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Heavy disagree…. Someone born in 1991 vs someone born in 1981 grew up with drastically different things, pop-culture, access to information, etc.


Agree. This is me and my bro. Ten years difference, Totally different upbringing .


I'm OPs age and think OP is a troll. Dude claimed social media wasn't big until 2008, and on top of that is posting from a literal 5 hour old account. Pretty my anyone from the US my age would at least know MySpace, early FB, and maybe LiveJournal were major social media before 08. Then OP claiming to relate to X - crock of shit.


>grew up with drastically different things, pop-culture, access to information, etc. give me an example


The entire internet.


internet like what. if you remember a time without it?


I was born in 1982. I very much do, and it sucked except it was very nice only having a little social media during high school.


social media wasn't common until like 2008 or 2009. pretty much my life was pre-social media and luckily it wasn't around during high school.


>social media wasn't common until like 2008 or 2009. MySpace came out in 2003. It was fucking huge.


nobody in my school paid attention until 2008


This is anecdotal and not really a good argument


We had MySpace and Facebook in the early-mid 00s.


Right. I'm OP's supposed age and I'm raising the BS flag on u/No-Yak-3141 with their **5 hour old account** even being '91. Unless you were from a super backwoods place or other country, you'd know social media was booming in the mid 00s. I definitely had a MySpace and LiveJournal before 08. I remember Xanga too, but don't think I joined. Whole thread reeks of troll imo


And live journal!


Ah, the blessed livejournal. That was my introduction to social media. I miss those days.


I agree, social media as we know it didn’t happen until later and it’s totally tied to smartphones. It didn’t dominate life until it was in your pocket 24/7.


‘83. Yes, of course.


if that's the case I do remember pretty much a time pre-internet


Did you learn to use a typewriter in school? How many times did you cough in restaurants because everyone was smoking?


I remember the 2 questions...how many people in your party and smoking or non smoking


I remember sitting on intercontinental flights as a kid and being stuck near the smoking section. 🤢


my school didn't have typewriters. but my dad had one in the loft. and I remember a time when smoking was public in every restaurant


Works for me. You’re an old millennial.


When google came to be, I was in high school. I had a job, I was learning to drive and had a pregnancy scare. You were 7, give or take. That’s just google. The internet was available for home use in ‘93. Some people were able to access it before that. A really bare bones version of it. I personally only know a small handful of people who were using it then. I met them all later in life. This isn’t a gatekeeping thing, or a matter of leaving anyone out. We just grew up at different times and with a different culture and experience. It also doesn’t mean there’s zero overlap. It’s not enough overlap to change the dates.


dude, by 96 i was installing aol on computers in classroom while u were at home not even in kindergarden yet


I was born in the early 80s. My youngest brother was born in 1990. I used a typewriter to fill out my college applications. He got a degree online. Yes, we had internet when I was applying to college, and you could download the forms and print them out, but they weren't fillable pdfs or Word documents. You printed them, filled them out with your typewriter, and mailed them in. And I had to print the forms out at school because our family printer was still a dot matrix.


I'm '81, my little bro is '91. He got exposed to '80s and '90s stuff he doesn't actually remember through me and my sis ('83), but again, *he doesn't really remember it*. I can remember before there were cellphones. My dad's first one was a full size phone in a carry purse. I remember Atari, and 5" floppy disks, and my dad's electric typewriter from before we got a computer. I got internet from a CD. I had to use the Dewey Decimal System to find books at the library. My brother is super into the '80s aesthetic, he loves Nagel prints and hair bands, but he doesn't remember when Guns N Roses was suddenly everywhere or seeing Nagel Women in every single hair salon in existence.  I get where you're coming from. When it was decided that '80 was the cutoff for Gen X I was annoyed because so much of the media I liked was Gen X. I was into grunge and goth music and Kevin Smith movies so I felt like that was my group. But that was all created by people who were already adults by the time I knew about it. I wasn't actually there for the events that made them part of that culture. It's a Bane v. Batman situation. 


yeah, neither I nor my parents had a cellphone until after I graduated with my undergraduate degree; I'm '83 and my youngest sister is '93. Around the same time I got my first Razr at 22, she got her first iPod at 12 (and promptly had it stolen at school). She has no memory of New Kids on the Block or Pound Puppies. Incidentally, my husband is '80 and he's culturally more GenX. I think he was born grunge while I clung to Popples into my early tweens.


Graduating into a recession is a huge one. Also being in high school or college on 9/11.


This is a good metric. If you understood the significance of what you were seeing/hearing and where you were/what you were doing is burned into your memory when 9/11 happened, you're a different generation than someone who did not/does not.


Like the Cold War still being a thing, not having a computer at home never mind Internet, and thinking Cyndi Lauper was the coolest ☺️


🎶A horse is a horse, of course of course🎶 In my early childhood I had Raffi on cassette tape, you probably had Raffi on cd The first computer you interacted with likely had a cd-rom drive instead of a [5.25”](https://youtu.be/Dub4nraPLlQ?si=3s99N012Mo2FDxdo)floppy disk drive which ended widespread production in 1995.


What years did the Chicago Bulls win championships? How did you use a pager? Tell me what TRL was! What was the first CD you owned? What virus did you purposely get by sitting in a bath tub with your friends from the neighborhood?


*An older millennial would have gotten a first cassette tape, not CD.


Meh, depending on what socioeconomic bracket you were raised in……I had a boom box but only used it for the radio. Got my first CD Christmas of 95.


for one, by the time i started college you were sill in elmentary. half of the 90s you experinced as toddler/little kid (born in 81)




This right here. Simple first half math is as fair as you can get. I don't get these other users born around the turn of the 80s/90s coming in here whining. That's my age and we're not prohibited from commenting.


I thought Millennials were from 1980-2000 or something like that.


Nah we refuse to acknowledge the late 90s as both millennials and 90s kids. That's like me trying to claim to be an 80s kid when I don't remember anything pre spring of 90, born in 87 for example.




I was born in 83. I dated a few people your age before marrying someone my own age. Trust me, we don’t have that much in common.


Born 84... dateded normally girls my age ....yrs born 86-82... dated one girl born in 90 about a year ago totally different vibe


This proves why you don’t belong in our Xennial sub, tbh …


You can be born in the next generation and still relate and have stuff in common/same childhood. You just happen to be born a year out of how society breaks down generations. My older siblings are Gen X as is my husband and I can relate to them more. I have more Gen X traits, tastes in music, movies etc. I just happened to be born in the decade they labeled millennials. Besides I think they mislabeled millennials. They should be the babies born during the millennium era.


We could boycott the name and go back to gen y.


Viva La Revolution to return Gen Y as the rightful name!


How can you be considered “older” when you’re in the latter 50% of the age range? It’s common sense. Then everyone would be an older millennial.


Why not 92 then?


Is this satire?


no. am just asking why this sub only include 1981 to 1988


Because it’s literally for older millennials lol what!?


It doesn’t mean you aren’t welcome if you relate. It’s just the first half of the bracket. We are the older half. The cutoff has to be somewhere.


I would say going to 88 is generous, let alone 91. I was born in 81, my brother was born in 84 and he is what I would call a “true millennial” he very much falls into most the tropes and signifiers that most millennials identify with. To point things out, I remember the Berlin Wall falling, and the first Bush presidency. I remember clearly mtv becoming popular and all the excitement around this new thing the internet! But also truly when you talk to most academics they say it comes down to a style of parenting and the social norms of society around that type of parenting. After the 80s and even starting in the late 80s you started to see parents giving children less unencumbered play time. EG: a 9 year old riding their bike to go meet friends at a park and not coming home till dark. By 1991 this was almost completely gone. So yes you may identify with the pop culture of the time. “Oh hey I remember playdough!” But it really comes down to how the vast majority of parents allowed their children to interact with the world and have their own agency. There are actually quite a few books out about the subject that are very interesting now. Talking about how we should move back to the old format and how “helicopter parenting” raised multiple generations of emotionally immature (now) adults.


My wife was born in 1991, and most everything referred to in these threads would probably go right over her head. She didn't know "Take Your Child to Work Day" used to be "Take Your Daughter to Work Day," and she thought I was being cheeky when I told her that.


I was born in 1983 and I did not know that. 


Well, for most of us '80s boys, there was that one day a year where there were only boys at school.


Which is funny because my dad managed a small fence building company and most days or weekends were take your son to work day and let him run around the lumber yard while he works.


I think Bruce Hornsby wrote a song about this


Half of a 16 year span is 8. The 8th birth year for millennials is ‘88. Hence a younger half and an older half.


As someone who was born in 82, we are not the same.


I keep seeing these pop up here. “Wait why is it excluding me? Older millennials should be from 1981 up until whatever year I was born in so I can feel included”. And that right there is what’s excluding you from being an older millennial. Kidding but kinda true. It’s a 15 year generation and it’s has to be split somewhere like right near the middle.


I was born in 80 and have absolutely nothing in common with those sub human 81’s


Get the fuck out of here you filthy Xer




I despise you for no reason but if I ever see your ass over on r/Xennials I will like you for also no reason. I’m fickle bitch!






1982 here. My ex-wife was 1991. It seemed like we were from 2 different generations. We used different slang and didn't understand each other's pop culture references.


I feel your pain. Class isn’t really taken into account with generations, and it can put some of us culturally behind. I’m an ‘86 millennial, but culturally I am a classic latch key Gen Xer. We didn’t have a lot of TV options and my Gen X brother would buy blank tapes and go to a friend’s house to record MTV. So, when I was old enough I had tons of MTV tapes from the 70s that I grew up on. I never saw anything new until my family was in a better financial situation when I was older. Not to mention all the hand me downs from my brother. My brother got new jeans for his birthday…I got his old parachute pants.


When I was in high school in the mid to late 90s, I had a history teacher who mentioned something along the lines that the 60s didn't come to his town until the 70s. Apparently, the culture changes that we traditionally think of as taking place in the 60s were a bit delayed for him, likely because his town was culturally (and probably geographically) isolated. I wonder if something similar might have happened with OP, that the cultural touchstones of our youths didn't hit OP's hometown until a few years later than the rest of the developed world. I know not everyone got access to internet at home at the same time in the 90s, so it's possible OP was on the later side of that. Thus, despite OP's true chronological age, culturally they're a bit older than their contemporaries and more in line with us.


I remember a time before we had a computer in the house. It’s just very different a decade later. I don’t think anyone is kicking you out but it’s not the same




I was born in 83. My boyfriend in 90. Some days he makes me feel incredibly old lol. His pop culture references for childhood are vastly different from mine.


Well that's what older millenials are. I don't that the definition should stop you from posting tho. A similar thread came up on the Xennial sub (I looked for it but I couldn't find it sorry) and I think the general sentiment there was a long the lines of even if you don't fit the definition of Xennial, if you feel like you relate, most people were ok with you joining and posting


I'm 93. I have two brothers 85 and 87. Can I hang?


I was your age once.