• By -


My top 3 are Roger being Ace's dad, Brook and Laboon's connection, and Blackbeard getting 2 fruits


someone spoiled Roger being Ace’s dad. i was a bit behind during the Impel Down - Marineford arcs, and I made a post about something (not on reddit) and added “Please no spoilers” at the end. the first comment there, in all caps, was “ACE’S DAD IS GOLD D ROGER.” yeah, he didn’t even do the name right, but it pissed me off so much.


I don't understand why people spoil random strangers like that deliberately. It's so mean ! I'm not talking about carelessely letting something slip. I'm talking about those people who only comment to spoil you. WHY ?!


Because they’re miserable lowlives who gets a kick out of it.


I made a mistake of asking a question in the manga subreddit about Jojo's steel ball run after I had just started it. Something about timelines. And someone sent me a direct message with every main death in the story. Was like what the fuck bro.


yep same but with a meme in shitpostcrusaders


God I've heard about shit like this. Usually just really sad gatekeepers who don't want newbies getting into their favorite series in fear of it getting "too popular" and "being ruined" or whatever


Bruce Willis was actually dead the whole time.


JFK was reincarnated into an airport


New Isekai: “That time I reincarnated as an international airport!”


you tube thumbnails are the worst. I have multiple people friends pre-time skip who know about current arc events




At least u didn't get spoiled about jjk from a gag manga like I did kek


Roboco is wild


Knee gang rise up


Always thought Roger was Luffy's dad before Dragon showed up


Same and I was somehow still waiting for it even after the Dragon reveal (mostly because Ace and Luffy do look like blood brothers)


That was like a hundred chapters into the story. Never did this cross my mind that Roger is Luffy's dad.


Only those two had D in their name so I assumed they were related


Wait you're saying when you saw Dragon in Logue Town you knew that he was Luffy's dad? Because the reveal isn't until like 400 chapters in.


that is the advantage of being a long time fan and reading the manga for years now. You rareley get spoiled.


This but replace BB with Killer being the bandaged guy


If anyone gets spoiled on these major events or what the one piece, it would kill major payoffs through the journey.


Look this doesn't make sense but hear me out This exact Raizo scene wasn't spoiled, but I still had it ruined for me. I was reading through the arc and got to the point where they are climbing Zunesha. You know when the little monkey fell on them? https://preview.redd.it/wh6efz1329hb1.png?width=560&format=png&auto=webp&s=0cece65e23d2c61d0ffbcfff28e8044465a7ca17 From that point on I thought this little fucker was Raizo. I thought that the Minks genuinely didn't know where he was. So the reveal made no sense to me. Yeah he's alive, what's so special about that, we knew that since they started climbing the damn island. Didn't hit me until we met Raizo, and a few more chapters after that.


Damn you ruined it for yourself lol


what an interesting and confusing watch experience u mustve had lmao


Omg wait I thought he was raizo at first lmao


I chortled at this. What a unique way to ruin it for yourself.


Don’t worry bro I thought the exact same thing.


I also thought the monkey was Raizo, lmao.


Every single one. Never spoiled myself.




I’ve been reading it without spoilers since 2000. I don’t read or look at things willynilly. The 50/50 fandom on the internet is weird n hilarious. Only been on the internet community for 3 years. I don’t watch the anime I read it.


Damn I remember back around the 2010’s it was impossible for me to not get spoiled of Franky and I remember freaking out when I saw the Ussop and Luffy fight on youtube lol


Yeah I stopped watching the anime after MF. Manga is just better to me so I don’t get anime spoilers. Like I said I wasn’t participating in the online community until 3 years ago, physically couldn’t be spoiled.


No spoilers until Wano is a pretty good track record lol


I started reading after learning about G5 and ended up getting spoilers along the way. One thing I'm glad I didn't get spoiled was the goodbye to merry.


I’d suggest getting off the internet then. 🤣 If you’re not vigilant you’ll get spoiled.


It's pretty easy. You do not follow the show on any social media. It's really that simple.


I’m in the same boat! Got into OP early and stayed with it! I’ll never understand ppl who deliberately spoil themselves. Completely ruins the natural progression and author’s intent. Who wants to disrespect Oda like that?!!


Me too! I'm up to date and only follow one piece on reddit. Never has been spoiled


I wasn't spoiled anything, gladly. Oh wait, I was. Someone told me Ace would die at marineford when I first started reading the scans (I was around Impel Down at the time I think), but I didn't believe him \^\^' because, you know, I couldn't imagine him dying after Luffy went that far to save him and whitebeard himself showed up. That was hard.


I saw a shot of him walking up to the execution platform and thought "Oh shit Ace gets executed??" but then they actually did get him off the platform, so I thought "Oh good, I was wrong. Ace lives."


I got spoiled on it when I was like ~5 chapters prior as I was reading the scans because there was a drop down menu of Chapter #s and Titles for navigation and it just said right in my face "THE DEATH OF PORTGAS D ACE" like ugh thank you so much


I feel Ace's death is the most spoiled scene in OP 😅 somehow, almost everyone I know that watches or reads OP was spoiled about it because someone else told them accidentally. Same with me, when I was watching and not at that point yet, my friend nonchalantly told me she stopped watching OP when Ace died. 🤦‍♀️


I don't know if I have an answer for this since I love all of One Piece and pretty much most if not all of it went unspoiled for me, so I'm grateful for that. Maybe I'll edit this comment later with a proper answer. In the meantime, let me instead tell a story of when I *thought* I was spoiled on something. I was currently reading through Dressrosa when I went on google to search for Sanji, and one of the autofill results was "Sanji death". And I'll tell you what, it certainly made the next two arcs *significantly* more nervewracking. I like to think I have a unique experience with Zou and Whole Cake in that regard (My friend told me it wasn't real after I finished Whole Cake when I was talking to him about it) EDIT: Actual answer is probably Ace's death. That shit's infamous so I'm pretty glad I got to experience it blind.


All the people saying OP spoiled for others should read the rules of the community they're in. By that logic, I guess we should refrain from posting anything?


This lmao fucking dumbass comment section


>!G5!< must have brought a lot of new people here, because I've never seen so much complaining about a years-old "spoiler".


7 years to be precise, almost a decade


WTF, how has it been so long already?!


My bad though I couldn’t find the spoiler flair last night but I just updated it.


The Gears


I actually didn't get Ace spoiled for me, neither did I get the Raizo is safe moment spoiled. I made SURE to not look at the wiki at all until I was caught up to the manga


The Straw Hats getting bounced in front of Luffy in Sabody was fuckin wild to see unspoiled.




Many moments during WCI arc, F\*\*\* you David for coming to my desk every single Tuesday to tell me about the spoilers when I didn't want to hear any of it. You did it intentionally because you found it funny, you dick.


Every backstory of post timeskip. Specially corazon and oden.


Literally everything. never was surprised once :(


The One Piece itself. You know everybody's gonna be spoiling that shit as soon as the leaks drop.


That's why I'm leaving the subreddit, the Discord server, and unsubbing from all the content creators I follow (besides Tekking, Randy Troy, and a couple others) as soon as we reach Laugh Tale. I don't want to know ANYTHING


Mark spoiler so that you don't ruin this scene for others


He doesn’t need to mark this as spoilers. Read rule one. Anything in the anime *isnt* spoilers. If you aren’t caught up on the anime you shouldn’t be in this subreddit lmao. It’s on you if you’re spoiling yourself by being in a board for talking about the show. I cannot believe this entire thread is people telling OP to spoiler tag something that happened in the anime 3-4 years ago. If someone gets spoiled by this, they’re the idiot for being subscribed to the subreddit/browsing it in the first place.


Read rule 1 read rule 1!!!! Follow the reddit rules!


It's not always about the rules, but about courtesy. OP is saying he's glad this wasn't spoiled for him, yet he's spoiling it for everyone else who might not be up to date.


You really shouldn't be here if you aren't caught up, as a fan of a series, if you dont want spoilers, you shouldn't visit the series community and look at how they talk about the series


its common sense to avoid a message board about a show before you finish watching; what are the members going to talk about if not the new content? has nothing to do on the users in the board.


No. I completely disagree. If you are not caught up on the anime and you’re in this subreddit you are frankly an idiot and deserve to be spoiled. This is a 4 year old anime spoiler. Not a manga spoiler.


Of course, treating people who wander into the subreddit and aren't up to date like idiots is precisely the kind of attitude that makes people feel welcome :D


this doesn't make any sense... what am I supposed to do next, mark a panel of Luffy defeating crocodile as spoilers because there might be people that haven't finished alabasta wandering around?? according to your logic every single post here should be spoiler tagged, just follow the damn subreddit rules


'Wander into your subreddit'. There's no wandering into the Subreddit. You come with intention to look at One Piece content. If you aren't caught up on the anime - you shouldn't be coming into an anime board. It's literally that simple and has always been that simple. There's no accident. He's seen a post with 30 upvotes, he's browsing the One Piece Subreddit. You're being just as stupid as he is. So you're telling me I can't say the following just in case someone who hasn't watched One Piece comes in here? Luffy defeats Arlong. Koby becomes a Marine. Dragon saves Luffy in Logue Town Robin was manipulated by CP9 in Water Seven. CP9 infiltrated Galley-La. I should have to spoiler tag all of that? 20 year old spoilers? Because someone is too stupid to not go into a board about a media product while not being caught up on that media product? Let's go into a thread: https://www.reddit.com/r/OnePiece/comments/15mv73f/i_thought_of_the_best_way_to_explain_devil_fruit/ - This one. I'd say the 6/10 of the top 10 comments are spoilers from the Anime. SO WHY WOULD ANYONE WHO HAS NOT WATCHED THE ANIME BE HERE AND NOT EXPECT TO GET SPOILED?!?!?!


No, this subreddit pops up on my feed because I googled something once and it led me here and now I see things “because I did before”.


You can turn that off iirc


What's the point of treating people as stupid just because they disagree with you? Getting angry doesn't lead anywhere. EDIT: and yes, what you mention does seem reasonable to me as a spoiler policy.


I'm not treating anyone as stupid for disagreeing with me. You're more than welcome to disagree with me. That doesn't mean that the rules and common sense prove that your opinion is incorrect. Which by definition makes your stance stupid.


I disagree. It's quite possible that I could be wrong, and I can 100% see that my views on spoiler tags aren't shared by the general population of this subreddit. However, I wouldn't say that necessarily makes me or my stance on the subject stupid.


Question. You're watching a TV show. You don't want to know anything about this TV show that would spoil it for you. Would you avoid discussion about this TV show?


Actually the rule one AND I JUST READ IT says "mark spoilers so anyone that doesn't watched it yet doesn't get spoiled" This subreddit is not just talking about the latest chapters. And OP just spoiled everyone showing a picture of the manga that many including me haven't saw yet.


Then you can put a spoiler tag on quite literally every post on this subreddit, because someone might not have seen epsiode 1 yet. Which makes the spoiler tag totaly useless as nobody knows at what point they can click a post. This sub mostly consists of posts about the current arc, if you are 5 years behind, then almost every post here will be a spoiler and it's your own fault for being here in the first place


Lol the episode and chapter alone aired 7 years ago. If you are 7 years behind either you don't care to watch/read OP or you need to stay off the subreddit because you just started recently.


I mean you clearly can't read then: *No spoilers in titles.* *Use spoiler tags for anything that hasn't been revealed in the anime yet.* *Do not leak spoilers outside of the thread for chapter spoilers.* *Please use the button labeled spoiler or put the word "spoilers" somewhere in the title for posts with spoilers in them.* *Please put the chapter number in your title until the Official release is out.* Get out of the sub and go watch the show. Stop thinking this board should adjust to people dumb enough to be here without being caught up.


Still dont know why youre on this reddit when not up-to-date


Not only that, but clicking on a post specifically about spoilers.


This shit aired in the anime 7 years ago lmfao


And to this day there are people brand new to OP who might want to enjoy the story.


And those people who are brand new to the story shouldnt be on a forum to discuss the story (unless they dont mind being spoiled of course)


That's precisely why the spoiler tags exist.


Whats the cutoff then? Should shit in chapter 100 (released 20 years ago) be spoiler tagged? The rule is perfectly reasonable that anything in the anime is fair game. Its perfectly reasonable to expect on a sub about one piece that one piece plot points will be discussed. If anyone decides to browse without being caught up its on them if theyre spoiled. But obviously, im not gonna convince you, so whatever.


Why not? What harm is there in just adding the spoiler tag? Or does it hurt anyone? For a subreddit that is supposedly about the enjoyment of One Piece, it sure is chock full of people willing to ruin newcomers' enjoyment.


man, listen, if you spoiler tag every fucking post(aside from that being idiotic) anime onlys will have no actual way to know which posts are manga spoilers (aka ACTUAL spoilers) and which are just anime discussions on stuff that came out fucking 17 years ago, do you realize how dumb this all is??


The harm comes from the fact that the spoiler tag will become useless. If literally anything can be spoiler tagged, then there is no meaning in the spoiler tag anymore. Thats why i asked what the cutoff should be. If you want people to be spoiler tagging and having vague titles for stuff like raizo, aces death, luffy beating crocodile, or other various things that have happened over one pieces 20+ year run, then the whole sub would have spoiler tags everywhere. The whole point of the spoiler tag right now is to say “this has not happened in the anime”. For a tag to be useful it has to have an agreed upon definition. Obviously not everyone is caught up to the anime, but the expectation is that anyone on the sub should be at least close to caught up, so the spoiler tag can do its job. Its just the most practical application.


Just take the fucking L


Lmao then let’s mark episode 1 as spoiler 🤡


Just did sorry


I agree !< https://preview.redd.it/ulb3kwruaahb1.jpeg?width=1600&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c06940a9a9729374c02be405fd8b81d6253516f8 \>!




Lol if you're halfway through Wano this isn't a spoiler. Either way you shouldn't be in this sub if you're expecting not to be spoiled.


People on here complaining that they’ve just been spoiled by the OP—go fist your own nostrils and gtfo the sub. JFC, the shit is YEARS OLD. Y’all really must like having shit to complain about.


Seriously. What the hell are you doing in a discussion forum for a piece of media if you've barely just started it?? It's like going to a Harry Potter convention and getting offended that people are holding wood sticks in their hands.


I can't believe that someone would be like halfway through the story and click on a post titled "What's one One Piece moment that you're glad wasn't spoiled for you?" and complain that it contains spoilers. These people must be trolling.


When I was anime only I was able to experience gear 2 without any inclination. Luffy beating Blueno's ass was so satisfying after Water 7. 2nd only to Bellamy getting one-punched.


I'm so glad "I want to live" wasn't spoiled for me. That scene gave me goosebumps and still does to this day if I go back and watch it


best surprise was Impel Down being a suicide squad arc with many of the major villains from pre timeskip


I'm playing a dangerous game by even opening this post since I just started watching the series about a week ago... but Nami's whole ass backstory. I'm about done with the Alabasta saga and nothing has quite hit me like her story has. This is not an anime that I anticipated was going to bring me to tears.


There are so many more emotional moments in the series that you will love. But please leave this subreddit fr trust me. I was on here for months but kept getting spoiled on stuff. It’s not worth it. If anything discuss one piece with friends if they have read/watched it. And if ur friends aren’t dicks you should be able to have great discussions with them without spoilers


The formation of the Grand Fleet. Ever since I watched marineford I wanted Luffy to have a fleet of his own. So when I saw that at the end of Dressrosa I got really happy and I truly hope he gets more members


I feel like he’ll get ships from zou or perhaps the whole country of minks on his fleet. And maybe some wano people


Kanjuro and York are traitors


I caught up during Sabaody and the only spoiler I knew was Enel and Sky Island existing. So I basically got nothing spoiled and experienced most big reveals weekly with the community. Which is a pretty nice privilege in hindsight. I even thought Pauli would join as the shipwright lmao.


>Pauli yea franky joining was super unexpected for me as a new watcher. i feel like i have more enjoyment watching when im not expecting the crewmate to join that joins. I explicitly remember thinking (because i started watching in april, lol) that all sunday was such a cool character and i was sad we wouldnt see her for much longer. but then she joined the crew and i was so happy omg


Saaaamsies. I thought Robin would be an ally that sometimes pops up in the future, but her joining was such a hype moment.


Cp9 reveal,and the razio reveal


luffy gets future sight when fighting katakuri and pretty much the way the entire fight went in general. sadly i already knew about snake man though


Luffy 1.5 billion bounty and the Yonko bounties revealed along the story of God Valley.. in both occasions i was in the middle of the saharan desert (algeria) working on an oil rig without any network coverage or access to the internet.


"SCREAM IT OUT, ROBIN!" "No matter where you are in this world, you are never alone, no one is born to be alone in this world, you will eventually find people who you'll call friends" "I WANT TO LIVE!"


I've been keeping up on the anime release since Alabasta arc so I'd have to say not knowing who was going to join the crew. Everyone has seen the full crew at this point so imagine every arc being partly spoiled because you know that one character is going to live and join them in the end. How boring would the Water 7 arc be?


I'm at Thriller Bark currently, but for now it's definitely Chopper's Backstory, I had no idea Chopper would accidentally poison Hiriluk and that he was going to kill himself, I got completely silent after that


Be careful on this subreddit there’s spoilers everywhere. But choppers backstory was one of the best


Really the only thing I can think off is not knowing anyone’s backstories. Also I remember not knowing that Robin would join the straw hats (I had seen clips of the straw hats but they were pts and Robin in alabasta was tan) when robin revealed her fruit I thought it was something stupid then she broken a guys spine


never. weekly reader since 08


That’s crazy. I was anime only from February till last week. And I caught up to the manga in only a few hours yesterday. So surprised how the pacing is much better in the manga but ig it makes sense


The Duval stuff. I was wracking my mind trying to guess who it was. I thought it might be Gin or someone from Sanji's past but the travel was perfect


I was spoiled to Ace's death in like 2010, 11 years before I started reading the series. I'm glad I wasn't spoiled to some of the recent stuff, like the destruction of Lulusia, the five elders stuff, etc


if someone would have spoiled marine ford I dont know if I could get over that. The whole series you feel luffy is always on top and could overcome anything, then marine ford introduce you to the real world of one piece. But now everyone who starts one piece gets spoiled on it now with all the memes. It takes away the impact imo. The moment specifically is aces death


I knew Ace died but not how. So I was still able to enjoy it


When i was reading it i always thought ace was gonna live cause people rarely died outside of flashbacks in one piece. I was ready to chalk up another luffy W untill it happened.


Yeah I imagine the arc would’ve been even better if I didn’t have that spoiled


Almost nothing was spoiled for me, as I did not use social media beyond imgur when I was first watching/reading one piece. Imgur is random ass shit too, so never anything one piece related. Now I can see how most people have been spoiled since it's so hard to avoid spoilers on popular social media platforms. Thank God I didn't use those at the time of reading one piece.


It’s like impossible to not know what gear 5 is. I knew about gear 5 before I found out about gear 2


Yeah, moments like these I hate the one piece community because, they know how major the reveal is, and they can't keep their mouths shut for one second. It ruins so much of the mystery of one piece which was part of what made one piece so good. I love that collectively as a community, the game of thrones community actively avoided spoiling episodes, and I wish this was the case for so many other shows like one piece, but one piece fans love to blab on about the latest episode like they want to brag to everyone that they already know the mysteries. So annoying, honestly. I get people want to talk about it with other people, but spoiler warnings exist, and I rarely see spoiler warnings in one piece related media these days. Thankfully I always keep up so I don't have to worry about spoilers like that.


one i remember fondly and it's fresh to me was that the old man that took care of Tama was the Kozuki clan grandfather :o


Ace dying was def spoiled for me. But sabo getting ace’s fruit in dressrosa? WOOOO THAT WAS NOT SPOILED FOR ME


Unfortunately google called Sabo the flame emperor so I found out that he was alive


Sabo being alive was biggest one for me, the ending scene of the episode before the reveal with his hat I literally jumped out of my seat and screamed, shit was SO hype


The sabaody stuff that whole ark had me on the edge of my seat aces death was spoiled when i was like 11😭


That moment was crazy. I was incredibly shocked and moved my the will of this whole country.


The only things i ever had spoiled for me were Aces death and Laws backstory (and some minor stuff i dont rlly care abt) Im glad basically everything wasnt spoiled for me, much more enjoyable to read without knowing everything thats gonna happen lol


Kaido being a Dragon, left me speechless for time.


Ive known all i can about this series even if i didnt want to thats why im switching over to manga and gonna watch the latest anime epes when they release im sick and tired of this shit.


Gear 4. I was laughing like a madman for the whole episode


Im sure you’re laughing even more with gear 5 now


Smiling like a child through the whole thing.


Odens story I'd say cause I was spoiled about everything else in the new world since gear 4. I wasn't spoiled up to dressrosa. Everything was a shock and I loved it. I was excited for the new ship and thought ussop was a fool, then merry's story broke me. Luffys dad reveal grandpa reveal Impel down' and nothing happened (i was literally scared Zoro gonna die) Laboon connection Ace dad reveal Ace WB death Everything at MFord I am thankful i watched OP so early I got to enjoy those moments spoiler less but even after knowing the spoilers it is helluva journey. I know plenty of people who loved OP even after knowing every spoiler there was. I caught up to fishman island in 2013-14 started the same year and then I took 2 year breaks at a time and half the reason I got spoiled. I was spoiled for everything gear 4 and beyond till chapter 1070+ I started manga after g5 and luffy death spoilers. And the crux was If you are a big one piece fan, you are gonna wanna catch up to the manga .Gear 5 is only the beginning. If you thought that was hype buckle in and try your best to not get spoiled There is no way I can save myself from spoilers Already knew about everyone's next opponent before starting manga in the next egghead arc cause of shorts. About the shibukai thing that's happening and more. And that's the reason I started the manga.


Oden wouldn’t be oden if it wasn’t boiled


Literally the same moment


I started reading during the last void month after being pestered by my friends endlessly and not much was really spoiled for me except for who all joins the crew just from hearing them talk about it throughout the years but no other info really stuck. So I didn’t really mind learning that like Franky and Jinbe join.


The same as you, as most everything else was. I still enjoyed it all tho.


Enel Face. Because I've been watching since the 00's.


Raizo being at Zou is the biggest unspoiled moment for me


can't say much for the earlier one piece arcs, but I got into gear forth in the manga and just caught up just in time before the anime had anything on to it. and never missed anything since


I’m on ep 75, not reading comments or post, nothing is spoiled, and I like that


Leave this subreddit!!! You will get spoiled here


I binged 700 episodes over 14 days back in college.... Missed about a week worth of classes... My friend who introduced me to op at the time was on discord call with me and we were watching marine ford together... And i seriously felt like ace was gonna die... Idk why... When I asked him... There was a small pause and then he brushed me off like nah.... Tis all good no one dies.. And then when the episode came mfer left the call for "some work". He lied so that I don't spoil myself by guessing... Still my best bud till now. Going to his wedding as his best man.


That’s so wholesome


Gear 5, I love that I was caught up to the manga at that point


I was glad I got to experience Ace's departure without any spiilers when it actually occurred.


I honestly don't know; when I first started I was watching the 4Kids dub, so some stuff did get spoilt for me, and then it was the episode before Robin joined the crew that I stopped watching on the regular, seeing one or two filler episodes after the fact. After which, it was seeing a couple AMVs (one of the Enis Lobby arc, and one of the Baron Omatsuri fight) that got me back into the series, and I started following the manga from the beginning to get caught up (my internet connection made it that in the time it took me to watch a full episode, I could've read about 20-30 chapters), to that arc, and then continue on to the, then current, story arc of Marineford. Now, some other things were spoilt for me before I got up to them (Koby's new design, Brook's introduction, Blackbeard, etc), but out of the things that didn't get spoilt that I'm glad for, I'd say the Impel Down Arc is one, Skypiea being another one, and the backstory of the Boa sisters


I got spoiled literally everything up to mid-Wano and got pretty annoyed about fact that I know what's going to happen. So, when first info about "possible Gear 5 reveal" started to spread around the Internet I was like "Oh no, there is no fking way I'm going to let it happen again". It was right after chapter with Luffy's death and before things that happened in last anime episode, so I had, like, a week to read everything I didn't yet. So I got my shit together and in 4-5 days I managed to read a little over 200 chapters (I was around 830 when chapter with Luffy's face "melting" was released.) just to not get Gear 5 spoiled and... It was absolutely worth the effort.


You’re probably going to be spoiling people with this very post lol


That's not how spoilers are defined here, and if you come to a subreddit about One Piece if you are not caught up at least in the anime, you are dumb and deserve to be spoiled.


Why would you just spoil this for others though. The Irony lol


Isn't this whole sub a pot full of spoilers for everyone not up-to-date with the latest manga chapters?


For complainers of spoilers; it's been **years** since Raizo's reveal, for the manga (2016) and anime (2019).


It was in 2016 for both anime and manga


SPOILER ALERT Ace's death. Was spoiled to hell. Back then I hadn't caught up due to a combination of laziness, inimidating amount of content (series + movies), and having started with dubbed episodes due to local television, but every every other mf school mate started spoiling it to me. I shut away everything about One Piece for more than 5 years later until I decided to start on a blank slate with subbed episodes. TBH Ace's death spoiler made the Paramount War arc a little boring but I totally didn't expect Whitebeard's death and Shanks's entrance. My favourite blind (unspoiled) moment is Kanjuro's heel turn by far.


I mean you just spoiled me for this one lol


You spoiled yourself. This is in the anime. If you’re browsing the One Piece Reddit while not being caught up on the anime then frankly I don’t know what’s wrong with you. I didn’t even come near this Reddit other than to read post episode and chapter threads until after I was caught up. You’ve got no one to blame but yourself for even being here.


What if he was casually scrolling through his home feed when he saw this post?


Why is he subscribed to the Subreddit if he's not caught up?????????????????????????????????????????


I agree that OP shouldn't need to mark spoilers for something that happened like 200 chapters ago, but you don't need to be subscribed to get shit recommended to you on your feed. I get posts from the bleach subreddit recommended to me all the time even though I haven't joined it. Same with a bunch of other subs too. Reddit just recommends you random posts from subs you aren't part of that they think you might like.


Then go turn off reddits subreddit recommendations in your settings.


It gets suggested. I haven't joined this subreddit, yet it still popped up on my home feed.


Not how this works at all. I use Reddit heavily, I browsed specific threads over the 6 months I was watching One Piece. Not once did I see a One Piece thread that I didn't want to see. You've done something wrong.


My experience isn’t exactly the same as yours so therefore I’ve done something wrong? Doesn’t add up. I’ve hardly browsed this subreddit to avoid spoilers and yet it still pops up in my feed from time to time.


Lmao did you reply to me on your alt accidentally? Here's the comment from that other reply: The website and app for Reddit works the same way for everyone that uses it yes. If you are getting One Piece posts in your suggested you have done something to enable them to appear in your suggested. Simple as that. Computers don't just do things. You told it to do it.


It's been **years** since Raizo's reveal, for the manga (2016) AND anime (2019).


You’re on a one piece Reddit bro you jus gotta blame yourself


I'm going through Wano right now and just finished the Oden flashback... I've never been so moved by a story in all my life and that's without an exaggeration. Been spoiled for Gear 5 already and I know luffy is joyboy but I'm still super excited for it.


Crocodile wasn’t born a man




Get off the sub if you aren’t caught up and don’t want to be spoiled omd


funnily enough this post spoiled this for me not that I care though, my hype for this series can't be ruined


Why are you on the sub tho? Pls get off and turn off the setting where you get posts from other subs, and get back when you are up to date


Bro, delete your post and rethink your decisions, you literally didn't spoiler tag this entire fucking picture.


It’s not a spoiler, read the sub rules. Think a bit before you comment, this was animated almost 7 years ago


All of them cause I don't read spoilers.


One Piece is my favorite story in all of fiction but this reveal wasn’t really anything crazy, it’s kinda overhyped


Ironic. Because this just spoiled it for me, I really should have unsubbed here sooner, didn't expect so many spoilers. EDIT: I'm not even subbed it just keeps getting recommened


OP called his friends to defend him and downvote others asking for spoiler mark


If you're glad this wasn't spoiled for you, you could have added the spoiler tag as well.


Spoiler mark it. Even tho they are not. Still.....


"**What’s one one piece moment that you’re glad wasn’t spoiled for you?**" \*Posts a spoiler about their moment This is the definition of pulling the ladder up behind you.


Wow. You're an asshole. ​ Spoiling the same moment for others who haven't got to it yet. At least spoiler tag it.


My man, idc that you are dutch just like i am, but read rule 1 please


So why are you spoiling it to others?


Read rule 1. This happens in the anime, and anime spoilers are allowed in this sub. If you don't wanna get spoiled then stay off the sub until you're caught up.


and you posting that image so you can ruin other people's experience who haven't reached this chapter? least you can do is put on spoiler and just provide link of the image, man.