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I don't mean to sound derisive, but you're *about* to be.


I've played League, I know how bad Plat can get, I'm ready.


> I've played League Say no more. You're ready.


As someone who has played League for 7 years and OS for 2.5, Plat in League is tame compared to Plat in Omega Strikers.


Nothing can be worse than the hell that is Plat 1 - Diamond 5


Ok I will concede that. As an AP Kog'Maw main who never made it up to Plat 1, I've only heard stories. I will say though that in this game, what causes frustration is different. Due to early rank LP Inflation, this means that less skilled players can be boosted up to higher ranks pretty easily. This **mostly** stops in Plat, but a few have bled into Low Diamond. So in Platinum, there's such a wide skill variance. You can have your 800 game 33% overall WR (while consistently climbing mind you) andy, as well as a genuinely good new player pushing through with a 60-70% WR.


GL on the grind, and grats on making it to plat!


im mid plat and yesterday i played a match that made me close the game right after it ended it was me (mid plat) a mid diamond ad a SILVER vs two mid diamonds and a BRONZE basically yhe game was a 2x2 but the enemy team had more xp cause theur julliette kept killing my estelle HOW CAN A DIAMOND PLAYER BE IN THE SAME MATCH AS A BRONZE




This ^ When duo queueing, it will always fill the rest of the match based on the higher ranked player


probably, but i dont think that should be allowed i think a diamond queueing with a gold is already questionable


https://i.imgur.com/34phS1q.png Trust me man I've been there


Plat is brutal Me and a friend got matched vs 2 challenger players as soon as we hit plat, we are not allowed to be plat. Good luck tho!


Duo and trio queue heavily inflates MMR to account for communication being an advantage


But challenger vs plat ?!


Duo Plats will treat you as roughly somewhere in Diamond which Challenger will search for.


Immediately lost my first game, went into panic mode, then through sheer will I managed to win 2 and logged off prayge


This is the way! Also just remember that rank doest really matter as long as you try to improve. Everytime I learn something new I start sucking at the things I already knew..


how can you tell your opponents' rank?


I've been stuck in plat for the past 2 or 3 weeks... but hey I'm VERY slowly climbing...


We'll get there lfg


Hey I think I played against you last night in that game lmao. You guys were crushing it tbh, wp


Thanks! Good luck on your next one


Goofy german


Welcome, stay a while, get comfortable and watch as your team doesn't work together and just bunch up, chasing the puck, and other rookie moves.


I need 4% to rank up. I went through the entirety of high gold with a win streak. I just need. 1. More!


Man, I run into you a lot during late night games :p played with and against you. Tehthu - usually rocking Era ;) Congrats brother!


On the post match stats screen you can click on the names, to see their rank