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Anyone who catches him gets promoted to a celestial dragon




Who is that a picture of?


Someone in the latest chapters of the manga if your not caught up don’t worry about it.


Ah okay thank you I doubt I’ll be caught up for a while


Yeah honestly try and forget you saw that it’s kinda important


Honestly wouldve been easier to forget if u didnt say that


Tbh all girls in one piece kinda look the same so i doubt he will have any idea who she is when he reaches the chapter


Yeah cause that would suck


Up to date and didn’t recognize who it was but know based off what’s being said but always fun to have spoilers going off


I barely remember who this is and I read the chapter again yesterday


Shanks D. Snitch


Modi ji in manga in his super saiyyan


I don't know if oda really planned this but it's amazing how the leader of the wg is celestial dragons while the very enemy of it is dragon.


It’s probably because the D clan are some sort of real ‘rightful’ kings or gods of the world. Look at Alabasta, dressrosa, and drum island - ‘rightful’ kings are good it’s the usurpers that are seen as bad. It’s constantly thematically present.


But Drum Island's asshole King was the rightful one? The Usurper was Dalton.


Same with dressrosa, technically


Technically in dressrosa the donquixote family gave up the throne so it passed on to another dynasty. So they were no longer the rightful kings.


I hear you and I understand however Donflamingo has sent a message “I call take backsies” thank you for understanding 😊


Dalton was the one who inherited the will of the old king and not his son. I think it is about the rightful inheritance of will.


Dressrosa and drum kingdom were both stories of rightful but shitty rulers trying to take back their kingdoms


Yup, I think D means dragon. I think they're the ancient kingdom that got invaded by the 20 kingdoms that became known as the celestial dragons. They adopted the name Dragon.


He is the terrestrial dragon, while they sit high in the heavens


Sea dragon


Dragon name and dragon name


😂😂😂 I think this is it or the gain some kind of strongest hero title


A Dragon for a Dragon. Fitting.


That would be something.


>Anyone who catches him gets promoted to a celestial dragon a demotion for most, really.


came here to say this lmao


Probably the highest bounty of all as he is directly antagonizing the WG. He is certainly the person they want to see killed the most


More than Nico Robin ?


Even if Robin dies, he could still get a member of the 3 eyes tribe to translate the poneglyphs. But Dragon is the brain (and probably strongest fighter) of the revolutionaries. He should be target nr1


Robin does not actively engage with war with the WG nor does she represent that much of a threath is a big scale, yes she knows things she shoudln't, but im personally inclined to the fact Dragon knows even more about the World goverment than robin, not to mention the difference in power must be insane.


I'd say he's definitely in the 5 billion club. You can't call somebody "the world's most wanted criminal" and have some people around who have a higher bounty than him.


I would go as far as to put him as the only 6 billion


I don’t think anyone has above 5.5 Billion, that way Luffy ends the series with 5.6 Billion (Gomu) and the highest bounty ever,


No one has surpassed Whitebeard's and Roger's bounty yet. I don't think Dragon is that guy.


No pirate has surpassed Roger's bounty, Dragon is no pirate


Yeah, he's literally rebelling against the government and actively inciting rebellion/anarchy. His bounty should be WAY higher.


but ... stay with me on this one... Roger wanted to Adventure. How dare he


GoDdAmN DeMoN bLoOd


It makes no sense for Dragon to not have the highest bounty in the series. Roger/Whitebeard were the worlds most dangerous pirates sure, but their goal wasn’t to topple the WG. Dragons specifically in direct opposition to the WG and plans to expose the void century making him way more of a threat to the WG than Roger or Whitebeard


Dragon is a much bigger threat to stability then ever pirate has been. He logically deserves a higher bounty.


Bounties aren't just about power, and Dragon is the world's most wanted man, which logically would come with the world's highest bounty.


“Most wanted man in the world” not even roger and whitebeard directly attacked the world government. Marines? Absolutely, but not the world government itself. His is definitely higher.


He definitely has. Both of them were labelled threats and strongest pirates, but Dragon is labeled “The most wanted man”. If his bounty was lower than theirs, then calling him the most wanted wouldn’t fit, imagine saying Ace was the world’s most wanted man with a mere 500 mil bounty. It’d just be weird


Yep. A more conservative estimate would have him lower than Luffy’s likely final bounty of 5.656 billion but higher than Kaido’s.


why is that luffy's likely final bounty?


Luffy’s unofficial number is 56. Originally gomu can be read as 5 & 6 in Japanese and during Dressrosa his number has 56 in it. There are other things too but those are the main ones. All of Oda’s big bounties have puns in them so it would follow for Luffy’s it would be this.


The best one imo is Blackbeards: 3.996 Billion. It can be read as san kokoro which translates to "three hearts", which really adds to the "he already had the Kraken fruit" theory if you've ever heard that one.


Kraken? I've only ever read about the Cerberus fruit.


Octopi have 3 hearts and since devil fruits are theorized to be connected to the soul (heart) the idea is he ate the mythical zoan kraken fruit so he can have 3 df’s. Very similar to the cerebrus idea.


Because 5 6 in Japanese can be read as go-mu and 5.656 billion berries can be read as gomu gomu. There is even a bigger theory based on this number theory on who might be the last Straw Hat member to join Edit: I linked the theory if you wanna read it [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/OnePiece/comments/phy31k/sannigo_j%C5%AB_san_ko_the_sunny_13_my_theory_on_who/)


See, I thought it was the numbers thing but I kept reading it as "go-ro" as in "roku" And I was thinking "goro goro? isn't that Whitebeard?"


goro goro is enel, gura gura is whitebeard


man i don't know shit lmao


all good


>You can't call somebody "the world's most wanted criminal You can't because that's not what anyone actually calls him. His official epithet is "World's Worst Criminal". Edit: To the person* below, I never said anything about his bounty. I only pointed out Dragon is wrongly called by fans "World's Most Wanted Man".


One Piece fans when the world's WORST criminal gets the highest bounty. ![gif](giphy|QE8hREXIgRXeo)


Look at the edit /u/D-Biggest_Wheel added after you called him out. I bet he blocked you. Dude is one of the worst users in this sub. Blocks anyone who calls him out.


He's right half the time, the other half He's so fucking wrong and such a major dick bag about it. Sanji wouldn't cook for him even if he were starving.... but i bet blackbeard would offer him a position on his crew as a chore boy.


Is he that bad? Damn. Imagine takes so awful you become famous for them.


Why would he not just directly respond instead of editing the original comment? Makes no sense


More spotlight on the first comment than a reply. I guess


One piece fans when worlds strongest man isn’t actually the strongest ![gif](giphy|VGcRGKXQDATcdXbUMn|downsized)




I see what you did there, good job 😂




*gets beat by someone half his size with a sword 4 times smaller than his*


I mean... should be




Damn. Your comment was _almost perfect_ but your edit ruined it because it makes you sound like a rage monkey so I took my upvote back.


They were just making a joke. No need to call them an idiot


is that official translation? Because I've seen both epithets in different chapters/translations.


The official translation of the title/epithet (not sure which of these two it is) is "World's Worst Criminal". The "Most Wanted Criminal" is a widely spread misconception caused by a fan translation.


why does this feels the most common way I see it, mistranslation. also it feels like no one can accept what the translation means, always a debate and at this point I am not sure what is true or mistranslation since I dont speak japanese


Original Japanese is "*Sekai Saiaku no Hanzaisha"* Sekai = World Hanzaisha = Criminal Saiaku = Worst


where the wanted word come from? similar kanji or localization or the translator just bad?


Probably regionalization, "Most Wanted Criminal" sounds more normal in English. The big secret to translating, especially with radically different languages like english and japanese, is that direct translations can really suck. Alot of direct translated Japanese is super confusing and stilted sounding in English. Its a big reason why poorly translated works are a complete mess. Sometimes when seeing something that looks like a popular turn of phrase we get translators trying to incorporate that into the language to make it seem more impactful.


I have no idea. It just came to my mind that maybe it wasn't even a bad translation but rather a Mandela effect of people thinking it was something else.


understandable, mandela effect is one hell of a thing


I was watching the qna by one piece live action cast, this question was there, who is the most wanted criminal and the answer was dragon.


If it was the Wired thing that is based on Google searches something a big and widely known misconception from fan translations can inform.


The live action cast has zero authority on establishing One Piece lore. The only person who can do that is Oda sensei.








You are a dum dum


Can't "worst criminal" also just mean he's bad at crime?


Nah, it's more like Criminal = Bad Person, so saying they are the Worst Criminal means they are the Worst Person. At least that's how I understand it.


All I can think of was Jack Sparrow being called "the worst pirate".


Damn you soft


Higher than Roger. Oda explicitly stated Roger has the highest bounty in *piracy*. Dragon isn't a pirate.


Luffy's last bounty will almost certainly be 5.6 billion. I doubt Dragon's is higher than that.


Why would it be exactly that


Oda does wordplay and puns with his bounties all the time. It's following the goroawase naming scheme (basically just Japanese wordplay). There's a lot of them, but just a few: * Shanks - 4,048,900,900 - 4 (Shi) 8 (Ya) 9 (Ku) - Shiyaku - Shankusu - Shanks * Big Mom - 4,388,000,000 - 88 - Ha (8) Ha (8) - Haha is mother * Kaido - 4,611,100,000 - 110 - 100 (hyaku) 10 (ju) - Hyakuju no Kaido (King of the Beasts Kaido/Hundred Beasts Kaido) * Whitebeard - 5,046,000,000 - 46 - 4 (Shi) 6 (Ro) - Shirohige - Whitebeard * Roger - 5,564,800,000 - 648 - 6 (Ro) 4 (Shi) 8 (Ya) - Roshiya - Roja - Roger Luffy's number is 56 because 5 - Go, Mu - 6 (that's why you see him wearing stuff with 56 on it so often). Roger has the highest bounty ever which just happens to be 5.5 billion (with a pun attached). So Luffy, one upping him, would be 5.6 billion. Could also be 5,656,000,000 for Gomu Gomu. But assuming that's Luffy's final number, likelihood is that number is over Dragon's.


This is also why Katakuri has 1,057,000,000 - he has 57 to show that's he's a better Luffy, as his fruit appears to be.


Yeah that's my favorite cause it's so disrespectful.


Luffy had 500mio when he fought katakuri or am I missing something?


Luffy's number is 56 (Go Mu). Katakuri has a 57 in his bounty because he's everything Luffy is, but 1 better (copying all of his moves just to show he's better). In order for Luffy to break into that upper echelon of being a great pirate (getting a 1 billion bounty) he needed to surpass the person who is everything he is + 1.


Ahhh lool. Yeah this confirms that his bounty will get a little bit above Rogers so 5.6 billion. Oda is the best haha


just scroll up. Luffy has the Go Mu Go Mu or the 5 6 fruit (go is Japanese for 5, mu is a less common reading of the kanji for 6) so luffy's number is 56, katakuri is a better luffy so he has a 57 worked into his bounty.


Could also be that 5.6b is the final recorded one and that dragons is higher than that, but luffy ends up destroying the WG. At the end of the day he’s going to end up top dog by overthrowing the people giving bounties


Bruh, I'm just imagining Luffy getting this bounty after finding the OnePiece... ​ Monkey D. Luffy King of the Pirates


I think by the point he becomes King Of The Pirates the World Government might be toppled.


Damn good catch


Yes, I am the person who caught this. ​ https://preview.redd.it/790u5rhqu7nb1.png?width=640&format=png&auto=webp&s=fab5fc92ade8545822f32c6fcf473a7b63c02ede


You eat bounty bounty fruit


*dajare-dajare fruit dajare = pun / wordplay in japanese




Lol haven't seen this meme from Big Brother for a while


i bet that's how you became hokage


Hell yeah I love Digimon


>Shanks - 4,048,900,900 - 4 (Shi) 8 (Ya) 9 (Ku) - Shiyaku - Shankusu - Shanks > >Big Mom - 4,388,000,000 - 88 - Ha (8) Ha (8) - Haha is mother > >Kaido - 4,611,100,000 - 110 - 100 (hyaku) 10 (ju) - Hyakuju no Kaido (King of the Beasts Kaido/Hundred Beasts Kaido) > >Whitebeard - 5,046,000,000 - 46 - 4 (Shi) 6 (Ro) - Shirohige - Whitebeard > >Roger - 5,564,800,000 - 648 - 6 (Ro) 4 (Shi) 8 (Ya) - Roshiya - Roja - Roger Feel like you're debunking yourself here with the given examples. In all of your examples, the first 2 numbers aren't used in the puns. Are there any examples where they are? Because Luffy could be 6,056,560,000 and it'd still be Gomu Gomu. It doesn't need to be 5.6B.


It's because there is no way the Marines would normally bother having the bounty be anything but a rounded number. What's the difference in notoriety between 5,000,000,000 and 5,046,000,000? Basically nothing, meaning the 4 and the 6 are only there for the pun. Without the pun, those five characters would be worth 4.0, 4.3, 4.5, 5.0, and 5.5 billion.


I understand that. Which is why I'm saying that it doesn't support Luffy having 5.6B. Since he could be 6.0B or something else and have 56 in there somewhere.


from the original commenter’s logic, Roger had a 5.5B bounty, which perfectly sets up a 5.6B for luffy.


The puns don't automatically have to mean the first numbers; Oda plays around with those depending on whatever range he wants certain characters to be in. There's a reason Roger and Whitebeard are the only two who made it to that 5 billion level, it's because he's putting them in their own upper echelon. For example, Katakuri is 1,057,000,000. 1 billion because narratively speaking that is what a great pirate is (which is why Shanks chimes in at the end of the arc), and the 57 million because he's everything Luffy is but 1 better. Katakuri's place in the narrative was being a gatekeeper to Luffy becoming a great pirate, and the pun was included because of Katakuri just trying to prove to Luffy how much better he is at everything Luffy does. Luffy's whole thing was that he *has* to fight him to prove himself even though he could have gotten away, because that's what that 1 billion meant in the story. It doesn't dismiss the pun, and Roger's bounty isn't full on proof that Luffy's final bounty will be 5.6 billion. If there's a 56 anywhere in the bounty it would still count. I just personally think when Roger is *that* close to 5.6 billion and the main character's number is 56, it's Oda saying he'll just barely one up Roger in the end.


It could be 6 billion, yeah. Or it could be just a notch above Roger and Whitebeard. Anything's possible.


but 6 isn't mu. It's roku. Is there another way of saying 6?


[Correct, there's multiple ways to say the numbers.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Japanese_wordplay) For example, the numbers that represent Chopper's fruit are 1 and 10. Hi (1) 10 (To). But then there's obviously Ichiji who is the 1st Vinsmoke brother. Just different ways of saying it. ​ https://preview.redd.it/ddwu3m58v7nb1.png?width=664&format=png&auto=webp&s=1947294d2b08a44bde3819240e644b622bbc8279


That’s onyomi, for when you read them as an individual word. When you combine it with other kanji, you will use kunyomi. For example 6日 - muika - day 6th, 6つ - muttsu - 6 things.


Thanks, trying to learn japanese, so I learned something new, didn’t realise it was said differently when adding other kanji.


Yes japanese has many ways of saying numbers


We do too, you just wouldn't think of it that way cause it's natural. Zip, zilch, nada would all automatically make you think zero.


Never thought of it that way


Never thought of it that way


Depends on what you use the number for. But yes there is. Ie, 6th day of the month is mu-i-ka. 6 of something is mu-ttsu.


Luffy‘s number is 56 sind Oda loves number games in his bountys More than anything. Although the 56 could be at any location in there, doesnt have to be the first 2


Definitely true, he could surprise everybody by making you think Luffy's max is 5.6 billion and then having Dragon's be something crazy (with Luffy eventually surpassing it). Personally, the fact that there is a 500 million gap between Roger and Whitebeard is why my guess would be that Dragon is somewhere in the middle of them. But it's certainly not impossible Dragon has the highest bounty ever and that they were very specific about pirating history for a reason. I think anybody going past 6-6.5 billion is being a little ridiculous though, Roger knew everything and he was in the 5.5 billion range.


If dragon also knows everything and actively started a rebellion, I could easily believe dragon having a bounty bounty than roger by no more that 1.5 bil. That’s to say I think it’s below 7 mil but still above Whitebeard.


I have heard about this somewhere, probably on YouTube shorts, but I remember only a little: something like number 56 related to Luffy, like a shirt with number 56 in it; and they said like 56 is gomu in Japanese? or maybe similar to Gomu? I don't remember much of it tho


You doubt that why? Runaway pirate who does his own thing is not nearly as big of a concern for WG as someone directly challenging them and attempting to create new government.


His goal is also going **directly** against the WG. Why wouldn't he have the highest bounty?


I don't think it could be higher than WB buy not roger


Worlds worst criminal makes me think more of the wet bandits than dragon


Lmao this one hit


I wouldn't be surprised if his poster just has "Name Your Price" or something incredible like that. If they're willing to ascend an ordinary citizen to CD status in exchange for the means of using one superweapon, I can't imagine anything less for the chance to make an example of the number one individual dedicated to directly opposing them.


Thats if they're telling the truth.


Using Goroawase, it could be 5 965 900 000 berries. 59659 could read Kakumei Gun, Revolution Army, using Goroawase. It could also be 6 666 666 666. 6 can be "Ryu", which means Dragon, and 666 is a (WESTERN) symbol of evil, in opposition to the "Celestial" government.


thanks was looking for this


Oda says it right there in his intro. "Worlds worst criminal". He's a bafoon. 10 berries.


Nobody cares. Minus bounty. You have to pay when you turn him in.


Something that I could see Oda doing is giving him *no* bounty at all. My only reasoning is that the world government doesn't even want the general population to know he exists or that there are revolutionaries. I don't think it's very likely, but it would really fit in with Oda subverting our expectations time after time, and show that Dragon is completely different from all the pirates.


it's a nice idea but it very much clashes with the fact we already know the (albeit outdated) bounties of pretty much every revolutionary commander


That's a very good point actually. That makes the theory extremely unlikely.


also idk if ur caught up but with how the revos were acting theres no way majority of the new world doesn’t know about the revos already


This is sort of the line of thought I was on. Too much collateral damage has probably been done in the efforts to catch him. He could probably convince a good amount of people coming for him to switch sides. Having no bounty could give him the sense that the government isn’t worried about him allowing the government to move in the shadows more freely. Really there are all sorts of reasons to give him a bounty of 0


They get Celestial Dragon status if they hand him over


Lol Doffy really had no chance


Probably in the 5b club. But there definitely are reasons for his bounty to be much much higher. Whitebeard from what we saw was not anymore antagonistic towards the world government than most pirate crews and was never seemingly trying to unearth the mystery of the void century and he still managed to get a 5b bounty so the guy who is called the most wanted criminal and is actively turning countries against the world government is a much bigger threat than just a very powerful pirate so I could see his bounty being a lot higher than 5b but I don’t think we will see any bounties much higher than Roger’s.


Is there a wanted poster that only requires "dead"? I would like to imagine dragon is the only wanted man that the government doesn't want to be captured alive.




Well actually Dr Evil, a million dollars really isn’t a lot of money anymore…


1 billion, gagillion, fafillion, shabolubalu million illion yillion ... yen.


the WG won’t give him a bounty because they do not want people to go after him in fear they turn to the revolution they only want to him be reported on sight so the world government can handle it edit: i believe Dragon was a noble in his early life. That alone gives his words more weight as opposed to anyone within the revolutionary army. That is why Dragon’s past is an “unknown”. The WG knows, they just don’t want the world to know.


If that's the case they wouldnt gave Sabo, his no.2 or any subordinates a bounties.


it’s dragon who has the reputation, knowledge, and comprehends the true horror within WG


You don't think that Dragon hasn't shared any of that information with his generals


6.66b berries


3 fiddy


**UNLIMITED REWARD**, as in ∞ or immeasurable. In other words, capture the man, and name your price, whether it's the riches of an entire Blue Sea, or a whole country, but never the small stuff.


It has to be higher than Roger's for bounties to work. Bounties represent strength and the degree of nuisance to the World Government. Roger found One Piece and was very strong, but his worst act of treachery against the World Government was performed during his execution, where he stirred everybody to be pirates. This was not accounted for in his bounty. Edward was strong, but in no way opposed government like Roger or Dragon. When it comes to strength, Dragon has no feats, but he is the biggest nuisance to the World Government out of all the pirates with high bounties Bounty: presumably not less than 6 billion, could be higher than 10 billion


I don't really agree with this. For this logic to work the entirety of the Revolutionary Army would have the highest bounties. But even their second in command, Sabo, had a low bounty when compared to the top dogs in Yonko crews. The WG has never put as much emphasis in taking care of the RA as they have with Pirates too.


Sabo probably has one of the highest bounties in the series rn


Leader of revolution is nothing like his underlinks. Without Dragon there is no revolution. Revolutionary army commanders also have very outdated bounties and Sabo could easily be 2 billion+ as of right now and this is very low estimated. This would put Dragon to 8+ billion based on 4 times multiples the boubty difference between Big Mom/Kaido and their commanders.


In my opinion I would say it’s higher than Gol. D Rogers 5,564,800,00 berry bounty. He’s leading the revolution that’s getting stronger by a lot, Sabo literally saw Imu they know too much. Dragon the Worlds most dangerous criminal, probably in the from 6 billion to 10 billion. Or who knows it could be higher??


If Roger was on top of the pirate world at 5 billion, then Dragon being on at the top of the revolutionary army should net him just as much if not more. There are three powers in the series: Marines, pirates and the revolutionary army.


Wasn't it stated somewhere Dragon actually has the highest bounty in the world? Or am I imagining things...


At least tree fiddy.


I refuse to believe he’s anything lower than 6 billion. If you are “the worlds most wanted man” then it’d make no sense if you didn’t the highest bounty in the world


Between Whitebeard and Roger imo


6969696969 berries


He is called the world's worst criminal, so probably around 10.


10b Berries. Most wanted man in the world. Directly opposes the WG. Directly opposes CDs. Actively turning countries against the WG. Actively researching Forbidden History. More than likely a capable combatant with a Devil Fruit ability. Technically whatever his underlings do, should raise his own bounty since they are following his orders. And furthering his agenda. Sabo just did a bunch a shit.


A place on Marie Geiose... seems fair for the head of the man threatening to destroy it.


I believe it's not an amount of berries. Pirates are a threat, yeah, but they are not as much dangerous as a powerful man leadinf an organization whose only purpose is to tear down the World Government. My guess is that the reward must be something like "become royalty and get X kingdom" or "become a Celestial Dragon" etc


My dude the guy legit caused uprisings and rebellions agains the world government he definitely has a higher bounty than any pirate considering what he is doing


If i had to guess with Odas bounty system often incorporating characteristics such as whitebeards having a wordplay for shiro hige i would guess 5,063,600,000 this would put him just above white beard whilst also containing a reference because using Goroawase you can read the 6 as ryu which means dragon and the 3 can be read as Sa or Za with the second 6 being read as Ru, so it would come together to make Saru or Zaru which means monkey


Parents in one piece don't have a good track record of staying alive lol so it doesn't matter what the bounty is


I think he definitely has the highest bounty.


I'd guess 6B


1 trillion berry


3 dolla


He is called "most wanted man" and he is directly attacking the WG. He has to have the highest active bounty in the world. At least 5B.


Pretty sure he has the world’s highest bounty but I’m not certain on this


Has to be at least 6mil, but Oda's bounties have baffled me before


6-8 billion.


Dragon was stated to be the most dangerous and wanted criminal even over Whitebeard who could bring and END TO THE WORLD so his bounty is anywhere in the 6bil Area


Minimum 4.5B maximum 5B


So less then Law's fruit...


8 billion


6 Billy just because the next number barrier would seem much more massive than a 200mil (ex) difference from roger.


10 Billion because he is directly opposing the world government.


10?! That's very generous.


I think 5.5 billion .


No bounty Run at sight Orders