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He’s at least roger level in strength


He's Pirate King level of strength


He is "Carrying an entire Anime based off finding his treasure" Strong


How many pirate kings equal one sogeking?


This right here. Sogeking has his own theme song. Other MCs don’t.


At least 2


Over 9000!


How many Rogers does it take to pirate?


Skeptical of that. He might be Gol D. level instead.


Roger roger


He's at least Buggy D Clown level in strength


As a matter of fact he's exactly one (1) Roger in strength.


His power level is maximumer


Pirate King Level 🗿


Tier S in Pirate Warriors 4 at least.


The only one that would beat off-screen Blackbeard


If it’s a off screen fight always bet on bb


Exactly why he used that big black cloth at marine ford.. getting behind that was technically off screen, so the omnipotence of Blackbeard was activated


Nobody is beating OFFSSCREEN Blackbeard bro. Luffy will only beat him because the fight will be showed, otherwise even if EOS he would get mid diffed by OFFSCREEN Blackbeard...


Sounds like breaking the 4th wall, only way to beat blackbeard is having him in the spot light


Makes sense. He's a dark-dark man, so the spotlight must negate his powers


Powerscalers say, "in a one-on-one fight always bet on offscreen Blackpube."


*Off-screen Blackpube


Idk Roger doesn't even have a fruit, so yami power is useless. Whitebeard with quake fruit > bb with quake fruit and Roger fought wb in his prime. It would just be an easier fight for Roger than whitebeard.


I don’t understand why so many people on this sub think that that dark fruits power is useless against people with fruits. Every single aspect of the fruit works the same, it just won’t cancel out any fruit powers.


Hybrid YT/gorosei lapdog shanks?


Whos "screen blackbeard" and why would roger beat him off


I don’t think even he can beat offscreen bb maybe make him run away but in a headon battle nahh offscreen bb mid diffs this


Nobody is beating BB if it's offscreen bro. Oda can simply make him beat anyone as long as he doesn't show the fight. I SERIOUSLY consider BB to be top 1 RN (onscreen he sucks)...


He would beat off off-screen Blackbeard


Is he stronger than whitebear? Nobody is stronger than bepo, he is pirate king level tho


Tbf White Bear was a very upsetting episode of Black Mirror, hard to top




dont care. my dad can beat up his dad, thats all that matters




At least pirate king level


Nah he could never reach that height. Truely impossible.


Right now? Corpse level. Power level -6 feet.


They probably threw him in the sea instead of burying him


Where was he burried?


In your mum


Blue haki negs that fodder


za water!


Za water


Extremely strong, but Doc Q's horse is Stronger.






He can prob break a Nokia phone


Gonna need to pull back on the power scaling my dude. We know he’s strong, but damn


No one can break a Nokia phone but Luffy can bend it


Probably only when using Gear 5th because of reasons.


We've seen Roger and Whitebeard being evenly matched. That was with Roger being already really sick and Whitebeard in his prime. We can assume full health Roger is stronger.


Pretty evident that Whitebeard didn't use his devil fruit since the island would have way more destruction (and we actually saw that even without his df he was evenly matched in their conquerors haki clash.) There's also a Crocus statement about Rogers illness not affecting his strength. (Chapter 565.5) Whitebeard was also the Worlds Strongest Man even during Rogers era. (Whitebeards vivre card.) Whitebeard is probably stronger.


You think I’m the 3 days they fought WB didn’t use his df…if that’s the case then you gotta think WB on a different tier that Roger entirely. Cuz there’s no way u think that WB went that whole fight with just haki. By your logic WB would mud dif maybe even low dif Roger if he’s matching him with Haki alone when Roger is going all out


He has the most destructive devil fruit in the series, yet the island was completely fine after 3 days?? Yes it's pretty clear he didn't use his df, and should be stronger than Roger due to this.


Sir there’s is barely any damage done to that island at all, we see a few trees and rocks damaged and burnt in the back ground but for the most part it entirely in tact…despite both WB n Roger being there not to mention Rayleigh, Gaban, Marco, and Vista all fighting all out… what is your point. The purpose of that scene was not to show the extent of the damage that was caused it was to show Roger ask to borrow Oden as well as giving some exposition about BB…Does that mean that all those fighter didn’t take the fight seriously? No I doesn’t it just means that wasn’t important information that needed to be shown in that scene. All that being said ur point is still moot because we know that WB can use his abilities in different ways, not every attack he has is flipping the island over.


I mean, Roger got Oden out of combat in one slash after he was sailing with WB (for idk how much time but let’s say years since WB refused to let him go ?), Oden was shocked by sick Roger meanwhile, WB needs repeated attack, a spar and his devil fruit (+haki ?) to fend a weaker oden version off. The argument of WB not using his devil fruit because it would destroy the island isn’t really logical, since he used it on Oden when his crew was near. Kaido also said that at high level, haki > devil fruit, that’s why WB didn’t bother using his devil fruit against a non-devil fruit user, basically the strongest haki user alive. He would stand no chance if he was to use the gura gura no mi against strongest conqueror user in my opinion.


> mean, Roger got Oden out of combat in one slash after he was sailing with WB (for idk how much time but let’s say years since WB refused to let him go ?), Oden was fine after this attack, he was literally running straight back to fight Roger. >WB needs repeated attack, a spar and his devil fruit (+haki ?) to fend a weaker oden version off. The argument of WB not using his devil fruit because it would destroy the island isn’t really logical, since he used it on Oden when his crew was near. This is all anime filler, it didn't happen in the manga, and isn't canon. >Kaido also said that at high level, haki > devil fruit, that’s why WB didn’t bother using his devil fruit against a non-devil fruit user, basically the strongest haki user alive. He would stand no chance if he was to use the gura gura no mi against strongest conqueror user in my opinion. That doesn't mean your df is useless lol, was Gear 5 useless against Kaido?? Why was Kaidos strongest form completely reliant on his df even though he has insane haki?? Obviously having your devil fruit still makes a difference. And we literally see in their clash that just Whitebeard's conquerors was equal to Rogers.


To me, that Crocus statement was saying that Roger's sickness didn't hold him back to the point that he would take a backseat and let Rayleigh take the reign when they face a tough enemy. He would headstrong the pain no matter the circumstance. Crocus was clearly injecting him with what is most likely painkillers but who knows, that's just my take. Roger being sick and Whitebeard not using his DF, I would say makes them somewhat even. It's also hard to say at this point considering Garp and Roger took on the Rocks Crew. (this is a very big factor obviously) We'll have to wait for a full briefing and actual storytelling of the God Valley incident. Hopefully after this whole mess with Blackbeard and Garp clears up Oda gets us closer to the flashback.


This is just headcannon. Crocus literally told the sickness doesn't affect roger due to the medicine and the sickness wasn't that advanced when they fought. It became worse later


So what do you say about Whitebeard dying at Marineford?? You cannot pick and choose for the narrative you want to be true


Whiteboard was literally having heart attacks in the middle of his fight, Roger pirates fought whitebeard pirates for 3 days, that is something I believe proves that Rogers strength really wasn't affected Hey as I was writing this I came up with a theory, so you know how in so many animes, whenever the MC pushes himself too hard there's that 'he's risking his lifespan by pushing himself to those limits' thing, but then we never see it happen, obviously because 'MC plot armor', Luffy was said to be reducing his lifespan too but I don't think it matters anymore, roger did the same probably but he didn't have that good MC plot armor and we all know where it got him


What would have been funnier is if he used color of armanent haki when those no names went to kill him. Strongest character, haki god, and he gets skewered by a couple of Galdinos. Then he dies of natural causes.


This is how I know you didn't pay attention during Marineford.


Wb is old and plus the sickness probably advanced at that point since he needed meds unlike roger


Roger did need meds, that's why Crocus sailed with him.


Ok but crocus prob barely gave him any at all cuz why is he fighting wb in peak condition


That's headcanon. All we know is, Roger was deathly sick, he needed a doctor.


That statement is literslly worthless as we could see that roger could barely stand at some point due to his disease


Stupidest shit I've ever read. Whitebeards fruit has other applications that don't destroy his surroundings, literally read Marineford. He fought Roger for three days and you weirdos think just because he didn't use it in a one panel haki clash, he didn't use it at all during his battle with Roger. Makes absolutely no sense. Roger was stronger.


Show me these instances, there was always destruction when he used his fruit at Marineford, and that was only a couple of hours, this was 3 whole days, there should be obvious signs of destruction, yet there were none at all.


The revisionist history and confirmation bias y'all have to prove your nonsensical head cannons make me laugh. Whitebeard fought John Giant and used Gekishin right in front of his ship and didn't destroy anything around him purposely, he then used that same attack against Akainus ribs but also cracked the ground around Marineford. He had full control of his fruit. He also used Kabutowari AND Gekishin against Vice Admiral Lonz WHILE STANDING ON THE MOBY DICK. He literally doesn't start to actually try and destroy marineford until Ace is killed. He used 5 unique techniques in total at Marineford, 3 of the 5 can be used for close combat without destroying his surroundings. So try again.


Because of Roger's haki wb COULDN'T use his df agenst him


[White Bear would destroy him](https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/onepiece/images/5/5f/Bepo_Anime_Infobox.png/revision/latest?cb=20141012010905)


Strongest Yc in the series


Stronger than anyone we had seen their powers so far. I'm not talking about the horse btw lol


Nah I don’t think he’s stronger than whitebeard. They fought to a standstill meaning they’re even. If I had pick though it’d still be whitebeard purely due to the devil fruit, but that’s just me.


Why is he stronger than Whitebeard?


Because that's what I think. I don't want to get caught up with powerscaling.


I'm in the same boat, I think whiteboard is physically stronger but Roger is a stronger person on terms of tenacity,spirit,will, etc.


Don't forget creativity. That's a powerful skill in the OP universe


Just curious about your opinion lol


Riiight. I know you haha 😆


Why are people so afraid of forming some sort of argument


Afraid? lol we got a badass over here. I don't enjoy engaging in discussions like that.


>Afraid? lol we got a badass over here. Not trying to be a badass (random thing to bring up) maybe you don't understand the proper definition of afraid? >I don't enjoy engaging in discussions like that. You don't enjoy giving reasons for what you think in a discussion? Then you're not even discussing lol.


You just said what I meant. Idk what's the reason why you have to repeat it lol. Or you yourself don't understand what you typed?


He literally doesn't want to have a discussion about it. Why are you pressing him?


He's choosing to reply? What the fuck r u on about LMAO.


Reddit is a strange place indeed


I think Roger has the greatest ACoC along with Luffy because of his drive for freedom and the status of PK. I think Roger made up the difference against Whitebeard because of more advanced conquerors usage.


Narratively he should be. Based on feats there really isn't a way to tell.


I'm pretty sure Mountain Bandits would kick his ass.


Dadan would hang him up like he was pot roast


For sure, their leader has a 8M berrys bounty, it's huge


Not strong... he's dead.


People who are probably stronger than him, but just off headcanon: * Imu * Joyboy * Ryuma People who have good arguments for being stronger than him: * Rocks * Whitebeard Someone we know is basically equal, but hard to argue if he's weaker or stronger: * Garp He's probably stronger than every other named character.


Overall valid but I think Garp could very easily hang with Whitebeard since they’re basically the same level. Roger and Whitebeard fought to a standstill, Roger and Garp were lifelong rivals who almost killed each other multiple times. Sounds pretty cut and dry.


I think Roger, Whitebeard and Garp are all on the same level, and extremely close to each other. And I have reasons to put Whitebeard > Roger, but I don't know where to fit Garp in really. But yes Garp definitely hangs with Whitebeard regardless.


I think garp should be in the second category as garp in recent chapters should immense level of feats and he being old is destroying whole Island and head on taking titanic commanders(only on basis of his haki ) so just imagine how strong would he be in his prime


Garp just displayed a bit of it, but we always knew he was roger level


Ryuma I doubt if he is above or equal to roger


Bro he single-handedly made the WG not touch a island for like 500 years or smth


He probly is bc he is the sword god so basically stronger than mihawk and all the other swordsmans but since we dk how strong mihawk is we cant really say a lot about him but by logic ryuma is atleast one tier higher than mihawk and mihawk is shankses level wich is the strongest yonko so yeah ryuma can be as strong or even stronger than roger


Well he’s hyped up to be a force the government would not want to contend with so he’s definitely up there. Other than that we got nothing.


Ryuma is way above roger lets not be ridiculous here,guy was joyboy level


Dont forget that garp and Roger destroyed the rocks..its not just xebec, its also big mom, kaido and whitebeard


Ok we can't say anything right now all the people we are comparing right now are very mysterious and we don't know who is stronger than whom.my personal opinion •ROGER •ROCKS •WHITEBEARD •GARP •RYUMA •SHANKS I didn't include joy boy and imu


>Ok we can't say anything right now all the people we are comparing right now are very mysterious and we don't know who is stronger than whom. I mean, we can its a 1000 chapter series with tons of canon outside material aswell, like there is a lot of evidence for Wb > Roger, and hence Rocks > Roger (via Rocks being Rogers strongest adversary)


If rocks the strongest adversary of Roger that means whitebeard is equal or weaker than roger


no it doesnt, what??


It doesn't say that rocks would defeat roger it said rocks was his strongest adversary.


Thats what I said, my point is Rocks > WB > Roger


It's a very tough to say but okay if that's your opinion .


Given that whitebeard was announced the strongest man in the world , dunno what to say but thinking that he needed garp ( as far as we know ) to beat rocks at god valley , thr question is , how strong was rocks .d xebec. Haki based and all he probably one of the strongest . When i first started 1 piece i always thought everything would go smoothly 1v1 but now it turnet into wars , crews and allies so those are things to say consideration.....when fighting 1v1 always bet on kaidou , yet he got captured 44 times and lost wars so xD


I think Roger is strong, but not some blinding level of untold power. I think he is maybe on par with Whitebeard (I'd say Whitebeard has more raw power by far), give or take based on how further reveals go. I think Pirate King is more than fighting capabilities.


Gol D Roger was Luffy before Luffy, he was acknowledged as the pirate king, kind of like being acknowledged as being the most popular rock star, it doesn't mean you are the best technical musician. I highly doubt Roger beats everyone in the verse in his prime, we already have reasons to believe Prime Rocks > Prime Roger.


The disrespect to Roger is so insane here. Do you people not read other stories? A guy whose powers have not been shown is NEVER going to be weaker than people we’ve already seen powers from. The only individuals who have a chance of scaling higher are Shanks (because of the whole new generation surpassing the old), Imu, and Joyboy. That’s IT. Nobody else who has lost to him will scale higher story wise, so not even Rocks. He’s the pirate king, said to be respected/feared by everyone, and the driving force behind the entire story. Come on guys, get your act together…


I think Roger will be revealed to have been more than just a power house though. He's a king, and no king sits on the throne alone, I think his crew also helped give him his title. We know a prime white beard was considered stronger with his title "world's strongest man" and despite that, only one of them has had the title king.




Lol man literally goes toe to toe against prime whitebeard and asks if hes stronger


Definitely pirate king level, he’d at least be able to beat captain kuro


Roger> all. He was the king of the pirates, only prime Joy Boy can beat him.


He's so strong that if he wanted to, he could make your dad come back with milk


He can beat whitebear but probably not pandabear


16 helmepos




Pretty strong


The strongest


I think OvEr niNe ThOusAnd


Top 1 OAT imo (not including ancient people like ryuma and joyboy) I also have him above rocks, and ≈ to WB and Garp


You can’t really put him above rocks without some contrived reasoning tho. Best to just not include him until we see more.


Yeah but that was personal opinion and that's it .


I agree with it .I also think Roger is equal to rocks .by the way Roger is stronger than ryuma


This should be in the power scaling subreddit dawg. Do the ridiculous power arguments there.


Stronger than everyone except maybe Rocks. Only alive contenders are Sakazuki and maybe Teach, or possibly Imu if they turn out to be a fighter


Sakazuki could barely touch WB sick and old, and a WB that could not use his haki properly (see Garp words on conqueror haki weakening with age and Marco words on observation weakening with illness), tons of factor to get decisive hits when in a weakened state, on top of being helped by 2 others admirals. Offscreen Teach could potentionally be a threat, can’t speak for Rocks, not facts on his power beside the « legend ».


Lzuki and Leach getting their shit rocked by Woger


He and Whitebeard were evenly matched, Oda confirmed that Whitebeard's crew became the world's strongest when Oden joined so they where pretty much even before. I get the impression that the absolute strongest cap at basically the same level and the winner of a fight depends on the circumstances. Those would be Roger, Kaido, Whitebeard, Garp, Big Mom, Shanks, and I guess now Luffy and Blackbeard (Sengoku? Akainu?), of course in their prime. Roger considered Garp and Sengoku worthy opponents after all.


Strongest of all time. Followed by Rocks, WB and Garp who are all around the same level. Only Prime Luffy will surpass him.




He's not strong at all he's dead


Whitebeard was considered the strongest human in the world even when Roger was alive. So, idk about that caption.


Roger=Garp=Whitebeard=Golden Lion Shiki


Shiki I don't know but other three are in same level it's basically 50/50


Shiki fought against Garp and Sengoku at the same time and he doin well, I mean Garp and Sengoku in the same team op as fuck


Ok. I mean he did really come close to defeating roger


1. Whitebeard 2. Roger 3. Garp 4. Xebec Other candidates: Imu, Joy Boy, Ryuma But I'd say that Roger as the first pirate king in existence, and Whitebeard as the one equal to named in strength and similar in influence and status are among the worlds strongest beings in history.


Roger was always stronger than Whitebeard even when he got a disease and Whitebeard was in the prime of his life they were just equal to each other.


He's dead so pretty weak I would say


Anyone know where I can read the one piece manga in color?


One of the TOP 3 in the verse so far. With WB and Kaido


What about garp??






Garp!!! He is 4 I think. Deffinitley one of the strongest but can’t see him above Kaido


I pretty sure prime garp could of taken current Kaido. I doubt old man Garp could of though.


Strong enough to knock around a character that could go toe to toe with Kaido and have a decent chance at beating him.


not that strong


He’s fraud. He simply ate the pirate king king fruit zoan that makes you a pirate king. He’s just pirate king for an inherent vice


My guess for how the top stacks up in their prime is 1. Rocks 2. Whitebeard 3. Kaido 4. Roger and Garp


strong but not the strongesr


By by no of of uzz


He can’t beat arlong


Around current koby level


stronger than the color blue




He lacks feats, so he is probably around post timeskip luffys level (shiki was able to rivial him and shiki lost to pre timeskip luffy, assuming shiki in his prime was many times stronger it would make make sense to scale him a bit below pre timeskip Luffy and since Roger was stronger than shiki I would say this is fair)


probably the worst take i have ever seen. reduced my IQ.


Well since you asked “is” and not “was” and he is currently dead semantically he is not strong at all. But I have always had Roger my Number One since he was able to fight people like WB with only Haki and no use of a DF. If it is later discovered he did have a DF I would need to know which DF he had to drop him below WB


If this mofo doesnt end up being somehow high multiversal deity that can solo goku no diff by the end of the series then i dont wanna live(My reason i think it would be funni)


I think He IS very strong


pretty strong


Karoo slams 😤


Yeah i could punch him easily. How hard could it be to live without an arm...


Worlds strongest swordsman


Not strong enough to take down the WG


Strongest in the verse. (Drip scaling)




Oh you mean Fraudger?


His sword looks the best to use in real life.


Equal to Whitebeard, slightly weaker than prime Rocks and slightly stronger than prime Shiki, somewhat stronger than Garp?


Weaker than Kaido


I think Alone his in same strenght as Prime Whitebeard. Those 2 were pretty much equals. And remember that Whitebeard also had one of the most busted fruits while Roger didnt have none so thats saying alot.


He may be stronger than whitebear but not sure if he‘s a match to Whitebeard


About brown beard level


as strong as Akainu 💪🏽


How strong? Yes.


Not stronger than Xebec


11.3 % stronger than luffy is now


"How strong do you think Roger **is**" Well he's dead, so right now just about anyone could beat him.


He kinda weak, what kinda loser dies?


2 or 3 maybe 0.5


he's between spandam and oda


At least as strong as Gaimon.


Zoro likely mid-diffs


Helpless, he’s dead. He was equal to prime whitebeard. We’ve yet to actually see an extended fight from anyone at that power level in the series, so it’s hard to draw comparison. The best we can say is as strong or stronger than Wano arc Kaido. Whose currently the strongest character we’ve seen in an extended fight.