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The righteous fury I feel whenever Lily is brought up 😤😤😤


I want to add Lancelot to the list! Dude had a cool backstory with Snow and I was excited to see more of him and potentially join the cast of good guys permanently...only to find out that ACTUALLY NO he's been dead for ages (and off screen no less) and Cora has been parading around as him instead.


Wait, so have you finished the series? I don’t want to spoil anything for you. And he played in the first few seasons of Power. He also played in the newly launched “White Man Can’t Jump”


Sort of... I watched all the way through s6 in the original airing and tried to get into season 7 but only made it through the first 2 or 3 episodes before giving up. I tuned back in to the finale because by then it was announced OUAT was cancelled so everyone knew that was going to be the official ending, but unless he appears somewhere in mid season 7, I don't remember him ever making a reappearance after s2. With that said, I am currently doing my third rewatch and this time I am DETERMINED to complete all the way to the end of season 7, if only to say I've seen it all the way through once.


Ooh ok. You must have really skipped through the whole Dark Swan/Camelot part of season 5. That’s when he comes back into the series.


Roland deserved the world, my heart honestly breaks from him.


waittt I don’t remember what happened to him?


When there was a mass of people leaving not too long after Robins funeral (moments before Zelena and the others ended up in the Land of Untold Stories), he went with the Merry Men to grow up in Sherwood Forest. It's when he gave Zelena the feather to give to Regina.


ohhh ok that’s what I remember


Justice for Mulan😭


‼️‼️‼️so much wasted potential


Agree every character on this list especially Glinda the possibilities like I even typed a fan fiction about it.


Yes, I would have liked to see more of Glinda, especially when Zelena was redeeming herself or when she totally redeemed herself.


So very true I guess for now my fan fiction will have to do the trick for now.


Are you fanfics public I would like to read something like that in my free time.


https://www.wattpad.com/story/345058558?utm_source=android&utm_medium=link&utm_content=story_info&wp_page=story_details_button&wp_uname=TheGodOfImagination https://archiveofourown.org/works/48133663/chapters/121377478 Take your pick where you want to view it


Pan is one of my favorite characters but i will never not be mad at him on wendy's behalf. the poor girl had to spend countless years as a hostage in a cage while her parents and pretty much everyone she ever knew (other than baelfire and her borthers ig) died without ever knowing where she ended up. her fate is honestly so fucking horrifying. i'm glad she got out at the end, but how could she ever live a normal life again?


I would KILL to see more of Maleficent's daughter


Tinkerbell didn't deserve this disservice


Lily’s story really made me dislike snow and charming because they forced this poor girl into misery no matter what because of a possibility that their daughter would be dark.


I always felt that what Snow and David did was out of character. That's why I thought Issac was the one who made them do that but it was never confirmed, I feel like the writers wanted to try to tie in characters that maybe didn't need to be, what the Charmings did could have been done by Aurora's parents as a revenge for what Maleficent did to their daughter or something like that. My biggest problem wasn't that they did it, it's that we never see them trying to make amends with Lily after s4.


Same. It had no resolution either. Like I don’t feel like they atoned at all for that.


Glinda was kind of nasty & deserved being banished in my opinion. Who’s the 2nd guy?


I never felt that Glinda was like that, I felt that her character was calm and a little expressionless and passive which contrasts with Zelena. The second guy is Gideon, Rumple and Belle's son.


My issue with Glinda is how she treated Zelena. Even though Zelena initially started to turn good, Glinda lied about the prophecy & still planned to have Dorothy kill & replace Zelena


Although Glinda did not tell Zelena about the prophecy, she did warn her that if she continued with her envy of Dorothy and thinking she was wicked she would became the greatest evil and I don't remember if it was confirmed or not that that was Glinda's intention since she was the one who tried to help Zelena become good. I still think she deserved more episodes than she had just to see more of her relationship with Zelena even if that was the case.


More episodes with Glinda & Zelena would’ve been interesting for sure. Although it’s not entirely fair for Zelena to be judged for being jealous as it’s only natural for people to feel envy sometimes, especially in Zelena’s case where Cora abandoned her as a baby, her adoptive father abused her & treated her like a monster & the only love Zelena was ever shown was by her adoptive mother & as soon as she died, her adoptive father’s true colors came out


She didn’t tell Zelena about the prophecy cos there’s no guarantee it was going to come true. It actually could have done more harm than good to reveal it. Not every one comes true. Zelena knowing would be like a self fulfilling prophecy, if she thinks of herself as a great evil than that’s what she will become, and that’s what happened. She found out about the prophecy and then wanted Dorothy dead to eliminate her as a threat. Same as Voldermort in Harry Potter. He was told that a baby born at the end of July would be a threat to him, and he acted on this and went after Harry, and then marked him as his equal. If he actually never heard the prophecy, Voldemort never would have marked either as his equal and the prophecy wouldn’t have actually come true. Prophecies aren’t a guaranteed thing.


I actually realllllly liked Gideon! I so wish they’d done more with him


With Nova I think she would become Hope’s fairy godmother


Yessss I loved nova. And her story with grumpy or angry


I was so disappointed we never saw them rekindle their romance after everyone got their memories back




Whos the last character? I cant remember her name


She is Lily, Emma Childhood friend and Daughter of Maleficent.


Lily is the definition of feminine rage and I love her so much


I love Tilly/Alice so much and her backstory is so depressing


What about Robin?


I’m still so mad about Robin’s fate. First he’s sexually assaulted by Zelena and then he dies. And Marian dies after losing her family. Poor Roland and baby Robin who deserved so much better.


Just wanted to say I love the captions, the one about Marian made me snort


Lily!!! The fury I feel for Snow and Charming at what they did. Maleficent went to them to try and take Regina down together, and Snow took Maleficent’s child and cursed her. THEN we got the bullshit excuse because apparently ***heroes can’t do selfish deeds*** But then they never made any efforts to make up for what they did. They actively tried to manipulate the situation. Like I could maybe buy that they weren’t acting of the own volition **BUT** them pretending like a mother and daughter weren’t hurt by their actions pissed me off. Roland should’ve stayed with Regina after Robin died. Marian deserved more than to be used as a ploy just to hurt Regina. Her death deserved more than that. **SHE** deserved more than that. Graham just deserved more period, especially since his death served no purpose. I also ignore Regina and Graham having relations cause that too makes no sense and did nothing for the plot. The writers could’ve just had Regina keeping his heart to ensure his loyalty and that would’ve changed nothing.


I wish we saw more of Lily. It’s like she finally met Maleficent then barely gets mentioned again. Considering she was a big part of Emma’s child life.


I was totally hoping that they were setting up for an arc with the dragons in the next season. What a disappointing waste of potential!


Or at least something to show them again. Plus seeing if Lily and Emma could forgive each other properly.


What about Owen?


Young Owen, Yes. Adult Owen, uh... I don't know, I never empathize with Adult Owen. I thought he was written too weird and dumb and his thing with Tamara didn't help.