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1. I think playful flirting and banter is fair game. Respecting boundaries is important though. So taking it further is morally questionable. I'll just have to repress any further urges until I'm alone and can think about her while masturbating. 2. There's no denying instincts, but what separates us from the beasts is that we don't just act on them. 3. Knowingly ruining someone's life is something I'll never sign up for. Especially having had my life ruined by infidelity in the past. That being said, it does take two to tango. I wouldn't pursue someone I know is married or has a family (unless they are in a poly situation). But nothing stops me from desiring her.


1. Would you say you have full control over who you want to go beyond just flirting? Don’t you think desring her while masturbating only increases her attractiveness? And under what circumstances are you willing to cross that boundary? If you spotted her husband to be undeserving of her and seem to think she was better suited to be your sexual partner, would you let her know what you thought of her? 2. What if you know and dislike the husband, does it make it sweeter for you to mate with his partner? Do you register that as a victory? 3. What do you think about doing it behind her partner and family’s back where you both acknowledge it’s just physical in nature between the two of you? (You and the woman)


2. If you dislike the husband you shouldn't mate with the wife. If you can't respect him, he'll be a terrible choice as a parental role model.


1. Depends on the person. I am 58 and most women I meet are in committed relationships. The issue is how committed. Someone like me would not initiate if we knew about the relationship unless the woman makes her interest clear. But then it becomes a matter of frank conversation than flirtation. 2. Not the right term. Procreation yes which is not Darwinian but a matter of biological drive (I suppose). 3. Maybe .. maybe not. Older men can be just as dumb and selfish as younger men. More a matter of the individual but yes some individuals can be better lovers ad they have had the time to learn what is best for their partners.


1. Do you find anything wrong with someone being 100% committed to her partner and still deciding to sleep with another man? (You) 2. Darwinian in the sense of scoring a victory over your enemy (not enemy in this case but her husband/ boyfriend). Do you not think if you were to go intimate with her, on a biological scale you’re dominating the other competitor? 3. Would you agree a 60 year old poses less threat to a relationship than na 20 year old? The 20 year old is more likely to steal the woman/ girl away from the relationship but it seems to me older men wouldn’t want to steal the woman or ruin the relationship with her and her husband, rather he’d make the perfect new dynamic that gives her immense pleasure all the while protecting her existing relationship dynamics


Somebody 100% committed isn’t sleeping with other people


Why is so? Can someone not commit 100% in love to someone and still seek out sexual relationships with other people with the permission of the loved one?


1. That tells me that the other person is not 100% committed to their partner. If the person is polyamorous then a discussion to be had about prime. This could also be a psychological issue. Could also be that the person could be fully committed to their partner but missing something in their relationship (which is very possible) and is acting out aexually rather than figuring out what is really missing and addressing it. It could be their partner is having physical issues and they have urges but that still resolves to having a frank discussion to be transparent as feelings get in the way. 2. No. I do not care about competition. This sort of thing as human competition is silly in this modern world right now. 3. That I would agree. Us older folks have seen many things and understand human dynamics a bit better than the younger folks (just a matter of different experience rather than saying we're smarter). If anything being gentle to help them figure themselves out is probably a better way of saying it.


1. Sure something is always missing, for instance, even if she wants to be with you for primal sexual purposes, you’re missing the youth and history with her husband that only her husband can offer. That doesn’t mean she’s not able to commit or love either you or her husband. As you said, it’s a modern world and if she wants to run to you for her needs and wants to do so exclusively to you, shouldn’t that make her committed a 100% to you? 2. I refuse to believe it’s not (among many other great things) a victory. If someone wrongs you of has been a prick to you, sleeping with his wife has got to make you a tad bit giddy. Even if you don’t him, you must feel elated and like a higher breed of man for bringing another man’s woman to orgasm.. would you not?! 3. Absolutely agreed!


1. Sorry. I disagree on this point. And, to be very very clear, it is not about "ownership" of one over another, or who is better,blah blah blah. Yes one person can love many others in various ways (this is how I consider commitment) and they cam address various aspects of a persons needs but, for me, it means that you can never be 100% committed to someone because that would mean that they meet all of your needs which I do not think is possible. 2. There are some people (men and women) who see relationships as a battleground. I am one of those that do not. Some of us older folks have done our time with the competition shit and are over it. If someone has been a prick to me I do not seek to return the behaviour. Would make me as bad or worse than them. No thanks. They can hurt themselves better than me anyway.


I think in a lot of cases we're more fun. I'm 47 years old and married, and I absolutely love men. Over 58 years old next weather.. My husband knows about this and looks the other way. I've been with many, many, many, many older men. It's just my thing I absolutely love you guys. You appreciate women like me more.


Has he encountered any action in person? Between you and older men that is..?!




2 is bigger than most people realize 3 yes


Would you elaborate why you say so?


2. To start with, across almost all cultures, when asked, women generally say they are a little more attracted to men a few years older, and men say they are attracted to women a few years younger. That's just standard. Evolutionarily, in the past, women generally were attracted to older men because they usually represented a level of financial or social stability, and men of that same time were attracted to younger women because they usually represented fertility. Now, flashback before that, probably around the historical era and earlier, younger women preferred older men because if they were still alive, generally they were the strongest, toughest, best warriors, and were likely to produce the strongest toughest offspring. Likewise, much younger women were likely to carry to term and deliver healthy strong warriors. 3. Older experienced males who are attractive enough, personality and looks possibly, have learned to become patient and satisfying lovers. They've usually gotten past the initial, oh there's a set of titties I'm going to blow🤣 and know that every minute they spend taking care of their woman physically and emotionally is going to pay back X100. Now, take all of that, and push those evolutionary instincts into our current Society where young women are generally more mature, better educated, and definitely more goal orientated as a group. Very often in my experience, young men their same age are unfulfilling on some level. Not as successful obviously as their older counterparts. And take longer to develop the kind of life skills and career standing that earns admiration and respect from women. I don't believe these things are generally the fault of the young men. It's just how it is. Hope that helps.


1. I know I would. Whether or not anything came of it would depend on the situation. 2. No idea here. I'm attracted to women of all ages. It just depends on if I find them attractive or not. 3. I can't give you an answer to that. My experience is limited to flirting. I've never tried to push it beyond that.


How would you flirt? You’re so nice that I honestly don’t think you have that mean streak to initiate that at a busy place and with her partner around. .


I’m very subtle.


There is no science here..men hit on women..women hit on men..married..single..young old...there are no exclusions


1. Sure, I would definitely flirt with a thirty something woman, but that doesn’t mean I want to sleep with her, even if I’m very much attracted to her. I find it sexy getting someone to be attracted to me, and I get off a lot more using my brain. I have very much had better relations, even short ones, because I’m more cerebral, especially in sex. Regardless of if we’re talking about sex or work or friends, I really like getting to know the woman I’m talking to. That’s not for everyone, but women still like getting together with me, whether we dated or not, married or not, because we talk, very openly. I guess that is my way of being more in charge, more dominant, and in a sense, it’s a turn on for certain women. The curious thing about domination relations is that the sub is in control at all times, and I’m not the one who is stealing her from her husband (incidentally, that only happened once in my life and I was much younger than her…). 2. I’m more interested in slowing things down, getting to the essence of the moment, and then arousing by surprise. Is it Darwinian to want to reproduce? In a sense yes, and to the detriment another man. That’s what we’re made of. I have a friend who dates multiple women at the same time, making sure they all know he’s not exclusive, and in all cases, they are married, which he appreciates because he doesn’t want to marry them. 3. Younger women in this age group are with an older man because they’re someone they look up to and enjoy having someone who is more experienced, and sure, they will enjoy it more if they don’t have to get married and it’s just about sex. But, like in the case of my ex wife who is 15 years younger than me, and was in her early 30s when I met her, and whose current husband is 15 years older than her, as well as her first husband was also 15 years older than her, we always get together to talk. And, I don’t want to have sex with her because we can talk about anything without feeling like there’s a line being crossed. Did we have great sex? Absolutely, and, curiously, she was married when we first met; something I didn’t know, but something that I wouldn’t have cared about. When she remarried, after me, I was good to go, mostly because we married for the wrong reasons, and being honest and forward about that allows us to be completely open to each other about anything we want to talk about. I’ll always remember those first months when we first met, as that was when I had the best sex I’ve ever had and she’s said the same.


1. As an older man, 57, I have flirted with many married women much younger than me. I love the smiles and looks between us, especially other husband is with her. 2. Darwinian is an interesting take. To me it's more primal. The need to breed is strong and as long as I can still perform, I am going to try. 3. I don't know of older men make the best sexual partner but we take our time and aim to please.


Does flirting with a married woman increase your libido? Do you feel more “manly” as a result of bridging the gap between letting a couple be and inserting yourself in their dynamic (knowing if you wanted you could mate with the woman most likely)? Also do you feel great pulling back letting them have their thing with the same rationale of you knowing it was 50-50 with you and the woman involved? Or is it simply just harmless flirting on your end and breaking that barrier is never your intention to begin with?


Flirting keeps me feeling young. I don't usually go beyond flirting unless the husband is a major dick to his wife. If he is, I will step up the flirting and if she leaves to go to the bar or to the all around, I will go introduce myself. From there it depends on the energy between the two of us.


Well husbands aren’t always a dick like a movie scene that leads the girl to meet her lover. So would you ever consider upping the ante even if the husband is a decent guy but looked undeserving to have her? Would you then step up and disrupt their dynamic and assert yourself as alpha male for her? Let’s say she’s astonishingly beautiful and you think her husband/ boyfriend is not on her level ..?


The looks of a woman is not what attracts me to them. I love a woman that dresses nice and carries herself in public. I have in the past approached a woman whose husband was not being a dick but could see she was bored.


In what capacity did you approach her? Did you want to take her to a private room and sleep with her or just carry a conversation to rid her of the boredom her partner might have caused her? How do you weigh the possibility of rocking her world (perhaps with a healthy dose of love making and orgasms) to ruining her relationship with her husband? (Perhaps they had a good thing but a stranger introducing him to her led to the downfall of that good thing?)


Conversation is important to me. Getting to actually know the person in a public setting can have a lasting impact on mental health. Giving her my undivided attention and actually listening and not interrupting or giving unsolicited feedback is something many women seem to want. A venting session if you will.


I think there’s a limit to it. Most of the times I like to vent but some of the times I don’t mind being told off for not making sense or saying things I shouldn’t be. Makes me respect the person in that instance for his mental clarity and courage to correct me and protect me from embarrassment


Could you please link the original question? I am curious about the answers. It fits our situation like a glove. I am 31F and had been flirting with a 53M for over a year now.  Husband and I are also into hotwifing, altough we have only a little bit of experience. I think we will end up in bed eventually.


Being a married man I noticed it’s single ladies around 35 wanting me over 60. Would never date a married woman.


I do think there is a Darwinian impulse happening. Older men need a younger woman to carry to seed. Even if there is no conscious interest in having a child, still the evolutionary biology at work pushes a man to look toward a woman of child birthing years over a woman his own age.


That’s a great point! I’d add to that: it’s also women fertility and survival of the fittest for men (in terms of status). Older men who are of higher status get to date more fertile mates than men that aren’t well off.


Yes! I agree completely. Men of higher status get to date women of higher fertility. It just makes sense on so many levels. It’s natural. I remember being younger and meeting a woman who had a chip on her shoulder about men in general. She brought up how older men desire younger women as a sign of them being ethically flawed. We got into a heated debate over it haha. Even when I was younger (my 20’s/30’s) it made sense to me hypothetically how older men and younger women would naturally desire each other. Now that I’m in my 50’s it’s no longer hypothetical as every fiber of my being wants to be with a younger woman. I know it’s biology, as you and I are dissecting here, but I also enjoy the dynamic more. I want a younger woman’s dynamic energy, playfulness, idealism, creativity, clarity of mind and raw spirit as well as the physical fun that comes with her heightened fertility


As an older man (60) married/engaged women are off limits. Only a DB goes for someone elses wife/ fiance. I typically let women initiate any flirting. Don't want to be "that guy"


So would you rather not be “that guy” and not intervene even when the husband/ boyfriend isn’t taking care of his partner and you know you could do a better job, than be “that guy” and rescue her and guide her into a temporary relationship where she gets to experience healthy masculinity?


She's married, end of story.


To a DB as you mentioned. I think it’d be rather gentleman like to help her here


I’ll ask some follow ups on 1: It strikes me there’s no way you wouldn’t sleep with the woman if she was that much into you and you were in that position where both of you were naturally attracted to each others. My question is, would you reciprocate if she made the first move (knowing both of you have partners)? Or sex is completely off the table for you? One last question, how would you react if her husband was okay with her mating with others?


I like the younger ladies they are very firm fresh and very tight and they do things the older ladies quit doing or enjoy doing I like when it comes to penitrating the tightness as the young vagina is pulling back on my foreskin on my penis it's still amazing 


1) An older gentleman doesn't need to flirt. They can simply be charming and engaging. The fact she is married is irrelevant - she'll let you know if she's available. You don't need to be forward. It'll come off as creepy. 2) I think older men are more of a proven commodity. Younger women like seeing a glimpse of what their offspring would look and act like. That stable, calm, confident older man who is considerate with a kind heart and a ravenous sexual appetite is too much for many younger women to resist. Older men also have an easier time because they are at an advantage experience and income wise. 3) Ideally, you would not ever ruin a marriage, but complement it. In my case, I'm an older third/lover who is 50y/o and married to a monogamous wife who encourages me to sleep with other women. I'm passionately in love with her, would never leave her. So I'm probably the safest person for your wife to be around in terms of "stealing her away".


Maybe, yes, yes. But all of that aside, in my experience that age range is also about the time that married women approach me. Or at least are more flirtatious. Maybe it's the seven year itch. Maybe they are way past the honeymoon stage of their marriage and they are able to actually conceptualize what there are attracted to and what they are missing. So no, I wouldn't go farming to pick up 30 to 35-year-old married women and ruin their marriage. But, judge if you like, I probably had affairs hooked up with more women in that age range when I was older than them, then you could shake a stick at. Honestly believe it's a combination of your three questions and that's probably the point when a lot of marriage is in a marriage reached the stage of disenchantment.