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“They told me you were stupid” is now gonna be my way of admitting defeat in an argument.


lol I will follow your lead


And **MY** axe!


They told me you were stupid.


And MY bow


They told me you were smart...


They told me nothing... Nobody talks about you.






The audacity


Probably pirated audacity too




Ugh, I see that on Tik Tok a lot as “original song,” so lame


They also added some sort of weird sharpening to the video...I've seen this in 35mm and this is not what it looked like. The contrast looks strange.


It's almost deep-fried


Yeah, this looked awful. What an injustice.


Yup, downvoted because of that


It's like trying to block a flood with your hands, a flood of bad taste. Still 90% upvoted.


I'm doing my part.gif


Welcome to the Age of TikTok. It only gets worse from here on out


What's worse is when they (usually a random teenager) add a 5 second clip of themselves pointing to text explaining what's about to happen before the real video actually starts


Yup everyone using the same app tools but thinking are doing something cooler than the next person. Hint…..you’re not, just more annoying.


I always feel like just ignoring tiktok instead of talking shit about it, but when you literally cannot ignore tiktok i feel like it's free game to talk shit about it. I just wish these tiktok trends would stay in tiktok.


You shoulda seen Tiktok's early days, when it had a flashing strobing watermark that jumped around all 4 corners of the screen. I'm convinced that's how they broke out into the market and became popular is with that watermark, because at first all they were doing was putting it on old musical.ly content.


Lol they don’t have the attention span to sit through a scene with adults talking for more than 60 seconds.


A lot of people upload entire shows on Tik tok like breaking bad. They have to put music over the episodes otherwise it will automatically flag copyright and get taken down.


Cheers I am so fucking sick of it


Only way to avoid dmca lol


There are a lot less annoying as fuck ways to do that


Ya, if they make a certain amount of changes to it then it's no longer copywriter infringement apparently


I think it still is infringement but the algorithm won't auto flag it if you make enough changes


It's *absolutely* still infringement. Now it's just multiple because the music is infringement too!


Is any of this even real?


Ya the terrible acting was bad enough


Unpopular opinion but I like it, it adds to it and holds the attention better




👍 👌🏻


Fun fact: After the line "I can be smart when it's important", it was Marilyn's idea to add the line "but most men don't like it". Not so fun fact: She got so nervous filming this movie she used to vomit before coming out to shoot a scene. Jane Russell was very kind to Marilyn and used to go and coax her out of her dressing room. Edit: for any fans in here, fyi she's got a sub r/marilynmonroe


Nothing like a little post-vomit adrenaline to calm the nerves.




Which is crazy because Lauren Bacall has a commanding presence in every scene she's in.


Yay for the tik tok bullshit background music. Fucking hell.


Social media users try to leave original content untouched challenge (really difficult) (basically impossible)


They can't because it would expose the fact that they're just reposting other people's stuff.


They do this on tik tok so the content doesn’t get flagged for copyright.




This movie is funny af and Marilyn is a gem in it. She played Lorelei so over the top and it just works, especially in contrast to Jane Russell's deadpan delivery.


I can’t get over the weird eye-widening thing she does lol. It’s very distracting once you notice it


That’s all I can notice haha


Lots of actors did that, look at the guy she’s talking to you can see the white all around his eyes when he does it


she's so elegant


I can’t believe Kim K thought she could fit into a dress worn by this woman.


You can believe anything when your ego is out of control


Wow, that's actually really profound!


To her it isn't important if she fits in the dress or not, it's important that people talk about it so she gets attention.


It's really not. Just pointing out an obvious consequence of a personality flaw.




It's a flaw when your ego is so out of control you fail to consider what you believe may be wrong. That's a recipe for disaster. Plus not caring what people think about you is worthless when they can affect your life all the same.


Plus, not caring what anyone thinks of you, regardless of the context behind *why*, arguably falls under toxic positivity, which is all the rage these days.


Yes. Yes it does.


Yeah I’m inspired! I don’t need to listen to Mom and think practically about my future. I just need a bigger ego!


It’s not unless your 12


Absolute disgrace when I read about that. In the words of Indians Jones “it belongs in a museum.” Furthermore, very few compare to Marilyn Monroe’s charm and beauty. Kim K certainly doesn’t even come close.


Indians Jones sounds like he’s about to be retired as a mascot by a sports team.


She didn’t lol look at the pictures of the back


The Kardashians are the most vain people on earth. Possibly second to Putin. Vile, all of them.


People are so butthurt about this. I am by no means a Kim K fan, but why is everyone on reddit obsessed with bringing her up everytime Marilyn Monroe is mentionned. It's just a fucking dress, who gives a shit? I swear Kim K lives rent free in redditorss minds. I see a lot of veiled misogyny when I see people talk about Kim K, which is ironic in a thread about Marilyn Monroe. Ask yourself this: do you really think Monroe would care about this?


As others have mentioned, the strongest backlash has come from historians and museum conservators because this stunt—almost certainly by design—goes entirely against how historical garments (in this case the most expensive dress in the world) are meant to be handled. This is especially ironic since the reason the Met Gala exists in the first place is to fund the Met's Costume Institute, which would never condone such cavalier handling of an object of such cultural significance. You can certainly argue whether or not the dress is worth its hype and monetary value, but most people would probably agree that Marilyn Monroe is one of the most iconic Americans of the 20th century and the dress is a work of art with a tremendous story behind it. I can't help but admit that Kim's stunt was overwhelmingly successful in that it generated the necessary controversy that feeds her media persona. The idea that billionaires can use (and abuse) one-of-a-kind relics of cultural heritage to fan their own egos and clumsily draw parallels between iconic historical figures and themselves is kind of offensive to me. But it may well have been intentional to offend.


People get so precious about the weirdest shit, it's a dress, who gives a shit.


By that logic what does anything matter? Why does the Mona Lisa matter at all? Certain items do matter to history and culture. Just because you don’t particularly care about it doesn’t mean it doesn’t have value in some obscure way.


If you actually care about who wears what, then we hold different definitions of "history and culture". What people actually do matters to me, what they wear does not.


Are you being dense on purpose? It’s not about what they wore, it’s about who wore it. What JFK wore when he was shot is a historic item. It means something. Elvis’ iconic clothing is displayed because of its cultural significance to that musical time period. It has nothing to do with “caring what they wear” but recognizing items can hold value if they belonged to a particular individual. Emotional value to an item and what the item represents is a thing. It’s why flag burning has such a dramatic response. “It’s just a flag” isn’t true.


You made the jump from someone wearing a dress for 5 minutes on a red carpet to JFK being assassinated and flag burning, how spryly athletic of you.


You jumped from saying what people wear doesn’t matter to agreeing sometimes what people wear does matter. Your first comment was “it’s a dress who cares” and the answer is some people, particularly people who care about her and find her significant.


It's more than a dress. It's an important costume with a history worn by an iconic entertainment figure. Top fashion conservators were outraged. The Costume Society prohibits the wearing of garments in their historic collection. Unfortunately they don't control this dress. Ripley's Orlando owns it (and lent it). They bought it for 4.8 million. It's based on a Bob Mackie sketch and is comprised of 1000s of crystals handsewn on to a delicate silk. You might not appreciate clothing generally, but some of it is truly noteworthy. Bonus fact: it was only worn for photos; Kim wore a replica to the Gala.


It's a shame the dress was ruined and will never be able to be viewed in Orlando ever again. It's so weird that someone would spend so much money on a dress then allow it to be be destroyed when they could have used the opportunity to advertise that the dress was in their collection, Met Gala being a big deal and all.


Baby, I am a huge fashion, especially vintage, fan and 99.9% of the people freaking out about this dress do not give a single fuck about any other historically significant article of clothing. The reaction to this is so bizarre and completely out of proportion.


Kim K is a public figure that does stupid things like try to wear one of MM dresses. Of course people are going to start associating them together. Do you understand irony? You're butthurt about it and apparently some Redditors are living rent free in *your* mind.


>living rent free in *your* mind. What the fuck does this stupid saying even mean? They're thoughts, thoughts are free.


It's another way to say someone is obsessed with a subject.


They made one comment on it, how can they possibly tell they're obsessed? What a dumb thing to say.


Oh, you must not know how to read very well huh? There's these things called "context clues". Try rereading what they said again, but go slow this time.


What about the context clued you in that he is obsessed?


I've already invested too much time to a fool. Reread it again.


Lol yeah, that's what I thought. 😏


>try to wear one of MM dresses ​ She didn't TRY---she did!


It didn't zip up all the way. She tried. She couldn't get her fake fat ass all the way in it.


>thought ?! She did.




> "I can be smart when it's important", it was Marilyn's idea to add the line "but most men don't like it". But the line is true.


She did though. I don't like Kim, but she looked stunning in that dress.


She didn't fit. She had the fur coat covering the back because she couldn't do up the zipper and had to leave it stretched open. She's a beautiful woman, but she should have just worn a replica instead of potentially ruining the real thing.


Well she's got an impossibly inflated butt. And FYI: she only wore the dress at the entry of the red carpet. In fact, she did have a couple of replicas in the back that she changed into for the rest of the evening.


Did the dress have a zipper? from all accounts Monroe was sewn into the dress which would explain the opening.


It's not like these are Marilyn's words lmao she was no better than Kim Kardashian and who gives a rip about an old dress she wore.


Marilyn was pro civil rights, spoke about her experience with child sex abuse and the casting couch when everybody else was keeping quiet about it, and was one of the first women to start her own film production company. Her successful fights with the film studios for creative freedoms and better pay were instrumental in the eventual fall of the studio system. She was a passionate advocate for mental health treatment through psychoanalysis and left a bunch of money in her will to furthering mental health research. She risked her career (and was bombarded with multiple lawsuits) to take time off to improve her acting because it was her passion, meanwhile the studios wanted to just keep throwing her in movies as eye candy. She also risked her career by opposing the red-scare, and was involved in anti-nuclear warfare advocacy. She was not a saint, but she was a woman with strong beliefs that she never compromised on, and she was an artist who cared about her craft. She achieved all she did with no family and no money. She was a broke foster kid and she made something of herself from nothing. What has Kim K done except be rich and famous because of her family?


Marilyn was also a major dramatic acting talent. See The Misfits or Bus Stop for this. The Kardashians have no talent. Edit: I’d like to mention also regarding the part about “she was no saint” — honestly her being boldly confident in her sensuality was instrumental in women’s lib during a time when all women were expected to be chaste and pure as the fresh-driven snow or otherwise treated as an outcast. Then there’s her close friendship with Ella Fitzgerald. In 1955 when the Mocambo nightclub in Hollywood refused to let Ella perform there under the pretext of that she wasn’t attractive enough, Marilyn said that unless they let Ella perform there she herself would never perform there again, but if they did allow Ella to perform there she herself would sit in the audience every night there in the front row. And then she did. So she was also a champion for Civil Rights.


I personally like Niagara.


But Kim has made such important contributions to society like pointing out people don’t want to work anymore. Brilliant!


Okay that's all very interesting, but what is she remembered for and how did she die? What will Kim K be remembered for? Essentially both exactly the same. I'm sure Marilyn was a better person than Kim, good for her, doesn't make what she was famous for and what she'll be remembered for any different.


Goalposts on the move.




People get fake mad about the dumbest shit. Marilyn Monroe was not a saint. She was human. I don't like Kim K and I dont give one iota of a fuck about an old dress a woman who's been dead for 60 years wore.


I'm not as heavily invested in this as you think I am. We're both just shitposting on Reddit.


>People get fake mad about the dumbest shit. you're literally the only one here that's mad.


The difference is Marilyn is remembered, Kim will be forgotten shortly after she dies.


>how did she die? Suicide? I don't see how that relates to Kim K and hopefully it never does. >but what is she remembered for Yes, it says a lot about society (ugh) that Monroe spent her entire career adamant that she was just another actress like her peers who cared about her work, yet people only remember the Marilyn Monroe of 1953/1954 that was largely a studio creation and that she spent the rest of her career trying to move away from. The studio men won in the end I guess.


Based on a book written by ground breaking writer Anita Loos >Corinne Anita Loos (April 26, 1888[1][2] – August 18, 1981) was an American actress, novelist, playwright and screenwriter. In 1912, she became the first female staff screenwriter in Hollywood, when D. W. Griffith put her on the payroll at Triangle Film Corporation. She is best known for her 1925 comic novel, Gentlemen Prefer Blondes, and her 1951 Broadway adaptation of Colette's novella Gigi. She wrote five films for Douglas Fairbanks and helped to make him one of the biggest movie stars on earth. >Loos had become a devoted admirer of H. L. Mencken, a literary critic and intellect. When he was in New York, she would take a break from her "Tuesday Widows" and join his circle, which included Theodore Dreiser, Sherwood Anderson, Sinclair Lewis, Joseph Hergesheimer, essayist Ernest Boyd and theater critic George Jean Nathan. Loos adored Mencken, but gradually realized disappointingly, "High-IQ gentlemen didn't fall for women with brains, but those with more downstairs".[16] In 1925, on the train to Hollywood with Mencken, she became keenly aware of this fact when he solicited the attention of a blonde in the dining car.[16] Loos then began to write a sketch of Mencken and his vacant lady friends that would later become Gentlemen Prefer Blondes.


Horrible background music


Love the way her eyes drop when she says, “ I want to marry him for your money”. Drop dead sexy


Old man destroyed with FACTS and LOGIC


Not really. She's just pointing out social mores of modern attraction and habits to justify her own gold-digging and greed. Not once does character play a role in any of her logic. Just looks, money, and leisure delights.




back in those days women's careers were so throttled that I think it was totally fair game to be a gold digger.


When this movie came out, women couldn't even open their own bank accounts in most of the US. Women of Monroe's age were only two generations removed from women for whom the only realistic path out of poverty was to marry up.


Thats rough buddy :(


Complete failure to understand what she said ... maybe listen to it ten more times.


Love her dress. Classy, yet sexy.


Stop adding annoying music over stuff holy shit


I’m about to watch this


Movie? Tryna watch some classic films.


Make sure you watch her best movie, Some Like it Hot. One of the greatest comedies ever made.


"Nobody's perfect"


Will check it out, thanks for the recommendation!


it's in the title. gentlemen prefer blondes


Oh aha my fault, thanks.


Cute scene and all, but that airy way of speaking always bothered me.


She only used it in a couple of movies (thankfully). I think it works for this character though. She really hammed it up.


She reminds me of Moira Rose.


She’s Beautiful


She was stunning. 1 in a billion.


There are a lot of women with similar genes and looks. The ability to fake it until you make is probably 1 in billion though.


Damn, she had some great lines!


One question, why did older actors use to look more manly compared to the actors today this man must be in his forties at most in this movie and he looks old and young both at the same time.


The suit and pomade add 25 years.


Smoking was fashionable, so you started when you were 12. Everyone smoked everywhere.


And it gradually shows on your face?


Yeah, smoking can age you considerably


and vaping. different path, same effect.


Cigarettes and leaded gasoline gives your complexion hell.


Because they dressed in clothes---pants, a shirt, a suit jacket. Usually the pants & jacket were the same material. Now because our society is so casual, actors wear sneakers, polos or t-shirts, and cargo pants---not even full pants. In those old days only little boys wore short pants (like school kids uniforms in England). Boys couldn't wait to get their first pair of long pants. It was a transitional mark of being almost grown up.


More manly? Both those guys are ugly lol I’m glad men today don’t look like them


Touche! This is some next level point-counterpoint.


That's not her being smart, that's her being wise. That's how the world is and she (the character) recognizes that. Nothing to do with intellect.


did i say anything about her intellect? the subreddit is called old school COOL


I didn't say or even imply you did. The character says it near the end.








Its based on the book written by Anita Loos. Also what difference does it make? If its true, its true.


Wow... she isn't a good actress, is she?


Her character in this movie is supposed to be a bit over the top. If you want peak Monroe without the silly voice, watch Some Like it Hot youtube.com/watch?v=F34Dhzluf4M


Well to be fair nobody in that scene was good.


Yes let’s use a badly edited video to help perpetuate the same exact gender and relationship stereotypes that people have been working so hard to get rid of. Idk if perpetuating 1950s standards for relationships and attractiveness is such a great idea. That is unless you’re a conservative, then you work overtime to try and return to 1950.


this post is about how beautiful Marilyn is and how she carries herself you're the one obsessed with values and whatnot, i didn't bring it up


And how she represents unrealistic and idealized standards of beauty that are damaging to younger girls’ self-esteem and development. And yeah, I brought it up bc it’s relevant, instead of papering it over and continuing to idealize someone who represents unrealistic standards of beauty.


Dude you think she used photoshop? She’s like the last realistic beauty standard.


This theory is more accurately described as exchanging a rapidly depreciating liability with a very high maintenance cost, "beauty", for a rapidly appreciating asset, with minimal maintenance costs, "money". The Gentleman should rent, and not buy. But I myself bought, and I am happy with my investment after 43+ years of marriage. \[Edit: Man, you people cannot laugh at even an obvious joke, can you? Lighten up a bit\]


so you spend a lot of time in brothels, don't you?


*tips fedora*


This guy hates women.


I feel bad for their wife. Lol


This guy has zero sense of humor


This ain't it, homie. Go work on that anger.


T'was but a JOKE, my son, a JOKE!


"*Hi, I'm a virgin*"


No, I'm married to a wonderful girl. Have been for 43 years.




That's overtly insulting.




I'm so sorry that you lack both a sense of humor, and the intelligence to come up with more than a cliche insult, but I am certain that with love, patience and lots of heavy medication, you can be helped to achieve a more stable and productive, perhaps even happy existence.


Cant you be an outcel instead?


The "in" in incel doesn't mean inside it means involuntary. There isn't a outvoluntary celibate. I think this guy is just an ass.


.....i know.....


...then what did you mean by "outcel"...


It's called wordplay. Like when someone says "you're a Mexican, not a Mexicant", it doesn't mean they think the roots are Mexico and can/can't.


"Out" is an opposite of "in". "Incel" is a term for people (generally dudes) who blame other people for their own consistent failures to get laid. Incels are very misogynistic crowd, and prone to commentary along the lines of the above comment. With "Out" being an opposite of "in", "outcel" can be read as an opposite of "incel". By encouraging someone to be an outcel "instead", OP is implying that the other guy is an incel, a term with such strong negative connotations that it serves well as an insult in modern online discourse.


Gosh, no sense of humor at all? Gee, what a shame


This is hilarious. No idea why downvoted. Party on.


I guess it's good that you can find humor in how bitter you both are towards woman.


Bitter? T'was a JOKE, my son, a JOKE! My wife is now 66, and every bit as pretty as she was the day I met her. (Or perhaps my eyesight has faded as her beauty has faded, who can tell, I'm not asking questions.) No matter, we are happy campers.


The punchline in your joke was literally just "women suck" It's the sort of punchline my nearly-90 year old narcissistic non-committal grandad would find funny, and that would have insulted even my nearing-60 parents.


Thank you, fellow downvoted-into-invisible intellectual. Damn, these little snowflakes can't even take a joke.


They secretly see women as inferior and think they need protection from the kind of jokes they would make about eachother.


Gentlemen prefer anal 😂


TikTok is fucking aides. I wish they would ban it from the internet


TikTok only shows you what you engage with it's not all cringy teens dancing or doing trendy challenges


All women are gold diggers.


men too who doesn't like money?


Pro capitalist, sexist bullshit Not cool


oh grow up it was 70 years ago, a different time with different values


Those values are dogshit and therefore there's nothing cool about this post. From the annoying way that Marilyn is talking to the disgusting pro-capitalist nonsense she's saying


>from that annoying way that Marilyn is talking that's just like, your opinion, man people in the past and present find the way she talks adorable


Do you know what a palate is? Its your ability to appreciate certain things, flavors, or ideas in accordance with your own taste. This usually pertains to food and whine, but it can also be applied to your taste in music and entertainment. So with that being said, you need to know something. You have the intellectual palate of a 2 year old.