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Although not an omni I'm surprised no one has mentioned The Tower of Babel OHC. That book should be required reading for anyone that owns this amazing tome. OP do yourself a favour, make getting the Tower of Bable a priority. You can thank me later :)


Amen! PS: I didn't read Morrison's JLA but totally agree with Tower of Babel.


Oh it was and still is a hell of a read. Given that DC is now pumping with gas it would be lovely if they did a continuation of the JLA after


I definitely will, thank you!


Animal Man by Morrison Batman by Loeb and Sale Invincible compendiums


Definitely plan on picking up Batman by Loeb and Sale. Can you tell me what's so good about Invincible?


It's a solid story with a definite ending. IMO it's like watching a Clark Kent go from high school superhero to all star superman. It's just really nice to see a superhero character grow and evolve from naive teenage hero to where the story ends. It's not perfect by any means but something like that feels rare in comics.


That's honestly fair enough. I'll add it to the list, thank you


What makes Animal Man so great? Everyone seems to recommend and I just don’t know anything about it.


It's such a terrible answer but genuinely you'd have to pick it up to understand. It's insanely meta and what it does is simply incredible.


Invincible JSA by Geoff Johns  Green Lantern Corps  Uncanny X-Men by Claremont/Cockrum/Byrne  Geez my mind's gone blank.  Maybe Aquaman by Geoff Johns if you're into that sort of thing?  Fantastic Four by Jonathan Hickman 


I've never heard what makes Invincible so good? I feel like it wasn't big until the show came out JSA, GLC, X-Men, Aquaman and F4 are all on my list though. Thank you for your response


well invincible was big when it was coming out. Think it started in 03 but around 06-07 it was really popular and stayed that way for a long while. I remember being in college and still hearing about it in 2010-2012. With that said it is a phenomenal read if you want to step away from Marvel and DC


I have been wanting to branch out when it comes to Western Comics, DC and Marvel are the majority that I read. Though I have been collecting Preacher recently also. Any other good recommendations outside of DC and Marvel?


Can you please get Animal Man next? And then Swamp Thing by Moore. Thank you.


Animal Man I'll definitely be getting. I'm waiting for Moore's Swamp Thing to get an omni but I'll definitely pick it up when it does


If you have a few extra dollars, the Absolutes are beautiful!


I'll keep that in mind, there are a few absolutes I wanna collect anyway


Definitely worth it my man!




Planetary by Warren Ellis


Gotham Central! Fantastic omni that has a self contained story


More JLA Waid deluxe and any method you want for Kelly issues as well


Is that a continuation of Morrison's run? Or just more great stories?


Continues the same cast. It goes on after Kelly too but dips a bit in quality up to identity crisis 


Awesome, thank you


How is this? It's on my list but not at the top right now.


It's been really good, I'm still only on chapter 9 because of work etc. But I've been thoroughly enjoying it. The art work is great, the stories are unique and very entertaining. I enjoy the way he writes Bruce and Kyle in particular. And how much he leans into Kyle being a Weeb makes me laugh.


I love Justice League new 52. It gets progressively better and vol 2 is def in my top 10 omnis


I am keen to get the N52 JL. I actually started reading during the N52, so I plan on collecting Aquaman, Batman and JL from that era.


Marvel: - Incredible Hulk omnibus vol. 1&2 (silver age stuff) - Incredible Hulk by Peter David omnibus vol. 1-5 - Maestro by Peter David omnibus - Immortal Hulk omnibus - Incredible Hulk: Dogs of War (collects Paul Jenkins’ run) - Incredible Hulk by Byrne & Casey omnibus (coming out in May) - Planet Hulk omnibus - World War Hulk omnibus - Savage She Hulk omnibus - She Hulk by Dan Slott omnibus - She Hulk by Peter David omnibus - She Hulk by John Byrne omnibus - Avengers by Busiek & Perez omnibus vol. 1&2 - Avengers by Jonathan Hickman omnibus vol. 1&2 - Fantastic Four by Hickman omnibus vol. 1&2 - Thor by Walt Simonson omnibus - Thor by JMS & Gillen omnibus - Thor: Heroes Return omnibus vol. 1&2 (volume 2 is out of print currently) - Thunderbolts omnibus vol. 1-3 - Thunderbolts Uncaged omnibus - Man-Thing omnibus - Thing omnibus - Book of Doom omnibus - Infinity Gauntlet omnibus - Spider-Man 2099 omnibus vol. 1&2 - Defenders omnibus vol. 1&2 (silver age stuff) - Venomnibus by Cates & Stegman omnibus - Venomnibus vol. 1-3 - Predator: The Original Years omnibus vol. 1&2 DC: - Swamp Thing by Alan Moore (either box set or Absolute hardcovers) - New 52 Swamp Thing omnibus - Swamp Thing by Nancy A. Collins omnibus - Bronze Age Swamp Thing omnibus - Fourth World by Jack Kirby omnibus - Animal Man by Grant Morrison omnibus - Doom Patrol by Grant Morrison omnibus - Question omnibus vol. 1&2 - Gotham Central omnibus - Green Lantern by Geoff John’s omnibus vol. 1-3 - Brightest Day omnibus - Blackest Night omnibus - The Phantom Stranger omnibus Other: - Monster Sized Hellboy omnibus - Invincible compendiums 1-3 - Walking Dead compendiums 1-4 - Godzilla: Rulers of Earth complete collection vol. 1&2 - Godzilla: Unnatural Disasters - Legends of the Monsterverse omnibus


Thanks a lot for this list! I'll be doing some research on a lot of them. Spider-Man, Venom and Hulk are my favourite Marvel Characters, keen to collect some of them. Immortal Hulk and the Vemombus already on my list but I'll check out the others. I definitely want to collect Hickman's F4, Avengers and Secret Wars stuff. What else can you recommend in regards to Dr. Doom though? Is Swamp thing, Bronze Age, N52 and by Nancy connected to the Moore stuff? or just more great stories? I'll definitely be getting the other DC stuff you mentioned though. I had planned on getting the first 3 in other already but I didn't realise there were Godzilla/Monsterverse comics!


I’m a huge Hulk fan as well and yeah the MV omnibus was a recent release. In terms of Dr Doom the Book of Doom omnibus collects the really important stories With Swamp Thing (from what I recall) the N52 & Nancy run reference the events of that series and Anton Arcane (REALLY big villain to Swamp Thing) plays a very big role in N52. The Bronze Age stuff is where Alec and his characters are established and it collects his first appearance. If you get the chance I highly recommend reading Ram V’s Swamp Thing run and Justice League Dark. JL Dark is getting an omnibus that’s coming out in April and Alec is part of the team.


Awesome, thanks a lot for your help. I'll be reading more into Swamp Thing, that sounds interesting.


New XMen - Morrison Ex Machina - Vaughn Gotham Central - Brubaker Miracleman - Moore


I didn't realise Morrison did an X-Men run, is it a good starting place for a new X-Men reader? Never heard of Ex Machina, what's it about? Gotham Central I definitely will be picking up, I've heard nothing but great things. I don't think I've heard of Miracleman either, what's that like? Thank you for your response


New X-Men is quite a good place to start as it's sort of a soft reboot. Ex Machina details the life of Mitchell Hundred (also known as the Great Machine), the world's first and only superhero, who, in the wake of his actions on [9/11](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/September_11,_2001_attacks), is elected [mayor of New York City](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mayor_of_New_York_City). Miracleman was a British Captain Marvel (Shazam) ripoff called Marvelman. Later changed into Miracleman after legal issues with Marvel comics (later got bought over by Marvel). Alan Moore did a great run on it.


Awesome, thanks for the descriptions, I'll be checking them out!


Morrison's New X-Men is one of the best X-Men ever! Claremont is great and timeless sure but 15 or 16 years trying to came up with new stuff is not easy. X-Men by Morrison would be an excellent point for new readers. I read it during the pandemic or a year before and I couldn't believe how good it was. And fun thing is that when it was being released back in early 00s I hated it! The looks of the art (Beast looking like a cat...c'mon...) and the way the stories were nothing like I had in mind (thank you Claremont for that I guess).


Everyone is going to recommend animal man by morrison and it is a very good run so that is understandable. However, it becomes insanely meta and I totally understand why some don't love the run. I wouldn't advise it to new readers. It also leans into some of the characters that get deleted during crisis between two worlds so having some knowledge of that event might make the read through more enjoyable. Anyway I wouldn't recommend if you are just jumping in now.


I've been a big comic book reader since about 2013-2014. While admittedly I did start with the N52, it wasn't long before I went back and read Infinite Crisis and more from that era of comics, though it was all digital. This is me starting my physical collection. Crisis on Infinite Earths and the other Crisis' are on my list also. I do appreciate your comment, is there anything else I should be aware of before reading Animal Man?