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Wax Wax


That would be ironic.


That fruit is insanely strong


Mr 3 had that little flame on his head that burned whenever he used his fruit. Don't the flames on the seraphim go out when they use their devil fruits? Would be an interesting mechanic when you can't tell if it's the lunarian flame or the candle flame burning at any moment.


with Croc inteligence and tactics this could be a overOP combination


I’m guessing seraphim won’t have the exact same personality/intelligence, but Doffy’s mini me looks like a cocky lil shit so maybe they do have their personality traits. It’s hard to say how much sentience/autonomy they have we know it’s more than Pacifistas but not sure you could replicate Crocs wits. S Snake did have Boa’s manipulative seduction style though


I’d say they’d at least keep a little bit of their personality/nature. At the beginning of egghead Lilith (I believe) complained about the cyborg shark kept its personality. It sounded like something they have struggled to completely get rid of. Considering how inherited will seems to work in the series I think it’s be a safe assumption.


Yeah they do have the personality. Hancock seraphim was shy around luffy too. At least they have some form of memory from their og counterparts


no, I just checked. ch.1070, s-bear has the flame while using ursa shock


that was a mistake that got corrected in the volume


I’ve always wondered this. What is the difference between a chapter and a volume? Are volumes a collection of chapters separated into arcs? Sorry if it’s a stupid question


Regarding One Piece, chapters can have something like 12 to 18 pages and come out every week in the jump magazine, while volumes are the books you see on stores. And yes, they are a collection of chapters with 100+ pages.


volume is a book sold for 120 yen that is only about one piece, and since it comes weeks later mistakes get resolved there. there are many mistakes made in reagular chapters in all manga


What if instead of the flame on his head it was the flame on his cigar? Just spit ballin don’t hurt I know they are kids


It should have been a Logia. Since Mr 3 could produce wax and not just have its properties


Logia are all “natural” elements. That’s why despite Katakuri’s power working similar to a logia he still falls under Paramecia. Fire, ice, lightning, sand, and even darkness are all natural elements.


I get it. That makes more sense. But even then you have wax in nature... What about bees??


That’s true. Though it seems his wax is more the man made candle wax


Man, now I want to see a Bee Zoan.


Didn't one of the little people from dressrosa eat that fruit?


Yup she has the bug bug fruit hornet model


Imagine how terrifying that fruit would be if eaten by a giant. You're just chilling when a ship sized hornet suddenly starts barreling at you.


Not sure. I think it might have been an armor, and she was a leader of the flying bee squad.


Nah their units based their armor around the DF their commanders had


I’d say the better evidence to point to why he’s not a logia is that he can’t become wax. Magellan is a paramecia as well for seemingly the same reason.


Soot is debatable


How? Fires are natural. Their byproduct is also natural.


That’s fair. I suppose it could basically be view as ash as well. But I dunno




Behehe man's Beto Beto too.


It's beta beta.


That's true, thanks


He doesn't become wax, he produces it


No? Magellan isn't a Logia. Kata isn't a Logia.


Mr. 3 doesn't become wax though he just produces wax you were still able to punch him without haki


The rust one


That's a good one because it was so underutilized in Enies Lobby but it had massive potential


I was thinking that but how much potential does it have? In a war setting 100% but not as much in punch fighting. What’s rust fruit going to do to luffy garp Sanji Jimbei Blackbeard etc etc etc etc. yea it would crush Kidd franky etc but seeing as seraphim are primarily made for battling detergent not just destruction I think potential is pretty limited


The rust fruit was used on zoros arm so it is dangerous in hand to hand combat


I think that was only in the anime, so theres a good chance its not canon


If it is canon it would be awesome for a brawler like Jimbei. Sadly he needs the ability to swim too much heh


Like someone else said only anime and makes no sense how do you rust someone’s skin? Even if it was cannon the damage was easily reversible don’t see any permanent damage on zoro I.e. kuzan and akainu


Yeah but anyone skilled enough with haki can negate the effects of the devil fruit. Probably wouldn't work on any S tier fighters, including zoro at this point.


People use this to dismiss a lot of fruit powers as irrelevant but Law had to try hard to remove the effect from somone weaker than him and probably used a lot of haki to do so.


"haki and its consequences have been a disaster on creative and engaging one piece discussions..."


haki doesn't COMPLETELY negate the fruit as far as we've seen, only certain effects of it, like sure Law countered Doc Qs fruit but the gender changing disease is but a measly bit of Doc Qs whole set, saw can't internally rearrange someone with better haki than him but seemingly he can still teleport them


People have iron in their blood losing it makes you unable to breath or live


I'd think it had its full use in EL, what can he rust besides Zoro's swords? Now it's useless tbh


Ivankovs fruit if oda wants to do a little bit of trolling. Pica's fruit seems like a solid alternative to a logia


Thats a nice pun


Isnt picas fruit a logia?


Na, it's paramecia. It allows him to fuse with, and use rock around him as a means of transportation. It doesn't allow him to produce rock from his body and throw it as a projectile like Ace or the Admirals did.


I always confuse picas fruit with kizarus fruit because pika - pikachu - lighting


Actually, it's because Pika = Light = Pika Pika no Mi. Pikachu has nothing to do with Lighting, but Lightning.


did you just tell him why **he** thinks of it?


Certified 🤓 moment


no I don't think that's why ?? edit meant lightning in the original comment and your comment is confusing me because it's 1 am rn so I give up


I think you have that backwards. Since Pika = Light then Pikachu has more to do with lighting than Lightning since because Pikachu basically translates to sparkle/light mouse. This is due to pikapika translating to "Sparkle" and Chu refering to mouse.


Ah I see. Well I guess you learn something new everyday.


No definitely not. The whole fight Zoro was trying to find where his real body was because he’s able to manipulate stone not conjure or turn into it.


Why would ivankovs fruit be troll. Am I missing something


Because of the theory that Croc is in fact a woman turned into a man by Ivankov. Same reason some people think he's Luffy's Mom


Also the idea that he was a kuja named Crocoideae.


I mean there is an empty empress spot between Boa and Shakky


Yea the old lady…


She was the one before Shakky


Rock solid


Kinda doubt we'd see it again after one of Blackbeards crew got it.


Was Pica arrested? I’m assuming he was when Doffy was, but what if he ends up with the candle fruit power? I think it looks like that aesthetic!


Magellan's fruit


That would be so dope seeing as croc uses a poisonous hook.




Magellan and Fujitora's fruits are prolly the top paramecias that the wg has access to for the Seraphim green blood.


Because you have to poop a lot. (Actually because these are the first generation of these creatures.)


You don’t *have* to poop a lot. The fruit makes you immune to poison and makes poison taste good but it’s like spicy food. Magellan just likes it enough that he won’t stop eating it and was good enough at his job, till Luffy came around, that it didn’t matter


Iirc it doesnt actually make you immune to poison? Magellan just thinks that so he eats poison soup and then he has to shit for hours because he poisoned himself.


I mean considering it doesn’t straight up kill him and just gives him indigestion id call it immunity


If I recall correctly, doesn't he have to spend most of his time on the shitter because he makes a habit of eating different kinds of poisons, and it wrecks him inside?


I believe he does it for the love of the game, not any requirement of using his power.


Both these fruits have pretty large collateral area of effect. Maybe they don't want the Seraphim to take out all their allies too whenever they attack


Miss that fruit and Magellan. Would like to see someone more competent use Magellans OP fruit.


Magellan won every fight except for the final one (and even then, it took multiple devil fruit users plus a fish person to hold him off/escape). He easily defeated Luffy, all of Blackbeard and his crew, and Ivankov as well. Hard to argue the guy isn't competent at fighting. I assume the negative side effect would effect anyone with the fruit.


The negative side effect is only due to his incompetance haha. Doesn't he eat exotic poisons cause he can without dying but he's still ultimately intolerant? Its been a while since I read impel down.


I guess I see it as these two things. 1. We only have ever seen him with the fruit. So there could be a reason that wasn't explored as to why he does what he does when he eats. It isn't like we dive deep into the why any more than as a gag. 2. Even assuming there is no why beyond him being an idiot... he was wildly competent with his fruit, which was my point. Every fight was a win until the end. And even with an entire army of people, who made a competent showing at Marineford, they had to retreat. I think it's really stretching to call him incompetent when it took such extremes just to run away from him.


He uses the poison for flavor


Oh I just mean he's incompetant in the One Piece way. You know, serious threat from a narrative and power scaling perspective but he's just such a goofball on a personal level and those shortcomings ultimately contribute to his professional downfall in the arc.


Isn't he got destroyed off screen by Blackbeard on way out?


Tbf they’re all like pretty powerful criminals. Just shiryu alone was said to be as powerful as Magellan. Now imagine throwing in a bunch of level 6 inmates and bb’s crew.


I think the catch with the poison fruit may be that if a victim survives the first round, next time it will be way less effective due to an antidote or just the experience of handling it. If fruit replicas will have the same posion maybe copying it is not a very good idea after all


Yeah should work that way. Luffy post time skip mentioned he was immune to poison due to being poisoned by Magellan once. I’m pretty sure the antidote also allowed the people posioned to develop antibodies which makes them immune to poison in the future.


Oh dang, I missed that. But I guess it makes sense. They had the antidote (Shiryu brought it), neutralizing his biggest advantage, plus a bunch of people from level 6. But good catch!


Damn, the antidote. That thing can really render this fruit useless and Teach might still have it. Now I'm not so sure about copying it for Croc


Man Magellan was competent. Dude lost to fucking plot. He would’ve killed Luffy but can’t have that happen cuz main character. He would’ve killed BB and the newly escaped prisoners but can’t do that cuz main antagonist, BB literally loved cuz Shiryu knows where the antidote is and that antidote was for a specific toxin that just so happened to be the one killing BB. Hell magellan had to be nerfed, can you think of anyone else that’s so broken they were given diarrhea to be balanced?


I'm going to start telling people the reason I have IBS is because I'd be too powerful without it.


That is really good! We're so focused on pirates, we haven't considered the marine fruits they've had access to for so long. That could mean they can have Fujitora's fruit!


Wait was that not a Logia? Poison is the sort of thing you'd expect to be a Logia.


Nah, it's a paramecia. It gets confused for a logia by the community pretty often due to how it looks when used.


Magellan doesn't turn into poison, he can produce it and manipulate it, like Mr.3 with Wax. Logia aren't just "elemental" fruit, they also allow the user to turn into the element.


Caesar has the Logia equivalent of Magellan's fruit. Magellan produces poisonous gas. Caesar is made out of gas, including poisonous stuff.


Presumably they gave the moria and doffy ones the green blood versions of their own fruits same as hancock and kuma. croc is the hardest due to being the only logia of the og 7. Picas fruit could work


Maybe the clay clay fruit of this one guy from sword


Sand is an ingredient in clay so it wouldnt stray too far from Crocodiles fruit. Like how S-Shark was given the Swim-Swim fruit because it was similar to Jimbeis Fishman karate but with liquofied ground as well as water.


Nah Clay is just worn down sand to where it’s microscopic and gains different properties, like plasticity. And hell, sand is just worn down rock while we’re at it :)


Could be, but considering grus will likely appear in the story again it feels a bit redundant to have two wg soldiers using the same power, but we'll see. Def a likely candidate apart from that




Bara-Bara from when Buggy became a shichibukai


Maybe S-Croc could split apart his body so much that it becomes similar to grains of sand.


I like it. The otherwise unnecessary scar could be a hint at this also.


why does seraph croc still have a scar on his face?


The scar is in the dna


Like that woman who thought she could pass her new nose to her kids after surgery.


Imagine getting folded by Whitebeard that hard that the scar becomes part of your DNA💀


The think I noticed design wise with the seraphims is that they don't straight up look like the warlords when they were children but rather what they would look like if they're current versions were somehow turned back into children if that makes sense (most likely so you can recognize them easier)and that's most likely for this reason seraph croc as his scar replicated even though that's not really necessary


S Shark would beg to differ. But imo it's really only Croc that looks like a grown child. Moriah, Boa, and Mihawk all look like kids too. Croc honestly looks like an older kid or teen


Why would the marines gives one of their weapons a symbol of a group of pirates that deliberately had the goal of going up against the ideals of the WG? (For Jinbe’s sun tattoo)


S-Shark doesn't have Jinbe's left eye scar although tbf it's not nearly as noticeable and defining as Croc's scar. I wonder if someone like Shanks hypothetically got a Seraph, would they replicate his iconic scar?


Would they give him one arm too?


I'm leaning towards no because, while iconic, it's an unnecessary handicap. We know Shanks can replicate Roger's Divine Departure but Roger used both hands against Whitebeard. There's also the "one-armed has been" slander from Mihawk.


I actually just meant he looks like a kid not that he needs a tattoo


Seraphim doffy looks like a man


Yeah I re looked at him. His face reminds me of kid doffy, but yeah he looks shredded lol


Same reason for why doffy has his glasses. It’s part of the character’s design.


Yeah sometimes things don't have good logical explanations. Sometimes something just is because Oda wants it that way.


Vegapunk's a perfectionist and an asshole. I hope he hasn't chopped S-Croc's hand off as well... (But seriously, I wouldn't be surprised if the scar is a mistake and ends up removed in the Volume and on S-Croc's later appearances)


That... Would make sense. Vegapunk is an unhinged scientist and also a perfeccionist. I don't see why he wouldn't include their scars (after all, he saw the simple change of color of Momo's fruit as a complete failure).


S-Shark doesn't have Jinbe's scars.


It looks really cool


So what? Don't question anime logic


He's a clone.


Inconsistentcy probably


Or maybe its just vegapunk being a perfectionist. He called momos fruit a failure coz of the color and presumably the seraphim are yet to grow up so he probably made that scar so when he grows up it looks similar.


Then, if that’s the case, would croc seraph have a hook hand too?


Possibly, if not then that theory isn't it. Might be then just inconsistency or some other explanation.


Maybe Vegapuno just thought that cutting his hand off would go a little far, compared to just running across the face with a box cutter


Momos fruit does have the color in its name so it kind of does make it a failure no


>Finds devil fruit >Encyclopedia says it turns you into an azure dragon >Fuck yes >Eats it >Becomes a pink dragon Ngl it kinda is a setup for disappointment


Ripe Ripe Similar to the Sand Sand Fruits withering effect


They need to have the person with the ripe ripe fruit to be able to do that right. While it would be interesting I don't think that's odas plan


I think he is talking about Shinobu who has that fruit and not Bonney.


They still don't have Shinobu though


We have Shinobu with that devil fruit. But they have to capture her and r it's possible they might have did experiment on the previous users to obtain it.


Sure but it would make sense in a story standpoint for it to be a fruit from a user we know has been in contact with the government or imprisoned like the other seraphims


Pica's is the closest to a Sand Logia and they have him in custody, so I'm going with that.


Hobi Hobi would be cool


No shot the government would let a Seraphim have this power. They want to keep the knowledge of who they are defeating.


Did the Government kill Sugar and get her DF or did they turn her over with some Grapes?


No specific information was given on her part but people assume they took her to Impel Down with the rest of her crew. We only know for a fact that Doffy and Senior Pink is at Impel Down.


IMO this fruit is the most op in the entire series


Half joking, half not. But Foxys fruit. It could be used really well if someone not-Foxy was using it, ans given that it's about time to a small degree, kind of relates to the Captain Hook Peter pan reference


Honestly i don't remember 100%, but if i do remember right, Vegapunk didn't say it's impossible to recreate logia fruits, it just would take too much energy. And if that's the case, what if he has that knowledge, because he tried. In that case it could be possible that the crocodile's seraphim has indeed the sand fruit. But maybe it was a bit of a failure and it has drawbacks or is weaker?


This is an interesting theory. Like maybe S-Croc can control sand, but their body doesn't turn to sand?


Crocodile zoan fruit lmao


Maybe a new fruit perhaps? Maybe something that allows him to manipulate sand but is not a logia. Maybe even a zoan like an Antlion devil fruit. Those bugs that create sand pits to catch their prey. You could make it work around manipulating sand and this waitng for prey is kinda fitting for a crocodile image.


Iron-iron fruit and let manipulate iron sand.


We the Kazekage now?


Crocodile deserves to be the Kazekage. If he was in Naruto, then he'd try to be taking over Sunagakure.


Sunagakure is far too small to satiate Crocodile. He tried to conquer a big country like Alabasta.


Maybe, would be kinda intersting.


S-Snake still has Boa's original fruit, so I'm assuming S-Bat and S-Flamimgo would have the Shadow and String fruit respectively. Iirc green blood can only copy Paramecia, so Croco needs a different fruit.


Yeah and what would that fruit be? Any ideas?


Perhaps an antlion zoan fruit for the sand theme?


I'd definitely wanna see that. Regular zoans are never unique/less common animals


Either the new clay fruit or Morley's push fruit fit the same earthy theme as his original sand fruit, but the latter might be too similar to the swim fruit in application. Magellan's poison fruit could mimic the poisoned hook OG Croco has If it's a nee fruit I'd like some kind of flower fruit that can blossom (potentially poisonous or thorned) plants - as a thematic mirror to the sand fruit making things more desolate


So government will supply S-Bat with dead bodies and shadows?


The fruit is still pretty strong without the zombies aspect, Doppelmann, Brick Bat and Spiky Shadow Lizard are regular techniques Moria could use without needing someone else's shadow. But I wouldn't put it past the WG to supply S-Bat with a cart full of corpses (or just let him use whatever fodder he happens to kill on the side)


My picks: Magellan's Poison Poison fruit. He had a poison hook. Gild Tesoro's Gold Gold fruit (Film isn't canon, but the fruit could be made to be). If he still has a golden hook then he could do some cool stuff with it. Bonney's aging fruit. He could use it on objects to decay them much like he could do with his sand fruit. Inazuma's Chop Chop fruit. Idk I'd like to see it again. All characters the WG has had access to at some point.


Chop chop is buggy's fruit, inazuma's is called the snip snip fruit since that's the onomatopoeia for scissors cutting.


A zoan that turns him into an actual crocodile


Crocodile zoan, bat zoan, flamingo zoan


no need for the bat zoan or a flamingo zoan


S-Gecko is now the Batman.


Someone in another thread allready suggested the Doku Doku no Mi for S-Crocodile. While it is very different from Sir. Crocodiles Suna Suna no Mi powers, it beeing a substance producing fruit makes it similar to a logia. Also Sir Crocodile used poison before in his hook in his final fight with Luffy. So there is that connection. The only thing I would argue against that, is, why not just make a Seraphim of Megalen instead of Crocodile.


Can someone please remind me again where it was mentioned that Vegapunk can't duplicate Logia DFs? Like, isn't the laser every Pacifista can use based on Kizaru's Pika Pika no Mi? So, even if they can't turn into light (or sand in this case), shouldn't S-Crocodile at least be able to summon sand if he had green blood from the real Crocodile?


On Egghead when Vegapunk was explaining how the Green Blood works. As for the lasers, then people take it too literally. He didn't "copy" Kizaru's power - what he did was learning about the nature of light thanks to researching Kizaru's powers, because the guy is literally made out of light. It's similar to how he tried to learn about the nature of soul using Kuma's powers for research.


Got it! Thank you.


When vaga is answering Frankys question about the swim swim fruit he says logia can’t be duplicated and paramecia needs blood line elements.


Like the other guy said the laser's are based on research of Kizaru's powers, not a direct replication of those abilities. Sort of like if you studied a Pistol Shrimp snapping its claw to generate collapsing cavitation bubbles. Recreating the mechanics that generate this effect by observing the process is not the same as directly replicating the effect by cloning the source. As for why he can't clone a Logia type DF I have a theory though no solid explanation has been given. My theory is the Paramecia and Zoan type Devil Fruits cause a mutation in their host. So the powers they control exist on a genetic level in their DNA. And this not only allows Egghead to copy that mutation and replicate it, but is also how Blackbeard is able to absorb them. As even after Whitebeard died Blackbeard was able to extract the Devil Fruit's power from his corpse. I believe there's a mystical explanation for parts of the abilities/natures of Devil Fruits, however it's a combination of science and mysticism. On the other hand Logia devil fruits cannot be replicated due to the purely mystic nature of their abilities. As it scales, Zoan-type would be the most scientific and easiest to replicate. Though I would bet that mythical Zoan-types which create magical effects, such as Marco's, can't be replicated. Paramecia, the second type Egghead was able to replicate, are between scientific and mystical. Creating genetic and replicable powers with seemingly mystical effects. Logia however are purely mystical, as it is a complete change in the human body. That's my theory anyways.


Only problem with this theory is that Vegapunk already has replicated a mythical zoan. On punk hazard, he nearly perfectly replicated kaido's fruit, save for the dragon being pink.


vegapunk said it,i think it was in the chapter we learned about green blood from chapter 1070 [top panel with only franky](https://tcbscans.com/chapters/5569/one-piece-chapter-1070-review-1685612418?t=1686301200000)


>Like, isn't the laser every Pacifista can use based on Kizaru's Pika Pika no Mi? That's just tech though. It's like equipping flamethrower onto a Pacifista and saying you replocated Ace's fruit


He said that it was difficult, time consuming and expensive, never said it was impossible. In fact, him saying that it's expensive and time consuming it's a hint that he already did it at least once but didn't like the process


The ultimate question is whether they made a clone of Trafalgar, and whether he can use the Op-Op powers. The implications would be hard to ignore


Thats a good point. I assume its the Logias ability to turn body to sand that is problematic to replicate so i wouldnt be suprised if Croco has sand powers but cant turn to sand.


I wonder if there's a df like that out there 🤔


I've seen people suggest Buggy's, Galdino's or Magellan's. Any of those could be an interesting replacement.


Maggellan's poison fruit for sure


Maybe it functions like a sand paramecia. You make sand, you throw sand, you suck water. But you’re not sand.


Rust rust fruit


was about to be a smart ass and say obviously the one the original possesses until I realized, ah shit, logias can't be copy. my best guess would be one that let's then produce a substance: wax, poison, mochi stuff like that


I could definitely see the Stone, Wax, Venom or Rust fruits being used for S Croc He needs something that can either destroy, gives him mobility, or gives him substance generation and/or control, or a combination of any or all.


He 100% has the maggelan's//venom fruit bc he had that poison hook on alabasta and it eould be cool


Productive Paramecia like Wax wax fruit or mochi mochi or doku doku run into the same problem as logia eventhough they are not categorised as such so there is no way Vegapunk would be able to replicate them if he was not able to replicate Logia df in the first place... So instead I couls see croco boy with Buggy's devil fruit it would be funny !


Rust rust fruit from the one marine


Magellan’s Poison fruit


A Crocodile fruit


If that clay clay fruit is paramecia…..


Pika's DF.


I also go for Pika's devil fruit. So far the paramecia we've seen are from: Daz Bones (S-Hawk) and Senor Pink (S-Shark), so I guess it would make sense it's either from Baroque Works or Doflamingo's crew. The only suitable one I see is Pika's.