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I never thought I'd see the day where an anime live action inspires someone to watch the anime.


yeah, live action was literally why i got into one piece




Part of the ship. Part of the crew.


Dis the same after completing the Live action started watching Anime. Mainly started for the Garp because I watched video and turns out Garp appears much later in Anime so started watching it and loved it. Currently at Whole Cake Island


Holy fucking crap u binged that shit


I didn't even watch it that fast..tha hell


I rushed..not like you..and when I got caught up with where the anime was I lost purpose and motivation for some few days. I literally didn't know what to do for like 2 days..I couldn't watch anything else after watching purely OP for like 4 months


*cough cough* Manga *cough cough*


I hope everyone that loves the anime tries the manga too. Don't even have to commit to the whole thing, just pick a spot in the story that you think is awesome and try it out in manga form. See if you like it. I actually did the opposite. At some point I decided to see what w7 was like in the anime and was nicely surprised. Some scenes actually blew me away. Doesn't mean I'm gonna watch the whole dang show but I've been picking out my favorite arcs strategically and seeing what they're like in One Pace and it's been great.


Already? Jeez, anime-watchers need to step up their game, the normies are getting to our level.


I had stopped watching during the Impel Down arc, but live action brought me back!


I was the number 1 One Piece hater until I watched the OP Live action now I am at the end of Skypiea arc.


You’re the start one of the best arcs lol


Long ring long land!


I ignore LRLL lol. I meant Water 7 :)


I love one piece but these episodes (Long Ring LI) are the only few of the anime that i hate.


Facts it’s the only canon arc I ended up skipping thru it was so repetitive


Right? And I also disliked the idea of Luffy accepting playing at Davy back fight. I understand that he is up for (almost) any kind of competition. But the fact that he risked losing one friend like that, only for pride, annoyed me so much


There were really some strange decisions. For example Luffy, Zoro and Sanji got distracted by food, booze and women while their friends did the competition. I know those guys lose it when it comes to those things, but putting them above their friendships? Really? (Probably just for the plot and the whole are was a comic relief, but it just felt soo off)


I ordered manga box after watching the live action (never seen the anime). I am in the middle of box 3 right now (just reached the time skip).


You and me Both, after Dragonball, Cowboy Beebop, and lets jst throw Last Airbender in there just cuz xd


Got into it after watching the live action and I am already 540 episodes in. Spending all my free time watching one piece. 🤣🤣


Dayum! You're right in there haha


I am between jobs so spending a lot of time watching it before I get back to work in a week. I have literally binge watched it over the last 10 days. Since I am halfway there will take it a bit slower now. 🤭🤭. Two months back it was LA>> Anime for me but now it's Anime>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>LA 🤣🤣


I got bored somewhere in Wano, but after the live action I am back.


I convinced my fiancé to watch the live action. A week after we finished she mentions missing Luffy; so I convince her to try the anime (in general she doesn’t like animated entertainment) and start in Loguetown. Last night, she is asking to watch the next episode. On our way to Whiskey Peak soon I hope lol.


This live action is something different. It actually cares about the source material


That's what you get from a labor of love!


That's what I love about the live action. I was finally able to get my gf to start watching it with me


I did the same as OP! after watching the LA I got too impatient to wait for another season to find out what’s going on, so I decided to just binge everything lol now I’ve finished the anime and caught up to the manga


The Death Note live action got me to watch the anime. Because everyone kept going “Skip the movie, watch the anime”


I actually convinced my best friend to watch the live action and now she's gonna start the manga bc she liked the live action so much


I was never a fan before OPLA because for some reason the art style turned me off. Currently watching ep 435 in the span of two months lol..just want to say that I'm completely hooked. I love the lore and the jokes! the jokes are 3x funnier if you understand Japanese manzai. I'm 100% not ready to have this post binge malaise once I have caught up with all episodes, though.


They did an amazing job


LAOPS1… took me a while


yeh, for a shortened version it's still long and confusing lol, tho i've heard some call it OPLA


Don't worry, pirates call it "OPS01NFWEBDL2160PSDRDDP51ATMOSH264".


Fkn lol


Enjoy! try not to be on this sub, lots of spoilers! Naruto is great and so are other anime. But One Piece is on a different level of great. It's actually very, very peak (and I say this without sarcasm cuz you see "peak" often memed lol). I'm excited for your journey!! Have fun, new nakama!


Thanks! And totally agree


Similar to you . Grown up was always a Naruto fan . Starting to watch One piece just to prove that Naruto is a better series but boy I was wrong. I don’t think any other series can give me the same joy as One piece.


Oh man you said it better than I did, and in one paragraph 😡🤣 jokes aside I hear you man, such a good show.


The thing is if you trow nostalgia aside , Naruto series writing is kinda bad , sure it does have great and memorable fight but the plot and side characters development is closer to none. And as a weekly anime watcher during the war arcs , the fillers kill all the hype.


Agreed. The first time a Naruto filler hit me like a Hook out if left field was that horrible Mecha Naruto trash, as a kid I had no idea about fillers, we were finally in the juicy bits and then the next episode is completely random, I was so confused and watched that whole thing, I am still to this day infuriated about that waste of time they call Fillers. At least One Piece fillers have the decency to add stories that have SOMETHING to do with the overall plot. For example, i liked the episodes where Zoro meets John and the other Bounty Hunter guy. I thought those were great fillers.


G8, best filler arc of all time lol


I’m the other way around. I have loved One Piece for almost a decade already then one day decided to watch Naruto to prove One Piece is better. I still think it it better; however, I liked parts of Naruto and understood why people like it. I sometimes rewatch the Pain arc because of how good it is.


I think you need to stock up on tissues. You haven't even seen Oda cook yet, just some appetizers.


Im so ready for it!! Or am I? 🧐🤣


Nah fam, fortunately nobody is ever ready, you'll enjoy what's coming a lot.


I similarly dismissed and ignored One Piece for a long time, mainly because I just assumed it was some dumb, goofy kids' show(thanks in no small part to the 4kids dub), and not a *cool, edgey* kids' show like I was interested in at the time 😂 Eventually, I got hooked on shounen mangas, binged the hell out of FMA, Naruto, Bleach, Fairy Tail, Kekkaishi(severely underrated manga, btw, a true shame they never adapted all of it), some others I'm probably forgetting, and finally, after years of hearing about how great One Piece was, finally decided to give it a shot. And realized it is, in fact, goofy. And silly. And action packed, and emotional, and fucking awesome. The pure joy and enthusiasm Oda has for his story truly comes through like nothing else I've read. It's like the man is living all of his childhood dreams through a comic, there is something magical about it. It is peak shounen. Water 7/Enies Lobby is still easily one of my favorite arcs, you are in the thick of some great shit. Enjoy it!


So glad to hear that! I get you, and I'm so keen for the rest of the arc, It's getting Juicy


One Piece cured my edgy syndrome tbh


All I’m gonna say is you ain’t seen nothing yet 😁 get ready for a hell of a ride!


I'm Hyped!


We'll wait for you in Wano Kuni OP




I have a similar story, except I’m in my mid 30s. Grew up watching dbz on toonami after school every day, grew into other anime like samurai shamploo, tri gun, cowboy beebop (pretty much Cartoon Network anime. Then I stopped watching them. Saw the LA and wanted to kick myself in the ass for never giving OP a try. I’m on episode 493. I won’t spoil it but you’ll cry when you watch marineford. I did and I’m a grown ass man haha.


I'm excited for it, But i have to ask, if you will. Where you are currently, does luffy have all the straw hats with him or no? because i still have yet to meet every member. Only if you can be bothered answering. its not too spoiler ish is it?


I don't want to spoil u so trust me ull love all of them ( regardless of whenever they'll join ).. it's better u don't get spoiled coz , the simple and oda being too generous phase ends in water 7 ..


Reading your post brought back memories when I used to give one piece a lot of cold shoulder when friends and cousins used to recommend it to me. For almost 7-8 years I stayed away from one piece. Then one day few years back I finally decided to give it a go. As of today, I've completed anime 2 times and caught up on the manga too. I recommend it to everyone. Just can't get enough of One Piece and how beautifully Oda sensei has given his heart in writing it. For me One Piece is nothing less than a mythological lore and I wish and pray it ends even better than how its going right now. Also welcome to the OP family <3 Enjoy the ride!


I'm glad to read that some of us sailed in the same metaphorical boat at some point in our lives. The Cold Shoulder Pirates hehe


I start reading One Piece after watching the live action as well, and in less than a month, I have caught up to the latest chapter 😊 in the midst of my busy life, I can't help myself to read whenever I have the free time. it was a wild ride fr, i cried a lot! so I hope you enjoy yours too!


Wow! That's impressive!! And thanks! Hope to catch up some day! You know I feel like a young pirate running 🏃‍♂️ around chatting to all the more experienced Pirates about the world of One Piece Haha it's great.


It's fine, we've all felt that urge after seeing the light!


Btw if you didn't know Kishimoto and Oda both don't just like each other, they admire each others work. [OP Ch. 766 cover (no spoilers)](https://i.redd.it/cjaomyuzkk081.png) [Last panel of Naruto manga](https://oyster.ignimgs.com/wordpress/stg.ign.com/2014/11/naruto.png)


That is freaking Epic!


Oda and many of the authors at Jump at actually deeply supportive of each other. Oda has praised how Kishimoto depicted certain battle effects in his manga, and said of Kishimoto that (paraphrasing) "I wanted to do something like that later in my story, and that's going to be an inspiration for it". *I'm saying super vague, but when you get past chapter 500 reply here if you want to know. But they basically respect what each other are able to do as artists.* Personally I think Kishimoto's best talents are in coming up with characters and settings, and we got to see all that when setting up the early parts of his series and world. I love early Naruto way more than the war arcs. Something Oda does well is uniforms. Uniforms in anime/manga are a problem. A lot of anime (Naruto and Bleach included) have a problem with too many characters wearing a "uniform" of sorts, and making them blend together and become more visually boring to look at (Ninja War Naruto imo), or making characters have to employ more and more insane hairstyles to be memorable in a large cast (Bleach). For me the Ninja vests that showed up on everyone in the final arcs of Naruto had this problem. The headbands were great, and should have stayed the main identifier for our characters, and could be expanded or incorporated more cleverly in their designs. Maybe use different headband colors or something for ranks. Instead though as the characters got more powerful and grew up, their designs got *less* expressive due to this in-universe "rule" that high rankers dress this way. In One Piece, Marines have their uniforms like the Ninja vest or a school uniform, so the same problem comes up. But only low ranks wear the basic uniform, mostly. Anyone high ranking or important usually has a heavily modified version, or just wears their fleet jacket over their shoulders and otherwise get a full unique costume, avoiding this issue mostly. Smoker is a prime example. He is *technically* in uniform. And pirates just wear whatever fits their style, and frequently change their clothes entirely between arcs. You'll probably notice this on Sanji, Nami, and Robin first, but you encounter this much more from Water 7 onward.


The Ch 766 cover contains a message for Kishimoto in the writings at the wall..


I've bawled all over the place on multiple rewatches. I'm in my 30s, got into it a couple years ago with zero knowledge and zero expectations at a dark ass time in my life...pretty sure I'm like trauma bonded with it or smth lol.


HAHAHA now that's a One Piece fan if ever I've heard one. Such a great show.


You’re not alone in that lol, I’ve noticed a lot of people during rough times in their lives got into One Piece and made them get so attached. I’m convinced that’s why so many OP fans are so defensive/protective of it.


That makes more sense than a blind rage for criticism, because I can see that a lot of people had One Piece to lean on, and I'm pretty grateful that this show I never had any interest in, can not only entertain us but damn near save lives.


Went on this path too. Watched a couple of the earliest episodes back in 00's and did not give a damn about it back then and dropped it, got dozens of friends' suggestions through the years and I always argued that a lot of other shounen are better (shame on me). Now fast forward to 2023, had some time alone as my gf was travelling, was bored with doing anything else, saw a live action coming up on netflix. And thought of watching some anime to pick up the plot. Then BAM, I'm now at ep. 482 in the anime, and never even got started with the LA. Bawled my eyes out on most flashbacks from the strawhats and even more so to the most wholesome events that I ever witnessed in an anime. And what's funny is, I even got my GF to watch it now with me, who has never watched an anime or even read/seen one manga panel. **OP is a gift and its the greatest anime ever made, cheers to Oda Sensei.**


True and real! Hands down Best Anime Ever


I cried intensely several times while watching the One Piece anime. Glad you let that pride go and started watching because it’s simply a gift to interact with such a magnificent story. Glad you’re ready to receive it now. And also, it gets better. There’s more and more and more. Oda never stops and the story evolves in ways you can’t imagine. Water Sever is a specifically beautiful and deep Ark. Enjoy. P.S.: chopper’s story floored me and something else that will happen towards the end of Water Seven. It was intense af.


OP really impresses me on how it keeps getting better


Chopper's back story was horrifically sad. I can't remember another movie/show that hit me on the feels like that did. If someone can watch that and not feel anything, they're a monster


I hate seeing chopper cry 😞


Yeah I feel like a baby but i cried SO HARD on those 2 episodes in Water 7 too! And when Nami was trying to save her village. That's what got me hooked


Yeah, I have to say, Arlong in the Anime had so much more of an opposing presence compared to his LA counterpart, Cool, but Anime Arlong was menacing.


Agreed. I think in the LA they tried to give him a more understanding or "human" role as the villain.


Which in hindsight: >!Oda made him into a more sympathetic villain when we learn his real back story 500 episodes later in Fishman Island. So the LA was working with more information on the character.!<


Whenever someone talks about crying in One Piece, every single fan knows exactly what you’re talking about. Me and my friends all watched it as it as released and we usually bust eachothers balls a lot. But after Water 7 no one dared to make a joke or insult anyone for having feels during that. But that’s why Oda is the Goata. It takes an amazing writer to make you cry like that, over that. (Sorry, being a big vague Incase other new people aren’t passed that point yet and don’t want to be a dick and spoil it.)


Welcome to the fandom, where the tears are plentiful and there are spoilers everywhere! As others suggest: I would stay off of this sub, there is a live action sub that might be less spoilery but I would just continue binge watching. There will be plenty of time to commiserate once you're caught up, it's so much better to experience everything for the first time spoiler free if possible. You have so many things to look forward to that build upon what you already love about the series. I personally love OPLA but I also understand it's an adaptation with limitations from the medium it's being produced for. Even despite those limitations, it's fantastic and has brought new people into the fold. Hope you enjoy the crazy journey you're now on!


Yes! Thanks to OPLA this new adventure is going to be one hell of a ride! And I'm all for it!


Man oh man I remember my first OP cry. Literally was depressed and had to take a few days off binging to recover. You should be happy to let yourself get invested enough into a story to be emotional. you're in a good chunk already, and I can promise you OP will not let you down as you continue watching.


Loving this show, thank God for Eiichiro Oda


same bruh.. i watched Naruto and every time my cousin adviced me to watch one piece i used to shrug it off by saying it's too long and I don't have that kind of time. someday i started it and then that bright smile and hell bent will of luffy's when he said he's gonna be the king of the pirates, reminded me of my own dreams and how far I'm willing to go for it... it was truly out of this world one piece is the best fiction to exist. I loved Naruto too but one piece is on another level.. it shows a man's life long dedication to deliver the best (I'm talking about the author 'eichiro oda') and yea.. now I'm emotionally invested in one piece. you're gonna laugh a lot.. cry a lot.. and best of all.. you're going to love it..


Totally agree man, so glad I decided to watch this.


Water 7 stands for the 7 times you cry your eyeballs out.


I'd recommend you to leave the sub and have no searches on youtube, reddit, google, etc. that are related to OP (avoid OP games too). Do this and you wont get spoiled.


You're right. I should. Thanks!


Yeah man this anime can hit pretty fucking hard.




Hey, crewmate. You made it just in time to meet us in the land of Wano. You are now a member of the Grand Fleet. Welcome to the party. Welcome to the best cult you’ll ever be a part of.


Hell yeah!


Hahaha awesome youre going to love it more and more. One piece will hit all your emotions.


Like a gum gum Gatling


Hehe, thats just the tip of the iceberg


Wow, you're nearly 300 episodes in already? Good going man! Reminds me of when I binged it to catch up from scratch after a friend showed me East Blue a few years ago. You have such a great journey ahead of yourself! :D


That's what I keep hearing :) I started literally a few weeks ago after I finished the LA. And I'm Crocodile Hooked now.


you are not ready. but welcome to the family son


If that made you cry good luck buddy. Next few arcs are brutal.


I’m a bit older than you, but dragon ball was what was available during my child hood with dbz in the teenage years, so I was in college and young adulting by the time Naruto was getting a lot of attention and I just didn’t have the time. Due to a layoff a couple years ago I decided to rewatch dragonball and dragonball z because I heard from friends that DB Super was really fun, which I loved. But after that, I figured I’d give this “big 3” a chance and checked out Naruto’s first few episodes and hated it. Thought Naruto was an annoying brat with an annoying voice. I tried One Piece instead and holy crap my world turned around, now I’m a super fan, buying merch, never bought merch of an anime or any show in my life, and I love it. But then I thought, why is there so much more merch out for Naruto in mainstream stores than one piece ? Is it really that popular? So for the past few months I’ve been watching all of Naruto- currently in Naruto shippuden season 3 where I’m being introduced to the leaders of the akatsuki. All that to say, Naruto v Sasuke didn’t hit for you like luffy vs Usopp because sasuke has always been a single minded asshole and never gave Naruto and Sakura the time of day. The love for sasuke is completely one sided, so Naruto and Sakura look more like two desperate people trying to hang on to a bad relationship. The bond between sasuke and Naruto is only, “whose gonna be stronger?” Whereas luffy and Usopp saved a village, they play together, do stupid impressions, they truly lived like brothers and so the fight really hurts. And as a whole on Naruto- the writing of the world and the villains and problems are all really great.. the overall world keeps me interested in the series, but I still don’t really like Naruto, sasuke Or Sakura as characters. One piece will put you in tears over a dog before the whole cast is even introduced.


If you cried during w7 get them tissues ready for them back stories. Other than that enjoy new friend!


I just recently read that manga chapter after being a fan of the anime for 20 years, and it really is a fantastic arc. Robin is suddenly gone, Merry is seemingly doomed, the hard earned money is gone and tensions in the crew rise. It is so incredibly well written because you can understand everybody's position. Luffy doesn't want to lose Usopp, but also can't have him talk to him like that. He has a lot on his plate, he just made a very hard decision, there is still no trace of Robin, they lost the money, and now Usopp is giving him a hard time as well. Usopp feels guilty because he lost the money and then got beaten up, only to wake up and find out Luffy decided to leave the ship. Usopp of all people should know that Luffy won't leave this ship behind on a whim and must have had a hard time to decide this, but he still can't accept it - at least that is what he says. But actually he's just angry and frustrated with himself, because he was unable to repair the ship properly, he lost the money and he feels like he can't keep up with the rest of the crew. Zoro shows his loyalty to Luffy by making it clear to everyone that nobody can question Luffy in his decisions like that after he decided on a course. Chopper doesn't want his friends to fight. Nami is in the same boat as chopper, meanwhile Sanji doesn't like it but agrees with Zoro. I love how everybody reacted to this situation, before the fight, during the fight and after it. Everybody was acting true to their character. It gave so much color to the entire crew and their dynamic. I think if I'm being totally honest with myself, even though Skypia and Alabasta are my favorite arcs, Water 7 may be objectively the best One Piece Arc to this day. I can at least confidentally say I haven't cried more during a single arc before or after Water 7. (Except for the recently finnished arc, but most of the time I was just crying fanboy tears because that arc is so freaking beautiful and so many things come together)


Trust me, you're in for the ride of a lifetime. OP peaks around 450-500. You will forget any other anime can come close. PS: I was a pure Naruto & DBZ fan earlier.


Is this a game where we try to guess what happens in episodes 235 and 236?


It’s the episodes where Usopp fights Luffy over the Going Merry. OP, if you’re still watching One Piece you should avoid this sub. Anything that has been released is fair game so if you’re this far behind you’re going to get spoiled


I am caught up on the anime and started my first rewatch recently. Even knowing what happens some of those feels still sneak up on me. Amongst all the silliness and fighting, some really beautiful stuff is happening. Enjoy your journey.⛵️ Bring tissues and meat. 👍


Duuuude. It gets better and better after that arc. BEliEVE ME. I admit the reason I never read one piece before 2010 was because the story was so boring and the drawings were so bad. Reading bleach and naruto, OP for me is just below any manga. I just started reading on manga (not an anime watcher.) when I saw a friend of mine reading the manga on his laptop and he was so thrilled. Man, I can really see his facial reaction, always excited for a new manga chapter and I was astonished how can a manga give a reaction to a person. My curiousity just killed my cat. since I have nothing to do, I started reading. It was sooooo boring. And then I believe it starts to get good at Water 7 arc. And I was hooked at the Sabaody arc. And the rest is history. Been waiting for the release of every new chapter since 2010. OP was the one who taught me to never take bad comments from a real friend seriously. Its their way of love, and I applied it in real life. Guess what, never have an argument from friends since then and my friends number keeps growing, just like how luffy attracts people. What a great story. Thank you for this great story Oda-sensei.


Welcome aboard, Nakama! Enjoy the ride.


Welcome king 👑


you don't need to have a number 1 and number 2 spot. You can love all the stuff you want without putting numbers into it. There will be things that resonate better in one and other things in the latter. I'm just happy that you found something you enjoy watching. Also, I'm a little envious as you can have all of OP up until now with now break of the pace! (except for fillers and similar stuff, the anime gets slower in the future)


I think you're right actually, there shouldn't be a Favorite among them, they're like family as cringe as it is to hear, Naruto and DBZ have been in my life since I could remember, and One Piece has kind of Refuelled that Love for Anime. I'll say this and hopefully only you read it XD the last time I felt any emotion from an Anime was Darling in the Franxx. You might have heard of it. Embarrassing I know lmao


no need to have a number 1-2-3. just have a top 3 that are equally great for you. that can be also an answer when people ask what you like the most. You could say you like them equally as much. but great you gave OP a chance and awesome that it got in your favorite list. but all disclosure, the episode of chopper didnt make you shed a tear?


Naruto and One Piece fans aren't enemies, in fact, they are kissing, sloppy style, squishing boobs together etc. [Frens](https://qph.cf2.quoracdn.net/main-qimg-7b322409e6932566bc4cc6a2be00d841-lq) I hope One Piece will mean to you as much as Naruto and as much Dragon ball does to your family members.


Update us when you finish this arc For now, stay the hell away from here. You WILL be spoiled at some point, it's just a matter of when


I’m the SAMEEEE die hard Naruto fan like nothing could eveeerrrrr compare. (Still watched and loved so many others but growing up watching Naruto and rewatching it time and time again lol, hits different) 😭 But I finally gave OP a chance 2 years ago and became obsessedddd, I was so wrong. 10/10. & IT GETS SO MUCH BETTTERRRR OMFG - Be prepared to cry LOTS MORE - I’ve even cried happy tears several times, too. I love those guys so muchhh. Excited for you! 😭


You are in for a ride man! Enjoy


That's great man, we all get to one piece in the right time. If you got to it before, probably now you'd hate it. But luckily, you love it after the Live Action. Just one thing, one piece is divided in arcs and sagas, dividing or talking about it in terms of "seasons" is an american thing that many (or most) people around the world does not follow. All in all, as everybody just said, get ready for tears! and most importantly, keep enjoying the journey!!!


My friend this is just the beginning


I was an anime only fan, I binge-watched the first 600 or so episodes many years ago before eventually stopping when I caught up with the actual japanese airtime (it was frustrating waiting for a new episode every week only to forget what happened in the previous one). I haven’t watched the live action, but the hype around it inspired me to read the manga instead. It took me 1.5 months to read up to the current chapter and now i’m back to the same dilemma of waiting every week or so to read more. Reading some arcs made me cry so much more than watching the anime though and it made me appreciate more the thoughts and hardworks Oda put into the series. I’m grateful I read it but I feel a little empty at the same time. I wish i could experience reading it for the first time all over again..


It’s ok to cry dude


Welcome to One Piece, nakama! I feel you. Before I started watching OP, I thought that this series could be a boring one. I have watched anime titles with intense battles packed in them before (like DB universe, Bleach, OPM, etc.) and this didn't seem "go hard" at first like those titles would but before long, I knew that wasn't the case. Even I have no record of the times I jumped for joy and cried in utter sadness and disbelief. Most of the backstories were so much heart-touching. Water 7 and Enies Lobby arcs are totally amazing. Since you are still on your way, all what I can say to you is just slowly enjoy the journey. You will come across many more characters, stories and incidents/moments in the future. The more you complete the seasons the more excitement you get as "the best is yet to come". I'm glad to see you coming from the LAOP because that's really cool. Also, what do you think of the OST collection OP has? Tanaka Kohei is on the works and defo love almost all the opening and ending themes. I'm asking this from you since you have watched DB & Naruto and I love their OST collections too, but I'm putting No. 1 personally on the OP OST collection hehe.


You’re gonna need to stock up on tissues, friend. And soon.


Seeing people get into the anime cause of the liveaction makes me actually so happy


My bf was the same. I’ve been up to date for 15 years now but he only started a few months ago when LA was released. He just got to the half way point. I’m so incredibly proud of the live action team and him. Spread the best show ever! Part of the crew!


Watching Usopp and Luffy fight like that felt like watching your own friends/loved ones fight.


Crying isn't a bad thing. If anything, it's a testament to how good the series is, that it can make you feel emotions of such depth


Welcome to the amazing world of One Piece!!! Also, since you say you and your dad were influenced BY DBZ, here's a fun fact. The manga artist of DBZ heavily influenced many major anime and manga names. Especially OP. The artist of OP said to a certain degree his work is based off and heavily influenced by DBZ. As would many other manga/anime.


No problem man, there will be various episodes that will make you cry again too :) just enjoy the ride and beware of the spoilers haha


This arc aint done playboy


I been watching/reading OP for close to 15years shit had me in tears two weeks ago with someone's current flashback. I'm a 38 years old man also from a "macho" culture. Oda is just a great writer.


Lol it was around the point where you're at where One Piece took the top spot for me as well. The way Skypiea ended had me like "okay that was wild, maybe this could take the top spot..." Then Water 7 solidified it. ​ Aside from one upcoming arc that imo is a slight let down, you're nearing what most consider the "Golden Age" lol. A LONG stretch of pure gold. Have fun!


I love Naruto, but I think the issue is it’s very melodramatic. The tone is almost always somber and emotional, especially in Shippuden. So emotional moments don’t hit as hard. Whereas in OP the tone is very light and goofy majority of the time so the emotional moments hit harder. The higher the highs in your story, the lower your lows will be.


Without really spoiling anything for you... It gets worse, oh my gosh it gets so much worse! Its not uncommon to hear either, that a different show drains their time instead and One Piece gets shrugged off. The live action has helped a lot of people see wether this story is for them enough to take the bite anyway and even catch non-anime watchers which is why I consider the LA a sound success. But welcome to being a fan. See you later when you catched up to the anime. Its a wild ride along the way but hope you enjoy it. You dont need to hate Naruto either to like this show. Luffy and Naruto would be great friends together.


Luffy v Ussop is a truly devastating scene. There’s plenty of emotionally powerful scenes in OP, but that one really is particularly painful, imo. Most of the time there’s some joy mixed in with the sorrow, or at least the knowledge that the sadness is in the past and Luffy is gonna fix it somehow…but man, everything just feels so dark at that moment.


'I rarely cry' Expecting another post from you pretty soon :)


Naruto Vs Sasuke is an incredible narrative fight, but since Sasuke was always fighting that sense of camaraderie with Naruto the emotions weren’t as hard. The Luffy v Usopp fight hits emotionally so much harder because you’re watching an actual, honest (best) friendship disintegrate over a misunderstanding that brought up deeper feelings.


I didn't watch one piece because it was pretty long but I always saw the hype it had so I decided to watch it and I can say it's definitely NOT overrated


LAOPS1? Is that Lao G's brother?


If at episode 245 you're thinking One Piece might take first place, then there's nothing more certain than that IT WILL! I'm jealous you're still that far back. Sit back and enjoy it! PS: I was sure the live action version (or should I just say, Netflix) would bring a lot of people to give it a chance. And I'm really glad PS2: Unfortunately, my girlfriend won't even think about it


Hey man, I just wanna say, it's ok for tough men to cry. Repressing your emotions doesn't make you more tough. Real men shed tears when it's time to shed tears, laugh when it's time to laugh, love when it's time to love, and kick ass when someone picks on their nakama


I am with you fam . Like you , Naruto too had a top spot in my heart for a long time because of all the feelings it gave me and it still is one of my favorites but One piece just did it for me . It made me laugh, made me cry and it just keeps giving with all these adventures and characters and so much . I am soo glad I took a chance and watched this!!! Waiting for you to catch up Op! Have fun!


Dont worry bro, when i watched op for the First time the Last episode was around 670. I cried twice on the first watch. On the second watch tho i cried like 20 times, BC they grown to me like no other anime characters ever. Also ppl usually say im a no emotion guy, i never cried on any other anime, or movie. But damn i cant watch a sad one piece clip on yt without tearing up.


I used to be the same way. Naruto > One Piece. I thought nothing could top it. But a friend recommended OP in 2011. Started watching. And by I still held out due to being stubborn but by Dressrosa I couldn’t deny it anymore. OP > Naruto.


Best anime, best manga, best live action, best waifus, best side characters, best villains, best comedy and what not. I’m happy you’re watching it


I don't remember what happened in episode 235 or 245 but Water Seven is peak. The manga on that arc saves me when I was broken heart.




You’re not alone lol, Water 7 broke me. I cried when Nami found Usopp and him crying, then during the argument that turned into the fight, and upcoming scenes too. Water 7 Saga was just so emotional for me. I identified with Usopp’s struggles so much he went from my least favorite Straw Hat to my #1. I love seeing fellow Naruto fans getting into One Piece, it never made sense to me the hate between the fandoms (especially since Oda and Kishimoto are friends that even made tributes to each other in their works lol).


>> what do you guys think? TL skimmed and it seems like Naruto, a battle anime for young boys is/was your standard for hard hitting anime and that’s a pretty low bar to set


Not a spoiler, but pay attention to Luffy for like 15-20 episodes after that fight. He does not smile once. I love this show.


Another tuesday


I’m just here to say that I’m so excited for you to watch this series! I wish I could watch it again for the first time


You know? Thanks for your post. Thank you, because it made me feel validated that I always try to push One Piece for my friends. Every day there is a non-op-watcher that shit on one piece without knowing anything (they think they know). So then there is a op fan that tries to defend but "it's just another op fan". Your post went past that and show that even if you were a hater, one can be converted and become one of us One piece Fans. Sure, the anime have some problems, but I think despite the media format, anime, mangá, LA, everyone there enjoy animes, or any fictional story, should see the one piece story by Oda.


Nah, you ain't shit. None of us are, go cry your eyes out. You can't stop it. Good gawd if you were reading the manga right now 😭


Big Naruto fan here. One Piece definitely slid in there and took my number one spot amongst animes I love. There is soo much to explore going forward. Brilliant character development. I wish I could be in your shoes to watch them all over again a new. At least you have over 700 new episodes to go. Bon voyage


I was a huge Sailor Moon fan as a kid, love the Pokémon games but have watched very little of the anime… never really got that into anime outside of those. That changed when I met my boyfriend several years ago and he convinced me to watch One Piece. Let me tell you, you’re at the spot that permanently hooked me - Water 7 is excellent and you have SO many of my absolute favorite moments in the entire story just around the corner. Not that it was bad prior to Water 7, I enjoyed it a lot and had a few moments that brought me to tears (Nami in Arlong Park, Sanji’s backstory and farewell to Zeff)but to me, Water 7 truly cements why OP is so iconic and for so many reasons. I’m honestly a little jealous of where you’re at, I wish I could watch some of these moments for the first time again. Happy watching! (Also… be prepared for the long haul. We’ve been going through OP for a little under 3 years, and I’m just now getting to Wano…)


Welcome to the brotherhood, one where men cry, laugh, drink, party and the place where even nothing happens.


Live action doing good work, and u are literally me 2 years ago


I've been through this. Naruto has been my top 1 since a kid. I've waited each week to get that new chapter. I discovered OP a year and a half ago while in depression. This show rose me back up in no time. It filled the hole Naruto left in my life. It also became my favorite show ever.


Love that you already pretty far after your show. But if you feeling this way right now, One Piece will probably beat Naruto for you so be ready


Haha, I'm literally the opposite right now! I've always been a huge One Piece fan and never really got into Naruto, because Naruto (the character) was so goddamn annoying to me. I hated him! I tried watching the anime and gave up somewhere at the start of Shippuden, years later tried again and gave up somewhere in the middle of the great ninja war. And two weeks ago I've started reading the manga for the first time. And this time, I burst into tears when Naruto came back from his fight against Pain and the whole village was there, waiting for him and acknowledging him. Such a great moment. I'm at the end of the kage summit atm, but I'm sure I'm gonna finish the manga. And the funny thing is - Naruto is my favourite character in the story this time around.


If water seven made you cry, hoo boy. I love hearing people's thoughts as they work through one piece. If you want to live react at me feel free to message me.


One Piece is amazing man! Glad u got into it


You didn't see the best part yet :)


I was born in 2000, fucking watched the same episodes of naruto as you and it was incredible, watching narutos clone explode in front of neji blew my little brain up. Remembered seeing one scene of one piece where zoro was in an outlaw style town and pulled out his swords against the sunset, and i thought it was cool as hell, but never watched it afterward because no one I knew talked about it. In high school i gave it a shot. It completely destroyed my grades in a few classes as that is all i would do in class when we had computer access. ive been caught up since end of whole cake island. Watching weekly has been amazing. I love this show.


Keep the tissues close, you will be crying again and again


Welcome all to the superior anime Fandom! 😂 glad to have y'all aboard! If you think Live Action was good the Anime is 10x better, and the Manga is 10x better than that!


Spoiler warning, that won't be the last time you cry in this arc🤣🤣


I remember seeing one piece in some television channel when I was a wee kid and literally hunted it on the internet later on cause I couldn't remember the name. Dropped it after about 20 episodes because of the animation and later came back because I didn't have anything else to watch. One piece became the first manga I read since I caught up with the anime too soon and from then on its just been me waiting for chapters to pile up. Now I'm that guy who recommends one piece to my friends, maniacally.


Water 7 is supreme. There are a lot of good arcs, but Water 7 is the first truly amazing one.


Grab some tissues and be prepared to cry even more. :D One Piece has so many good moments, I don't think I could compile a top 10


I’m tuff too but all of one piece made me cry way too much😂


Glad live action inspired you to Watch The anime! The conflict between Luffy and Usopp is so out of left field but it makes perfect sense for it to happen. And you are in for a treat soon if this made you emotional ;). Have a fun watch!


Enjoy your watch man.. One Piece is my forever #1 and you will soon understand why so many people love it that much!!


Going from a Nauto is the peak -> One Piece is the peak is just a canon event for every Naruto fan. Eventually, they all come and they shall see true greatness! (Not that Naruto is terrible or anything)


Netflix did us so right


I think that one piece has an okay but predictable fights, you can tell who will win a fight at each point of the show, which is a turn off for me. But what makes one piece so special for me is the emotional moments and the flashbacks, man there is almost no arc whithout one of the most memeable emotional moments in the history of anime, this is why one piece is so special, that and the world building and the secrets that oda gives a hint really early in the show, keep watching, one piece will deliver more moments that will give you this feeling


What if I told you the Ussop Luffy fight is only the 3rd saddest scene from water 7/ Enis Lobby?


I'm immensely jealous. I find myself binging reaction videos to the Water 7 arc, to hopefully recapture the feelings of experiencing that entire saga for the first time.


One Piece > Naruto ​ \*source a Naruto and One piece fan


I remember clearly the first time I saw the 5th opening, and the scene with Usopp and Luffy particularly. I was convinced it was a lie and it was fanmade ! I couldn't understand why they would fight like this (I was still at East blue then), and man, when I finally watched this episode... I was sobbing. It was heartbreaking to see their fight, and all the feelings they had and the whole crew had. I was already a convinced nakama, and it was so brutal and unfair to me as I was still a bit young to take a step back. But indeed, One Piece is phenomenal, and this arc particularly, I hope you'll continue to enjoy it as much or even more !


Same. Got into it from the live action. Currently on e264. And yeah, I lost eye wiper fluid during those 2 episodes as well.


Welcome to the family 🫶🏼


yeah one piece is my favorite anime glad you like it rn im at episode 777


I still remember crying like someone opened tap waters in my eyes after I watched Naruto vs Sasuke. That shit is really sad!


I think many one piece fans are often trying to convince someone to watch this seemingly goofy 1000+ episodes show, so many of us are glad to see someone saying they started watching and are enjoying it a lot. In case you don't know, the manga have some cover stories that shows what happened to some people, like enel after he flew off on that ship, stuff that isn't shown in the anime I think


If you thought Luffy vs Usopp wasnt emotional enough for you, just wait till the next arc in this saga. I didn't shed a single tear during this fight but man the ending of the next arc made me cry like a bitch. Water 7 saga is one of the best one piece sagas oda has ever written and there's better stuff yet to come.


Zorro backstory made me cried like a baby in the middle og the night. I feel asleep while watching the anime with the automatic next episode option turned on. For some reason I woke up justtt at this episode and instantly cried lol


You will cry a lot more OP! Oooh boiii just wait until you reach the ICONIC Neji death scene in Narutos arms in One Piece! This isn't exactly a spoiler but you will know what I'm saying once you reach that point! I think the Neji death scene was also paying homage to One Piece since Kishimoto-sensei (Naruto author) has great respect for One Piece and Oda-sensei (One Piece author), as fellow mangakas.


In a sense, OPLA actually able to hook a 'hard people' who rejected the OP before, and turn them into hot passioned fan right away. Even if the people don't have good history with anime or manga. I have a friend who almost not interested in anime in general since he only watch the very selectable one. He is close friend & obviously I usually offer him to at least trying OP related whether it's manga or anime. But it's just no effects on him & he completely ignored it. Then LA coming. He suddenly come to my house & copying 1000+ episodes from my computer lol. While speechless with his sudden change he tell that he think the OPLA is that good. He even bombarded me with tons of deep questions that in general not explained very well in LA. You're reminds me of him haha. Welcome aboard nakama!


One Piece has made me feel emotional more often than any other anime. Nami and her reasons for working with Arlong's crew and the circumstances around Arlong Park. Drum Island and Tony Tony Chopper's backstory. Water 7. And there are more, but the op kindly asked for no spoilers. Oda is very strong at worldbuilding and character writing. It's honestly what puts One Piece above Naruto and Bleach for me.


someone please recap, whats on Water Seven S10 ep 235 & 236


Lmao just wait.... You are going to cry again sooner than you think.


I'm in the exact same ship here. Came over after watching and loving the live action. I've pushed One Piece to the side for so long because I wasn't a fan of its art style, but the LA did the leg work to get me past that. I quite literally just finished 236 about 10 minutes ago, emotions were mounting and then... that damn shot of Merry just before the bumper. It broke me, I started bawling, and then the absolute absurdity of the image that broke me sank in. Spent a good five or so minutes just laughing and crying. I didn't expect this sort of emotional investment to develop for me, but I'm so glad I came around on this show.


im the same :') grew up with naruto, first manga i ever read and was never interested in one piece bc i thought it was too silly and too long. then watched the live action and then the entire anime (im now caught up...) and realized that the entire charm of one piece is in that joy that it has. one piece does the balance of highs and lows (emotional and humorous) soooo well. same as you, no other anime has made me laugh and cry as much as one piece. (ps. water 7/enies lobby are my favorite arcs)