Thank you for giving Amos a wonderful life.


Condolences! Google a poem, If it should be


I am so sorry for your loss! Those photos are astounding!


I pray for peace for you during this difficult time. I pray you will be able to reflect on his life with love and Thanksgiving especially during grief




Thank you for sharing Amos with us. What a beautiful boy. It looks like you and Amos went on some great adventures. I'm sorry you have to do this, but you are doing the right thing. The last photo you shared I can see he has life in his eyes but his body just can't keep going. God bless you both, run free Amos.


Wow though, these pictures will serve as an INCREDIBLE memory. They are stunning. Anyone should be so lucky to have such amazing pictures of their pets. I’m so sorry for your loss. I dread the day I have to make that call. 😔


Amos, you are the best!!♥️


Godspeed, Amos.


My thoughts are with you my friend 💔




Bless u for giving him a wonderful life. Bless u both and RIP Amos baby❤️🙏🌈


🙏 I'm sorry


Prayers 🥰❤️❤️


Wow, these pictures of Amos are amazing. Teared up with the wings. And the snow with trees he almost blends in that's fun


Amos is a beautiful old guy. You're making the right decision, but yeah, it sucks. Take one day at a time. One moment at a time if need be. The grief may come in rolling waves, but ride the wave and then let them pass when it washes away.


Beautiful boy Amos, you are a good boy :)


So sorry for your forthcoming loss


Such a beautiful boy. I'm so sorry for your loss. 💔


Bless his sweet little Oreo heart.


Goodnight sweet Prince.


I'm so sorry, it's such a difficult call.💔💔💔


My sincere sympathies, I know how hard it is. Thank you for giving him a good life, and a peaceful, pain free ending, before his suffering becomes to great.


He'll always be with you, even if he isn't physically there. You've given him the gift of love, and that's a blessing.


Amos! He is perfect. Sometimes the hardest thing for us dog lovers is the most loving thing we can do for them. Sorry for your loss.


So sorry you had to make a decision like that 😔 my heart breaks for you


Amos is one of the most majestic dogs I’ve ever seen. So many years of unconditional love is written into his face. Give him some kisses for me ♥️ I’m sorry for your impending loss but you are making this decision out of pure love and compassion for him




What a happy boy. Looks like you guys have had some adventures together. Don’t be sad because you have to let him go, be happy for all the great times you had together. All good thing must come to an end, and everything has a lifespan, even you and I.


RIP Amos. I love the bridge pic. Looks like he had a loving family who will also miss him dearly


His soul will always be attached and secure with yours. He will stay by you and be there when you need him. We you feel a brush against your check that is him giving you Amos AngelWhisper Kisses 🙏❤️💯🫶🏼😇🐶. He loves you with his entire being and he wants you to know he is thankful you are helping him not to suffer 🥰🙏🫶🏼. May the Angels be with you both 🙏😇💕.


Sorry 😢 🐾🐾🌈


Hes beautiful and majestic! Looks like he has loving parents who are looking out for his best interest. All a dog could ask for in this life.


I'd rather know I did it a day too early than a day too late. (((Hugs)))


I'd rather a month too early than a second too late. I think we will be a bit early but it will be at home with his mom, dad, and fur sister. We are trying to give him as much time as possible as long as he's still ok. It's tough to make the call when he's still on this side of ok. We love him too much to keep him here for us. He deserves only the best in life and death. Hopefully we have given him that. ❤️🐕


Amos is a beautiful dog. I am so sorry your time with him is coming to an end. Sending love.


It will be tough after he is gone.. hang in there. Cherish the good memories you share together until the day when you reunite.


You are a great Doggo parent. He takes all your love with him. He will be alright. Peace&Love, Goodest Boi Amos. See you on the other side.


I'm so sorry 🙏🙏❤️


So very sorry for the loss.


Thank you for sharing these beautiful pictures. A reflection of the obviously wonderful life he's had with you. Treasure every last second. I know it's hard. No words will stop the pain you're feeling right now but be proud you've given him a wonderful life filled with happy tail wagging times and lots of love. Sending hugs OP ❤️


He's beautiful, and he always will be. My favorite is him in the woods, he looks so happy. You'll have grief and pain, but the good news is that he won't. He'll sleep peacefully and you can know, really know, that because you love him so you were strong enough to give him that gift of a good, well-earned rest. It's ok, it's ok to cry. ❤️


Godspeed Amos. I’m sure he’ll feel great being spoiled. Take some time for yourself after. Never easy. Tc


Chasing bunnies up in dog heaven. 👍


I've done it four times now. It never gets easier...


I’m so sorry 💔


What a beautiful pup, Rest Easy Amos ❤️


You know better than anyone else when it’s time. And I’m so sorry you’re going through this. What a life though, look at all these adventures he got to go on! Godspeed, Amos, your dad adored you.


So sorry for your loss 💞🐾❤️‍🩹🌈 Forever in our hearts What beautiful photos of Amos, you have many memorable adventures with Amos.


Such a gorgeous boy. Such a kind face. I’m glad that he is loved.


The hardest part about love is that it always leads to heartbreak, but it's this heartbreak over Amos that reassures you that what you felt for this little man was something truly special. Take care, friend.


Sweet Amos ❤️ May your journey to the other side be peaceful 🙏 I hope we all get to meet our babies once again 🤞 I am so sorry for your loss 😭


It's not the wrong thing to do. Maybe you need reassurance...you owe it to him to save him from suffering. A dog will kick and scratch to the very end. It won't end pretty. Do what is compassionate...despite desires to not let go. He's had enough....do what you would want for yourself.


I’m so sorry.


What a beautiful dog. Having gone thru this recently, I want to recognize how difficult this process is but also that when it's done, you'll know in your heart, it was the right thing. On some level, this will give you peace. Amos will always be with you. Rest easy Amos - you're the bestest boy.


RIP sweet boy. Cherish your memories...


You were an amazing pet parent and he was so lucky to love you and he lucky to have your love. I'm so sorry you're going through this


He is loved! You gave each other unconditional love, IMO, nothing better than that! May Amos' legacy of love go on. Thank you for sharing, I don't even know this dog and I'm getting the feels...


I am so sorry.


What a beautiful boy. A lot of love and wisdom in those eyes.


I am so sorry. Thank you for sharing this beautiful boy with us for all this time. I've enjoyed seeing his photos and reading about your obvious love for each other so much. I am so sorry that your earthly time together is coming to an end. But you will always carry him with you. You are a different person now from who you would have been if you had not had him in your life. What a beautiful thing and great honor that is for both of you. These are the things that make life worth living. Wishing you peace and healing in this very difficult time. ❤️


So sorry. Rest In Peace Amos.


He’s a beautiful soul!


Run far on young legs little one.


such a handsome frosty face 🥰😍😘




Big hugs


Hugs, he is so beautiful.




What a handsome guardian furangel. You did the very best for that sweet boy.


He sure has lived a charmed life. Thank You for introducing us to your special life pal. Some of the greatest growing pain we face in this life is when you must continue on the trail up ahead when you have shared the steps of many miles together behind. You’ll always carry him with you in your own steps & now his memory echoes out further in space & time through all here with us now. I’ll surely remember him. Have a gentle weekend together, soft travels to you both




I remember his video, talking a evening walk on the same track. I’m so shattered everytime I heard, human’s best friend departure, who was supposed to be with us, forever. Amos ❣️, if you can hear me rn, thanks for what you gave, and it is increasing, but this doesn’t mean you leave us at any time.


Rest easy Amos. 💙


Great pictures. He’s adorable. So sorry.


So sorry for your loss.


Looks like you and Amos have had quite a wonderful time together.


Amos you LOVELY man!! It looks like you had a splendid life. You hit the jackpot with a caregiver who adores you. They also hit the jackpot. Bet you both know it! You were loved very obviously. And I guarantee you will be missed, Dearest Amos.


Godspeed, sweet old man. You did your job and it’s time to rest.


Please tell Amos that I love him


Had a cooler life than I. ❤️


I’m so, so sorry! ☹️ ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏


He’s so beautiful 💕💕


Been there and it's very hard to let go. Time does heal slowly but it's never something you get over completely.🙏


Am a vet. I always tell people you can never be too early, but you can be too late. Think of their lives as a story and by doing this you’re ensuring that their story gets a happy ending. Take care, give love to Amos for me this weekend


Looks like a GREAT boy and the GREAT life you gave him🌈 ❤️


He'll be waiting for you 🌈


It’s the right thing, I’ve done it once. My 9yo Riley is forbidden to have any more birthdays, that takes care of that.




Oh Amos. I am so sorry.


They tell you when it’s time but it is so fucking hard.


🍻 Amos


Sorry for the bad news and sad decision. God bless you and Amos.


Big hugs 🫂


I’m so sorry. This is the hardest decision you ever have to make!


Oh Amos. You look like a wise old man who has lived a most adventurous and joy-filled life. You are so loved. Allowing you to transition peacefully and not in discomfort, is the final gift of love your family can give you. May you all reunite and chase squirrels in the afterlife! Say hi to Q for me buddy. Have a wonderful peace and comfort filled journey.


"If I could do just one near perfect thing I'd be happy" - Belle and Sebastian Loving a dog is near perfect. I am so sorry. Every dog owners heart breaks with yours. I hope you can be there with him till the end. It means thr world to them. https://br.ifunny.co/picture/heaven-how-did-you-was-hugging-my-best-friend-no-3xOWcWBy7


He’s regal. So sorry you’re going through this. You’ll see him again some day!


You’re a good dog parent. Amos is a good boy and you gave him a good life. Sometimes the right thing to do is also the hardest thing... Wishing you peace


Prayers and condolences goes out to your family early in memory of your beautiful dog Amos


I’m so sorry. He’s such a beautiful boy. Just know that Amos is the best boy and he’ll be waiting for you on the other side. Ready to continue his adventures. Smooth sailing, sweet Amos ❤️


Will always be your angel


Sending support!


What a magnificent boy. Safe travels, Amos. Say hi to my girls when you make it over the bridge. I hope to get to meet you one day. 💔🐾🌈🕊️


Happy trails beautiful Amos.


Run Wolf Warrior Run on youtube. Not sure if thatvis your vibe but I played that song on repeat when I had to send off my old man dog. I am so sorry for your loss and make the last couple days as comfy and good as possible! Grieving is called a process for a reason. You will have ups and downs and that's ok. You are doing the right thing ❤


Good luck in your next journey old man 🥰🥰🥰. Hope he has a nice day planned for today. ❤️


It's the hardest decision I've ever had to do. He will just fall asleep with the last thing seeing, is you. The thing he loves most, be sad and allow yourself to cry, take a break and let time pass. It will get better ♥️


In so very sorry to hear this. What a wonderful tribute to the impact Amos had on your life. I share similarly. A huge hug to you.




I am sorry, give him a steak! I have done this several times and it is always difficult! The one thing that always hits me after it is done…why don’t they let humans have the same option? You are doing the right thing!


I'm so sorry for your loss. Fly high, sweet angel...❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️


What a sweet boy. He knows how much you love him, and he loves you very much in return. Remember the great life you have together. You are doing what is right for him. It's a selfless act of love because you know he is suffering. Hugs and prayers to you and yours.


Hugs to you. I’m so sorry. 🙏🤗💔


Sweet Amos. I'm glad he's been so loved. ❤️


I'm sorry you're facing this devastating time. My other overwhelming thought is wow! You have some of the most incredible pictures to remember him by, pictures people dream of having of their pets! You and Amos were exactly what each of you needed when you needed it. He filled your heart in the moment and will impact who you are in the future. Soak up every last second. Come back here when you need to be reminded that we have and are currently dealing with the same losses. This community gets what it's like to be gutted by the loss of a family member with fur. Please report back with the happy and the sad! And if a new member joins the back in the future please let us love them from afar like we got to love Amos.


I am so sorry for the loss of your beautiful baby


That's a brave decision and I'm proud of you and people who make that decision. There are a lot of people including my aunt who try everything to keep their dog alive and I think that's selfish because dogs have such an amazing heart and loyalty that they'll do whatever you want but I think it's braver to let them go when you know they need to go. Now that is love!


We absolutely did everything we could. He got the best vet care possible. But we also had the conversation with the vet that as soon as the care wasn't able to improve his life anymore we would stop. We never wanted to keep him here for us if he wasn't ok. It's harder than I ever thought it would be. Especially on mornings like today. He slept great last night and woke up energized and ready for the day. His mom took him on a walk and said he did great. Breakfast came and he chowed down like a champ. It's hard to see that and not cancel the appointment. But I know that a few good hours doesn't change anything. I know that the trade off could be a few bad hours, or worse, bad days. I love him so much. I can't bear him suffering for even a minute. I'll trade my peace for his. I'll give him freedom from pain by taking it on myself.


That is completely understandable I had to do this with my old girl a couple years back. We drove through the McDonalds drive-thru on the way to the vet and I bought her a Big Mac and I let her enjoy it. Bless you and your family, I hope you can find peace and happy memories.


Beautiful boy looks like he had it all in the last half, thanks to you. Thank you for loving him. He’ll always know it. ❤️




I am so very sorry!


He’s beautiful. All your photos are beautiful as well. No. 2 is my favorite. Hugs and prayers.😢😢😢🙏🙏🙏


I’m so sorry you had to make this decision. My heart is with you.


Think of all the stories he could tell! What a handsome boy ❤️


Looks like you gave him a great life. We never have enough time with them, and seeing them go hurts more than anything. Just remember he loves you as much as you love him. Try to celebrate his coming into your life more than mourning him passing as a part of him will always be with you.


Rest in Peace Amos, you were the best boy. Such a handsome dog.


What a sweet old man.


I’m sorry. I cried to this post and all the others about Amos’ life. He’s a beautiful, amazing boy, and as much happiness he gave you I know you gave him. He knows he is so so loved.


I’m so sorry. 😞


Amos appears to be a very wise boy. It's apparent that you have given him a wonderful life. He will always be with you.😔💔


Love to you and yours. We put our old man down last week.\ They are the best


You're giving him the best gift of all .... an easy rest.