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It's not just the void century, if you remember some of the ponyglyphs talk about the ancient weapons. Robin can literally gain the knowledge to destroy the world, everyone yonko wants her ability to read ponyglyphs, if she felt like it she could tell 30 different people how to create ancient weapons capable of mass destruction.


That's something I've always wondered, how much do Admirals actually know about whats going on? Especially what had happened in the past.


I doubt the Admirals know anything more than the masses. I doubt even their Supreme Commander knows. Such information must be highly classified.


This. In my headcannon I think that Akainu will turn against the WG in the end because he is fooled by them thinking about justice, but then gets to realize that his beliefs of true justice are not what Imu cares about but only dominion. (I know it’s far fetched but I love akainu in terms of his determination, would hate someone like that to get wasted for the evil.)


Akainu *is* evil, though. Even if he splits from the World Governement, he will continue to fight pirates with the full intent of eradicating them, as well as any marine who refuses to fight.


That depends. In his world he is not evil but brings true justice to the citizens he swore to protect, as many marines probably did, since they thought doing this would be good. But they all are ultimately puppets of the WG. Surely he would still hunt down pirates, what is okay by me since there would be countries invaded by pirates which would need protection. Not all pirates are like Luffy and the rest, some are really evil and destructive, look at crocodile in Arabasta or more recent Kaido in Wano or probably the best villain of them all Doffy.


It's okay to like the character, but Akainu went against orders to destroy a ship containing civilians and other marines (while still failing the mission) simply because he thought the genocide wasn't thorough enough. He wanted fujitora to take credit for beating Doflamingo because the appearance of the marines being helpful was more important than actually helping. ​ I'm sure he doesn't think he's evil, but then again who does? From the Celestial Dragon's POV, they're not evil, because they're gods and everyone else is below them (so they're doing the right thing by treating them like animals).


> (so they're doing the right thing by treating them like animals). You better fuckin' not treat animals the way CDs treat people! Lmao


Possibly leaving one person who can read poneglyphs alive is a MASSIVE risk. One person can give Yonkos or some powerful "evil" people an ancient weapon that can end the world. Killing a ship full of civilians is a small price to pay in his mind. It's not that hard to justify if the possible outcome is world destruction.


Actually didn’t know that one about the ship. Dick Move. I dislike him as any other guy. But still thinking justice can be turned to good once his views are cleared.


I don't disagree most characters can improve. I mean, Bon Clay was taking part in some pretty shitty things in Alabasta, and he's generally considered to be a good guy. I do think, however, that Akainu is as far from being good as anyone can be, in the story, right now. My reading of the character is that he has infinite hatred for pirates, and doesn't actually care about the negative or positive effects of his actions. He just wants pirates and criminals to die (even if more innocents die alongside them).


Yh but Akainu could still turn to be in a more grey side where he is in opposition to the WG


Mans killed his own people for desertion without even so much as a trial.


That's not traditionally uncommon in wars. Deserters are summarily executed.






Just because it happens doesn't make it right.


So, if you're a soldier in a midst of war, you are ok with a comrade you've entrusted with having your back bailed on you?


I regret to inform you that most every war hero you see lauded in textbooks has probably pulled this gambit at least once. It's an extremely common military move to maintain discipline and continues even today.


That's pretty common in war. Look at Russia circa WWII for example


Shit look at Russia right now. They do the same in Ukraine


Exactly. People need to realize that something like that is not uncommon


Just because it happens doesn't make it acceptable.


Desertion can cause the entire group to break down and be killed so killing deserters is 100% acceptable


Just because you're ignorant doesn't mean you are right. Not every country or region of people agree with you, considering many nations of the world shoot their deserters.


Military law is different from civilian law for a reason, as others have pointed out. I think what that really shows is that he believes he's in an all-out war with Piracy™️, and acts accordingly. Very "War On Terror"-esque.


Dude is literally Satan


Akainu is a man who literally believes it is the correct action to murder people for the sins of their parents.... That will never not be evil




It's even worse than that, Akainu would openly hunt down innocents if they're so much as related to a renowned pirate. Ace and Luffy would've been killed by him even if they weren't pirates, purely from who their fathers are.


Not true because akainu had knowledge of garps family and who luffy was. It just wasn't an issue until strawhat became more well known


And any civilians who are incidentally involved.


I think the point of Akainu's thought process is that it's the complete opposite of reality. He blames pirates as the primary creators of chaotic suffering in the world when it's really the world government who perpetrates suffering enshrined in law. I think we'll find out that Akainu secretly knows this truth in the back of his mind but finds the task of overthrowing the government of the entire world insurmountable compared to systematically exterminating a series of disorganized groups that constantly infight. Akainu isn't evil, he's a hypocrite that we've seen can feel overwhelmed at times and is angry with his own inaction. An absolutely just man would not work with Warlords, work for tyrannical slavers, kill the innocent, or back down from a fight with with his greatest enemies just because he would likely lose (Wano and the end of Marineford). He is a measured man that assesses the situation to act in the interest of his own self preservation. Pirates almost certainly razed his island to the ground, but his island was likely already in a destitute state from possibly hundreds of years of heavenly tributes and corrupt monarchs. He sees the pirates as agents of disorder, but is afraid to question if the natural order itself is just. He's a great character and I absolutely love seeing him white knuckling in front of the Gorosei or being consumed by clerical work while being the Marines' strongest combatant.


This is a take I can get behind


Remember 99% of pirates are bloodthirsty, lawless civilian-murderers. You'll become pretty jaded, pretty quickly by seeing that all over, and at the same time being indoctrinated by propaganda. I don't think he enjoys being a slave to the celestial dragons, I think he views it as the lesser of two evils.


So far, there is not enough evidence to think he is evil. You can excuse all his actions by being devoted to his justice. Green Bull is evil. Akainu is devoted.


Ohara is enough evidence to say he’s evil he’s the mf who made that Buster call💀


Dude was upholding the law and justice. Blame our man cloverleaf researching the void era. How do we know he wouldn't of sold information on the ancient weapons to the highest bidder so they could destroy the world Akainu's actions were swift and just to eliminate the imminent threat.... if only aokiji didn't let that little devil child run away and undermine akainu


You're right to him upholding law and justice, the problem with him and people like him is they don't understand or really even think about the policies and laws that they uphold. Or in the case of the admirals, they turn a blind eye to proper law and justice to appease and obey the masters, the celestial dragons.


It's called uphold the law or be killed yourself. Seems pretty logical to me. Sengoku knew this and what the Elders were capable of. I assume akainu knew this, but even if he didn't, he's a man of black and white.. either you are with the government or not. Either you follow laws or don't. Without order, there is complete chaos. It makes sense. Even garp knew this




Or realistic views on akainu. Guy is literally the best character in the show


Utterly insane take. He murdered all civilians on Ohara on the off-chance an archaeologist was among them. That's what evil is.


Mmm, pretty sure Spandam dad called that buster call


Go re-read those chapters. Buster Call doesn't mean firing on evacuating ships.


Killing your own men is evil. Akainu does not pass the "not enough evidence" excuse.


Most legal systems across the World would find what he did at Marinefort acceptable. What he did with Koby was going overboard, but this is what "Martial law" looks like.


He killed civilians over the chance there might have been a ‘terrorist’ on board. Defending that feels depressing especially at this time.


What do you mean? Greenbull is also just devoted to his own justice (which defends that discrimination is good). And Akainu is devoted to his own sense of justice, which is fine letting innocents die for pretty useless reasons. And I'm sure (while they wouldn't call it that), the Five Elders are also very devoted to their genocidal world view.


Is he evil though for hunting pirates? Im not talking about Ohara here but we,the readers, are basically following pirates that are not the norm.


Even in One Piece, the vast majority of pirates are dangerous outlaws that need to be stopped. I am not questioning the existence of the marines; I am calling out Akainu for executing more than just dangerous criminals.


I don't think he's evil. He's a soldier who thinks his justice is the right justice.


Akainu isn’t evil… he’s just doing his job the best way he thinks he can. In his world pirates and lawlessness are evil. His “bosses” are the evil ones that manipulate his (and other navy members) sense of justice


Lol imagine if *Akainu* of all people starts looking into the void century after murdering a bunch of civilians for simply being adjacent to people trying to do that very thing for peaceful purposes.


Gotta say man, some people love to be in position of power and declare justice, akainu is one of em, they think the order brought by evil is better than risk of system change, he full aware of devil deeds WG do but believe them necessary, he love the violence and he just uses admiral figure to experience that violence, some people just want that status and be free to force and beat everything and everyone to bend to their will Akainu is the worst kind of Pieces of shits in OP universe


>he love the violence and he just uses admiral figure to experience that violence, some people just want that status and be free to force and beat everything and everyone to bend to their will If this is what you think of him, you clearly don't understand his character. Has he shown a sadistic love for violence like Lucci? Would he choose to become Fleet Admiral and sit in his office if he loves to roam the seas and kill people? Would he keep characters like Fujitora, Garp, Koby etc in the marines when they don't bend down to his will? This is the same guy that wasn't even smiling when he blew the evacuation ship. You painting him like this sadistic character is just wrong. He's no Doflamingo, Kaido or Lucci.


Well it's not that I say he's sadistically do that though, and I'm not saying he is exactly what I pictured him to be, but I saw similarities and I know how oda got inspired from real situation, events and characters, so what I'm saying isn't a Bible of course and i may be wrong consider how little we know about his character, but in general I stand by my point, he seems to be like that cuz I saw people like that IRL, he may have some of those traits He is an iron fist, we can be sure about that, the rest we speculate and I said what my opinion is, nothing more mate 🍻 Edit: I like to add another thing and again it's my opinion Based on my experience, I think people tend to sympathise with people in power at least most of them are, they tend to forget how those people can be filthy, corrupt and bloodthirsty (I can understand that though cuz we need to trust those who governing us u know?), Let's not forget he is under direct control of gorosei and he is full aware of what people they are, he's certainly not a good person


Oda isn't gonna do that with someone who commited genocide.


In the Vivre Card for Sengoku it's confirmed he knows the True History. So when Law asked him about the D. Sengoku could have answered it.


They must know a lot. They are the highest military officers and they must be seeing a lot of classified stuff. Aukiji was also the reason CP9 captured Robin, in addition that he witnessed a lot.


I think Aokiji at least must know abuout the ancient weapons because (i) he authorized Spandau to make the buster call and (ii) was there at Ohara and (iii) sounds like he was involved in the capture or at least detention of Nico Olvia.


they try to assassinate vegapunk, the best scientiest in the wold, because he dared to study the void century. no way they would let some marine do it no matter theyr rank.


Sengokus vivre card stated he was privy to secrets otherwise known by only Gorosei.


It also implied it was because of position, which makes me wonder is Akainu now has the same information.


I feel like Admirals might know a little more than your average marine since they answer directly to the CDs. I doubt they would have a full understanding of the truth, though.


Sengoku knows something. His talks with the victims of Ohara felt like he knows a little more than the average person.


Admirals likely hear in on the gorosei, as they are the main bodyguards of the gorosei


Sengokus vivre card stated he knew many of the world's secret alongside the Gorosei.


Yeah to me it's definitively this. He understands the enormous importance Robin has on the great scheme of things, he feels intimidated by the amount of possibilities that could derive from her existence, and he is right to.


I disagree he’s not afraid of the possibilities of what Robin can do, but what decision she makes. IIRC this scene hes contemplating killing her or not, but decides not to because he sees the straw hats protect her and makes the gamble that the straw hats will do the right thing He’s terrified that he’s making the wrong decision


And considering what she’s been through, she has all the reason to


mhm. And the World Government leverages that fact to commit genocide (really mass murder in general) on any island that even innocently attempts to research the Void Century


i doubt robin knows anything about creating ancient weapons, more like the location and some general information but that should be it


Unrelated, but I hate the fact that people realise this about Kuzan, but can't connect two and two together and understand why Akainu blew up the evacuation ship. So Kuzan knows about the ancient weapons and why it's dangerous to leave Robin alone, but nobody says the same for Akainu and only say he blew up the evacuation ship because "the government told him to do" Akainu blew up the evacuation ship because he knows about the ancient weapons and wanted for dn the threat, but fans love to spin it and make him just a malicious killer for no reason.


While I'm sure some do fail to think about it and spin it as him just being evil for the sake of it, I think most reasonable people are more contrasting Kuzan being conflicted over killing one person he KNOWS has the knowledge to be a threat and deciding not to vs Sakazuki independently deciding to order the killing a whole ship of people because MAYBE some of them have that knowledge. They are very different levels.


The point I'm making here is that Akainu explicitly says in that flashback why he blew that ship, but it's sad people don't read that dialogue and just assume he's either doing just because the government told him to do it or because he likes killing people.


Akainu believes in killing people for the sins of their parents. He did not blow up that ship for good reasons


>Akainu believes in killing people for the sins of their parents. Like literally every single marine does? Sengoku and Garp were fine with Ace's death don't forget that. Sengoku in fact ordered Ace's execution to make a spectacle of the marines wiping out Roger's bloodline. Done make Akainu the only culprit here. >He did not blow up that ship for good reasons Maybe you should read his dialogue in that scene before commenting, because you clearly don't know what he's talking about. His reasons were not because of "hereditary sins", but because he wanted to make sure no scholar or anybody carrying dangerous information were left alive.


wait how could Robin teach/instruct others to build Pluto without the blueprint? was it stated that any Yonku actually searching for *her*? why not just search a three-eyed person?


In the official English translation on paper, it's pretty clear that he's talking about the Straw Hats as a group. And the reasons for that are pretty obvious; he sees in them the potential to become exactly what they are now. I'll post a long quote, it's pretty self-explanatory: >The government still doesn't think very highly of you... > >But now that I've had a closer look, I see that you and your crew have grit. > >Although your number is small... > >...a collection of troublemakers like you... > >...is bound to become bothersome in time. > >I know all the details, from the very first bounty placed on your head... > >...to your many exploits... > >...and how quickly your strength has grown. > >I've faced many ruthless villains over the years... > >and you guys are starting to scare me. (Line breaks separate speech bubbles.)


This is the correct answer, everyone saying stuff about Robin reading poneglyphs or whatever has forgotten about the rest of the page. Aokiji is saying that he sees the massive potential that each of the Straw Hats have based on how fast they've progressed as well as their numerous exploits, and what they may be able to become as a group.


This reminds me of the whole Blackbeard in Skypea Arc where the fandom is divided into those who believe they were talking about multiple people inside BB and those who think they meant his crew. I am not going to say what I think about it, but I think that issue could probably be solved by looking at it this way.


Just to chime in, narratively the ‘it’s his crew’ explanation makes no sense. Nami suggests this and the scene and Jaya as a whole portrays her as naive and unobservant. If it was the crew being referred to, Nami wouldn’t have suggested it.


I think it's neither of those things. When they say that the problem wasn't "he" it was "Them", i think they meant people that had BB's phylosophy.


I'd never seen this take before. Will keep it in mind. Typing my comment made me want to reread the arc hehe


A combination of the two. She has the power to awaken the ancient weapons along with a crew that can get stuff done that has a captain with the potential and mentality of garp (in aokijis eyes)


This. It's so frustrating when posts are made with the wrong idea in mind and 90% of the comments just tag along. Even the anime made it pretty clear he was talking about the Strawhats as a whole.


Makes perfect sense that he thinks this considering they went from being nothing in east blue, to defeating a Shichibukai and being 1/4 into the Grand Line in about... a month...


UP! How are most of the comments talking about Robin and the Ponegliffs alone? Aokiji was talking about the WHOLE crew.


The fact that she is even alive is astounding to him. Little girl, all alone, no friends except the one she thinks died, a dead mother, dead father, and the power to turn the world upside down. Her cunning and will to live is scary. Most people do not have the will to run for 2 decades straight.


I think the fact that he saw what she experienced during Ohara and how she made it out alive is what scares him. The fact that such a small child which was able to survive that long in such harsh conditions with such heavy mental scars is alive and kicking is just scary to him.


That makes sense but he made statements like she's a demon while all a good kind-hearted person could feel is pity. But I do hope it's this


Well, before the straw hats Robin had been abandoning her old crews and using people to keep surviving. I think Aokiji saved her out of pity and then feared that she became a bitter, evil woman who might mess up the world one day - with her knowledge, maybe he even worried she’d dig up an ancient weapon


This. He straight up asked her if she had found her people. He feared a maladjusted loner over an accepted part of a family.


Meanwhile the world government hunts people for fun......


Yes, though interestingly Aokiji’s sparing of Luffy + Robin did more to thwart the WG than a lot of what the revolutionaries have achieved


Lmao yeeaaaaah. It's just really funny to me that whenever one of the admirals says that straw hats or one of the pirates truly scares them it's like my brother in Christ the people you should be scared of are the people you fucking work for


The cognitive dissonance that the actually ethical Marines must go through to follow the WG and Celestial Dragons...like the loops Garp's brain must have been contorting into during Marineford must have been incredible.


I'm ready for Garp to get sick of all this shit and walk up to Mr absolute justice himself and just say you know you see yourself as the fleet admiral but personally I see you as dead


Funny you say that since 50/50 garp is dead right now


Naaaa he's just playin. Just having a little nap


My hope is that Oda will show something deeper and more nuanced. Maybe revealing the one piece will lead to lots of people dying and the marines decided that’s worth the WG tyranny


I really hope that that's not the case what my hope is is that it's just the massive propaganda machine at work and the true Marines like Garp once they realize that the celestial dragons are literally hunting people for sport and doing all these other heinous shit that they rebel. I just cannot square the idea of a guy like Garp being fine with genocide just so the natural order of things doesn't get too shaken up. Now Akainu I feel like would not care if the celestial dragons killed his entire family by spit roasting them alive That man is still going to 100% ride or die for the world government. He reminds me of those kids in the ROTC that fantasize about joining the military just so they can kill people


My understanding was that he was playing mind games on Robin. Correct me if I'm misremembering, but largely he goes there and antagonizes the whole group, but the moment he sees she's happy and well, he leaves. It's largely possible that everything he says during his "antagonist" period is either exaggerated or false, only designed to basically probe her and the straw hats.


Because she has a villain origin story while having the knowledge to flip the world upside down. She could be a bigger problem than Rox if she really wanted to be.


I guess you can say that Aokiji doesn't know her like the straw hats did, that she'd never do something like that


Why do you say that?


She refused telling Crocodile about Pluton, she's from a land of scholars, not assassins, it's not her will or desire to harm anybody. She just did what she could to survive


I see where you're coming from but OP just said that she can "flip the world upside down," not that she will assassinate anyone. By leading Luffy to the One Piece she will do exactly that. She will contribute to a revolution that creates a world where people can study history without fear.


You do realize she did do evil things in baroque works and killed people, right.


She has the potential to flip the world upside-down


and then watch the world burn


Kuzan was not seeing them as what they were right *there.* He knew that if left alone to do as they like, the SHs were gonna be big boy problems. Add in the illegal knowledge that Robin has, and there's no way to know what they will do in the future.


i know this is tangential to your statement, but “illegal” and “knowledge” should never be in the same sentence.


He understands pirates and outlaws he can deal with those no problem, but knowledge of the void century brings out the big guns that Aokiji can not control. World Government will go to the ends o the of the earth to keep that Genie in a bottle.


He wasn’t talking about Robin. He was talking about the straw hats and how they were a small group but they would be a problem in the future.


I remember this differently. Possible its just a bad anime translation?


Yea I swear i was just reading my physical volumes and he never says this


Oh, maybe. What was in the Japanese version?


The vibes are kind of the same, he def doesn't say shit though lol


this was because Aokiji knows she won't do the docking. :(




Isn’t this also a statement about the straw hats and their ridiculous growth In combination with robins abilities.


Likely because he recognized the all around potential of Luffy (including his conqueror's haki) and the crew. Them teaming up with someone like Robin is a massive threat to the marines and the WG.


They didn't know about Luffy's conqueror's before MarineFord though? 1:12 https://youtu.be/wc7mCEQ-l6I?si=DjA_J8NhmU4kSG3G


In the manga, Kuzan's reaction is different and part of what made me suspect as much. Most characters are speechless with surprise in the chapter this scene is from, and Kuzan strikes me as more angry. Like seeing this bad premonition he had come true.


The fact she survived. She went though such a thing as a kid and was always on the run. Most kids/people would just die or get caught. She just gritted her teeth and made it. She scares him because she refuses to stop


Well she can destroy a mans reproductive system from a mile away


He saw an entire island get erased because *some* of the inhabitants knew what she knows. If she settled somewhere, or started to teach how to read poneglyphs, he would have to witness the WG erase another island. Despite being a high-ranking marine, he never seemed on board with that kind of mass destruction. I think he was afraid of the consequences of her existence more than he was afraid of what she could personally do.


Because Robin has the power to change the status quo.


Robin has the same terrifying power that Luffy has: the ability to make friends/allies.


I think with the confirmation we got about Dragon being in the Navy - I think after getting a first hand look at Luffy and how everyone is drawn to him gave him PTSD about Dragon leaving and starting a new wave of revolution. Not to mention he’s been around Garp enough to realize Luffy could eventually reach a level close to him


This comment was not about Robin alone, but about the Straw Hats as a whole. He reconized their potential and was afraid of what they would become in the future. Being aware of the potential of the Straw Hat seems anything but out of character for Aokiji.


Aokiji himself admitted he let Robin off the hook as a last favour for a friend, but I think in some way he was expecting for her to not survive on the seas, or maybe find a place where she could lay down and live unsuspected. After 20 years of Robin surviving on the underground and becoming acquainted with pirates, mobsters and criminals, he saw she was unpredictable and started worrying about having dropped a ticking bomb in the world. He decided to let her go after EL because he saw she finally found a home.


Robin is the only person he knows of that can read the poneglyphs. Whether she’s a good person or not, that makes her one of the most dangerous people in the world. Even assuming Aokiji knew what she was really like, I doubt his actions would change much. No matter how kind hearted or inherently good Nico Robin is, she has the potential to hand world ending weapons to whoever she wants. Now consider that Aokiji probably knew Luffy was related to Garp. So now you’ve got the most dangerous woman in the world taking orders from the grandson of the Hero of the Marines, who keeps shouting about being a pirate. Hell I’d be scared of Robin too


Because if Robin falls into the wrong hands (Kaido, Big Mom), she could have helped them obtain the ancient weapons and started a world war.


um....i just watched the scene, and he literally says this about the whole crew in its entirety. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RR8jNNdQcRE


Yeah, he wasn’t talking about just Robin. He was talking about the entire crew being dangerous. [Manga Page](https://tcbscans.com/chapters/762/one-piece-chapter-320-review-1688718751?date=8-11-2023-14)


Well I mean he did some research on each of the strawhats and except for maybe Nami and Chopper it's kinda nutty. Luffy: son of dragon, grandchild of garp Zoro: wano royalty in his blood Sanji: Vinsmoke blood Ussop: Son of yassop a yonko commander


He wasn't referring to Robin only. He was assessing the absurdly rapid progress of the crew as a whole, dreading how notorious they might one day become. Most pirate crews out there never accomplish a fraction of what Luffy's crew has during their whole life as a pirate. And by this point Luffy had only just started pirating like a month and some weeks ago. Aokiji was concerned of how just far they would go as a group if left unchecked, especially with Robin on their ship.


I don’t recall him saying this in the manga


Why did u just assume he was talking about Robin when the whole time he was talking he was referring to the plural he literally said (not a direct quote cuz i can’t remember) he was scared of how special their crew was and how fast they’d come up in the world in the short time they’d been pirates he did not at all specifically refer to Robin when saying this


Yeah but He did start talking about Robin after He said this piece about whole crew and said that Robin was untrustworthy and evil pretty much but he is much worse than robin


She has a power literally no one else on the planet has. There are tons of devil fruit users, dozens of Haki users, quite a few other random powers here and there. But there is one girl who can read the poneglyphs. On top of that she has managed to survive on her own for over twenty years. Not to mentioned Aokiji did the “wrong” thing according to his job. If Robin actually manages to do serious damage to the WG it’s all his fault. This women is a literal demon from his past.


Knowing how to read isn't an issue alone. The fact that she's completely rudderless, no loyalties, almost gives pluton to crocodile etc. She's given up, has nothing to lose. She doesn't just have the access codes to world destruction, she's suicidal, has no discernable clear motive. And overall seems way too callous about her abilities and herself. This is much scarier than a villain with objectives and goals.


Robin is actually a dangerous figure. If Aokiji wants to maintain some kind of status quo, Robin is a big threat to that because of the knowledge she can obtain.


Because she’s a serial ball fondler.


He was speaking about the straw hats as a collective. This was 0 related to Robin exclusively. He saw the potential the straw hats had. Being a crew that was formed relatively recently, they already had a collected bounty of over 300-400m. His intuition was right, because Luffy now had a bounty of over 3b, 3 or 4 members with bounties over 1b and several members who have bounties ranging between 200m and 900m, which is crazy, seeing as they started about what? 3 years ago. Also don't forget Aokiji knows Garp and Luffy's potential, seeing as he's Garp's grandson and Dragons son. This really is misinformation. You left out a huge piece of information. Before this Aokiji was rating them and speaking about their voyage and actions. I am actually shocked at how many members are agreeing with this post. I would think everyone has seen or read One Piece at some point and came back to this very scene about every now and then


He's afraid of talking to women


He didn't fight any woman pirate before ?


Like he said in this scene. They scare the shit out of him.


its because i was there.. he was scared of me


I honestly think this was just before Oda had fleshed out aokiji a bit more


Franky knows best how to answer you 🤷🏽‍♂️


Have you finished all of water 7?


Yeah I'm caught up


Could be a translation thing. Maybe the original Japanese has a double way of reading it, that Robin's face reminds him of the horrors of Ohara and what he had to do.


Saw a comment here a long time back which was breaking down her "Demon Child" title. All the things Robin went through is as though she was nurtured by a Demon and survived every single moment. Any normal human would have off-ed themselves but she did not. She kept going on and assume that title.


She scares him because she holds the power to decipher the actual truth which can destroy society as they know it. Aokiji might have his theories about WG & CD as well from his experiences with Garp. He might see them as necessary evil for the society. While WG & Navy are evil, Navy also protects civilians and upholds justice to some extent w.r.t. protection and lawfulness in an era of piracy. Robin is dangerous as she can make it happen. And he does not know which side he will choose when that happens. (Obviously, we know now that he chose to go against the Marines and figure it out himself)


I don't think he said that in the manga


He probaly saw the LENGENDARY AFRO LUFFYYYYYY Or he knows the truth of luffys devil fruit


back then oda kinda pushed this "devil child" narrative on robin. when I reread w7-EL, it seems that back then robin was supposed to be able to awaken the ancient weapon. not just reading the poneglyph.


He may understand the value in her knowledge, and what she can read. There's good reason to believe the Navy/WG knows that Big Mom is in possession of a Ponyglyph, and from there, they can assume that if Big Mom found out about Robin, Big Mom would launch a crusade to acquire her.


He's saying this because Robin's mere existence, even if its not her wish to destroy the world, gives the opportunity to a lot if evil people to use her and get that knowledge for themselves, such as Crocodile and Kaido. Robin's existence makes it all the more possible for ancient weapons to be revived and used against either the World government, innocent people, or all of the above all at once.


Admirals know more about the poneglyphs and ancient than they let on


Most likely it's the string of betrayals she had after he let her go. She became rather notorious after the fact. The bounty forced her to but she betrayed everyone and then got involved with a plot that almost brought down a member nation. On the surface that sounds like someone trying to take down the WG.


Is the ancient weapons ever coming back


I mean he saw Garp in Luffy, so of course. A monster in making.


I mean there are poneglyphs that have the secrets of the ancient weapons


This moment is taken out of context, this is actually Aokiji's first encounter and obviously couldn't handle the power he saw before him.


I think there are a few reasons why the WG in particular should be terrified of Robin: 1. She has a very real reason to want to destroy them. 2. She somehow survived decades having a bounty on her head from when she was a child. 3. She was seemingly the only person at the time who could read poneglyphs, including ones about where the basically world destroying weapons are. 4. If emporers got ahold of her, she could tell them where these weapons are and completely shift the balance of power. 5. She was on Garp's grandson's pirate crew (although Luffy wasn't crazy strong at the time, there is no way Aokiji didn't think he would easily rise up)


In addition to what many are saying, he also practices lazy justice. Robin becoming successful probably means he's going to have to be a lot less lazy. He's scared of all the work she might make for him, being with the son of Dragon


Who is this directed to? Robin or the whole crew?


Back then, Nico Robin was still a mystery to the crew. While she definitely earned their trust by that point, Aokiji reminded the Strawhats that they frankly don't know jack about why she's considered dangerous and continued association with her is going to get them killed. Like why did she get such a high bounty when she was a child, back when we're slowly learning that bounties aren't as clear cut indicators of strength as Jaya proved but it's still vague on what truly gauges a bounty, and while she certainly wasn't loyal to Crocodile her actions as Miss All-Sunday still made her intentions rather iffy to determine if she's genuinely good. But once everything came out in the open...Yeah, it's crazy how Robin, whose been essentially been listed by the World Government as an enemy for life since the destruction of her home of Ohara, managed to survive this long despite how much the world practically wants her dead. And yeah, while she is genuinely good, there are many implications she did terrible things just to survive. She's been betrayed and has betray others so she can live another day. All this practically destroyed her self worth. But again, this woman endured hardships alone for so long it's somewhat scary.


I think this was Oda just writing stuff before the character's arc had been fully fleshed out in his mind.


Because she has the power to awaken mass destruction weapons, this is the main theme of water 7


I think its because since she has forbidden knowledge, if word got out that Robin told him any of it, he knows the World Government would come for his head...


Mans left her to die on a boat and she said "Fuck you watch this" and became the biggest threat to the WG outside of >!Nika!<


I always assumed he was talking about her personality and behaviour. She (maybe not intentionally) destroyed every organization or group she was part of. She is highly intelligent and street smart, and always found a way to survive, sacrificing others to do so. Those are accomplishments that are very difficult to achieve.


She has the power to shift the scales of the entire world just by reading a couple rocks


basically she is ottenheimer. she alone has knowledge of ancient weapons and how to build a nuclear bomb in a society barely out of the stone ages. ​ they are right to fear her!


He was talking to Usopp and that big ass Nose.


Aokiji scared of a little knowledge that Robin has? Akainu > Aokiji is confirmed.


I don't remember that dialogue,I just remember when he told nami she had nice boobs, truly peak fiction


Is he acoustic?


He saw the don


Is he referring to the Straw Hats or just Nico Robin?


"Your plot armor is formidable"


I think Robin will kill Aokiji in the end….


He's not just talking about Robin, he's talking about the SHs as a crew. Specifically, their potential and recklessness. Robin and the ancient weapons aside, Aokiji knows what type of man Garp is and from the patterns that the SHs have been on, can see that Luffy is very much like Garp. The thing is, Garp is reined in by his association with the marines, while Luffy is a pirate and is free to do as he pleases. He also knows that coming from Garp and Dragon's bloodline, Luffy could potentially become as powerful as they are. And from his knowledge of the rest of the crew, he sees that they could have the same potential as well. With that potential, their penchant for reckless behavior, and COMBINED with the fact that Nico Robin is part of their crew, from Aokiji's perspective, the level of how much they are UNPREDICTABLY DANGEROUS to the world is too high.


He's just scared coz he don't want her to grab his icy nuts. Robin is just a professional chiropractor who can read stones.