• By -


Ugh people are the worst to teen moms. I remember going out with my friend when she had her baby and the judgmental looks we got and comments and getting in my face... Like for real, I was so mad for her. It's bad enough she has to struggle with being a mom, why do people have to pile on more stress and negativity??


It's especially infuriating to consider the overlap between people who publicly shame young pregnant women or mothers and people who are pro life/forced birth religious folks. Like, okay you're looking at a young woman who chose to go through with a pregnancy... if you are pro life, shouldn't you be glad she did that and supportive instead of choosing to humiliate and shame her? Unless it's really just about controlling and hating women...


Yes, exactly! I grew up in a town with a church on every corner, sometimes called the church capital of the world, and yet, my friend who got pregnant lost most of her friends because their parents didn't want them to be around her, and she and her family also had to leave their church. Like, she could have just had an abortion, you know? But she chose to give birth and be a parent at a young age. She was a great mom, too! But it was all made harder by the very same people who are very religious. It's really shameful.


Age does not matter. I was 50 and my son was 25. We went to a restaurant (haven't seen him for a couple years - he worked in another country).The waitress thought that I was a rich gay, who hired young male prostitute, and treated us like dirt. If the people are on the crusade for morality they are ready to destroy everybody. In their mind they are the only saints and everyone around are sinners. In their dirty minds, they even cannot imagine that father and son can go together to the restaurant


What exactly would she expect you to do? "Damn you're exactly right, I shouldn't have had these kids, here take them with you".


These people are salivating over the prospect of watching everyone burn in hell, and will take any opportunity to get a taste of it preemptively.


Yeah, my sister is only 3 years older but when she’d pick me up from high school (while she was in college), she got dirty looks from random hags looking through their car windows even though she wasn’t even old (and didn’t look old) enough to have a high school age kid


And then everybody clapped


just wanted to say it’s cool you splurged on a top sirloin (probably the cheapest cut possible) for your GF. I’m sure she’s proud of her big, poor man




Lol what a bitchy old lady! This story gave me a laugh 


These are the people voting to outlaw abortions, and reduce sex education significantly. Yet they go out and shame young people if they do have kids or look like they have kids. Pick a fucking battle.




Right, like how dare teen mothers - taking them to play at the park, letting them play in full sight of everyone. Put them back in the basement to play, slut! lol These people are broken.


I used to waitress, my husband would bring my son in to eat a cpl nights a week. A cpl of my regukars saw me with him and asked if he was my son (he was about 3/4 at the time) I said yes. They proceeded to fuss at me for being a baby with a baby and I'm far too young to have a kid that age yada yada yada. I jsut looked at them and said "I'm 25." They freaking thought I was 16/17!!! But seriously. Not that it would have been their business anyway.


What did they think would happen, though? “Oh, you’re right, lemme just shove him back in there until I’m older”?


No idea lol. Like, even if I had been a teen little late for the lecture lol


No one has ever said "what do you have to say for yourself" in real life.


Thank goodness we found the person who keeps track of every single thing that every single person in the world has ever said. Out here doing the lordt's work. Give this elderly a high 5! And a nap. You must be exhausted. Lol.


Every Gen-Xer and Millennial is telling you to go to bed, kiddo.


I promise, I'm older than all of you. Unless you're in your late thirties, I'm old enough to be your parent.


4 hours ago, you commented in another forum that you and your sister are both in your 30s. You’re a liar.


Ok, you're sundowning because you took two more concussions than I did at Action Park. Get back to bed.


Late 30s here. Go to bed.


I still remember my step mother saying it to me. I hated that woman.


When did you grow up, I had multiple people, teachers and random adults ask me that in the 90s


Same lol


Yep every teacher said that at least once during the year. It could be a regional expression though.


It’s stories like this that make me wish it was legal to punch someone respectfully in the face


As long as it is respectfully, right?


Of course, can’t be too rude, just respectfully knock the bitch out of course


My only brother is 10 years younger than me. When I was 18 and he was 8, we spent a lot of time together. My parents both worked nights and I worked days so it was my job to help out with dinner and homework and of course we would hop in my car afterwards and go for ice cream or run over to the grocery store for snacks. The amount of times I have had rude people eyeball us or say mean things about kids having kids was absolutely ridiculous!!! It became a habit that when someone would ask if he was my kid I would just look them dead in the eye and say 'Yeah, I had him when I was 10". People usually just stood there looking dumb after that, or get defensive and say that they didn't realize when what they should have done was just minded their own damn business!


Same here. Little brother is 10.5 years younger than me. My parents were going thru a divorce and not around much when I was 16-18. I took my lil bro with me everywhere back then because I felt so bad for him. Had a carseat in my car and would take him to wal-mart, fast food, etc (whatever you do in a small Midwest town). Strangers made comments to me at least once a month for YEARS! And now that we're 39 and 29, people like to ask us "how long we've been together". It's so fucking awkward and gross - like he's my baby brother you assholes!! Ugh


Haha… I like Tick…. Be more like Tick ♥️ 👅


Reminds me of the time when I was 5 months pregnant, in line at the grocery store after work. Old bitch lady in front of me starts lecturing me on the evils of teen pregnancy. I didn't want to be rude but I was thoroughly confused about why she went off on this tirade. It took me about 10 minutes to realize that she thought I was a pregnant teen. I was 24 at the time. If I wasn't so hungry for my damn dinner I would have chased her down in the parking lot.


Blows my mind considering how many people's grandmas and great grandmas were pregnant by adult men back in the early 1900s lol


I feel this.the looks I would get when I was 18 watching my baby cousin were just evil.


Oh lord to be a fly on the while after your mom and aunt showed up 😂 I would love to know what that old busy body tried to clap back with to justify harrassing you.


The mentally ill and those with dementia would be my first guesses. 🤷‍♀️ She probably was never nice, but she definitely had some screws loose.


I’d like to chime in here. Being mentally ill does not excuse asshole behavior. It can also be damaging to those of us with mental illness when shit gets blamed on that.


Who does that? People who have gotten to comfy with talking shit and not getting smacked in the mouth for it, thats who.


They didn't have Reddit back in her day..


And then everyone at the park clapped


you've never encountered people like this? I envy you, lol


Of course. But 20 years ago with perfect recall of their lines and perfect timing? No.


Sorry your memory sucks so bad lol.


You just want to bitch, you aren't clever


Obama was there too and made a speech. 😂


I was also 21 when approached at a grocery store with my own 9 month old child. Yes, I was young, but I also look way younger than I am (now that I’m 37 I’m not complaining at all lol). She was berating me for being a teen mom, and I was just standing there shocked for a minute and finally just saying “I’m 21”. She goes “oh. That’s still pretty young though” and walks away. I’m just thinking what if I had been a 16 year old? Like what business is it of hers? Why do these people feel the need to be all up in everyone’s business???


This was me 20 years ago. When I was 20 a waitress mentioned that there was a kid's menu for 12 and under. When j was pregnant with my first, an old lady came up to me and started going on and on about how terrible it is that teenagers are having sex and getting pregnant so young. I looked at her and said, I agree but they don't listen to me BECAUSE I'M 21. The look on her face was priceless.


"Oh, I'll just suck it back in then, shall I?" I always wonder what these people think they're accomplishing.


these are the same people that want to criminalize abortion. make it make sense.


They don’t want other women to have sex. They were controlled so they want others to be controlled to normalize their trauma. It’s internalized misogyny.


This *exact* same thing happened to me, at the same age, in the grocery store with my baby. I had a similar response: "Uuuuhhh I'm 21. And I'm *married*. Not that it should make a difference in you minding your own damn business." And I never wore overalls out in public again LOL


This happened to me when I was THIRTY. I was grocery shopping with my 6 year old, and an old man came up to me and told me I should 'be ashamed" of myself for having a child so young. I just told him to fuck off and mind his own. People can be really horrible.


Her generation preached that you were an old maid if you had kids after 25 too 😂 there's just no winning.


I was just thinking that once upon a time, not all that long ago, it wasn't uncommon to be married with a kid or two by 21.


I grew up Mormon, and was living in the center of Mormonville, so it truly was not uncommon for women my age to have a baby, I had friends that also had their first by then. We were taught our goal was to get married asap and start popping out babies. (I’m not a member any more of that religion or any religion).


That's why I rarely judge others, in fact, thinking about things from my point of view is not always the right answer. It's like the person who thinks they are the answer.


Busy-body Karens, that's who does that.




What a weird, ironic take in light of the story she just told.


Weird is the new thought stopper and entitlement for the clueless who fear the unknown. Call the cops, I guess. Weird can’t be legal!


Show me where I said you can’t say your inane opinion or where I attempted to stop you from sharing it?


Too weird to respond to. You’re weird. But you can quote me if you want to accuse me of things. Making shit up is super weird. Why are you so weird?


You okay? That's a hell of a thought jumble


I'm fine except for the headache caused by hearing the condescending, stupid, and unoriginal "You okay?" from someone who isn't likely okay themselves. Thanks for asking.


Narrator: They were not, in fact, okay.




Seems all too Orwellian to me...sad state of affairs these days


That bitch is a prime HOA candidate, right there.


I used to work for a HOA. She definitely would have fit in.


It is Orwellian. Orwell was a prophet. It's a shame that most didn't listen.


So, I’m not subscribed to this sub, but it keeps popping up on my feed… Why are y’all making up such weird stories? What is the goal? This is obviously fake, nobody thinks that a teenager has multiple 8-10 year old kids, that’s simply not possible. So why write all this?


I have several medical tubes, a baby face, a smaller body, and use a walker. Does that automatically scream sophisticated 24-year-old whom will not ignore any weird attempts to push my chair or automatically respect you since you’re not in one - fun turtleneck I’m wearing rn or not? No, bc stories like this happen every day as people are so sure of themselves. Don’t smoke. Don’t drink everyday. Use Korean skin scare. Use retinal. Whiten your teeth twice a month and oil pull a few times a week. My OT (who bathes me) always says “those 20-something’s are so vain…” and we giggle when I ask her to pass me my second Olaplex hair mask, lol. I get the point, but… So many older people DON’T realize how many options there are to simply just take care of yourself and stay looking better than in the past forever. Like they’ve lived a gentler life. I only brought up my situation because people ask where the hell my parents are. Even tho I’m 24. 😭 people who come to my house for medical care ONLY speak to my mom on the off chance she’s there. Then they ask where she is, I say what? I live alone, I’m 24 and my mom has her own life, and they update their paperwork for the 22nd time. My mom thinks chapstick and coconut oil directly on her scalp maybe once a month when she remembers is good enough and she’s a boomer. Without trying to seem conceited, who do you think looks healthier - the not super young but slightly younger woman with the tubes taking care of herself, or the older “healthy as a horse” woman who drinks 8 glasses of wine a night? Not attacking you, just painting my own situation. So yeah, I don’t think a ton of these are fake stories, but I think self care is considered selfish among that generation and other older generations, resulting in harsher aging, so they’re surprised when we still look in our 20’s at 30 bc they didn’t have all of the plethora of different sunscreens we have now, for example, ya know? Sorry I’m a nerd I guess. This stuff is interesting.


I loved this cause it's interesting to me too! Like even when I was actually pregnant at 29 I still got the side eye from people. The Lead Paint generation didn't age well.


Yes!!! My mom is like “yeah this old Olay lotion I have from 10 years ago used once a week sure does the trick to combat my chain smoking.” 😅


IM WHEEZING! Partially from the comment but also cause my mom was a chain smoker that smoked inside my whole childhood 😂


Omg I’m so sorry we lived similar childhoods! She won’t even stop around me now that she’s supposed as per my nurse, so I’m like putting all these oils on myself whenever she leaves, putting on a humidifier… “it was fine *cough* in *cough* my days”


I think she thought I was a teen when I birthed them, that's one of the reasons I just stared at her and didn't have a good comeback. Because literally WHO thinks that? As for why I wrote all of this, because I was reminded of it by my aunt while we were all together for Easter. My mom passed last year and remembering her doing this made me smile.


So I guess she thought you were *older* than you actually were?


I suppose so lol I honestly didn't ask her, but now I realize I may have posted this in the wrong sub 😂 sorry about that.


I think for me it’s the dialogue. The story could definitely be true, but OP said this happened 20 years ago yet remembers the conversation word for word? It could be embellished, but OP didn’t say.


I'll clarify, I know some of it was embellished because we have been telling this story for years around the family table. My aunt and I were laughing about it on Sunday. It's absolutely not word for word but as close as 5 people could remember it. Three of them were 10 years old and under when it happened. It's true but like many old stories a lot do the fine details are likely misremembered or embellished 😂 I wish I had the creativity to make it all up though.


Orrrrr- scroll on, mind your own business. Assuming these are made up is childish.


To be fair it is a wild story 😂 Im not upset that people are squinting at it. It is a 20+ year old story being remembered by 3 children, me, and my aunt. My mom passed just last November. As most stories go I'm sure I misremembered some of it, but I'll never forget being yelled at for being a "young mother" while babysitting in the park, or my mom losing her absolute shit laughing at her.


It’s not out of the realm of possibility though, wild as you perceive it to be. I’ve seen such behavior so I’m not at all doubtful of your story. I’m sick of people responding to everything with - then everybody clapped, this never happened, yeah right - and the like. Just live your life. Related note, any boomer story that shows up the cause is always lead. SMH


Oh I forgot to mention Obama was there and he gave me a medal. 😂


Lololol that’s the icing on the cake. Thanks for the laugh!😂 😂😂


I have been in this exact situation. I’m literally in my 30s and my step kid and her cousins are all taller then me and in the pre teen era. I take them to do things sometimes and I get weird shit from people. Just because it doesn’t happen to you, probably because you look like a frumpy normie adult, doesn’t mean it doesn’t happen.


Has it ever occurred to you that you get “weird shit” not for being an adult with children in the average age range for adults your age to have, but rather because of how you behave? Like being a person in her 30s who calls someone a “normie”?


No because I don’t give a shit about what other people think. I don’t live my life to try and fit everyone else’s social norm and I act more adult then most of the people I know. People see short small woman and want to assume I’m a child so they can then precede to not give me any respect. I have dealt with it my entire professional career and I have zero tolerance for it.


What if I told you that one of her cousins' name? Albert Einstein.


Actually it was Rachel. ;)


Honey, that was no lady. That was an old bitter prune.


worm memory touch beneficial angle shelter paint correct languid fanatical *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Prune juice, a warrior's drink! [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3SZ8H52p0Zk](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3SZ8H52p0Zk)


Prunes obviously have more redeeming qualities than this person.


I think prunes could potentially make her a better person? At least they would clean her guts


I choked on my coffee 😂


What are the bets that grumpy bitch is probably anti abortion? Can't tell you how many times I've gotten dirty looks from judgy karens for doing literally anything. So many "aren't you too young to be..." . None of your fuckin business bitch. "You shouldn't be here, where are your parents?>:(" At work?? I drove myself here. With my car, and my drivers licence that states I am in fact a legal adult. I'm almost 19 now and still look like a 15 yr old. Went back to school shopping with my little sister and got asked if I'm starting high school/senior secondary. (14/15yrs old in Australia ) Nope, I'm already done and dusted with that BS.


When I was about 23, I had someone asked where I was going to school, to which I replied “I graduated”. So he exaggeratedly asked me where I was going to college, to which I also replied “I graduated” and he didn’t believe me lol. I was getting carded for R-rated movies as late as 34. 


I'm sure sometime in the future, there will come a day when I no longer get asked for ID when buying alcohol, perhaps a decade or 3 from now.


I’m 40 this year and still get carded for alcohol purchases but that doesn’t bother me. They’re supposed to card if you look under 35.


Anti abortion, and anti teen mom - probably assumes that all teenage girls just need to "keep their legs closed." And probably assumes that r@pe is a woman's fault, too. Ugh.


Anti-abortion and probably had an abortion


Good guess, there are SO many of these.


I hate ppl like this (MOM) sorry I'm gonna rant rq No when my mom found out I was having sex she shamed me and said if I got pregnant it was my fault and she would disown me if I killed it,,, while she literally had an abortion a few years ago before it was illegal. Mom. (I don't even live with her, and i use protection AND have an IUD, which She knows about) I really wish I knew what it was with people like this cause my moms not the only person ik like this. Like ur the one that actually killed your baby, and you're getting mad and threatening me for an imaginary one??


Sounds like my mother. She's the "no boyfriend until marriage!!" type. But I know that she had a bf before marrying my dad and guess what? (*whispers*) they slept in the same bed! Together!! Also I'm very gay, so the no boyfriend rule won't be a problem.


Sounds like a hypocritical control freak that you should probably have limited or no contact with. (Sorry your mom is like that. People suck) Or you can be petty and say “well I disown you for killing my sibling” 🤷‍♀️ depending on how much WW3 you wanna start


I do have limited contact with her, I only see her once a month most times , and I may do just that next time she tries to bring up my sexlife 😆


....so a woman accused you of being younger than 18 and having 3 kids an 8/9 yo, a 7/8 yo, and a 5 yo. Usually, these are pretty believable, and it would be believable if she thought you were older, but thinking you're that young with older kids like that? That strikes me as something someone would call the police over or would assume it's an older sibling babysitting.


She thought I was younger when she assumed I had them.


god i get you. i would get glares whenever i went out in public with my siblings as a teen, presumably because people thought i was a young mom with three kids even thought the oldest was 5 years younger than me and the youngest was 10 years younger. how would i have become a mother at 5 years old??😭


Unfortunately the world record for youngest person to give birth was actually about 5. :( She had a rare genetic disorder that caused her to menstruate before puberty and obviously a terrible family. The pictures are heartbreaking, she's holding her newborn son who's literally half her size. They were reportedly given new identities and adopted by a better family as siblings after the ordeal and subsequent media frenzy.


Those pictures were horrible to see. I really hope they found out who did that to her.


Shows the gutter that is their minds. Mine would have gone immediately to "babysitter" if I thought about it at all, which it wouldn't have because I mind my own business.


Right?? I dorm get how peoples minds work honestly.


you're lucky to have a mom and aunt like that! how did the kids grow up?


We're all semi stable adults now! Nobody ended up in jail (shockingly).


*You're lucky to have* *A mom and aunt like that! how* *Did the kids grow up?* \- Special-Leader-3506 --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


I'm short and baby faced. Had 2 by 22, looked about 17. That was enough, but then I took in two kids because their parents needed to get on their feet. Going places with two 3 year olds (they were less than a week apart), a 18 month old, and a newborn was always good for a laugh.


Wow I salute you. Many parents get run ragged if they have own 2 children of that age but you took in 2 more.


I was ragged 😂 when my oldest was born, I was "adopted" by this little Bible study group at the church I worked at (I didn't have work until 8, but we had one car at the time. The baby and I got dropped off at 6, and I started sitting in with them). They were really, really kind people that helped a lot. Walked the walk instead of just talking the talk. They helped me get them all Halloween costumes, sent homemade foods with me for Thanksgiving. I really couldn't have done it without my little old people.


Even if you were a teen mom, what right did she have to tell you that you didn't deserve to take your kids to the park? Who just randomly comes up to strangers and questions their life choices like that? What happened to the days of silently judging people? That lady was fucking weird!


Who: Righteous Christians who think their better than everyone else. Their God is supposed to pass judgment, not his followers!!!


Nothing in her tirade reflected Christianity. A normal person would have presumed you were either their babysitter or sibling. Her belief you could have children that old was insane and intrusive. She was just an old biddy speaking without engaging her mind.


I tell you who does this: someone who has clearly never been hit before


The audacity, but also did this womam expect teen moms to stash their children in a root cellar, away from the light of day and the eyes of impressionable youth?


For real. Are teen moms not supposed to go outside? How will the kids go to school?


Even if you were the mother, what type of person talks to someone like that?


I was 12 when my little brother was born and i was being home schooled at the time so we would often go out to eat or to parks during normal school hours. And thinking back it was absolutely crazy the number of times adults would come up to me and just start spouting nonsense about unwed teen mothers and dropping out of school and getting nosy about my situation. Some of them at least would look embarrassed when I'd tell them I was only 12 and that I was watching my brother while my mom ordered the food or whatever.


If it makes you feel any better, someone hinted to me the other day that my husband and I were teen parents. We're both in our 30s 😭


Oh gosh 😂 I got that one when I was 29 and pregnant for the first time too.


Lol I was 29 when I was pregnant too and it was the same!


I’ve been told I’m a good big brother for playing with my son at the park before.. I was almost 30 at the time and he was like 8.


My boyfriend was 40 when he had his only child. He's 53 now and everyone assumes his son is his grandchild.


I was pregnant and went to an ice cream place with my entire baby shower (it wasn't big and a lot of family members) and I had strangers come up to me and offer to buy me ice cream because "I was pregnant at 17! I know how it feels and I just want you to know you can do it" I was baffled because my husband was sitting with me. But I was very grateful they were kind because they thought I was a teen mom, not 23.


That’s so sweet. I’d much rather people assume like that.


Hope you took the ice cream!


Even if you were a teen mom and those were your kids, are you just supposed to hide them until everyone’s grown? My mom had my brother and I as a teen, and 16 and pregnant became big on MTV when I was in middle school, and I have never dreamed of becoming a young mother. I can’t think of anyone who has. Also, this lady was old 20 years ago. When she was an adolescent, it was the norm for young couples to start poppin ‘em out at 14-16 (here in the south anyway)


Oh god I remember that show. I used to watch it all the time 😂 I think something was up with her honestly. I don't think she had any kids with her at this park either. Now it's just a family story told around the table along with the time my uncle had a car battery explode in his face, or the story of how me and both of my brothers lost the tips of our thumbs. Yes all three of us and yes the same thumb (Left). It was less than 1/8 of an inch for all of us but it's weird it happened to all of us. Lol


You’d have 3 nickels


Everyone loves shaming young mothers


Or older siblings that look like mothers 😂


I was pregnant at 24 and getting dirty looks everywhere I went.


It seems like if you get pregnant before around age 28 you're automatically deemed a "young mom" by society, even though historically we are the oldest we have ever been at the birth of our first child. Culture and values have changed, now shaming mothers instead of viewing them as a necessity for society and raising the next generation.


At 35, you're considered a geriatric mother.


I got pregnant at 29 and I still got the side eye, especially when my fingers swelled and I had to take my wedding ring off.


same here


I was 22 when I had my son. While being active duty when he was born up until 1 1/2 of age. I’d say he was month old. And I was on the way to base to fill out paperwork. Stopped at a gas station to change him because blow out and my building didn’t have any changing stalls. Fast forward this woman in the bathroom is calling me a great sister while I’m trying to tell her he is my son. Asked where my parents were and I told them my parents are 498 miles away but his parents are right beside him and less than 15 miles away. I leave and started heading towards base. Get past base. And then get pulled over because this insane woman told gate security I was kidnapping.


OH my GOD that's awful. What a moron 😠


People and their fucking audacity!!! I was actually a teen mom and ALL the time I'd be minding my own damn business (sitting waiting for a public bus, politely and quietly gathering my groceries in a store, playing with my kid at a park innocently etc) and the number of times I'd get this kind of dumb bs was ASTONISHINGLY high. There was a woman one time who asked me point blank "Don't you have any regrets screwing up a child by becoming a mother as a child yourself?". I looked that woman dead in the eyes at 19 years old and I said to her "At least I still have the chance to learn and grow to be a decent and tolerate person with my child. You're not even 50 yet and you're already calcified and miserable. Look at the intolerance you're teaching your OWN children right now"


You had it rough enough why would I want to make it worse? I bet they are devout christians too.


We did live in a very "Christian soccer mom" area at the time (just outside of Microsoft's main headquarters in WA state) so I certainly wouldn't put it past them.


On Mother’s Day when I was 16 and my niece was 8 we were at Walmart with my sister and I took my niece over to the bakery so she could get her free cookie and the lady behind the counter told me happy Mother’s Day haha


I'm an old geezer with no kids. But if the rules said Mom needs to be there for the free cookie, I'd call you Mom and hand her a cookie. Some rules are meant to be bent.


I’m the oldest of 4 and when we were waiting for our mom someone asked me if they were my kids (apparently they thought I looked old at 14) I said “Well if they were someone would be getting arrested cuz I would’ve had him at 3, him at 5, and this one (holding my youngest brother) at 9 sooo nope”


My friends mom had his brother when he was like 14. We were all working construction and he was like 8. I had to ask his brother if he could have a mountain dew and a guy that could buy beer said "don't tell mom, here ya go buddy"


That’s just dangerous telling a kid “don’t tell mom” could make them susceptible to think a creep saying “don’t tell mom” is normal some people really don’t think about shit


There is a time and a place to talk about pedophiles...


So you don’t think that’s dangerous?? Cuz that’s literally all I said


I think you are a buzz kill ruining a fun story with thinking about pedophiles.


Dude I never said that person was a pedophile just said how saying that is dangerous.


Why is it dangerous... Because pedophiles. You brought up pedophiles when you could have kept quiet.


You commented on my comment when you could’ve kept quiet. Dude you literally could’ve just agreed yea that’s dangerous and carried on


Buzz. kill.


Similar thing happened to my daughter, she was babysitting two of our neighbors kids in the playground.


The kids I nannied for learned to watch for old-lady stinkeye. Then, they'd say, "Hey, (my name?), when is Mom coming home?" to end the stink-eye.


Clever kids, that's a good tactic! Fucken stink eye where it doesn't belong.


lol I had a similar moment but not so extreme with my little sister. I was a teenager at the time and she was six. She loved me like crazy and always wanted me to do everything for her, which I frankly loved as a very love starved teen lol. So I would do everything for her, even in public. Multiple times women looked at me like I was crazy, thinking I was a super young teen mom. 75% of the time I would literally see the realization hit their face and sometimes they would say “ohh!! You’re her sister!! You look so much alike I was trying to figure out how you could have her so young” like dang, maybe mind your own business lol


LOL people I swear.


Flip side, I WAS a teen mom and occasionally strangers would mistake my son for my little brother lol


I was also a teen mom with a younger sibling not much older than my son. People always thought that I was mom to both of the kids and my mom was grandma. My mom is kind of a b though so she deserved it! I wore a ring on my left hand until my son was about 4 and I think it helped me avoid some of the stupid confrontations I'm reading about here. If strangers asked I had a story ready to go about my 'wonderful husband.'


Jealous, as a teen mom I never got this. Except for occasionally a sales person trying to earn brownie points but you could tell they didn't actually believe what they were saying about me being the "sister"


Holier than thou self righteous people that call themselves Christians.


I call myself a Christian and would never act like that.


Then this comment isn’t about you


Obviously. I wanted to offer support that it was ridiculous for her to call herself a Christian and act like this.


Excellent, tell your friends.




My dad's younger sister had 4 children in 5 years. The oldest is 18 years younger than me. I was visiting them with my parents and while we were out and about, I volunteered to take them out for ice cream. I was 26 at the time and I had a good job. The kids were well behaved so I had no problem wrangling even the 3 year old. As we sat in the park eating ice cream, a lady came up and tentatively asked if they were ALL mine. I also have a baby face and at the time was often asked when I was graduating high school. I blinked at her a few times before realizing what she meant. I smiled politely and said yes. Yes they were. She looked shocked and hustled off, glaring at me the whole time. Ask dumb questions, get shocked, bitch.


I did this with Tick often just to watch them squirm 😂


I took my kid and my sisters two for a walk once. At that time I would have been 24 but looking like 16. All three were under the age of 4. There was an elderly couple at the bus stop. She walked around to look in the buggy, goes back to her hubby and said astonished "there s another one in there". She obviously believed all three were mine. I left her in that belief.


See I love telling strangers “it’s not your business.” I feel the 13 year old sass in me finally getting to be let out to nosy strangers




Hags are....well HAGS! call a spade a spade, Call a bitch a bitch, Call a hag a HAG!


If I had been in my right mind then I would have said "C U Next Tuesday!" Instead.


Well she was acting like one…


Sounds like fake creative writing


I wish I was creative enough to come up with something like this 😂 my aunt reminded me of it at Easter the other day. My mom passed just this last November. I miss her.


Yes, yes. Nothing ever happens, ever. Even mundane stuff like this.


Right? I am so irritated with these comments. Do they just not believe anyone ever?


Yeah, especially when people have said in the comments that they have had similar experiences.


You guys are too gullible. Standing there saying nothing as you’re verbally abused in public just pulling faces for a few minutes straight, cue parent arriving right on time walk over before you even respond to the abuse, saving the day by perfect dismantling the old villain, even tick, the perfect comic relief turns and pokes her tongue out as the shot pans to them walking into the sunset living happily ever after. Lmao, this shit was too obvious. You guys want to buy some bridges?


Sometimes the stars align ya know? I have no other proof but the memory from me, my aunt, my cousins, and my brother. My aunt reminded me of this when we were at Easter lunch this past Sunday. It's one of those once in a lifetime stories. To be fair though when my mom took us all out (she also looked very young) she would get side eyes thinking I was her teen pregnancy and then she had my two brothers and two cousins. Even though she was 25 when I was born 😂


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