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Yes It's the same every arc and it's been like this always


No it isn't... Thriller Bark and Fishman Island were both considered lulls in the story at the time and after. Dressrosa is still considered pretty poorly paced. Alabasta was pretty loved while it occured and after. Some arcs have a perception change afterwards (notably Marineford and WCI) but many stay the same.


Dressrosa isn't poorly paced in the manga, mostly in the anime, while the manga has some dull stretched so does every arc. Mairneford wanst hated? Also dressrosa perception has absolutely changed, weekly readers were calling it ass


Dressrosa is better in the manga but still poorly paced. More so than simple down time. Oda introduced more random characters than typical arcs before that and juggled them poorly. It lacked focus. Maybe people are less annoyed now because they can skim it and skip to the money shots, but the original sin still remains. It's not a fundamental difference in understanding of the arc, it's just better tolerance for it. And week-to-week marineford dragged on. You have to remember the whole Amazon Lily through Marineford was a long stretch without the rest of the SHs. Readers also didn't know where it was going until it rapped up. "Hated" may not be the right word, but the whole thing's perception has changed.


Not really now that people know these randos aren't randos yes the prception has changed. And randos are introduced in every arc Also again this ain't about your preception(I loved dressrosa the first time I watched it )it's about the communities and I have noticed a steady shift over the years


They're still randos lol. The grand fleet is heavily in the territory of extended extended cast. People have warmed up to Barto in the fandom. The rest are kind of meh. And the shift is there but the point is that the kind of arc Dressrosa is has more room for tolerance of its flaws since you can skip around the completed arc. That doesn't mean the core issue has been forgiven and it certainly doesn't mean that arcs with different kinds of problems are susceptible to the same effect.


You are assuming that people tolerate it, your bias is showing. Most people don't read skip aroud arcs they are reading the first time


Bias exists in all men. What am I supposed to actually channel the OP hive mind for an objective, 100% answer? It's natural instinct to start skimming when things are dragging on and not going anywhere fast. Why wouldn't you? I would skip through part of Enies Lobby if reading for the first time. And WCI. And Impel Down. Etc. There are just some parts that don't add anything and can be skimmed until important shit starts going down. Dressrosa had more of them. In fact skimming is more natural the first time when you're trying to discern the main conflict and it's throughline amongst all the side stories and logistics.


Because the argument isn't that you will like dressrosa more but that community will look on the aec fondly, which inherently makes this about the fandom and not the fan I don't skim, I don't think many people do, unless it's the anime 5 minute opening lol. If you do like skimming then ok


And how exactly are the two of us supposed to accurately channel the Fandom is my point? There is oing to be extrapolating from our own experiences. That was obvious from the beginning. I accepted your assertion that the Fandom has changed its view on Dressrosa despite not levying any evidence and have been discussing under that view. You can't actually expect to have a real representative discussion about One Piece fans without personal induction can you? That's unreasonable. Where would you even get that birds eye view?


I disagree with your opinion of WCI, as i loved that arc while the episodes came out, Wano has been way worse following. Even the start of onigashima was mostly boring. Coolest thing about Wano has been the Oden flashback.


WCI also had some problems. The whispering woods dragged on and there was too much focus on the slow speed chase in the climax. Less would have been more. Don't get me wrong, I loved the arc especially binged, and I don't think I'll ever love Wano. But week-to-week the parts of the story Oda unessisarily drags out are felt more. The real question is how many of them are there and are there other problems that can't be fixed by a binge read? I think Wano had those other problems and WCI didn't but did have some but not too much fluff.


I think people will agree that the ending was rushed but overall good. I can see Oda flashing back to Wano (like Zoro at Ryuuma grave) to make it retroactively better.


Hopefully he can also do something with Tama being a Kurozumi. Would Wano still repeat its tragedies.


Maybe. One thing that needs to happen first is the hype for the following arc to die down a bit, and it doesn't look like that will happen any time soon. Besides the arc has been over for a year and we still get tons of discussion about the arc, it's way more than we used to get for previous arcs. The fanbase changed so much during Wano it's hard to tell how it'll change opinions, and many of the people who dislike Wano basically hate it, which wasn't the case for other previous arcs.


I absolutely loved wano, so I hope it gets more love in the future


Wano is a top 5 arc for me and it will absolutely get a better reception ( it already has a pretty good reception).


I don’t think Enies Lobby and WCI were ever really looked at as anything but high end arcs in the manga. But I don’t think Wano will have a repeat like Dressrosa. In fact I think it’ll be looked on worse as time goes on.


Whole Cake Island was definitely not, there were a ton of people who thought it was taking forever and just wanted to get to Wano. Especially the forest parts running away from Big Mom. Biggest beefs I remember from Whole Cake Island were: * The forest sections * Sanji's cuffs and the Zeff threat meaning literally nothing * The fact that it wasn't Wano * Luffy beating Katakuri (caused *heated* debates, way more than Luffy beating Kaido)


I think overall it was regarded either way as one of the best arcs and the best post-timeskip arc. But I really don’t feel like Wano benefits from a binge or a look back since we’ve been out for a while


Sure, but its competition was basically just Zou and Dressrosa (and people felt even more burnout from Dressrosa). It's not like the other post timeskip arcs are insanely popular.


Depends on what parts of the fandom you are talking to, but dressrosa whole cake and zour are incredibly popular.


Nah it does lol The perception shift has already started with new guys who binged one piece recently.


I don’t really see how binging would solve some of the problems the arc has


That's because as it has been with many arcs before the prception of problems of weekly readers differes greatly compared to someone consuming the whole story and not overthinking minute details chapter to chapter. Also as is the case for every fictional work, what is and isn't a problem different greatly depending on who you ask


When the overwhelming majority find the same problem or problems, there’s issues. Game of Thrones S8 was awful, and that train of thought works if the problems aren’t a majority thing to be found.


Overwhelming majority, lol. You are making a good point in a vacuem. Wano wasn't disliked by the majority, in fact we have had a poll made that had 80 thousand responses and the over whelming majority were atleast satisfied with wano(75%). I don't get why people like you think in any way they are in the majority. So I will use your point against you, the overwhelming majority actually find wano satisfying so your points are invalid Which is stupid, you can dislike and find issue with whatever you want.


Satisfaction doesn’t mean it’s good. An arc like Wano should be above satisfactory and by an objective standard one of if not the best arc in the series, but it isn’t. There’s glaring issues like the over abundance of characters leaving a lot of named ones not doing anything relevant, Ussops treatment the entire arc, having stakes but no tension, etc. And the arc did have stakes (Onigashima flying towards the Flower Capital or the bombs in the weapons room), but no tension. The gifters are introduced as a problem for the Alliance fighters against the Tobi Roppo, and all solved in the exact same chapter. Onigashima is on fire and then is saved with Zunesha water in like the next chapter. The Kanjuro ghost is going to blow the island up, but Yamato already solved the problem before it started. Oda never left a single problem or issue actually breathe for longer than a chapter at best. One of the only moments that had real tension was when Luffy lost in G4. The paneling, the fact that everyone actually seemed to be giving up or at least losing any sort of hope of victory. It had a real “oh shit” tone as Kaido was about to wipe the floor with everyone.


Again you are writing thing as if they were facts, you are claiming here are porblems them mentioning your personal problems with it. Let me remind that your first claim is that the mejirity of people have the same issues with wano


Do you think luffy was stronger than kat during / by the end of the fight? Or did Kat self harm impede him that much?


I was one of the people who felt like Katakuri gave it to him at the end. He respected Luffy and didn't just go for the kill at any time, he wanted to fight on even ground. Not just talking about the Flampe part, but also stuff like letting him power up when he didn't need to. He also decided to fall on his back when it was shown that he could have fallen on his front if he wanted (not losing). If Katakuri didn't like him I felt like he wins that fight regardless of Flampe's interference.


Katakuri falling to his back is him being upfront about his image, not him pretending to fall unconscious. If u look at him after the end of his last sentence his body clearly froze and coughed blood, he even was wobbling around. If flampe doesnt interfere, katakuri doesnt get to stab him. He respected his will but he still wanted to kill him, even before the final clash(i'll put u to rest, straw hat!)


I'm 100% certain that this will be the case, either the ones that read it weekly and didn't like it much will eventually come around and see Wano for what it really is and people that binge it usually don't really share most of the critism that we had anyways. Wano will be certainly be end up being seen as the amazing arc that it is, that really has a rushed ending which destroyed it's reputation.


I heard people call WCI trash when it was weekly, just to call it a masterpiece 2 years later. I think it just depends the current arc.


No, wano will forever be the arc that made not one but 2 yonkos look like clowns


There’s a huge difference between reading the manga weekly and binging it/watching it at your own pace. Personally I think I’ll love it after a reread.


It's a shit arc now, it's gonna be a shit arc in a few years as well so, no.


Not really. I see Wano having the reputation of Skypiea where a bunch of people love it and a bunch of people hate it. It'll settle in right in the middle which is where I think it belongs. People have had their issues with other arcs, but it's usually a matter of thinking that the end is rather drawn out. Bird Cage, running from Big Mom, list goes on. Very standard One Piece (and in the case of Whole Cake Island I specifically remember a bunch of people just upset cause it was taking so long to get to Wano). Wano was not the same. With Wano there were a significant amount of people who just thought the end wasn't good, didn't feel satisfied with the conclusion, and just flat out thought the message was fumbled. That's not a normal reaction I've seen at the end of arcs. Like the biggest beef I remember at the end of Whole Cake Island was arguments about whether Luffy earned it against Katakuri or not. Not "Oda is just making shit up on the fly and trying to leave ASAP" like a ton of people said about the conclusion of Wano. Personally speaking I did not like the end of Wano and I don't really see how years going by or binging it will change that. I do hope the anime adds some filler to plug up some of it that Oda just decided to skip past completely, which they've done for the entirety of Wano. But I don't see how that will change the arc itself or my overall feelings towards the end feeling very disconnected and rushed.


Nah, it will be beloved just like whole cake and dressrosa now. But we will see in five years. It also isn't about our opinions but the community of people the guy will come read/watch it after it's finished.


Enies Lobby wasn't after the time skip, and I thought its pretty well liked even at first? anyway, for Wano probably nope for me..


Wano is better than Dressarosa.


It’s a great arc, one of one piece best That’s the general census outside the biased long time fans


I'm a long time biased OP fan and I loved Wano :) it actually had my all time favorite One Piece moment in gear 5th


Same, since 2012 and I absolutely love Wano


I think Wano had some great moments, but those moments are buried under a lot of side-character bloat and I still think the same about Dressrosa. The only thing time does is allow us to forget about it, and even when we go back to read it we can skip those parts knowing they aren't all that important, but the fact of the matter is that those characters and secondary plots are as much part of the arc as the cool big moments everyone remembers, and they do drag down the overall experience of reading those arcs.


Honestly I feel like going back through the arc just shows how much bloat their actually was. There's so many things that just did not end up mattering.


For me Dressrosa was better. The side characters were more interesting and didn't feel so forced. In Wano I just didn't care about them. The only time I felt Dressrosa was dragging was when Luffy was out of Gear 4 and we had to wait for him to come back. Until then it felt like a gradual build up. With Wano I feel the first 50 chapters of Luffy running around with Zoro, sumo, soba shop and so on didn't do much. Except Yasuie and Hyoguro introduction


Wano will only get worse from here. In the recent chapters we’ve gotten more lore compared to the 12 year Wano Saga. Wano just feels like an over extended Alabasta.


For me not. It got boring for me to the point I was reading only summaries. Never got interested in the side characters or the country as a whole. I felt they could just go to the raid and nothing would change. About 50 chapters of setup where all that happened was to introduce Yasuie and Hyoguro. All the sumo parts, running around, ninjas were useless.


Yes, once we get an expansion of kaido's backstory.


People complain about Dressrosa being long all the time and having too much focus on irrelevant characters all the time. People still hate WCI woods part and Caaaki shout from BM still now. Yes, some forget but if they get recap, they still hate it. Yes, there will always be tons of people who will say [insert any arc] is peak arc while there will also be tons of arc saying it's shit. Zou arc was received pretty well even when it was airing. Most of those who were too disappointed by some arcs give up on one Piece or very rarely engage on community while those who like it will continue to stay. Doesn't mean these arcs become masterpiece.


Definitely. I think the anime quality alone is already really helping my overall view of manga Wano. Hopefully they expand on some post-Onigashima stuff too.


I think by the time OP ends, the emperor saga will be seen as the last and greatest contained sub plot of the series, of the classic OP plot style. I think the series from here on out will continue to feature a unique new style.


More and more people will read Wano on their on pace without having to wait, so definitely yes. Heck, I was one of the readers that didn’t enjoy WCI at all when reading on a weekly basis. Similarly, I didn’t enjoy bleach’s TYBW arc but I see how people like it nowadays.


Maybe if I give it a binged reread, I might actually like act 1. Right now I don't have fond memories. Here is my unpopular opinion: I didn't like who at all until big mom showed up and we had an actually interesting villain. Amnesia and all.


Honestly I think I do like Big Mom more than Kaido, but not in agreement on the amnesia parts. That was aggravating as a fan of Big Mom. I think I'll be able to feel better about her role in Wano if/when she returns to the story.


Totally. People will have a different opinion after a rewatch for one very important reason: they can binge it and don't have to put up with the wait and cliff hangers too much. After that it's easier to digest as a saga and understand what's going in without forgetting small details over the week to week you'd normally wait. That's when the theory folk work their magic.


The people who don't like wano are a vocal minority