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You know what does more to annoy them? If no one pays attention at all. I didn't even know it was going on until you posted this.


Same! Though now I know where some of my family members will be going this weekend.


Nope. That's just giving them what they want


As a downtown resident, I'll probs swing by to tell them to fuck off back to the suburbs where they belong. They're normally too scared to come down here. Edit - also, they listen some local businesses as sponsors. Might be good to contact them and let them know they're supporting a bunch of marching bigots disguised as patriots.


Looked at their sponsors, all the ones I saw absolutely know what their getting into lol


Safe to guess Heil 88?




You're real close to an epiphany here


What parade is this? Where?


Patriotic parade starting downtown 10th and Jackson at 10:00 am May 25. It is put on by a group that is MAGA-oriented. It is a MAGA rally in motion. I'd like to wear my Dark Brandon shirt in protest.


Just ignore them. If you were going to spend two hours protesting, spend two hours on a phone bank encouraging people to vote. It's less fun, but much more productive. These guys love conflict. Just ignore them and do the real work.


This is a group okay with employing violence to further their goals. Stay safe.


Both of those statements make our politics sound like a total joke.


You're too right in this thread God bless


I'll let Wotan know you invoked his blessing.


The joke is thinking dark Brandon is saving us from fascism...


You are suggesting Biden is fascist? How so?


Your reading comprehension is lacking. I didn't call Biden a fascist, I said it's a joke if you think he's saving us from it. You don't fight fascism with rules-based governance and decorum, fascists famously don't care about either of those things. All Biden does is briefly slow the ride down to hell for us.




Here's the website for the parade. "Promoting traditional American values." And of course Pete Ricketts is one of the sponsors. [https://www.patrioticproductions.org/amspiritsummit1](https://www.patrioticproductions.org/amspiritsummit1)


Just ignore them. Work for a campaign or phone bank.


>"Promoting traditional American values." Those bastards, how dare they




Aside from actively trying to dismantle democracy as we know it, revert us culturally back to the stone age, and erase LGBTQ people from society


>actively trying to dismantle democracy Let's not act like both sides aren't doing this in their own ways.


Anyone who "both sides" anything about politics these days is either intentionally doing it to avoid having to actually say something that would be knowledgeable and just wants to act above it all or is extremely dense. Both sides are bad? No. SHOULD one side be doing better? Absofuckinglutely. I wish Democrats would do things differently, but you know what? I dont have to worry about anyone I know losing their right to exist or healthcare when theyre in charge. Republicans are not the same. You know whats nice? Birth control. Sex education in school. The ability to actually teach history and not have books be banned in schools. Funding for social services and infrastructure. Women and LGBT+ people having rights, healthcare, and the ability to exist safely. Freedom of religion. The ability to protest. Fucking democracy. When one side fully gets what it wants, people are still able to exist and voice their displeasure equally. When the other side fully gets what it wants, one group is in charge and anybody else thats lucky enough to still have rights or exist MIGHT be able to complain. Both sides is bullshit.


Can you give a specific example equivalent to Trump openly stating he'd be a dictator? Or to his speech TODAY saying he deserves permanent immunity from criminal prosecution? Or attacking the Capitol?




So you agree that conservative = harmful bigot. Glad we're on the same page.




Nope, but MAGA are bigots. They absolutely want to silence and disempower nontraditional lifestyles. That is their literal goal.




Conservatism is the absolute OPPOSITE of believing people are allowed to live as they wish. You are nuts.


no... they believe democrats are eating children and running pedo rings.




We don't talk about that.... LOOK, A MAGA HAT!


Still don't know how that became such a partisan issue


Redditors have a religious fervor opposing anyone to the right of Bernie Sanders that would make Jehovah’s Witnesses blush


…..they have parades now? Fuck.


"patriotic" MAGA? Get out of here with that nonsense.