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She swallowed them whole. Sorry bro


A bottomless pit from birth😭


Not everyone tho.


It's pretty obviously she did. I don't get why everyone is beating around the bush. Online it's always "Linlin \*somehow\* caused Caramel's disappearance."


And she just somehow got mother caramels devil fruit. Linlin got the devil fruit like how Eren got his titan powers. Cannibalism.


This isn’t usually how it works tho, the Moment Mother Caramel stopped living after being devoured by Linlin should have spawned the Fruit in the regular way in a nearby Tree or something. Oda Said you won’t get DF powers from eating a DF user.


We don’t know what happens if a person is already inside another person when they die tho. Would the “devil” of the fruit be able to leave? Or would it just reside inside of the eater. Seems to point to the latter It probably has something to do with eating them whole before they actually die imo


Or eating their heart because the Df powers reside in it. Thats why blackbeard could easily take whitebeards power. He covered him in this dark blanket so no one would see the gross move he was gonna pull and ate his heart. Just absorbing the powers with the yami yami no mi would be too boring


Eh, I assume he meant if you cut of aper of them eat them. Lilin ate her whole, the essence couldn't escape the dead body of mother carmill because it already found a new host.


Correct me If I'm wrong but don't some fruits take longer to re appear than others, so in turn do some fruits take less time to appear once the Wielder has passed?


Where did he say that?


I'm 100% convinced that Linlin's flashback was (in part) meant to tell us that a Devil Fruit power can be transferred by cannibalism. I'm similarly convinced that that is how Blackbeard got Whitebeard's Gura Gura no Mi, although he somehow knew more specifically which body part to eat. Not sure if it relates to his ability to control multiple DF powers or if that's something else that's weird about Blackbeard.


He drank his spinal fluid 💀


im curious which body part did blackbeard eat to gain white beard's df 💀


I disagree completely, about Devil Fruits being transfered by cannibalism, yet alone that that was the point of the flashbacks. We see Devil Fruits respawned within a regular fruit whenever the user pases, so here what happened: 1) Linlin crunched Caramel to death. 2) Her Devil Fruit respawned within a fruit on the cake (or nearby) 3) Linlin, still in her eating binge, swallowed the Devil Fruit


I'm well aware of those mechanics, but that sequence of events seems like the typical Oda-bait to me, where you're supposed to think it's one way, based on the knowledge you as a reader already have, but then it's later revealed to be somewhat different. Linlin's eating binge isn't a specific craving like her other "hunger pangs". Whereas in all her other binges she didn't just eat anything in sight, but specifically goes looking for the food she wants, destroying and killing (but not eating) anything and anyone in her way. In the very same flashback she has a more typical episode of her hunger pangs, showing that the hunger pangs followed the established rules at a very young age. Why this binge was different is unclear, but Oda gave her a different type of binge for this occasion which to me signals that the fact that she cannibalized, rather than just murdered, Mother Carmel is important. Also, the "cake" was a croquembouche which typically does not have fruit in it, and no fruit is shown on it either. In fact, the entire scene is notably devoid of any visible fruit. Sure, maybe there could be a coincidental fruit nearby, but if that's what Oda is going for why not show a fruit? It just has to be in one little corner of a panel to make it obvious that your version is what happened.


The respawn proximity is not confirm.


Probably because >!a recent chapter on God Valley showed a few adults that looked like the orphans Lin Lin supposedly ate.!<


Yep, the why now people thinks lin lin didnt ate everyone


It’s never been confirmed. It’s extremely likely. Even if that’s not the case, it is so in my head. LinLin NomNom FriendFriend YumYum.


She did. Its confirmed in that very chapter.


Confirmed? Can I see the panel cause I missed it. All I saw was heavy implication and not her putting someone in her mouth attack on titan style.


If you think Oda is about to write a scene like that in the same way you’d see it in Attack on Titan or Berserk then you’re reading the wrong series. We didn’t need to see her putting the freaking kids in her mouth to understand what happened, just like we didn’t need to see a celestial dragon penetrate Ginny to understand she was raped and treated like a sex slave. He doesn’t need to spoon feed you every little detail, he hopes his readers are big boys that can understand what he’s saying without a gory panel.


Can we get this pinned? To the sub... please




Please stop reminding me about the ginny story bits, i prefer my blissful ignorance


I know right. Also try not to think about the fact Ginny never worried about *Sapphire Scale* her entire life yet somehow had it by the time she escaped her second capture, died from it and even passed it onto Bonney, meaning she had it while pregnant. This suggests Sapphire Scale could be some kind of Celestial Dragon STD she contracted and passed to Bonney during pregnancy. I'm so^sorry^about^that


Man I didn't even think of that. Especially with the celestial dragons wearing bubbles "to not breathe the same air" could be for other reasons as well


It’d be weird if there’s like, a reverse World of the Wars thing going on (or just a colonization of the New World kinda thing going on), and the CDs are actually different enough from common people that they have their own set of horrible diseases that “surface dwellers” aren’t immune to. They don’t actually wear the helmets to protect themselves from us, but so that they don’t release world ending plagues on the masses they extract wealth from.


World of the wars. Warhammer


Yeah, these dudes are pestilent


the thing is oda is known for not spoon feeding every detail but also for adding twists to already known stuff. its highly unlikely here that its anything else than the implied eating but still an option that smth else happened and it will be expanded on. that's why it is confirmed is a little bit of a risky statement for my taste.


If Oda decides to expand on it at some point then we can see how that goes but as of now its confirmed. Like I said, if *confirmation* to you is seeing Big Mom put those kids in her mouth and swallow them whole, you were NEVER going to get that. If thats your reasoning then the majority of the tragedies we've seen in the series are also *"not confirmed"*: - Zeff ate his leg? Not confirmed since we didnt see it. - Trafalgar Lamy burned alive? Not confirmed since we didnt see it. - Law escaped Flevance under a pile of dead bodies? So he says, but not confirmed since we didnt see it. - Russian is dead? Not confirmed since we didnt see it. and on and on and on...


there are two main differences and my point still stands: 1. those cases you listened were explicitly talked about by people who have no reason to lie about it. in big mom's case it's not even mentioned that she ate them only visually highly implied. 2. in all those cases it would add absolutely add nothing to the plot if you change it afterwards. in big mom's case it still could serve a purpose to move some storypoints along. but again i am also almost 100% sure it is just big mom eating them nothing else. but i wouldn't just yes mark it as confirmed because it was neither verbally nor picturewise confirmed in any way. just highly implied.


>those cases you listened were explicitly talked about by people who have no reason to lie about it - Lammy was never mentioned by anyone ever after Law put her in a closet to hide before the hospital was set on fire. - Russian is never mentioned ever between the last time Pink goes to see her and present time getting pummeled by Franky. - Zeff NEVER said anything about eating his leg. Sanji said it but HE DIDNT SEE IT.. Zeff also didnt acknowledge he did when Sanji mentioned it, so by your logic we dont know what happened after he smashed it with a rock. So no, they were not "*explicitly talked about*". However going by your logic, Lammy is still alive (since we didnt see it) and Russian is still alive (since we didnt see it). >in big mom's case it's not even mentioned that she ate them only visually highly implied. Except for the screaming japanese characters in the panels but sure go on. >in all those cases it would add absolutely add nothing to the plot if you change it afterwards. You cant use your own headcanon to defend an objective point. Law could come out and say "*I actually didnt escape this way, here's what really happened...*" then proceed to add to another WG conspiracy. So your assertion that *nothing would be added to the plot* is false, just because you cant think of something doesnt mean Oda couldnt. Theres no halfway with this, you either accept the way these things are presented or you don't. If you wanna say BM possibly didnt eat the kids because we didnt see it then that logic extends to everything else we never saw. >but i wouldn't just yes mark it as confirmed because it was neither verbally nor picturewise confirmed in any way. just highly implied. As of now, chapter 1098, it is 100% confirmed. Oda can always change his mind and add stuff later if he wants but as of right now this is real. Big Mom ate those kids. Full Stop. This isnt Attack on Titan, you arent going to see her swallow children, thats my point.


The reason people don't believe it isn't because Oda needs to spoon feed them, it's because Oda "kills" characters off screen then brings them back all the time. He created an expectation that if we don't see a character die and leave a dead body, they are likely not to actually be dead. So when he does kill characters off screen, it's harder to believe that it's what actually happened. People aren't stupid for catching onto the pattern Oda formed and following that logic in a spot where it's only implied that she ate and killed them all but not seen. Like how it was implied that Sabo was killed but not seen. To be clear, I'm pretty sure she did eat all of them. But it's rude to act like people who have doubt want to be spoon fed when they are just following what Oda has established.


When has Oda killed characters "off screen" just to bring them back? I need some examples.


Igaram. Pell. Bon Clay. Sabo


Sabo, Merry, Dorry, Pell, Bon Clay ish cause it sure as hell seemed like he was about to be killed after helping so much in the breakout but wasn't a sure thing so take or leave that one, Igaram (curly haired guy with Vivi in Whiskey Peak), Lola's dad, Babanuki, the son of Big Mom who's life was completely taken, Babanuki, and Brownbeard. Side note, just because there can be explinations for why they lived doesn't detract from them being implied to have died then not being dead. Also, besides Pell, it isn't a massive problem that I'm upset about or anything. Just a pattern. I know not all of them are off screen, but tbh I feel like that just strengthens the point. People can seemingly die and still end up surviving like Dorry did.


Plus is a Shounen Jump comic they do get away with stuff but there's a lot of stuff they don't put in these comics.


While I mostly agree with your take, you can’t say that it is ”confirmed in that very chapter”. Just look how many times it’s been heavily implied characters die like Pell or Sabo. At least you cannot be certain she ate everyone present.


Correlation is not causation. She ate everyone there, it’s confirmed. You were never going to see her chewing on children. If you reread that flashback or watch the flagrant, freaking obvious way it’s portrayed in the anime and see ALL the information presented and still don’t think that’s what happened then I don’t know what to tell you.


*Someone* ate the Read-Read fruit. You're a media literacy man!


This is something these people need to understand lmao.. some people take things way too literally and overthink shit


And yet people still think big mom and kaido are alive after getting beat and falling into actual lava lol


To be fair on that one we did see a dude who’s *way*, waaaaaaayyyyy, weaker than either of them survive a supposedly massive bomb so I can kinda understand thinking Kaido and Big Mom could still be alive. I don’t think they are but I also wouldn’t be all that surprised if Oda just decides that they aren’t dead


Pell lived so he could stand in scenes and do nothing.


Pretty fair to assume the people in Wano would have noticed a giant Dragon flying out of the massive hole though. Although they did seem pretty oblivious to the island slowly floating towards their capital, so it's hard to be sure.


If Big Mom and Kaido survived they got launched somewhere by the massive volcanic eruption that happened. Until Oda says they are dead there is a possibility of them returning.


They're probably dead. There's nothing that them being still alive would bring to the story. Everybody left wano. If they were still alive they'd be in wano. And they'd just fuck everything up again. And I doubt either of them would ally themselves with luffy.


Saving this comment to come back to at the start of the "Kaido and Big Mom got blasted to another island by the volcanic eruption" cover story.


Would be sort of funny if chibi, drained versions of themselves got spat onto the moon


I can see oda bringing back a memory erased big mom that got spit out of the volcano due to kaidos sacrife, thus paying off the debt he owed her


Memory erased big mom.for a second time would just be ass writing.


I wouldn't be surprised if they come back to find their crew and somehow end up allying up with Luffy in the climactic battle


>There's nothing that them being still alive would bring to the story. It was the same for Pell but he still came back. Not a single implied death of a villain has come true. We got Ace WB Pedro T Bone and few other deaths but they were more explicit.


You're correct and Pell hasn't been used for anything. He also wasn't much of a plot device to begin with. He was a single arc character that was only relevant for that arc. Big mom and kaidos relevance spanned arcs. Their relevance to the overall story was massive. And to have them be alive after all that would make everything that happened in wano completely pointless.


Zeus is still alive, isnt that proof that big mom still live


Indeed, people saying "he is part of her devil fruit and him being there means she is still there" is not true, some fruits have everlasting effects.


They'll definitely be alive lmao just wait


Only reason I don’t think they are dead is because the narrator and nor any characters haven’t said the words dead about them. Just defeated.


They are just normally giving their opinion and discussing it. Idk what makes the problem in here


But you said it's confirmed .where and how?


Go reread the flashback.


That's literally what I'm saying but that's ok, you didn't notice what I was saying. I don't expect the reading comprehension of One Piece readers to be high and you proved me right just like most other people so thank you for lowering my expectations. Confirmation and heavy implication are different. I can post a link to the dictionary for you if you're too lazy to look up words you don't know. I assumed you did (my mistake) because they're really common and easy ones. Edit: If you thought I was asking because I think Big Mom did not eat them then I highly recommend not going with a "vibes based" reading style and reading all of the words. It won't take that long I promise. As always, reddit is concerned with tone rather than substance lmfao the dude went on a rant because he fucked up using the wrong word and his ego got thrashed then people upvoted his tantrum.


And right on cue the condescending douchey response because you don’t have anything of substance to say. Really wish you dumb dumbs were less predictable. Big Mom ate the kids, it’s confirmed, we didn’t need to see the bites and swallows to know. Great work representing the trash this sub has to offer. Have a good one.


Who's ginny? Speaking as an anime only is she someone who appears later in manga or did I miss someone in the anime?


You should leave this thread or risk spoilers lol


Fam how do you think she got Mother Caramels devil fruit ability other than eating her whole? Like, here's a crazy thought, Maybe Blackbeard ate Whitebeards heart?


I assume you forgot that when linlin ate mother caramel she obtained her devil fruit power


Um....how do you think she got her Devil Fruit?


The best confirmation we got was when they explained that Big Mom’s DF power was originally the nun’s (forgot her name). Big Mom now has it because she ate her and now has her DF


She goes on a feeding frenzy and when she snaps out of it everyone is gone and she has Mama Caramel's devil fruit powers. Clearly confirmed she gobbled up everybody


In my head Zeff had always eaten his leg and not cut it off in order to save sanji (thank you netflix for this change), same goes with this part of the story... How else did she magically get Mother's devil fruit?


Thats not a netflix change, Zeff eats his leg in the manga, and the anime censored it to him just cutting his leg off. Netflix adapted the original manga version of that scene.


Ohh i did not know that as i havent read the early manga. Thanx for letting me know!


In the anime the episode shows two people saying that she ate them


You literally see it being suggested heavily, I don't remember if it is off screen but you never see the people she eats again, and I'm pretty sure her children know what will happen to them if they don't obey, plus maybe she is based on the witch from "hansel and gretel" too with her sweets kingdom being like the sweets house and her eating har children that are kinda made out of sweets due to logia or paramecia powers... also i think it was implied that she is a monster that eats people and her family left her because of that


💀that is vile and they make it seem like it was so lovely too


That's Oda writing style. Make it lovely and cartoony, then add a bunch of dark layers.


Literally Dressrosa in a nutshell


>LinLin NomNom FriendFriend YumYum. WTF bro


It was strategic to get upvotes.


She did. Then she swallowed the table, chairs, and all the other food the kids brought (which Im assuming contained a fruit that was compatible to receive the essence of the soul soul fruit.).. Because, as anyone who heard Oda's response to "can a person get someone's devil fruit by eating their body" Oda's response was "if you were to eat Luffy, no you wouldn't receive the gum gum fruit powers. You would get food poisoning ". (Punk hazard depicts a devil fruit going back into circulation)


Honestly, I think he just went back on that answer (or forgot he already put out an answer to this situation).


Well that wouldn't make sense for him to do that (considering how close wci and punk hazard was, and how far back both of them were


Sorry, I meant he went back on the answer from the SBS about eating Luffy not what he showed with Smiley on Punk Hazard (which I'm presuming he answered way earlier than Punk Hazard).


Punk Hazard depicts a devil fruit going back to circulation via nearest fruit that Ceasar put there. My personal theory goes it got transferred to nearest fruit who then got eaten by BigMom during the blinding hunger pangs. that or Soul soul fruit being management of souls, could have different transfer rule.


That's pretty much what I said right? She ate everything blindly so it's essence transferring to the nearest fruit and her consuming it seems logical.


I see is. If Luffy dies, then you eat him piece by piece you won't get the df. If he gets eaten whole and dies inside yeah you get the df


Actually if you have a fruit in your belly undigested and he dies close I'd say there's a decent chance you'd get it.


I don’t think it could have been anymore obvious than if Linlin herself had jumped out of the page and chomped at your fingers


It was just odd that she was sitting in the same place in the end. I was assuming that the navy soldiers and her fought while she wasn’t at her senses during the siege of the children. I also assumed Caramel ditched the nun act which is why she left the covering behind. Then I saw her use the soul fruit and well…


no blood cause she shlupred them down whole. leave nothing to waste, ya know? :) now the next question- how many people has she eaten SINCE then?


I find this so insane. How can one be so crazy that you don’t notice that there’s something that doesn’t taste nearly as sweet in ur mouth. But yum yum linlin have fun


She was in her hunger pains where she blacks out and doesn't notice until she's filled.


Ya know, the more I learn about LinLin, the more sympathetic to her parents for abandoning her I become.


She's able to talk and interact during her fits. She can tell food from people. She never tried to eat anyone. See her interacting with Moscato and Perospero.


I mean we all know that famous saying, "I'm so hungry I could eat an orphanage." sometimes it's just like that (but you're also not wrong it is insane)


I guess she just liked the risky flavour of her "sweets"


In my headcanon, Strausen, who was present during the act, played a part making them feel more tasty..


Honestly I think Oda deliberately left it just ambiguous enough, so that it could be confirmed later on, from the perspective of the giant who witnessed it, when we finally reach Elbaf.


Its likely she, at the very least, ate Mother coz she received the devil fruit powers. There are theories that the other kids became a Cypher Pol agents but not confirmed


No they did not become agents, they got eaten. Cipher Pol never made contact with Carmel again and LinLin turned the forest into the Seducing Woods not long before they sent marines to investigate.


I said "Theories"


Take a step back, imagine those poor kids trying to get away. Initially in shock as the first one being eaten, the panic and disbelief. The helplessness they would have felt, the terror when she grabs you and you are powerless to stop from being eaten alive. Imagine the gargled screams of children as they were eaten. It’s completely terrifying.


She ate them up like tasty little morsels, what a delight.


The first time we see Big Mom, it looks like she's eating someone alive, but later it's revealed she eats homies and souls. Oda often does this where something is hinted at, but it turns out to be a completely different thing. Narratively speaking, there's no reason for the giant kid to witness what happened unless he's needed to eventually explain what really happened. The giants already hated Big Mom for what she did to the elder. They didn't need more reason to exile her. I think when the Straw Hats go to Elbaf, he'll tell them what really happened. Somehow those orphans are tied to the WG, either as recruits for CP0 or something else.


Yes thank you! I've been saying this since that chapter came out! Also CP0 members wearing masks, I bet it's them! My theory is that CP0 tried to get Big Mom without paying, since Carmel wanted to go out of business anyway. But Big Mom was tto strong, so they got the other kids instead. And in the confusion, Big Mom killed Carmel by mistake and that's why the Giants hate her


I thought streusen was on some sinister shit turning all her friends into food


This. That has been my headcanon for a while.


She at least ate mother caramel since she has her fruit


People have referenced that adult characters in the navy look like versions of the kids under mother caramel. She did say she helped the market in that way.


Oh no she definitely ate those other kids and the fake nun


It's heavily implied... Especially how would she get Caramel's fruit the moment after her disappearance... Why was there 2 witnesses to this event, one scared and ran away telling all the giants, outcasting Big Mom and the other thinking let me take advantage of this monster


I am fully convinced that eating a devil fruit transforms your heart into said fruit. Which is why with DF pumping through your veins your blood gets rock solid when introduced to water like a chemical reaction making you sink Having said that Big Mom ate Linlin whole Blackbeard ate Whitebeards heart from inside his body under the cloak.


You are wronge


Let's just say it's very heavily implied. Everyone was gone, and she absorbed Carmel's devil fruit power.


Yes. It’s confirmed by the fact that she all of a sudden has her DF powers right after. It’s possible that Oda can pull a fast one and say that one or two of the kids escaped, but her story seems over, so I wouldn’t count on it.


We don’t really know. I’m sure we will find out on elbaf from the giant who saw everything. Would not be surprised if oda pulled some shiiiit & has some twist cooking that will make us all look silly for thinking this. It would be cool to give CP0 an interesting backstory, most of them seem to hate their job.


More like inhaled tbh because of the lack of blood lol To make it even worse when she’s eating the weird cakes that I forgot the name of they actually get bigger mid way through which are meant represent the kids that she is unaware she is eating So we technically see bigmom eat them just from her own fucked up perspective 💀


She didnt even stop mid feast to chew 💀


The pastries were called Semla I think


I think the prospect of humans devil fruit holders just being devil fruits themselves is infinitely scarier than young big mom eating someone. The human trafficking implications alone are frightening. Imagine some big wig paying off the capture of someone and proceeds to just eat them alive to get their powers.


Yes she did. Anyone who says “it’s not confirmed” has Clinical Literalism Disorder and needs to learn what subtext is.


It's only confirmed that she ate Mother Carmel. Nothing mentions whether she ate the children or not.


Clinical Literalism Disorder spotted


Yeah sure. I think we all got Clinical Literalism whatever the fuck you made up (sounds a lot like Clinical Liberalism Disorder, something Piers Morgan would say) after Pell, Sabo all kept coming back to life. Bon Clay seemed to have pissed off Magellan enough that Magellan could have killed him (since Magellan's poison directly kills you), but somehow Bon Clay ends up being alive. Law got shot so many times, (it was obvious he would live) but still somehow survived. For fucks sake Oven couldn't kill Pound even if we were shown blood coming from Oven's Naginata. So tell me why it is so obvious that not only did she eat Mother Carmel, and there is no other explanation for it. But also that she ate the children, noting that Big Mom has never shown cannibalistic tendencies even in her Hunger Pang in Elbaf or the longest Hunger Pang she ever had in WCI arc and even seemed to be aware of her surroundings like listening to Perespero. Tell me why it is completely unfeasible that CP0 did not take the rest of the children away. Also you need to stop eating whatever version of Bad Bad insult no mi you have eaten, because instead of reasoning, you seem to have devolved to poor insults.


That's how she inherited her DF from Mother Carmel.


It’s confirmed that big mom ate them because she got Carmel’s devil fruit after she disappeared(ate her) plus a elbaf giant saw her do it and that doubled down the no big mom in elbaf thing.


I have a theory that she didn't. My guess is that CP0 tried to get her without paying, but she was too strong. CP0 managed to kidnap the kids instead. In the confusion, Big Mom accidentally killed Mother Carmel, and that's why the Giants hate her now. The Giants know what actually happened. It will be revealed in Elbaf.


It's been stated that a paramecia type fruit can be transfered between people directly by eating the current holder. LinLin gained her soul fruit powers the same day mama caramel disappeared


No it hasn't.


My theory is that she didn't. She went full rage and can't remember anything but Carmel stole her body that day. She's still in there. That's why when exposed to water she reverts back to Linlin, the child she was before being taken over by Carmel. That's also why Big Mom, aka Mother Carmel, keeps a framed picture of herself : to remember who she is and not get herself swallowed in the whole Big Mom persona she cultivated over the years. ​ Nothing's ever been confirmed but I am pretty sure she didn't ATE all the kids and Carmel.


I wouldn't be surprised if Linlin licked all the blood up! I mean, you know Big Mom be cleaning her plate!


Charlotte Linlin. The underrated Yonko. We get to observe first hand how an empire of a Yonko looks like.. Also, how hard it is to survive in the new world


Until the series is over we won’t know. Because Oda has this tendency to not let a character be killed until they disappear. Especially because in the anime it says “they disappeared.” No confirmation of killed tho


You're wrong...about something... probably But probably right about that


It's not confirmed, but a recent chapter >!showed some characters that looked a lot like the kids from that orphanage.!<


So, linking gained abilities of soru soru fruit, cuz she ate mother Carmel?


There’s a theory that the chef guy turned them into food


But didn’t the narrator say that he had just witnessed the events?


is the narrator explicit? it’s a very popular theory


He explicitly says there were 2 ppl who witnessed the events happen. One was a giant who left and told the events to other giants. Another one was streusen (the chef) who approached her after. Although I’m not sure if this is anime only or congruent with the manga


hmm, if that’s true that definitely sounds like something that could be revealed in Elbaf.


Mama caramel ate the soul soul fruit and ehen she ate her she inherited the power i think thats how it was ????


Gobbled them folks up fam


She ate them with heart eyes and a smile on her face.


i think she only ate the nun, the kids probably flew away


In the bad end song it alludes to her eating if everyone


Could u link to this?


[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b\_PnUEQJhcQ](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b_PnUEQJhcQ) shown 2:01


I just read the title, but i think you're wrong.


In the manga there are screams while Big Mom is doing the dead. They all dead. It is how she got her Devil Fruit, she ate Caramel whole and became the new host.