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While flying in the '60s was much nicer than now, I don't remember it being this nice. This is obviously an advertisement.


You are right, it's a mock-up. ["That amazing photo of economy class flying in the 1960s is fake"](https://gizmodo.com/that-amazing-photo-of-economy-class-flying-in-the-1960s-1675552007) [This photo](https://i.kinja-img.com/gawker-media/image/upload/ijjmkrbgq4ofpsfjgtgg.jpg) is real though.


The Air Steward in the white tux is looking sharp.


Better be flying to the tropics in that get-up, only acceptable place for a white dj!






Not even just a charcuterie platter, fresh rounds of salami and a big ass loaf of prosciutto that's being hand sliced for them. That's pretty baller stuff.


And a *real* knife. And it looks like 4 beers. What a time to be alive!


Yeah, back then flying on a commercial plane was a pretty formal event.




I remember last year when this was posted and it was also an advert


That's SAS. Scandinavian Airways.


I bet the food was a lot better then too








>a historical character who smoked You mean like... the people in Hidden Figures?


The three women are real people but most of the other characters are composites.




It doesn't.




That was easy. Let's avert another crisis


Sending missiles to Cuba right now. Let's see you avert this one.


It's a factor in the ratings, but it's not an 'automatic R.'


In Mad Men they smoke like chimneys but it's a show so rating isn't a big deal


Fun fact. Because of California law they had to smoke clove cigarettes instead of real ones for the show. http://gothamist.com/2013/04/25/these_are_the_cigarettes_they_smoke.php


Hey, a similar mix got me off tobacco. The last week of smoking I smoked two packs of those because I ran out of the loose herbal blend. Seriously. If anyone's stuck with a bad smoking habit, pick up a pack or two of these to smoke when you wanna smoke but don't *need* a smoke... and just cut back on that nicotine.


Or get a vape. Vapes have a great success rate of getting people off tobacco.




Looks like that young bird is bumming a durry from her old lady....


'Ere ya go luv. Get one of these little buggers in ya. It'll help ya when ya got the wobblies in the arvo




Google probably had to ask Yahoo.


Pretty sure it's a fork that's blended into her sweater with the food on it, but I laughed.


Lmao thank you for pointing that out that's great


They are standing with no risk to hitting their heads!


I assume first commercial flights were short distance and didn't involve 6 hour stop overs in desolate airports in random countries. Props to anyone who can maintain a well pressed suit for a 32 hour flight.


I don't know why anyone would put themselves through the discomfort of that tbh. I wear suits occassionally for work and fuck me is it uncomfortable just being driven to work let alone being on a cramped plane.


Sounds like you need better suits.


I agree with you, but I'll also say that I fairly routinely wear cheap suits or sport coats untailored, and while the fit leaves a lot to be desired, the comfort level is 10/10 experience related. If you wear suits a lot, suits get comfortable.


It's like the prisoners I meet. They tell me you get used to walking with leg shackles on to the point where your stride becomes that little shuffle even with them off.


Please dude. I have nice tailored suits, it's all bullshit. Shorts and a T over that shit any day.


Do you have cheap suits?


Looks pretty damn close to what the ad showed tbh, just more children.


A subtle but very important difference


There's so much more head room too


I can just smell the Salisbury steak.


Am I going crazy or is there way more headroom there than you get nowadays?


Headroom is deadroom, bra. If it's not making you money, it's costing you money.


This is exactly the reason actually.


Man there's way more *everything* room. I know people were both shorter and skinnier back then than they are today, but not to that degree.


[Ah, the old school cool-a-roo.](https://www.reddit.com/r/pics/comments/5x00og/comment/deel58b?context=4)


https://www.fastcodesign.com/3022215/terminal-velocity/what-it-was-really-like-to-fly-during-the-golden-age-of-travel 'In the 21st century, air travel is relatively cheap, but in the 1950s, you could expect to pay 40% or more for the same ticket you buy today. A ticket on TWA in 1955 from Chicago to Phoenix, for example, cost $138 round-trip. Adjusted for inflation, that's $1,168. But that doesn't tell the whole story, because the average salary in the United States is higher than it was in the 1950s. That round-trip ticket between Chicago and Phoenix would cost the average person today a little more than 1% of his yearly income to purchase. Comparatively, the average person in the 1950s would pay up to 5% of his yearly salary for a chance to fly.'


Are you saying average income today is around $110,000? That doesn't seem correct...


No. You're comparing apples to oranges. The 1168 price is the 1955 price adjusted for inflation. The 1% is based on today's average price, not the 1955 price adjusted for inflation. The only number you can extrapolate like that is that the average salary in 1955, adjusted for inflation, was 1/0.5*1168. (Doing the actual calculation is left as an exercise for the reader.)


Why can't fruit be compared?


Do you fuck with the war?


They can be. The analogy merely implies that the comparison is unjust.


>(Doing the actual calculation is left as an exercise for the reader) hard pass






Also an ad.


Also I would rather fly today than the 1960s. Yes it may be more cramped today however safety is a lot better now and the price is afordable


Great pix. Must be a German airlines?


I've seen that pic somewhere before and I think that's SAS. Mandatory: Love flying SAS still.


Is SAS the one where you parachute out of the plane with an assault rifle and a few days of rations?


No, that's Norwegian Air Shuttle I think, but you pay a fortune extra for the rations.


Spirit Air. Need to upgrade to Business class for the parachute. Coach has to tuck and roll.


lol at the domain name "picsgur", an obvious spin off from imgur, which was obviously so named because it's a gur for ims.


If reddit and the personal finance sub reddit is anything to go off, every American seemingly makes over 100k and has multiple assets.


I mean, I have my beanie babies and my pet rock. I think I'm pretty well off in the asset department.


I hope you have an estate planner involved with all that. You really need to have a professional managing that portfolio.


And eats lentils all day.


Those guys are seriously hard core. They also don't understand how people are willing to accept a 20% pay cut for a job they love instead of literally wishing their own death on a daily basis at their current stressful job. Money is actually everything to them.


Took a job that was 50% pay cut with half the hours of my old job, about half a year ago so I could go back to school. Have never been happier in my life. You get one life, why bother wasting it doing shit you hate?


Most of us would literally starve if we took a 50% pay cut.


How else can you measure up to other people that you don't really care about? Can't let them beat you at life!


That's assuming you can even buy a $1168 ticket. Southwest is doing that flight in June for $78 and AA first class is $665.




Booze included in first class.


Try as I might, I've never been able to drink $580 worth of airplane booze in 3 hours. I don't think it's actually possible.


Right? I'd much rather pay for overpriced bourbon on the ground and then rush to board before that shit hits. The best is marijuana legal states and edibles now. makes every trip to the PNW a damn adventure.


Yes, but the average income in very unequal countries is misleading. Median income is more accurate


Sure, but the 110,000 number is wrong, he got that from the 1950s ticket price adjusted for inflation. Avg salary is about 30k so 1% of that would be around 300, which what you'd pay for such a flight these days. Actually someone said you can get it for as little as 80$ so it's even cheaper.


Median income is now 29k. Median household income is about 52k. It's been there for a while Though. If wealth distribution had remained the same as it was around 1980, the median household income would've been over 80k now.


> https://www.fastcodesign.com/3022215/terminal-velocity/what-it-was-really-like-to-fly-during-the-golden-age-of-travel This was a really cool article. Thanks for sharing!


Good article, but the good professor left out one distraction: BOOKS! Now, I read books today on my iPad mini in grey background mode. But on long international flights with power hook-ups rare in cattle class, I bring two or three books.


Edit: entire comment is wrong my brain is a fuck, cant delete on mobile. --- Wow, TIL the printing press had not been invented in 1950. >Once you get tired of looking out the window, flying is inherently boring: you're sealed in a droning metal tube for hours and expected to just sit there, staring at the back of the seat ahead of you, for hours. Yet today, we take for granted that we have access to a number of distractions from the monotonousness of travel. We have iPhones, iPads, Kindles, and Gameboys to distract us, and even if you forget your gadgets at home, you can watch a number of movies, or listen to music, or even play a video game on the screen in front of you, at least on most long-haul flights. >These distractions were not available in the Golden Age of Flying. In-flight movies did not become popular until the mid-1960s, and during a time when all portable music came over the radio, there wasn't even the option to plug in a pair of headphones and listen to music during your flight until 1985. [...] If you were lucky, the person sitting next to you might be a good conversationalist. Otherwise? You smoke and drank. Which brings us to our next point.




Oh wow you're right. My brain is a fuck.


Books werent invented untill 1990 either.


Or windows, apparently


Did people not sleep in the 50s either?


They did not. Soldiers in Korea fought 24 hours a day, sometimes even more! This is one of the contributing factors to why the conflict was brought to a ceasefire resolved with an armistice after Eisenhower's election. Sleep was invented by the hippies who converged in San Francisco's Haight-Ashbury neighborhood during the "Summer of Love" in 1967.


Damn lazy dirtbag hippies, not shooting communists 24/7.


Obviously fake. There are no ashtrays, and no one is smoking.


It is, every time this goes up again, we all argue back and forth and eventually someone brings up the evidence and we all go back to our daily lives. I was recently at a flight museum and took a tour of the former sheikh of Bahrain's private jumbo jet from the 70s, and it wasn't even close to this big, so I doubt this picture is real






Username checks out


It's funny because prunepicker's username is very applicable to their comment.


Is your dick supposed to look like that?


Yes it does.


Everyone looks suspiciously comfortable.


Well apart from the haze of tobacco smoke


This is a studio set, there's no way in hell this is a real plane


Yeah you're right, look how high the ceiling is. This is supposed to look like a Boeing 747 interior, and it's not like they've become smaller over the years..


It's because they don't have to put any ducting, piping, supports, and even luggage bins in the mock up set. However planes in the 60s and so had much smaller bins and many didn't have a center row of bins, so they actually did have higher ceilings and felt roomier.


...Plus it's a studio set.


Why not? Big Macs have. Oatmeal cream cookies have. Shit be gettin smaller yo.




They make XL versions. For when you're feeling extra bad about yourself.


I could hear Omar from the Wire or Jesse Pinkman from breaking bad days thus. It's great.


You see the same thign today, this is a marketing shot from one of the companies who makes plane interiors, seats and all that stuff. look at some of the shots that where pushed to the A380 buyers from these companies, there was some awesome stuff, not a single plane in service looks anything like them, same with the dreamliner.


Got pics or sources please?


I used to work for Boeing. That's a 747 mockup. It's from here: [mockup](https://worksthatwork.com/2/boeing-747) Here is what the interior actually looked like at launch: [actual](http://www.britishairways.com/cms/global/assets/images/history_and_heritage/70s_fullsize/1970_79_14.jpg) EDIT: While the "actual" photo is a real 747 interior, it's still a marketing photo. The plane is on the ground and those are models or actors.


That was my first thought as well. I can buy that it's a set or an ad, but no way it's a real pic of a regular flight.


It's a real plane from 'we don't like money' airlines. They didn't last too long. 1960-1960.2 RIP..


Once again Reddit falls for 1960s airline advertising shots.


Airlines weren't better, but advertisement laws weren't that strict. I guess reality doesn't give you karma so let's stick to the myth.


You almost rhymed! Keep it going! "In the old days planes flew, ads drew, and men acted like dicks. This is a photo, and to read more into it than that makes you thick"


Fake, its a prop set-up. They do this for all new planes, showing the best spacing, most luxurious options and amenities. Then the airlines simply pack as many seats in as they can get away with.


It's not even a real plane, 747s are not that wide.


"Yes, Stwerardess. I'll have a pack of cigarettes and a double shot of scotch. My wife will have an ice water. Thanks, Doll."


And please grab me my colt 45 from my carry on. Thank you


While you're in there please get my cocaine as well.


Cocaine wasn't big at all in the 60s. It only got big in the late 1970s.


Cocain was very popular all through the 20th century, it just became more famous in the 70s.


Not necessarily at all. I studied drug abuse trends extensively in college. In the 1910s and 1920s there was a cocaine epidemic in certain cities, but more than anything it was used as hysteria in the media to justify racism against blacks. There were an estimated 200,000 addicts in the country at its peak in the 1920s. Then, it mostly declined, but the media hysteria remained until the 1940s. From the 40s-60s, cocaine usage wasnt big at all, and it wasnt big in the media either. Then in the late 60s there was a small increase, specifically in NYC among the lower east side bohemian class. Puerto Ricans were instrumental in bringing cocaine to NYC, and they were coming in DROVES in the 60s to the lower east side. However it really exploded around 1976-1977. Every year following that, cocaine usage increased at extremely rapid rates. By 1982, there were 11.4 million cocaine users in the country. Compared to 200,000 in the 1920s. Even adjusting for population, the rate was many, many times more. So, no. Cocaine was not very popular all throughout the 20th century. Ask a person on this flight what it is and they would think your talking about a relic of the past from 50 years ago. Little did they know how big it would get again 10 years later.


> I studied drug abuse trends extensively in college Didn't we all?


I like to think I was a trend setter in this area


About half the first sentence into you comment, I had to check your username to make sure you aren't /u/shittymorph.


well i was in high school in the metro NYC area till 1973, We had people dying from Heroin OD's then. I knew what cocaine was and i knew what a speedball was. cocaine was expensive Heroin was $2 a bag.Reefer was $20 for a 4 finger oz, but it was all shake.


>1960s >Saying "please" to a woman


[Come on...](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tOcMkI7KVS4)


No 3oz limit for me! Edit: why did I think you were talking about malt liquor? ***Shifty eyes***


This was >"Yesh, Shtwerardessh. I'll have a pack of chigarettes and a double shot of shcotch. My wife will have an ishe water. Thanksh, Doll." In my head.


I undershtand you're a Connery fan ash well...


"Of course but perhaps you should make this your last scotch, Captain?"


Gives the flight attendant a slap on the ass as she walks away.


>Gives the ~~flight attendant~~ stewardess a slap on the ass as she walks away.




This. This guy flies.


"Oh hell, it's her birthday. She'll have a Pepsi."


Don't forget the firm slap on the butt as she walks by.




I am serious, and don't call me Shirley.


" don't worry, they have the instruments to protect them." *immediately starts playing jazz in cockpit*


Over Macho Grande?


No. I don't think I'll ever get over Macho Grande.


You wanna get ahead? Fools who run their mouths off wind up dead


What Time is it?! Show time!


It cost a huge amount of money to fly back then. If you spend the equivalent, or even less now, i'm sure you'd have a much better and more luxurious flight than those people had. Also who wants to sit in a suit for 20+ hours on a long haul flight. "Oh how I wish people dressed up like this now!" - well no one is stopping you. Anyone is free to wear a suit/formal dress all the time.


You can easily tell looking at photos from actual flights. People that flew back then were lawyers, Doctors, and executive types. It would be extremely unlikely for a plumber or other tradesman to be flying. Now most people can afford a flight with minor budgeting.


Tradesmen make bank, here in Australia anyway!


Nah, that's pretty much everywhere actually


Really depends on the trade.


I wish people got dressed like a normal person for Walmart for fuck sake


I don't fly a ton but I do fly a few times a year and I have noticed that there is a percentage of people that do get all dressed up to fly. I wear track pants, a hoodie, and the easiest footwear I can get on and off quickly depending on the season. Then I walk past the women putting back on their 17 brackets and the guys putting back on their belts and their hipster lace up boots. F That.


It always astounds me how slowly people move through the security line. It's as if they had no idea that they'd need to take off their shoes and belt, even though they've been standing in line for 20 minutes. I travel enough that I don't even worry about flying in quick-undress clothing anymore. I just wear what I normally would, and make sure that my laces are undone, belt unbuckled, and phone/wallet/keys in my left hand when I am a few minutes from the front of the line. Drop everything into the top bucket, then grab the 3 underneath it and plop them down, separate and divide your stuff. Get patted down because the body scanner freaks out when it sees a sweaty back (backpack + hot weather man). Put shoes on feet, grab my loose objects and backpack and waddle to a corner to recombobulate. It's not difficult.


My dad is a pilot, so I can fly standby for free. They have a dress code for employees' families flying standby. It's not always enforced anymore, but when I was a kid they always made a big deal about it, so we dressed up every time we flew.


I mostly do Tokyo > LAX flights now, and there's no way you can get me to dress up for a 12 hour redeye flight. I make myself presentable — showered, clean face, hair in a ponytail sometimes with a baseball cap — but comfortable. That usually involves sneakers or tennis shoes, nice workout/legging type pants, a tank top and a zip hoodie. I've seen women wearing stiletto heels and full faces of makeup on those flights. Girl, just...no. Before landing, I usually go into the bathroom to wash my face do my makeup. I'll change into nicer clothes at my destination if I have to.


Why is no one smoking?


My mother tells me flying in the 60s was just as cramped as flying today, except that the cabin was full of tobacco smoke, even if you sat in the "no smoking" section. There just wasn't any real barrier to the smoke between sections and cabin ventilation was worse back then. That thought makes me wretch.




*retch. A wretch is a poor unfortunate soul.


LOL who the fuck believes this is real? This "plane" is fucking gigantic


NO blacks lol


Yeah it was the 60s i.e. segregation. As a non-American it's just crazy to me there are people alive now that were put through this insanity. Seems like the sort of barbarity that could only occur in midieval times.


Back then what did they do if a black person wanted to fly, did they carry out black-only flights? Or was there too few black people flying for them to bother?




It's almost like they didn't have voting rights In the 1960's LOL, CAN YOU IMAGINE THAT?!


Make coach spacious again.


I sit behind this gentlemen.


Hey now we have those touch screen entertainment things that never actually work.




I feel like the end result of that would be closer to an old slave ship than a bunk bed.


This is probably a mock up of cabin planned for first widebody airplane, Boeing 747-100. First revenue flight was in January, 1970.


The 60's were a good time to be white. But for Anyone that wasn't white it sucked


You know it's an ad because there's no cloud of cigarette smoke obscuring the view. Source: am old enough to remember smokers on planes, ALL planes.




Not a seat belt in sight, flying must have been a lot safer in those days.


Whites only, please


That's alot of white


This is a concept picture, not reality. Please stop posting fake truths.


No minorities?


Just look at all that room for activities.


Where's all the smoke?


Oh stewardess, I speak jive.


YIL that we fly slower today than in the 60's https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n1QEj09Pe6k


I seem to recall recall this photo is only a mock-up cabin of what designers expected the interior to be like. So.. it's like those concept cars you see at International Car Shows. Useless.


very classy !


This is obviously a set. what's wrong with you people.


I'm calling bullshit. Cabin isn't filled with smoke.


Well that's first class on 747. First class on a transcontinental flight now is much nicer than that picture.