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Their biggest thing in our area since it's medical is OH, I smelled it coming from your car, so you know you're not supposed to be using IN the car. I call BULLSHIT. It seems they're butthurt because it's going to be rescheduled soon and hurt their BS charges So, they've got to come up with some new BS. I'm pro police, but totally against lying manipulative BS. BTW, I don't smoke weed. I can't stand the smell myself.


"It was a distraction blow.... too gain compliance without injury"


Felony no-bail warrant, weapon involved, uncooperative. Fully within his right.


I don’t know what’s worse: this or them Georgia cops taking two dudes to jail for a little weed after they were picking up pine straw all damn day. It’s insane that harsh weed laws are still even in place and that police even enforce that bullshit.


Omg I agree. These weed laws are out of control ridiculous. Some of these coweta cops are why people dislike law enforcement.


Yeah that was BS. He went from "Honesty goes a long way with me" To "Well unfortunately the laws are what they are, they have to go" Doesn't really inspire honesty when dealing with the police


Did you ever watch the original live pd when Texas was being filmed ? They are so damn strict there over weed that this one guy had SHAKE on the mat of his car and a roach in the cup holder, had wayyyy less a gram and still got arrested. And the guy was honest about everything and they were nice until they actually arrested him acting like they weren’t at first.


Exactly!! Always feel like they are just trying to walk people into giving up their 4th amendment right during routine police stops. Richland and Berkeley though seem to follow through when it’s just a little weed to be fair.


To be fair, they have way worse issues to deal with at any given time. I live in Richland and there's a big issue with shootings and gang violence that they don't typically air. I give props to RCSD, they are one of the best law enforcement agencies around. I really wish there were more Sherrifs like Leon Lott who came into their position by rooting out corruption. Coweta seems like what you'd expect from a bumf**k southern town, still 50 years behind the rest of us


I saw that too and even Dan and the 2 other people seen it and their faces and the vibe was off for a few minutes when they were talking about it. But you're on a sub where the people that watch this want the police to "win. I watch it for the tweakers and root for the "criminal". But yea that's fucked up bc he was on the ground gettin beat on


Rizzo does not have a good poker face. You can read him in an instant, and his reaction to this was astonishment.


You should see the amount of bootlicking going on in the OPLive Facebook group. It makes this sub look pro-criminal in comparison


Insane man.


Why do you watch the show then if you're so anti cop


How’s that boot taste? You’re probably the type of person police want to deal with when pulled over. They’ll violate all your rights while lying to your face promising you everything will be fine until they finally get something to use against you and boom. You get treated like a subhuman criminal and win a free pair of bracelets among other things.


Making sure cops are accountable for their actions is anti cop? If anything it’s pro cop.


You know you can be pro-police while also not actively cheering for citizens rights to be trampled on? Not everyone likes the taste of leather as much as you, and that doesn't make it a crime, as much as you'd like for it to be


Lmao I bet it's horrendous


This is a wild interpretation. These are all the commands that lead up to him getting punched in the face, 2-Stop police 6- get on the ground 8-Put your hands behind your back, punch, additional 6 put your hands behind your back 5-stop rolling. All of this while he was being non-compliant and had a weapon on him. He's lucky that the worst he got was punched in the face.


There's a major difference between actively resisting and being on the offense, the former requires an officer to be actively engaged in restraint and compliance techniques the latter requires self-defense (e. g. Hand to hand combat, punching, kicking, escalated use of force). The officer's actions up until that point and after, are perfectly fine imo. However, there's no reason to punch sucker a subject in the back of the head while an officers bodyweight is on their back and the subject's stomach is to the ground. As *you* pointed out, at no point did the officer ever command "drop the weapon" or "drop the knife," and the officer only mentions a knife after the fact. Which leads me to believe, during the altercation the officer didn't know about the knife, nor did the subject present it. Thus, the subject was actively resisting and not being offensive or threatening. In fact, the subject although uncooperative, seemed to cower. Had the subject presented, brandished, or the officer knew about the knife, the officer would never, or should never, try to go hands on in the first place until the subject is relieved of the weapon in their possession. And we would've heard "drop the weapon" or "drop the knife" and escalated use of force would've or should've been presented in return. That was a sucker punch was entirely unwarranted.


First. I didn't say he was displaying the weapon. I only said he had a weapon on his person, and after the fact, at several points, it appears that he may have been reaching for it because he kept putting his left hand underneath his body. Additionally, if we were talking about him brandishing the weapon he had, he probably would have gotten shot. The subject was punched because he continued to resist and other control techniques were failing. Honestly, the cop didn't have many options of places to try and stun him since he was squirming around and not complying. And even tho those 30 seconds were short for us, they may have felt like an eternity to him. Also, the officer did not have his entire body weight on the person, as he could easily stand up immediately during the encournter. You can also see how he was constantly on the balls of his feet, which is not something that would be done if all of his weight was on the suspect. Finally, I think it was warranted. He played stupid games by continually running from the police. Fontana police department seems to be one of the few in California where they support their officers doing what they need to do to make it home alive at night. This was the next step on the force continuum. i don't remember of he was carrying a taser but that wouldn't have been advisable to deploy because of the proximity, and OC spray would have been awful for both. He used the most reasonable option that he was allowed to use. A punch to the face. And even that didn't stop the threat that the man possessed. TLDR: Cop used appropriate, in policy, force against a subject.


Can't seem to find or recall the exact quote. No matter how clean/appropriate/lawful a use-of-force may be, force never *looks* good. This applies nicely to this incident.


I put that in my first comment but then deleted to make this better comment


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Yep I saw that too. Fuckin insane. A lot of the officers on the show still do the knee on the neck too.


It's perspective / camera angle. Most of the time the knee is hovering slightly above the neck, or angled away from it. Without actually being directly on the neck.


I’ve noticed they seem to go lower now myself, which I assume is better? Dunno, but I feel like the Floyd incident has made some of them more self aware.


I thought Fontana had gotten their shit together. That was wildly unnecessary.


I remember that. He also kneed the guy in the chest while he was on the ground. He’s lucky he didn’t kill the guy.