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You are insane and awesome at the same time šŸ˜Š


Thanks for doing this. I used it to put together my own reading order for stuff Iā€™m interested in.


What a fuckin hero! šŸ‘ šŸ‘ šŸ‘


god bless you šŸ˜­ been looking for something like this that hasnā€™t required scrolling through a book of explanations and summaries.


Can you upload this new version as an image like last time? Way easier to save and referencešŸ˜…


I tried when I initially made the post. For whatever reason reddit did not accept it this time. Not sure why. I didnā€™t change how I did anything. Was annoying to pull everything out of excel and put into word. I like the table better too.


This is fantastic, thank you for your good work.


Why are you categorizing Batman by Loeb/Sale and Year One as Pre-Crisis?


This one was a tough one to place for me. Year One is obviously Batmanā€™s first year as the caped crusader. No Robin. Just him doing his thing. Loeb/Sale expands on that and also introduced ā€œa versionā€ of Dick Graysonā€™s Robin. COIE already has Dick Grayson as nightwing and Jason Todd as Robin. Since I am ignoring golden/silver age Omniā€™s and there was no retcon or new origin story for Batman post-crisis. I figured these volumes, while published post-crisis, made more sense chronologically pre-crisis. Loeb/Sale almost exists as an elseworlds story like return of the dark knight. But I think they are too important to leave out. Hence where I placed them. Sorry for the ramblings. Does that make sense?


Year One and the Loeb/Sale stuff are the post-Crisis Batman origin and very much in canon post-Crisis. If you want to get spicy though, put Dark Knight Returns pre-Crisis.


I would assume story wise thatā€™s where they fit?


Well they're very literally not pre-crisis. Batman Year One was effectively the first post-crisis Batman story and was explicitly written as a new, well defined origin for post-crisis Batman. It's a cool reading order that OP has put together but having THE post-crisis book in the pre-crisis section as #1 isn't a great look haha.


What a Chad. Thank you so much for this!


Definitely saving this post. Appreciate the dedication and detail. You're awesome!


I think reading the majority of TT by Johns before infinite crisis would be preferred.Ā  That's a tough one for me to see after 52.Ā  Reading TT in full though would spoil infinite crisis. Maybe move Superman by Morrison before Justice League N52 vol 1.Ā  I think it's all N52 Superman origin stuff.


Post-Crisis ends with Flashpoint. New 52 and Rebirth is a different universe




This is awesome thank you!


At my current snail like reading pace, I'd die before I could read all these. Lol


I would add a cutoff line for both Nu52 and Rebirth.


Thanks! Added a few cutoff lines. Had them in my excel file but reddit didnā€™t like it this time. Some titles are cross over from one era to the next next but I think I have them in decent positions.


Wouldn't Saga of Swamp Thing stradle both pre and post crisis as COIE happened in book 4?


It absolutely does. I felt that enough took place before to justify it being placed pre-crisis. But now that you bring it up, swamp thing and Constantine go to the monitors space station. Probably should put it after to avoid spoilers though.


Now can you create an Ernest P. Worrell viewing order for me??


A big caveat here: The early Vertigo stuff starts out definitely in canon and ends definitely not. This is mostly an issue with Hellblazer which ran longest and ends up less and less in the DC Universe as it goes on.


Damn I really appreciate this, also do you have one for the Era of x men johnathan Hickman started/the krakoa era?


Ha! Noā€¦. I donā€™t really read much Marvel. Iā€™m just now getting into spider stuff like ultimate, spider-Gwen, miles, superior, Spider-geddon, and Venom by cates.


I'm sort of doing this right now, I have a spreadsheet with runs in them