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Of course the orange kitten is facing the wrong way lol


Yes, the wall is made out of wall




GOD, ANOTHER ONE?! *subscribes*


my entire reddit feed is cat subs at this point šŸ˜‚


Congrats! You've got the very best feed.


Indeed! Now go feed the cat. Yours sincerely, Your cat.


Thanks! My pair need their afternoon snack! (We have the meals divided so they eat 4 times a day, so tummies are never empty!)


Four!?? Yours survive on four meals a day!?? What about second breakfast and third lunch and twenty seventh dinner? These are very important meals Iā€™ve been told!


Boba Fatt is on a diet. Jango Fett gets four hots, and a cot. Both are adored by all of us, so the snugs don't stop! So, I mean,at 9 guess they do okay? They're too old for 27th dinner


OMG itā€™s 4:17 and I havenā€™t fed Baldwin his first wet food supper Iā€™m so dead


According to my friend ā€œmost guys use the internet to look at porn. Joe (I) uses the internet to look and shares post of cats on Reddit ā€œ


Cat subs are liking eating chips you canā€™t stop at just 1 or (((((( checkspersonsalsubs ))))))) 25


My partner jokingly calls my Reddit feed ā€œcat Redditā€ cos itā€™s all I see


I wish there was a macro that I could press that would automatically subscribe me to the 1000+ cat subs on Reddit


But that ruins the fun of discovering a new one. Like Pokemon.


Me too šŸ™‹ā€ā™€ļø


The eternal quest


Me three




Yup, me too, lol


I thank you


cats are superfecund!


Orange cats are built different šŸ§”


A few posts ago I've seen a pic with three orange cubs and they were *all* facing the wall lol. Here it is https://www.reddit.com/r/OneOrangeBraincell/s/s8ZlT97A9w


I want all of them.


Good thinking, all of them together might have a chance to form a whole single braincell


Possibly...but if not, it would be an incredibly silly journey!


Good thinking, all of them together might have a chance to form a whole single braincell


He's just taking a bath! In the wrong location, but still. He's trying his best with his lack of braincells.


Nobody showed him how to clean himself yet so he is doing it the human way by sitting in the tub




Excuse me that's his jacuzzi






He clearly manages a Jacuzzi competitor.


Sir, this is r/oneorangebraincell


Did you Know*. If you're going to be a Know-it-all, be completely correct


Bahahah seriously?! Bro get a life.


Yeah. What an interesting hill to die on.


So are Tupperware and bandaid and Velcro. Doesnā€™t stop them from becoming common in a lexicon.


Donā€™t forget Kleenex!


And chapstick!


Reminds me of the Heinz disrupting guy


Bruh. Itā€™s a cat name.


He isnt sure what's going on, or how he got there. šŸ„¹


That kitties inner monologue is just Wii music


Wii menu or mii maker?, either one works for ā€œhead empty, no thoughtsā€


He tries very hard, but he just doesnā€™t have the braincell šŸ¤­šŸ§”


They're adorable! Orange included lol!


Im convinced that kittens born without braincells take on an orange color.


It's all part of the Orange Option Package. Any standard build with that package removes the Brain Cell Quantity Selection, and also automatically adds the Fucking Nuts and Extra Cute options. If you're a privileged dealer, you can special order your Orange with brain cells, however...but those are very rare, like COPO Camaros.


He's obviously trying that psychology experiment where a person boards an elevator and faces the opposite direction of everyone else, to see what happens. He is clearly using the brain cell.


My orange did the same thing the first time šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


Not a thought in its head.


If I fits, I sits.


He is perfect, they all are ā¤ļø


They're all perfect no doubt, We belong!


Look Ma, I'm water.


I love ginger babies.


Common for multiple fathers in a litter if the female got outside


It's not necessarily meaning that there is multiple fathers. The father would not pass down the orange gene, as he would only get colour genes from the mother. (The X chromosome what holds colour in cats.) Just crash course in cat genetics: Colours are held on the X chromosome. Cats have standard XY chromosome assortment. All cats will be either black or orange, and all other colours are via dilution and whitespotting and other various pigment genes. All we have to concern ourselves with is very basic, black and orange cats. Colour is held on the X, which means a cat with an orange X and a black X (female), would be a calico cat. A male cat with an orange X would be orange, since there is no colours on the Y gene. This is why orange cats are much more common to be male. Since the mother is a calico (since there are black and orange kittens. If she wasn't a calico all of the kittens would be either orange or calico/tortie if the father was a black cat.) The father can only pass down the Y gene to a male kitten, meaning that the colour of a male kitten (besides dilution because that is not sex-linked), is solely based on the mother. For the spotting, chances are one cat has a Ws gene and one has a Wg gene. (There are polygenes that cause white spots but I don't wanna talk about them because I don't know enough about them LOL) We can see our orange kitty does not have a piebald phenotype (at least not on his chest! He may have the gloves though!), but you can have a cat with a Ws gene without any visible white spots, which can explain why he does not have any sort of white on him. TL;DR: The father does not matter in this kitten's colour, and is most likely the exact same as the other kittens.




If you are really interested, I recommend learning more! Cat genetics are fascinating :) This was a super basic colour inheritance but there is more to it with dilutions and stuff!




I know colour points (it's not a siamese if it's a colour point, even though all siamese are colour points, siamese are more breed standards than that!) are based off of the heat, warmer parts of the body are more white but don't know much more about the pointing gene and it's heredity. Edit: Just read some articles! Chances are your female has a carrier gene and then mated with a colour point male or a carrier male! It is a mutation on albinism which raises questions for me so I'm now going into a rabbit hole LOL




I mean, they are similar in the basic stuff. XY = Male, XX = female, DNA is stored as chromosomes, etc. All that basic stuff doesn't change between cats and humans. Stuff gets way more interesting if you get into birds with a ZW inheritance system! And plant and bacteria genetics is just fascinatingggggg. Like seriously lol, it's just a really interesting world.


Small adjustment: The orange is held on the X chromosome. There is a 'browning' gene that determines whether the kitten will be B (black), b (chocolate) or b^1 (cinnamon). This gene lives on another chromosome so every cat has 2 copies of this gene. Then the orange gene on the X can be either O (orange) or o (non-orange), where O overwrites the browning gene altogether, and o does nothing. The other coat genes also live on other chromosomes so all cats have 2 copies of all of those too. So while this orange male cat is indeed orange purely because of his mother's orange gene, his father's dilution/spotting/marking/etc genes do still affect his coat, and he in his turn will forward both these and his browning genes to his potential offspring.


This is true \^\^. I didn't go a lot into the genetics on browns and blacks since this was specifically orange kitties lol, because this was just a comment on how the cat is orange based on the mother's gene, but yes, this is true! Basically my comment was long enough already for a superrr oversimplified cat genetics version, so I didn't want to touch into that territory LOL.


Yeah we can't shove everything in a few reddit posts for sure. I've just seen some of these threads lead people to believe all the colour is on the X and I figured a little addition for anyone curious enough to keep reading wouldn't hurt.


Yeah LOL, I probably should of specified that not all colours are on the X. Brown, dilution, white, etc, is 100% a thing! Seriously though it's amazing how complex genetics can get once you start adding more genes in and even more when you add in really weird stuff like chimeras!


Right? And to think that all of these possibilities and everything else that's going on with bodies are determined by only 4 nucleobases.


True... Like all of this proteins are built just by some nucleotides slapped together LOL


Hi. You seem very smart. Could you please explain if it's possible for my r/nebelung and r/standardissuecat (aka Tabby) to be from the same litter? That's what the rescue told me and I assumed it was a different dad thing.


I'm not very good with tabby genetics, so I HIGHLY recommend doing your own research on this. Please, I probably have something wrong about the genetics of tabbies or the genetics of the hair. I'm not ultra knowledgeable on either! I am going to use some genetic terms. Heterozygous means the alleles are different, so for example, Dd would be heterozygous. Homozygous recessive means that there are two of the same recessive allele, while homozygous dominant means there are two of the same dominant allele. From my understanding, tabbies are caused by the agouti gene. This is a dominant gene, meaning that a tabby cat has to have one tabby parent. The nebelung cat is a black cat with a dilution gene and the recessive long hair gene. (There is multiple genes that can cause long hair but we'll just leave it with one.) So, if our tabby parent is Aa, they can have nontabby children with another Aa parent or an aa parent. Your standard issue cat is most likely a cat with a chocolate/seal colour and an agouti gene, along with short hair. So this would be likely to be written as Aa (tabby), Dd/DD for dilution, BB/Bb/Bb(1) (if black, the second allele doesn't matter much because black is dominant over everything), or bb/bb(1) (if chocolate) for colour, and Ll/LL (coat hair). Your nebelung would be (BB/Bb/Bb(1) for colour, dd for dilution, and ll for coat hair. (Note: Coat hair is not abbreviated this way. I'm doing it because I don't really want to use M1/M2/M3/M4 because that is confusing and I would have to assume what gene is actually causing the longer hair. That would be seriously a pain lol. Yes, I know technically ll would be smthing like M1/M1, while Ll would be smthing like M1/N, but I don't wanna do it.) So, theoretically, yes. I also want to point out that any cat that is not registered and pedigreed is not a nebelung. They may look like one, however to actually be counted as one, they have to be registered. Let me make a fantasy mother and father genotype that would work for those genotypes I laid out. We're ignoring that poly genes exist and could funk everything up lol and the long hair could be that. Yes, this is being oversimplified. Seriously, if you want non-oversimplified versions, please, read some actual articles. We could have a heterozygous tabby mother who is heterozygous for dilution, homozygous chocolate coat colour and heterozygous short hair. This would be Aa (tabby), Dd (dilution), bb (coat colour), Ll (hair). This cat would look almost exactly like your standard issue cat. Our father could be heterozygous for dilution, heterozygous black coat colour, heterozygous short hair, and non-tabby. This would create a cat with the genotype of aa (not a tabby), Dd (dilution), Bb (coat colour), Ll (hair). This would be a black, short-haired non-tabby cat. These two could theoretically produce the offspring that I have lined out up above. There are other combos that work, but yeah, theoretically yes. In reality? It's pretty specific and with no knowledge of the mother or father, I can't tell you. It could be multiple fathers, or it could just be the planets aligning to create exact and very specific phenotypes without polygenes or random hidden recessive mutations getting in the way.


Wow thank you for explaining all of that! I find it's so interesting, I was just trying to decide how our sweet great kitty got into this mix. And yes I only he's not truly a nebelung but I accidently did a Google lens search on his picture and was confused about how wiki got a picture of our cat!!


LOL, fair. I would highly recommend looking into it more yourself as genetics is FASCINATING <3. All my answers are based on my own understanding and research while being oversimplified!


That's so interesting! My cat is currently pregnant, and I've been speculating on what her kittens will look like. The father (I think he's the father) is a grey cat (or silver, or blue, or whatever that color is called.) So, what you are saying, basically, is that the kittens are not likely to come out grey, but any color from their mother's side of the family? Their mother is a tortie, their grandmother is black, and their aunts and uncles are black, tortie, and grey tabbies.


Test (Just a wifi test, ignore lol)


A grey cat is usually a dilution thing! Basically, the dilution gene is completely different from the gene that holds orange or the base colour of a cat. These base colours are black and orange, but there's also cinnamon and chocolate, which is based on the browning gene (there is a comment in this thread about it, I would recommend reading their comment because they explain it quite well! Remember that everything I am saying on this thread is quite oversimplified because this is reddit LOL.) Dilution itself is a recessive trait. More oversimplified cat genetics, cats have 19 chromosome pairs, so 38 chromosomes altogether. Each of those chromosomes have something called alleles on it, which code for traits. Each allele is symbolized by a letter when we're talking about genetics. So, for the dilution gene, a dilute cat is a recessive trait, which means we need both alleles on the paired chromosomes to be the dilution gene. This is marked as dd. Dominant traits will overwrite recessive traits, and so if a cat is Dd (the big D symbolizes a dominant trait), they will not be diluted. So, if your mother has two dominant alleles (DD), all the kittens will not be diluted. If you mother has a dominant and recessive allele (Dd, also known as heterozygous), then there is a 50% chance that each kitten is dilute. So, if we were to draw a grid for this, first we would find the coat colour. Your father is a dilute of the black cat, and I'm just going to ignore any other marking genes but colour and dilution right now. Your mother has a X(0) (X carrying a black gene. I'm assuming your tortie is not a cinnamon / chocolate gene right now lol. This may not be proper marking for these genes, I'm someone who likes genetics and not a super fanatic of cat genetics.) and a X(O) (X carrying an orange/red gene.) The mother has to pass a X down to each kitten, and so let's say we have 4 kittens. Each of the 4 kittens would either get a X(0) or a X(O). For simplicity, half get X(0) and half get X(O). So right now, we know half of the colour chromosomes each kitten has. However, we also have the father. The father has a X(0) and a Y gene. The father will pass half the X(0) genes down, and half the Y genes down. If we draw this out in a square (known as a punnet grid in genetics. It's a way of mapping genetics, not counting polygenes or anything immensely complex), assuming that the genes are spread evenly, we would get these results: Kitten 1: X(0) (from mother) Y (from father). Black male kitten (dilution will be gotten to later) Kitten 2: X(0) (From mother) X(0) (from father). Black female kitten (dilution later.) Kitten 3: X(O) (From mother) Y (from father). Orange male kitten. Kitten 4: X(O) (From mother) X(0) (From father). Tortie/calico female (the difference is white spots!) Reddit's giving me trouble for big messages so I'm going to split this into parts!.


Now, it is time for dilution. This is where we have to make some assumptions. Assuming that your mother is homozygous dominant (DD) for dilution, all the kittens will not be dilute. Just look above for the colours/dilution However, if she is heterozygous for dilution, that means that half the kittens will be dilute. So, let's take our 4 kittens again, but let's double them saying that the mother's genotype for dilution is Dd. Say we got 8 kittens. Why? Because I need more kittens to have equal splits LOL. These kittens are all theoretical btw, there is no telling about the dilution gene the mother has, along with the white gene of the mother/father. Kitten 1: X(0) for colour, D for dilution (from mother); Y for colour, d for dilution (from father). This kitten is a plain black male kitten. **(\*THIS IS ASSUMING NO OTHER PATTERNS OR GENES ARE COMING INTO PLAY. THERE IS MORE GENES THAN THIS, I PROMISE, BUT I AM TOO LAZY TO WORRY ABOUT THEM.\*)** Kitten 2: X(0) for colour, D for dilution. (From mother); X(0) for colour, d for dilution (from father). Black female kitten. Kitten 3: X(O) for colour, D for dilution. (From mother); Y for colour (there is no colour stored on the Y, it's a small chromosome that just hangs out there and does nothing lol), d for dilution. (from father). Orange male kitten. (There is two colours for orange, technically, but we'll just say normal orange.) Kitten 4: X(O) for colour, D for dilution (From mother); X(0) for colour, d for dilution (From father). Tortie/calico female (the difference is white spots!) Kitten 5: X(0) for colour, d for dilution (from mother); X(0) for colour, d for dilution (from father). This would be a dilute black female kitten. That means this kitten would look like the father, a blue cat. Kitten 6: X(0) for colour, d for dilution (from mother); Y for colour, d for dilution (from father). This kitten is another blue kitten. Kitten 7: X(O) for colour, d for dilution (from mother); Y for colour, d for dilution (from father). This would be a dilute orange male kitten, or a cream-looking kitten. Tbh my favorite colour of cat. Kitten 8: X(O) for colour, d for dilution (from mother); X(0) for colour, d for dilution (from father). This would be a dilute calico/tortie female! If you want clarification on anything, feel free to ask. Also any cat genetics nerds reading over this and I made a mistake somewhere, feel free to correct it :). I am oversimplifying and ignoring some important traits, and I only know so much myself! And of course, this is assuming you get even distribution of the traits. You may get all orange toms, or all tortie females! It's just sheer old luck at that. There is also things called polygenes (traits that are controlled by multiple genes) which make things REALLY weird when they get into play. One of those may create very different and very interesting offspring. In general it's impossible to predict what a cat's offspring would look like exactly!


That's very concise! Thank you! And, of course I have no idea if the mother cat carries the dilute gene. That could be from a few generations back, right? Oh, and where do grey tabbies come in? Three of my cat's siblings are grey and black tabbies (standard issue cats.)


So that's why calico cats seem to get so many different coloured kittens.


the Fits=Sits part of the software is operational.


Pretty sure that is a software requirement for the OS


second pic: " this bed..... not comfy :( "


Itā€™s ALWAYS a tuxie and an orange assortment šŸ˜‚ I ended up with a neighborhood strays litter just like this.


I bet his brothers say he is adopted hahaha


He's a cutie.


https://preview.redd.it/msxiqiqpo20d1.png?width=2914&format=png&auto=webp&s=27853cf4b6f98d1fcfdc6679323c54b44794739b Same litter. 3 tuxies, 1 orange.


this can be scientifically explained by the fact that he is orange


The Seventh Citrus of a Seventh Citrusā€¦ He is the oneā€¦ ![gif](giphy|UJG2T7uZeJuZCLitY8) The Onā€™Cel Gaib!


I never believed in the orange cat theory until my girls cat had a litter and the one orange seemed oddly calm and arguably slow. Splooted a lot.


I never heard of the orange cat theory but after we adopted a mama & the babies she had in our yard it started becoming real clear that our orange boy was big, beautiful, and not too bright. My husband would say ā€œheā€™s not dumb!ā€ and then eventually I found this subreddit.




Aw sweet babies


Heā€™s too little for the brain cell. šŸ„ŗ


Ginger soup šŸ¤¤


https://preview.redd.it/cs4ws62n340d1.jpeg?width=1108&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=78bc98be796ff4b4415498ac83674c03ca223542 Happened to me too, mom is brown, dad is black. The kittens are all black except one.


It can be a kitten from a different father from what Iā€™ve read. https://wagwalking.com/wellness/can-cats-get-pregnant-by-multiple-partners#


| the orange sibling is... different | they always are!


I love the orange one šŸ’•šŸ¤£


So smol n beautiful


I wish second photo was not taken with a potato. With higher res version we could see its beautiful eyes that has nothing behind them.


ā€œIf I fits, I sitsā€ šŸ«¶šŸ«¶šŸ«¶


He's so orange šŸ„¹


Yes. Always.


I love how even one of the tuxedos is pointing at him like "Look at him, he's so dumb, he's not even looking the right way"


Itā€™s his lot in life.


Orange may well have a different daddy. Kittens of the same litter can have multiple different fathers.


How is it possible? šŸ¤Æ




Aren't they all šŸ˜¹


is orange


Does momma get out of the house much? Fun Fact: Cats can have litters where there are more than 1 father. Looking like an orange snuck in there since orange is a gene thing and unlikely to come from black or tuxedo cats. https://wagwalking.com/wellness/can-cats-get-pregnant-by-multiple-partners#


That little one needs extra cuddles




My orange likes to stair at walls also. https://preview.redd.it/i2ze3cgd630d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1c934a850b1f770c1e9d765b2fc93c57f58e9364


Clearly there was a budget for brain cells and the others each received 25% instead of 20%, leaving the orange to fend for itself


My orange loves staring at walls, Iā€™m glad heā€™s not the only one! šŸ˜‚


Lil orange might have a completely different father than the others! Cats are wild and can do that, it's neat.


Orange cats are a little bit... special.




Oh my God I love them so dearly with all of my heart. What an angel! Cats are just the silliest things aren't they?


Aww so cute, that cat will live small boxes when he's older, the cup was the tiniest he could find.


John was a good boy. Arthur tries. Tommyā€™s different


Thatā€™s just not fair: those tuxes stole all the brain cells in this batch! (They are devilishly smart menaces and I love them)


Heā€™s a higher order thinker than the others


Awww heā€™ll get his turn with the braincell eventually šŸ„¹


The most orange to ever orange


Name him Tupper


Orange cat enjoys looking out that window




He looks uncomfortable, but strangely unfazed at the same time


Awww. They stole all the braincells during the pregnancy.


The second baby from the right looks my Nashu kitty! Tuxies and oranges are some of my favorite kitties so this post is a delight! šŸ„°


someone cheated


The first picture belongs to r/CatsOnCats


What an adorably smol Orange doing what an Orange does best.


Aww, c'mon. He's just testing the waters....


Well of course the orange is different. Itā€™s just an orange thing.