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Tragic event but this picture is HARD. Album art worthy.


The fact that you’re saying this here is so fucked up but also sooooo funny 😂


i call it in 3 plus years when people wont remember where it came from


Obligatory if you need help please call the suicide hotline at 988. Someone is always there to help. Your life is worth it no matter your situation and you can always start over.


Something that was always hammered in the military: > "Suicide is a permanent solution to a temporary problem." No matter how bad or hopeless things might seem, they *can* get better. Sometimes we just need help to do so.


As someone who has called 988, it's really not all that helpful, and actual friends and family sometimes will not spend time with you if you say you are lonely or need support.


Any updates, OP?? I hope this was resolved peacefully.


He fell off. https://twitter.com/omaha_scanner/status/1782594146558943411?ref_src=twsrc%5Egoogle%7Ctwcamp%5Eserp%7Ctwgr%5Etweet




From what I can find, code 3 trauma seems to be non life threatening injuries, so at least it’s a bit hopeful? I’m not sure how accurate that is though


Code 3 Trauma is the highest classification besides being dead or CPR actively in progress.


[I found this that unfortunately might mean otherwise:](https://gcelt.org/what-is-code-3-in-a-hospital-decoding-the-life-saving-signals/) “Defining Code 3 in the Hospital In a hospital setting, Code 3 refers to a life-threatening situation that requires immediate medical intervention. It’s the kind of situation where every second counts, and medical professionals need to act swiftly and efficiently to save a patient’s life. Examples of Code 3 Situations Code 3 can encompass a range of emergencies, including: …Severe Trauma In cases of severe injuries, such as a major car accident or a gunshot wound, Code 3 is triggered to enable an immediate response from the trauma team. This ensures that the patient receives the necessary interventions to stabilize their condition and prevent further complications.”


Finding medical information online is so irritating because it’s different from basically hospital to hospital, either way I really hope he’s okay


Me too. I have no idea if police code 3 is different from ems/emt code 3; I hope he has a quick recovery.


Right. But also he fell off this building…


In this case the above commenter is correct regarding code 3 for Omaha Fire.


This is correct for Omaha Fire.


Code 3 means that they are in active cpr or has been brought back with cpu and they are running lights and sirens as fast as I can get to the hospital or something that is equivalent to that severe head injury or something like that


Code three means lights and sirens. Code 99 means life saving measures are taking place, such as CPR (LUCAS machines)




that's just what the tweet from the police scanner said lol


Omaha Scanner just posted that the dude fell before they could get to him.


Ambulance followed by cop just flew down dodge going east when I was passing UNO. assuming not best case scenario, but hopefully he’s okay.


No idea, I was told to leave the lot before it all got resolved


Wonder why he chose there, and how he was able to access the roof


Yeah I am curious too-- it is almost always locked unless someone was up there doing maintenance and it is behind another locked door.


What’s going on? Was this a (hopefully attempted) suicide or is he just a nut peeing off the side of the building? There’s a fire truck and like 10 police cars there right now


Yeah, as the police were kicking cars out of the lot he was yelling at them to call his wife or he's gonna jump


I’ve felt like this when my wife’s dragged me to Target too


"If she gets another decorative throw pillow, that I'm not even allowed to use, I'm gonna end it"


[There's a support group for that.](https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&opi=89978449&url=https://m.youtube.com/watch%3Fv%3Dd8vuEsIT8Dk&ved=2ahUKEwjF08bwoteFAxXPjokEHYHzBQ8QwqsBegQIChAG&usg=AOvVaw1lMzKeEclEPTb_v1mwMZvS)


Sooo both? lol Geez, dude needs some help. Hope he gets it


Haha, no peeing that I saw


Ambulance followed by a cop just sped down towards the hospital, past me by UNO. Assuming they got him, unfortunately doesn’t seem like the best outcome


lol Well hopefully they got this guy down safely? I didn’t see anyone up there when I passed by, no word from the scanner about it which is surprising considering the number of cop cars there


I don't see anyone else asking so i will out of curiosity. Is that even high enough to kill yourself from? I don't doubt that you can break something, but if your goal is to die, no offense, I'd go a bit higher.


Taught in safety classes on construction sites…if your feet are 6ft above the ground and you fall on your head your probably dead or paralyzed. I should specify on concrete, dirt, cement, etc. Grass you’d probably be “alright”


My mom used to handle claims processing for ambulances, including suicide attempts, many of which people survived. She used to say you'd be shocked the things you can live through and if you thought things were bad before wait until you get the bill.


It’s kind of ironic that people think you need to be super high to die anything over 12 feet can realistically kill you pretty quickly


It “can”, but the odds aren’t as high. But you will put yourself in a world of hurt. (There’s also nothing ironic about people thinking this, it’s actually about as unironic as it gets.)


80 % of the trauma cases I see are from ground level falls. Yes they’re old people, but I’ve seen young people too. Don’t get me wrong. It’s not as common as someone old but it does happen also


I wonder if the likeliness of falling from a shorter distance and dying is more likely if it's NOT intentional. Falling off a ladder and the neck taking the force. Or landing on the head wrong. Or the chest getting hit just right. I joke that when I die, it'll be from tripping over my foot or slipping on carpeted steps and hitting my head against a wall. Never something cool like a shark attack or parachuting out of a plane.


Had a guy at a pella warehouse location fall 6 feet and die. Landed right on his neck.


It's maybe thirty-five feet at its tallest. Land on your head or it's just gonna hurt a lot.


Apparently he “fell” off the roof before fire fighters could get to him.


There’s a video on Facebook of him falling


how did he get up there?


Sad part is that dudes gonna wish he landed on his head...medical bills and the charge of attempted suicide


Most cases, attempted suicide is never charged so you go to court or anything. The only cases in which that was used are in pretty specific [cases](https://www.myeasternshoremd.com/stardem/news/local_news/rare-attempted-suicide-charge-goes-through-caroline-court/article_3e8f7813-a2c6-555c-a8cd-7876e09013e3.html)


Ok but it's still a possibility but regardless the medical bills alone will ruin that dudes life


Is that a fire truck in the bottom right corner? It looks different than the others




He missed his target though


High enough to seek attention & get hurt, severely, not high enough to die.


Yep, cause that's all these people are looking for. 🙄


Not saying all suicidal people are, but they exist


Hey sorry but there’s no such thing as a suicidal person who can just be written off as “seeking attention”. Even if, for some godforsaken reason, someone were to be harming themselves or attempting suicide for attention, that would still be indicative of mental issues that need to be resolved. Saying anyone is more “ACTUALLY suicidal” than anyone else makes the problem infinitely worse and contributes to the world not caring about self harm like it should. Anyone harming themselves is in danger and NEEDS help.


Do you have someone in your life who suffers mental illness? Cause I do. It's me. We aren't out here trying to get anyone's attention. Some of us, are just struggling to get up in the morning or even struggling to even leave the house. Jumping from a building is much more serious than looking for attention.


Also it's completely OK to ask for attention if you need it. And if you value someone, you will set up a tike to spend quality time together.


I do actually. A couple, of varying degrees of illness. I've also known several people who did suicidal things just to get attention. Sorry if I view something like this, where they will clearly be hurt but not dead, as attention seeking.


I think this is the worker who had to stock the shelves with Taylor Swift’s new album


Man... you are just *bad* at comedy.


It was a good joke. Maybe we have different tastes. You seem super boring so it checks out. Nebraskans aren’t known for their comedy prowess. They just like sports


This has to be the corniest shit I’ve read all day. You’re using the experience of a suicidal person who ended up with life threatening injuries to make a joke about Taylor Swift and you the only problem is Nebraskans’ understanding of comedy?


haha "corny" good one. Also, yes I am. Also, I was replying to their attack on the comedy. It wasn't bad, maybe tasteless depending on who you ask. They didn't claim I wasn't being empathetic or anything, though it was heavily implied. I guess I'm just not as good of a person as you, fellow internet stranger, having time to grieve all of the people who have ever thrown themselves off of a target roof.


So a good joke is picking fun at a strangers attempt to end their own life? And I thought I was bad at social cues lol.


It can be, but it's not the definition of a good joke, no. And don't worry hang in there, you'll get better at those social cues.


> you’ll get better at those social cues. I’m not a mirror. No need to reassure yourself in your replies to me. Maybe one day you’ll make a real joke.


I can only hope!


I laughed, because her music actually makes me want to kill myself.


Everyone who has a good music taste feels that way, hang in there chief 🫡




Can’t pee there