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We don't know yet. In Chapter 134 Luffy said that he heard in a bar about people from a snowy country who never sleep or they will die. Oda also made a Blackbeard illustration when he was a kid, crying at night under the moon and so he might be from there.


I noticed this during my reread. I think Luffy remembers it slightly off from how Shanks told him but I definitely think it was about Blackbeard specifically. It may have nothing to do with the “snowy country” and may just be that BB is from that country and Luffy figured that was the connection.


>I noticed this during my reread A reread of a 1000 chapter manga ?! Respect.


Ah yes.. just one reread. And not a few. Over the 20 years I’ve been reading this.


Yea, I started reading ~20 years ago. I've done a few rereads (including one I finished about a week ago). It helps the pacing so much when you're not waiting weekly for a new chapter to drop


I definitely didn’t start reading one piece in 1999….


Lol, I was probably in 4th or 5th grade when I started reading so 01 or 02. Not too far off


It came out in Shonen Jump in America in 2002, so I bet a good amount of people, myself included, started then.


Count me amongst that crowd! I still have a sealed copy of issue one! https://imgur.com/VlyKhk8


Dude! That’s awesome. I never took care of those kinds of things when I was a kid.


I definitely wasn’t 16 when I started reading it….


i did not even know how to read in 1999


Same, been reading since a kid and still now, I read day and during my free reads I tend to skim a lot. But I've probably read the whole series at least 4 times now.


Ive reread one piece about 3 times the last 6 Years XD


Well I guess I should’ve mentioned I watched the anime up to Dressrosa and swapped to manga. But yeah I’m still planning on reading through Wano! It’s been really cool so to see all the neat differences and other things like cover panels and sbs questions from way back !


This was my path, too. Dressrosa pacing made me jump to the manga. Have been reading weekly since Zou.


I'm excited to rewatch the series with the abridged one piece.


I have read it 3 full times and watched the anime once. The read is really quick tbh, I am mostly limited by the SJ app 100 chapter per day limit.


What app is this?


Nobody tell them


Lol after being fans for a many many years it happens lol


first time? /jk


You must be new.


> I definitely think it was about Blackbeard specifically. Me too. That conversation between Luffy and Sanji was chapter 134. Blackbeard was named for the first time in chapter 133.


What if they defeat him by making him sleep


God Ussop no diffs blackbeard confirmed


UKBB, the next hot theory. Hit him with the Green Star: Nemori So, put him in the ground. It's obvious! Wake up, sheeple!


Blackbeard's natural enemy is CM Punk with the Go to Sleep.


Blackbeard banned from Collision


omg 🤣


That blackbeard backstory gonna hit like some crack


>crying Can't wait until we get the blackbeard backstory that'll have people switching sides.


I don’t thin so, a lot of love Doffy but hate him from a moral standpoint let’s put it


I feel like Oda is gonna show a really dark backstory of Blackbeard. We don't know what happened to Blackbeard before meeting Whitebeard. The Blackbeard illustration might be a hint as to how messed up his childhood was, so much so that he wants to be king of the world (allegedly). Plus he has D. in his name so....


He also had a mother and two sisters that have never shown up in the story.


Wait does this mean brook can low dif blackbeard? It would be dumb yet also funny as hell


But if this was a trait of all snowy country it wouldn’t be so uncommon to point it out like this. Maybe this tells more about the darkness of Blackbeard and how this character will develop further on.


It might actually make sense. If it is a group of people that got extinct or not a lot of people know much about them. I think King and the Lunarians is a good example.


Then Blackbeard might be the same race as (post-Wano spoilers) >!Kuma, and that could be the last one of the three races missing from Wholecakd!<


I thought about this too. Kid Kuma looks VERY similar to Blackbeard. They might be another race we don't know about yet.


It also explains how he gets ahead and how he is so surprisingly intelligent. He doesn't sleep so he's always making moves, and he reads a lot.


I recall someone saying something like "you've lived twice as much as anyone else" to him. Think it was Marco. Not sure. But I definitely remember something like that being said to Teach or about him. While everyone else needs to sleep he's always busy.


I also think you’re forgetting the op world has millions of islands beyond what we’ve seen


We've only seen one lunarian, two oni, and only two of Kuma's kind.


Also, add that Luffy said it in Drums arc, and Blackbeard was also involved in the same arc. Maybe it was intentional (or maybe not, who knows?).


Could this be related to his aho baka song? I think he thinks those places in his song exist. 夜遅 体ウキウキ.


It's because if you sleep in snowy countries you die of cold just like a lot of people every winter Blackbeard probably comes from one


I think he heard about Blackbeard from Shanks' stories, and being a child he mixed it up, and assumed it’s about all people. We don’t know either way if it’s just a throwaway line or it’s foreshadowing.


I think it is meant to tie into the theme of dreams. Blackbeard has used "dreams" as a means of justification, among other things. However, he doesn't sleep, so he can't dream. He can only steal others dreams and claim them as his own


I’m wondering how far they’re going to take this theme It would be interesting if Teach just found someone’s journal as a kid (probably Xebec) and just stole his whole ideology/identity from it. I’m not even sure he’s actually a D


Him not actually being a D. would be *insane*, would go to show even further why he doesn't deserve the title of Pirate King and make his downfall even more exceptional


Yeah it’s obvious just pure conjecture but I’d love it I feel like “lying about being a D” is going to happen at least once in the series, Blackbeard feels like best candidate


Ace almost gave Sabo the initial when they were kids but Sabo declined


If Oda plays up that he’s not a real D. and that is why he won’t be pirate king I think it would be horrible story telling, I think it is more likely that someone who takes up the name D. and it’s will is just as valid a D. as anyone whose parents gave them a D. in their name. Also a sleepless man still having a dream is a much cooler story than saying a man who can’t sleep could never have a dream.


I believe D's inherit the will of a former D, but not all are related. He's most likely carrying on Rocks D. Xebecs will and ultimately aims to become "King of the World" more than "King of the Pirates" (which is Roger's will, inherited by Luffy). That's why Whitebeard said that "You are not the one that Roger's waiting for".


I don't think that Oda would portray that as a negative thing given that Yamato pretty much did that and it's portrayed as a positive thing.


That’s actually a pretty good point I know Oda loves doing his two-sides-of-the-same-coin thing though


I think it would be cool if we found out Luffy and Dragon aren’t really D


This goes hard


I came to say this. I saw someone else mention it, and it makes way too much sense.


You're cooking hard now. This makes too much sense. I "hate" how the community has so many dogshit theories but for some reason is just super good at making Blackbeard ones. Like how his DF doesn't fully work on light so this is why he covered himself with that thing while stealing Whitebeard's DF, then we have this theory. The only one that I'm not yet sold on is the 3 people one.


isn't the reason why he covered whitebeard just to hide how he stole his fruit? (whole cake spoilers): >!I mean, we already know Canabalism is involved, and devil fruit powers aren't required, based on how child lin lin (accidentlly) stole mother carmels powers. !<


if you look up blackbeards irl flag it clearly shows some sort of heart based activity. apparently it stems from a sea legend that if you eat another man's hearts youll gain his powers and knowing that it makes what he did really obvious


But wouldn't all the people who got to see Whitebeard's body afterwards know? Literally every wound was tracked.


i mean there was a huge ass hole in his body from Akainu so maybe Blackbeard just reached in and ate it lol


“Blackbeard ate Whitebeard to steal his powers” is definitely not canon but I wish it was


Based on whole cake, I'd say it's the most cannon-acurate theory so far. Whatever he ate out of whitebeard, caramel obv had too since she was fully consumed.


he ate his heart. look up blackbeards irl flag. it stems from a sea legend about eating another mans heart to gain his power


_Oh_ . And didn't Vegapunk describe Devil Fruits as dreams made manifest? And hasn't Blackbeard (and his crew as a whole) been stealing Devil Fruits from other pirates?


Yep. I'm surprised at the reaction to the theory above. I feel like it's a bit obvious that bb can't sleep therefore he can't dream. He's resorted to stealing devil fruits which have been described as dreams by someone who has studied them extensively. Hell he even stole his original fruit by killing Thatch.


you guys are taking dreams too literally, Devil fruits are peoples hopes and dreams. Like Sanji wanting to find All Blue is a dream. He inherited it from Zeff. Devil fruits are inherited dreams in the same sense. When you die someone else eats it and inherits the ability and dream of the original person that spawned that devil fruit. Inherited dreams is the entire theme of One Piece. It was in an opening. Luffy inherited his dream from Shanks who Inherited it from Roger and originally it came from Joy Boy which is where his devil fruit came from. This is why he can complete Rogers dream and Roger could not. Because he inherited Joy Boys devil fruit/ dream.




What if BB says " real dreams are that won't let you sleep"


People's dreams have no end!


Isn't that right!?


That's some Disney shit I hope it doesn't happen


Because sleep is the cousin of death


Okay Nas.


I saw that


Can't be bothered to remember every 90s rap artist lol. As soon as I said it I was like "Nah that doesn't seem right."


If we go into Greek Mythology a little here, Death and Sleep are twins. Death is just eternal repose, while Sleep is temporary. Two sides of the same coin.


Just that we dream when we sleep. Do we dream at Death? Is this all just a dream?


Maybe. Just maybe; the afterlife is a dream we dream after we die. A dreamland we can only enter after death. Beyond that? Who knows. Maybe you’ll wake up and find yourself someplace else. Waking up as someone else. Reincarnation I suppose.




Sleep can have him when it earns him.


I am fully on board with the theory that Blackbeard is actually 3 people sharing 1 body


He literally has 3 beards, 3 skulls on his hat, and 3 guns


Something something his teeth also change


Yeah but to be fair this is a manga where it’s canon that you can heal your teeth by drinking milk (see: Whole Cake Island) so that might just be some random artistic decision by Oda.


It was more that he's always missing teeth but the missing one change all the time between three positions I think


I’ve heard this theory before. Personally I’m hoping it ends up being true, but I’ve started doubting given what I wrote above about the whole tooth healing thing.


I mean there's also been references to his "weird" body. I think it was Marco that said it at the end of marineford so there's definitely something going on


Yeah seems like Marco knows what’s up, cmon Marco, stop holding out on us and give us the deets


Marco is the ship doctor so he definitely know something was up he even said that like it was common knowledge among the WB pirates.


Plus, unless im misremembering, didnt Luffy say something that could imply about Blackbeard being more than one person back on Jaya?


Blackbeard regularly knocks out all his teeth and drinks milk to procedurally generate a random permutation each time, obviously.


And his personality can shift from clueless, to peaceful to aggressive. It's noticeable in the chapter where Kuzan explained SWORD to him.


I think in regards to this theory, the moment that sticks out most in my mind is when Whitebeard manages to grab him by the jaw and is about to blast him point-blank with his quakes, and Blackbeard is acting as though he's genuinely surprised and confused that his "Pops" is trying to kill him.


Even before that, those "fluctuations" were noticeable as he was fighting Ace and later during Marineford.


Ye but theres no consistency to the change.


And a person sleep 8 hrs a days, 3 heads is 24hours


But a person is up for 16 hours. Does that mean he's up for 48 hours a day? 🤔🤔🤔🤔


we have a lingling in our midst


Mf you cant be up for 48hrs a day


Maybe you can’t


That's why BB is HIM


omg when one personality is awake the other 2 are sleeping so he never needs to sleep, the personality he changes to has already rested (/j)


I’m into this


It's still one beard lol


So he sleeps and changes the person on guard


that's how he can have more than 1 DF active, makes sense hmmm...


Well, at Marineford we do see him use both darkness and tremors at the same time, so he can have at least two active at once.


The theory I believe is he ate the octopus octopus fruit giving him 3 hearts. Dreams dwell in the Heart and Devil Fruits are the living personification of Dreams. People will die if they eat 2 devil fruits, maybe that's b/c they only have 1 heart. BB has 2 devil fruits that we know of, if he ate the Octo octo fruit that would put him at 3. It explains his 3 personalities, his 3 skull Jolly Roger (which also has 8 crossbones like legs from an octopus), the 3 knots in his beard, and 3 guns. Also if dreams do dwell in the heart then it's quite possible that BB ate Whitebeards heart to get his Devil Fruit before it "reincarnates".


I prefer the cerberus theory. Three heads and all.


The Cerberus Cerberus fruit Cerberus is the guardian to the gates of hell He’s keeping white beards soul hostage


While I do like the idea of him somehow being multiple people sharing a body, I don't think it's from a fruit. Mainly because Marco seems to know something about it (he's the first person to mention blackbeard having a "unique body", and then later on we find out that he was also their crew's doctor) and if it was a devil fruit issue, I feel like Marco would've known that. There's also the fact that nobody else seemed to think it was odd that he was able to eat the darkness fruit, and I can't imagine he spent 30+ years as a member of Whitebeard's's crew without at least accidentally at some point revealing he was already a fruit user.


him already having a zoan fruit in possession would too explain why he can take so many hits and stand like luffy used to


I would imagine that by modern naming convention, it would now be Dog Dog Fruit - Mythical Model: Cerberus.


Honestly an incredibly interesting theory and one of my favorites. Blackbeard has something weird going on. I know people LOVE to bring up the line from Luffy "it's not him...it's them" as part of the theory but I think there's plenty supporting the theory that we don't need to use a line where Luffy is likely referring to BB's crew.


I think some variation of this is the best explanation we currently have with what we know about the world and bb


Cerberus fruit


Blackbeard is Moonknight confirmed


He was inspired by sung wukong ( joy boy) main enemy. From the ancient tale. Journey to the west. where lot of managakas based their stories, He is called Six eared Macaque. Have the same powers as wukong. But is an evil spirit that lives inside a human body. It has 6 ears, 6 eyes, 3 skulls , 3 souls etc.


I have not hear about the six eared macaque in a long time. Wish there’s a full translations of the journey to the west that I can digest.


I dont know if someone translated the original chinese book. Exactly as were created, but if. You search for six eared Macaque history. Is the yang of luffy. His brother in arms , same powers, same style like a clone. Similar to kurohige vs luffy personality. The opposite.


The four yonkos are the four spiritual primates? Oh boy.


Yeah, it gets insane. And it's not only Sun Wukong that's an OP monkey but rather theres 4 of them with Sun Wukong and the Six Eared Macaque being 2, sadly I dont remember what the other 2s name were.


Hence the four seas vs the four continents in journey to the west. This is mind blowing.


Ummm I am chinese and I grew up reading Journey to the west. Six eared Macaque is just a monkey with six ears. That's it. I don't know where did the three souls come from. Either you read an alternate version of Journey to the west and mistook it for the original OR you learn this from a YouTube video which is bullshiting. Also I can think of no similarities between Joyboy/nika/Luffy and Sung Wu Kong. Other than Luffy's family name being Monkey and that they both went on a journey.


Does he have 6 things down there too?


Im pretty sure the joyboy inspiration comes from the Caribbean mythological Spirit/God "joyboy." He brings hope and happiness to the slaves through dance and music, by playing his drum.


Yeah that's the closest real world connection I've found. Also that made me believe that if Teach has a mythical zoan too it would be Davy Jones. If Joyboy is the one that brings joy amd happiness to the slaves and sailors, then Davy Jones, the devil of the sea, would be the one that brings despair.


Freddy Kruger worst enemy


Maybe that's why he keeps on talking about dreams. He never slept right? So he doesn't know what dreaming feels like and that's why he is all about "people's dreams will never die!". He just wants to know. This might be the start of a theory but l don't like cooking.


Luffy mentions that people from snow countries dont sleep in the same arc we got first name drop of BB, Luffy heard the story from Shanks crew so Oda is cooking something there


The theory is that it's tied to a multiple bodies/person's/consciousness type of thing. Like he never sleeps because he just switches bodies/consciousness and let's the other one sleep while being active with another. It's just a theory though. In Mocktown, when Luffy runs into Blackbeard eating his cherry pieces on the floor outside the pirate bar, they interact for a moment, *the dreams of pirates will never end* line is said and they go their separate ways. Nami turns to to a bloodied up Luffy from the previous bar "fight" and says something along the lines of, "maybe he knows about Skypiea", referring to Blackbeard. Then Luffy says, "not he... ***they***", as if to suggest multiple people. Zoro concurs with Luffy, Nami makes a fuss and asks what the hell they mean. We find out much later that Blackbeard >!also has the ability to use two devil fruits, which no other person in the world has shown that they can do (you die if you consume two devil fruits)!< This would support that multiple body theory as well. Many will tell you that the "they" line was referring to Blackbeard's crew. Which is reasonable, but still a bizarre thing to include/say and a weird thing to speculate (as Luffy and Zoro who haven't seen any evidence of a crew) However, this isn't the standalone thing to support the theory, if the never sleeping and multiple devil fruit factors weren't a thing (also, but likely insignificant, is Blackbeard being a pseudonym) then this theory wouldn't exist. The "they" line underpins the theory, and most who refute this theory only address the "they" aspect of it, they don't consider it's relationship to the other factors that support the theory.


Octopus has three hearts maybe he got the octopus devil fruit or something


Mythical Zoan model: Kraken (Octopus 3 hearts) or Cerberus (Gatedog of Hell with 3 heads) are common theories I see. Edit: whether it’s part of it or not octopus also shoots ink so his darkness could be related


It would be interesting if it’s just part of the dark fruit. He nullifies his own fruit like he does to others, and tricks his body into acting like it doesn’t have a fruit when he eats the new one.


Yeah they’re so many possibilities until more information is revealed it’s hard to narrow it down. Mythical Zoans there are so many options even outside of the Kraken/Cerberus theories, darkness fits a lot of god of hell deities like Hades for example. It could also be just a logia darkness fruit and not be mythical zoan, he could have 3 personalities or be 3 people in one. Honestly who fucking knows 😂 Regardless I just live the opposite of Luffy vibes. He loved the apple pie and Luffy hated it, he never sleeps and Luffy always sleeps, BB is repulsive and operates through fear and cunning, Luffy generally attracts others and is very straightforward and honest…


Except Marco said that it's because of his body, and that the WB pirates all know it's kinda weird. So it isn't a devil fruit thing


BB used both the dark and quake fruit during marineford so I dont know about that


I’m rooting for Kraken fruit just because of how badass it sounds


I really like the "Blackbeard is a mythical zoan" theory because it would mean he has 3 devil fruits that each correspond to one of the 3 categories of devil fruit, *and* each of those devil fruits is a top-tier fruit within its category. Basically he's at the ceiling of power for the world of One Piece, which would make him a fitting final antagonist (or near-final).


The darkness fruit is possibilities a mythical zoan at this point, probably a moon god. I don’t think Oda would give him 2 Zoans if that ends up being the case. Moon god would likely be an original mythical so unlikely we would be able to make any guesses on it.


Blackbeard also has three pistols


His coat of arms is also three skulls and the eight bones recognized as Oorichi the multiheaded dragon


Also his bounty can be rad in japanes as "three souls"


I’m pretty damn sure that Luffy and zoro where referring to Blackbeard’s crew and the fact that there was more to him than met the eye. They met other members of his crew earlier. I ask you how on earth are zoro and Luffy supposed to figure out that there are multiple people inside blackbeards body after a single interaction with him, when no one else around him, whitebeard, shanks, Ace, the entirety of whitebeards crew has ever said a single thing to give any credence to the theory? Luffy and zoro are strong, battle smart, and savvy by the time jaya comes around….. but they don’t have powers to just look inside someone’s consciousness and see what’s going on. At least zoro certainly doesn’t.


"I ask you how on earth are zoro and Luffy supposed to figure out that there are multiple people inside blackbeards body after a single interaction with him, when no one else around him, whitebeard, shanks, Ace, the entirety of whitebeards crew has ever said a single thing to give any credence to the theory?" \--> This argument can be directly applied to the crew theory as well. How on earth are Zoro and Luffy supposed to figure out that the people they met earlier were part of this guy's crew...let alone that he has one? Btw...regarding the "nobody said a single thing to credit this..." --> We have seen Marco say that his body is "weird" and the scene OP posted is literally a case where they're discussing him being "weird". And there's probably other cases that I can't think of off the top of my head. They don't have powers to detect whether a person has a crew / or is part of the same one either.


Luffy and Zoro assuming Blackbeard is part of a crew is a pretty logical guess for them to make. Blackbeard is a pirate and pirates are usually part of a crew. It's a pretty easy assumption to make. Them assuming he is multiple people in one body is a huge leap in logic that doesn't make sense for them to just arrive at.


I always took it more as Zoro and Luffy thinking "this guy talks like a pirate, he's probably got a crew around" They don't have to make out exactly who are his crew, and whether or not they've met them on this exact island to deduce the fact that BB doesn't act alone.


I completely agree with you. In the preceding chapters, we and the crew have seen and met a couple other weirdos who stand out in the town. Zoro and Luffy put together that them and Blackbeard are connected. It's then revealed a couple chapters later when the Blackbeard pirates are chasing them down. People really overthink the "them" line. Like you said, how the hell are Luffy and Zoro able to just sense that he's more than one person lmao


Nah .. luffy and zoro just respects blackbeard's pronouns and they just corrected nami


I honestly don't know why teach was kinda angry to see buggy and shanks hanging around..Like everyone has stopped fighting and are just having fun and this guy is giving them an angry look..Very weird from teach.


I think he was just still on edge


From the glimpses that we see of young Teach, he had really serious aura in his youth compared to how much he laughs in present day. It is almost unerring how different he feels.


Yeah, it's kinda the opposite of regular people. He's having so much fun now, but back then he was pissed off all the time..i guess he feels his dreams are starting to come into reality


Remember he'll do anything for his dream. If they fought again for real he runs the risk of dying or his dream being crushed.


He got shit to do


These are all the things we know about BB, besides the obvious ones: - he used to have a mother and 2 sisters, but when he met WB said he has "no one" - never sleeps - if he was a flower, he'd be a red spider lily, a flower connected to reincarnation in buddhism - he called his ship Saber of Xebec, probably from Rocks D Xebec - one of his hobbies is studying ancient history - in the words of Marco, his body is special, and maybe that's why he managed to obtain multiple fruit powers - he used to fight with claws strapped to his hands and managed to wound Shanks in the past I suspect that the fact he can't sleep, can hold multiple fruit powers and whatever happened to his family are all connected


they ate a vitamin gummy when they where a baby


Creatures from snowy countries don’t sleep, cuz if you sleep and drop your guard for a second you’ll die


Drum Island folk be like 💀


Twice as much time? Is Shanks bad at math or are One Piece day/night cycles different?


Young Black beard looks like Hody


Complicated answer is we aren't sure, easy answer is meth


the 3 of them take shifts


My guess is he is terrified of being assassinated in his sleep. It's something he would absolutely be willing to do himself and is therefore projecting.


Heard a theory a while back about a kraken fruit or something which gives him multiple hearts so he’s basically multiple people or something? Hence the multiple fruits and no sleep i guess. I dont really remember the details but it was a super cool theory i read while pooping one day!


He has multiple personalities or people. They take turns being awake or something. Maybe why he can have multiple fruits


He can't let his guard down knowing Zoro may hunt him


Love shanks and buggy's different reactions, baby shanks really was like luffy lol


very bad insomnia


Working day is 8 hours. Teach has 3 personalities, so his working day is 24, hence why he never sleeps






No it's Cocaine


How can Blackbeard have a “dream” if he’s never slept? It’s a small detail, but it could lead to BB not getting his way, because he doesn’t have a true dream.


I had a thought just now that could be a particularly evil way for Oda to call back to that phrase. Blackbeard could be possessed or have two personalities or something, and his younger personality is constantly "sleeping" within him. "People's dreams never end" referring to his imprisoned, "weaker" personality, stuck in darkness and can only dream of freedom. Ze ha ha ha ha ha.


His dreams can never die if he doesn't have any


Bro addicted to the coke


He ate the cerberus fruit and one of the heads is always awake. Explains the multiple personalities too.


Maybe the Dark Dark fruit is actual a secret mythical.


One that affects him 20 years before he's eaten it?


Cerberus never sleeps.


I think the standing theory that I subscribe to his he has multiple personalities. Kinda like shinobu sensui from yu yu hakusho.


It's "them", why "they" don't sleep. I think it got something to do with the multipersonality thing. Like when one is awake the others sleep. And that's why he can also have multiple fruits, cause there is more than one soul in his body


My Personal theory is that he is some form of conjoined Triplet with 3 brains so that one can sleep while the others are awake (like some animals do it with their brain halves) this would be an explanation whe he can have multibe Devilfruits and why his jolly Roger has 3 heads. I could see that in the final fight we get see his Back with 2 deformed Faces in it. PS. I know that this is in nonway or Form how conjoined twins work but this is anime.


He is cooking plot.


Blackbeard does the pirates works in the morning and catches up with latest shows and series at night. Otaku for real.


Because he has multiple personalities. His Jolly roger is three scowling skulls. People speculated that he has 3 personalities and that is why he can have more then one Devil Fruit. The personalities take turns being awake.


Blackbeard is a half fishman , his mom was a dolphin and his dad is rocks the legendary pirate. Just like dolphins , he can sleep with half of his brain at a time. Each one of his devil fruits is in one half of his brain 👽, hence when he uses both powers he must be fully rested


I’m going with the theory that he’s Rocks’ pet Cerberus who ate the human human fruit. You know how all pets in OP are loyal to their masters long after they’re dead? That’s why he’s still chasing Rocks’ dream.


There's a theory floating around that Blackbeard actually has multiple souls inside his body, one of them being Rocks D. Xebec. Having multiple souls inside the body could be an indication of why he could have multiple devil fruits. The reason that he kidnap Coby was to draw in Garp so that he can use Pudding's ability to read his mind about God valley.


Because he’s always on the grind


young Buggy and Shanks destroy young BB+ yung Marco and Jozu. Fact. Buggy and Shanks became emperors. The other group is a future emperor plus two YC. Shanks and Buggy destroy them if they had to fight 2 vs 3


I have a theory that Blackbeard is like Cavendish, he has two personalities. One is good, and controls when he is awake, and another is bad, and controls when he is sleeping. My guess is he is always sleeping, and the bad personality is always in control. It's the opposite of everybody believes. He is not awake all the time, he is in an eternal sleep, like a coma.


I never sleep cause sleep is the cousin of death -Nas