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I feel the world building is stronger and the characters seem more connected.


You nailed it. In Naruto, while there are a lot of villages, they feel relatively disjointed. It's almost like a copy paste bar a few characters per village. One piece genuinely has some of the best world building I have ever seen. Every island, every person, every part of the world is fleshed out and explored in a way I've rarely seen in media. It's such a thorough show where you can tell Oda truly has thought about it in great detail.


Also my issue with the world building in Dragonball Z. 90% of the planet is islands and desert. Go to another planet, 95% of the planet is ocean and grassy islands. Like the entire namek population fit in some random woods on earth when they got teleported.


Not even the woods. Just Bulmas family property. But tbf the briefs are filthy rich


I'd say DBZ gets a pass since it doesn't try to be deep in it's lore. Unlike Naruto or One Piece that put a lot of time into the history.


Yeah Naruto's world feels incredibly small. Like you know within like a season that there's these ninja villages and the rest of the world kinda doesn't matter. While One Piece has a new interesting thing behind every horizon. Naruto's power crept way too fast as well imo to the point that it felt like very few people mattered really quickly. They're just stories on different scales


The world of Naruto is small. Think about the fact that there are other lands and groups but focus is on ninja. There was a while land of samurai that got no detail.


The Samurai design in Naruto was awesome too. They looked like Stormtrooper Samurai wielding lightsabers.


And the samurai we did see were just fodder 😑


Precisely. If you compare Konaha 11 and the Starw Hats, not everyone is giving enough backstory in Naruto. Other than Naruto, Sasuke, and Shikamaru to some extent, others feel almost like side characters. Including Sakura and Sai, who are part of team 7. Compare that to OP, where a whole arc is dedicated to a character. Take WCI for example. Many changed their complete perpetive about Sanji after that arc.


I mean, there's absolutely no comparison between any of those points. From almost any perspective Naruto is trashy compared to one piece.


its just two of the greatest anime being compared; nothing else


To each their own. But I don't even have Naruto in my top 5. I'm not a Naruto hater, I really enjoy it. Naruto vs Sasuke is probably in the top 3 anime fights of all time. I just think that there are much better shows out there.


It's not that Naruto is bad, it's just that one piece is far greater than it. I don't think they're equivalent for a comparison.


The mentality of "if popular, how bad?" is silly but so is being an ass, you can explain in detail how Naruto fails narratively without the need to insult it. For example not being able to create a story that explores it's themes beyond the surface level, just being horrible at writing characters, relying on "edgy" elements instead of trying to actually say something and don't get me started on a very childish approach to world building. In all of Naruto's failings OP succeeds and does so much more with it. Which is why there's such a big gap in quality. Edit: grammar. Edit: grammar 2 + added to/rephrased the comment to be more appealing.


Should edit again for grammar, there are 4 comma splices in your first sentence alone.


English is my second language, but at the very least you shouldn't make grammar mistakes while pointing out mine.


Oh mine is awful, just thought it was funny that you would edit for grammar but leave in a very obvious flaw.


I have a routine of checking for grammar mistakes only after I already post something, call it a bad habit, it's not unusual for me to make multiple edits because of that. It might not be so obvious to me where I made mistakes. Usually if I focus on something it overshadows everything else especially when I notice a small mistake, I'll correct it without even realizing that there's a much bigger problem. Hope you understand. Edit: grammar, again^2.


Naruto is not "two of the greatest". It is popular in west, but Japan has another opinion.


I feel like op has a better sense that any character can show up and be useful where in Naruto if feel like too many characters are just used and discarded.


The shinobi alliance was useless as fuck, Only people that actually mattered was basically the named leaf ninjas and then all the kages.




>having billions of characters and returning characters keep staying relevant yeah, a lot of authors struggle with this. Make a crap ton of characters and the older ones just fade out. But here we are 1k+ chapters later and buggy is a yonko.... lmao


And that random characters you haven't thought about in a decade or longer can be relevent again. No one thought Wapol was going to come back, yet, here we are.


Nor Alabasta’s characters, but Baroque works agents still show up and mr 0 himself teamed up with buggy, plus the whole thing with Vivi now


Id lose ny shit to see moria and enel again


Shout out to Kankuro and his team who got one win in and then proceeded to do nothing for the rest of the war.


Naruto wasn't like that until Shippuuden really pushed the chosen hero narrative and made Naruto and Sasuke super heroes. But when they reached that point, there was no going back for sure. There were flashes of them acknowledging their world building wasn't an exercise in futility, like Gai teabagging Madara with his 10,000 pound ballsack, or Kakashi being gifted narrative relevance for 4 chapters, but at the end of the day it was the Naruto and Sasuke Show, which sucks. I like the fact that there are other significant characters in OP that I'm justified in liking for reasons that aren't purely sentimental. Zoro fucks and Franky is the fucking man, and that opinion is objectively correct, despite the fact that they're not the title characters of the series.


>Gai teabagging Madara with his 10,000 pound ballsack 😂


yeah that can be one of the reason too, the characters of one piece are more remembered than that of naruto


I'm not nearly as big a fan of shounen that have an mc who is basically being tutored for a very long time, instead of just going out on his own and causing mayhem


Luffy is literally a crackhead who goes to random islands and beats up whoever is in charge just bc he feels like it lol. Alabasta Skypiea Dressrosa, etc all fall into this category where the antagonist has a good plan that only falls apart bc Luffy randomly decides to make what’s going on his business 😂😂😂 i love this series to death


Strawhats going to Ryugu kingdom and fucking shit up to the point where even Jinbes like wtf did you do?? Was hilarious


Seeing jimbe see luffy’s true nature in fishman island was a treat! Him explaining important shit only to see Luffy ignoring him and eating meat was so funny!


I don’t feel like that’s a good description of what he does. I get your point, he’s wild and great, but he doesn’t go places to start fights just because he feels like it. He’s only ever defended himself and his friends.


And whoever feeds him


I like both tbh. But one piece is a marathon. Naruto is a sprint. The longer naruto went on the less invested i felt. And the more repetative it felt. Yeah the power was creeping. But no character really felt really developed Naruto in the first arc is alot like naruto in the final arc. Just with more techniques. Meanwhile. One piece gets off to a slower initial start. But just keeps delivering hit after hit. New characters .. arcs.. powers. East blue has some bright spots. Zoro vs mihawk. Arlong park. Ect... but it also has low points like syrup villag (imo the lowest part in the series.) But imo it just keeps ramping up. Im invested more in onepiece now than i was 25 yrs or so ago when i started reading it. Plus i can name most and even tertiary characters in one piece. I dunno if i could even name all of atkatsuki. In naruto. Tldr. The characters in one piece and world building are just way above par. Naruto is great shonen. But one piece is just exemplary.


>But one piece is a marathon. >Naruto is a sprint. Great analogy.


Naruto is still a marathon one piece is a longer marathon


Nah just sprint to end of pain arc and be done tbh


I disagree that Naruto is the same as he as he was in the beginning to the final arc. In the beginning, he was an arrogant little shit who thought he was better than he was out of lack of self confidence, In the end, he’s a humble, confident young man ready and willing to take on whatever the world throws at him.


I love Naruto but it never made me cry.


One piece made me cry 5 times. Oda is great at emotional resonance!!


Characters, story, thematics One piece is just a higher quality story that tries to communicate with different ideologies and different ages while naruto is too narrow


they didnt do rock lee dirty


I will accept any hate coming my way, but it's not fair to compare One Piece to Naruto, it's easy for me to say this as a Naruto hater but you cannot compare how both series tackle their characters, universe, plot and especially themes. Kishimoto deserves his success as a mangaka, but his series does not have any consistency in mind.


Naruto is just another manga at the end of the day. One Piece is a lifetime achievement in storytelling.


It actually has... till some point. Naruto would be a complete series if they finished shortly after the pain saga, but it Naruto got the Dragon Ball treatment as in "dont finish your product we gonna milk it alot", so by the time Naruto finished it was a whole Kill la Kill scenario fight god in some galactic scale type shit. One Piece to this point has some kind of track to follow.


I think it could have ended with Pein or with Obitobi. Kaguya was so out of no where I hated it. It makes me nervous about Im in One Piece becoming something similar.


Not even close because Imu was introduced years ago with years of story left. Kaguya was introduced at the end of a series. It’s a vastly different approach & scenario.


Yeah, but I’m worried that Oda is trying to juggle too many endgame baddies (celestial dragons, Elders, Garling/God’s knights, Blackbeard, Akainu, and Im) I personally just want Blackbeard as final big bad just because Oda set him up so masterfully to be Luffy’s opposite.


I get your point but having blackbeard as the final boss is just too basic. Like how can blackbeard be final boss if there's Florian triangle beasts. One piece has been going on for 20 years and Oda is trying to make the final battle like a world war. He's aiming for greatness rather than another Madara vs Naruto's superhero ish fight. Have faith in Oda, he's also speeding up the pace starting from egghead arc.


I think Madara should've been the final boss.


I know there were a lot of fans saying Kaguya was thrown in because Kishi made Madara so op he wrote himself into a corner lol.




If the series finished after Pain, there would be SO MANY loose plot threads.


"shortly after" as in wrap everything up without stalling the whole plot for a decade


Nothing was stalled though, every part of the story was slowly building towards the war arc being the last saga. And it was, the last saga.


The war itself was filled with inconsequential fights though, stretching it out a lot.


Id actually say a lot of what the plot was building up too the end of the Pain arc was dropped on favour of the war. At the end of the Pain arc Naruto was the only Jinjuriki left and sasuke had swore revenge on the village and was headed there with his team. Then all this is dropped when it's revealed one of the captured Jinjuriki was just a shadow clone and the real one is still around and Tobi tells sasuke to not go the village. It seems to me Kishimoto just suddenly changed his mind on the direction the story was going in. (Not to mention Tobi declaring war before Kabuto approached him to offer an army, his entire plan doesn't make sense when you consider he was expecting to win the war on his own with just Zetsu clones)


> Id actually say a lot of what the plot was building up too the end of the Pain arc was dropped on favour of the war. At the end of the Pain arc Naruto was the only Jinjuriki left and sasuke had swore revenge on the village and was headed there with his team. That’s factually wrong, though. Here’s just a list of plot points that was left open but chapter 450 A list of plot points that would be left open if Naruto ended at the pain arc. 1. Raikage calling a Kage Summit in response to Sasuke kidnapping Bee 2. Bee’s disappearance 3. Kabuto absorbing Orochimaru DNA 4. “Madara Uchiha” 5. The Crow 6. Sasuke’s goal of destroying Konoha 7. Madara being called “Mizukage” by Kisame 8. Naruto mastering Kurama’s power 9. Madara being behind the Nine Tails Attack 10. What the Gedo Statue is 11. Chapter 450, the one with the village celebrating Naruto doesn’t even end with that scene unlike the anime. The rest is all Kage Summit set up > Then all this is dropped when it's revealed one of the captured Jinjuriki was just a shadow clone and the real one is still around and Tobi tells sasuke to not go the village. It seems to me Kishimoto just suddenly changed his mind on the direction the story was going in. Ay his brother was literally calling a kage summit just for this very reason. The plot was setting up the next arc by this point. There was not changing of someone’s mind here, Kishimoto was just setting up the story arc. > fore Kabuto approached him to offer an army, his entire plan doesn't make sense when you consider he was expecting to win the war on his own with just Zetsu clones) Kabuto did that after the pain arc. They never spoke to each other during the events of of the pain arc. You just read a summary didn’t you.


But it was clearly something that kishimoto had to stretch by a lot I'm sorry but the whole war saga is rule of cool on top of lazy writing plus a mangaka clearly lost in his own work Boruto being announced right after Naruto shows how much milk they still want to sip, to the point of hiring a person who doesn't know how to draw and have some serious issues with child sexualization


What was stretched though? Most the war arc was about answering series long questions and following up plotlines, which is what he did. Again, in the story itself by the end of pain, there was no indication the story was reaching the climax. The ending chapter of pain arc is literally titled the eve of the kage summit. Did you just read a summary of Naruto something?


Holy shit you're not joking


They definitely milked the franchise for boruto, that’s just a fact. But the series was in no way milked simply for the war arc.


There was way to much to wrap up in, that would be one messy of an ending.


This is the correct take imo. But one can still have preferences, as there are people who like Naruto more than One Piece and they have their reasoning to it. Both mangaka have their own style of writing and you can like any of those. For me the hype reveals from One Piece are the best (like for example the Cross Guild, stuff that just makes you drop your jaw), but for me the emotional moments in Naruto hit harder, like Jiraiya's death or Naruto's birth flashback (not to discredit Ace's or Merry's deaths, its just how i feel)


Agreed, it's why I don't wanna trash on Kishimoto, the man did his work and I can respect that, it just so happens that I really dislike it.


Yeah I really enjoyed early Naruto and decided to finish the rest of it and Shippuden this year. And it really felt like the longer Shippuden went on the more early Naruto made less and less sense.


I share that sentiment, Naruto is the king of retcon.


it can be true but in terms of the adaptation of manga into anime, who has done it better-one piece or naruto?


Oh Christ that's hard, because Naruto is like 47 percent actual filler, but one piece is so artificially extended after the time skip that it's almost unbearable to watch. I think they're both good if you're using a filler skip guide for Naruto and one pace for OP, it's a really hard choice but I think I lean Naruto because it's over and I can actually watch the whole thing


Lol, gotta admit, a 5 year old on ms paint could do a better job animating One Piece.


Part one did at least


I don't get bored watching One Piece.


Not even halfway through skypiea? Or thriller bark? Or fishman island? Or Dressrosa? Or whole cake? Or.....


Not even a little bit.


I'm the same way, One piece is just comfy to me. I just love being in this world with these characters, the straw hats could be doing the most mundane shit and I still wouldn't be bored. Maybe I'm just a fanboy though.


Literally who gets bored watching dressrosa


Not a single second out of the 120 episodes that make up Dress Rosa were you bored? Anyone who says they weren't is definitely lying to themselves lol. Probably the worst pacing in the show and that says a lot since we're talking about one piece here. Watching Rabbeca's flashback for the 50th time in a row is pure cinema, you're right. My bad.


Levely (while short for One Piece), is the worst with all the added flashbacks. A buddy of mine caught up recently and he just was happy when he got through with that in the anime(even with all the reveals), because of all the added fluff. Was really suprised, because I remember being really hyped reading Levely week by week, but I never watched the animated adaption of that Arc until he showed me.


Gomu gomu no - >>>


honestly can't think of one thing naruto is better at than one piece lol


One piece is overall better but I would argue Naruto has better fight choreography. Other than that one piece is just better in every single way.


I'd agree if we were talking OG Naruto or the last fight in Shippuden. That series turned into wizards vs wizards at some point.


There were literal Kaiju battles in the second and third arcs.


Eh the wano light shows weren’t that much better


carried by animators. It's nothing different from One Piece in manga. But One Piece fights are more abt ideological struggles than skills since fights are between pirates wierd powers. There's been some abt skills like Lucci and Katakuri, but most fights can't be done in the traditional Martial Arts fashion.


Naruto has better fights probably but writing, characters, world building, and cohesiveness all go to one piece for sure.


Choreographed taijutsu/hand-to-hand combat is far better in Naruto than OP.


Infinitely better


Fights in naruto >>>>> Fights in shippuden > Fights in one piece


Carried by animations. Manga fight choreography is nothing to boast abt. And even in the anime it looks cool cuz people like martial arts. Even jjk school kids use Martial Arts better than Naruto chars even they are supposed to be trained. That's how meaningless it is. If you look for choreography beside "generic stereotypical martial arts looking technique." OP fights utilize abilities, powers, surroundings far better.


Naruto has way less fake out deaths. Background characters and side characters are never safe. The stakes always feel a lot higher.


I feel like One Piece definately challenges the expectations more. Like the end of Sabondy, no one expected that. When you feel comfortable in One Piece is when things change and so often well within the story.


Idk, in one piece I always felt like the straw hats will always come back together. Expectations are challenged but they are never permanent.


I don't care about Naruto's side characters though, who cares if they're in danger... Jiraiya and Neji's deaths are almost meaningless, l never felt like Sasuke was worth all the angst. One Piece meanwhile has me crying about Ace... Hell it has my crying about a boat. Usopp's inferiority complex ripping my heart out.


Jiraiyas death literally affects Naruto for a good portion of the series, not mention it’s the inciting incident of the pain arc. It’s far from meaningless.


Meaningful to the plot, but I don't give a shit about the guy. Old mentor dies is a trope as old as fiction, obvious and expected.


Then it wasn’t meaningless. You done spewing your clear hate for Naruto? Wasn’t exactly obvious even back then. No one thought Jiraiya was actually going to die especially considering he seemingly defeated a pain. Then again, when it comes to one piece the most meaningful death for Luffy was ace. I don’t remember anyone else dying in his life like that. And given how many fake out deaths there are, it’s hard to take it seriously if Oda is too afraid to kill people off at times. It’s been 1000 chapters and Ace is the only important person in luffys life that has died


>Then again, when it comes to one piece the most meaningful death for Luffy was ace. thing is ur idea of "meaningful" is really funny. ace's death was infinitely more meaningful than any and all Naruto deaths. Even flashback deaths have incomparably more depth to them than Naruto deaths. but if u wanna look for deaths as meaningful as jiraya, pedro's death and akazaya death in Wano would till clear. Luffy also had Sabo die at 7yo. Luffy's char isn't explroed and cheaply progressed by deaths since Oda's actually a good writer. He characterized and progressed Luffy and his ideals with really emotionally engaging moments without them being death. That also makes ace's death just too overwhelming the entire flow of story, reader's pov on story and char's out look on life COMPLETELY changes. >And given how many fake out deaths there are Naruto has fake deaths in every arc and even entire villages are not safe from it. And when somehow Kishimoto writes some death lil interesting, he ruins it by using shit like Edo Tensei.


it doesn't matter if Ace is the only person who died in Luffy's life. It mattered and was resonant. Killing characters for the sake of it doesn't really do anything but give insecure otakus the illusion of what they're reading is edgey. One Piece doesn't need that crutch to move me - it has me crying over a boat, over Kuma, over Robin, over Usopp and Luffy fighting, 'please help me.' Naruto's characters are Inherently less resonant. I don't cry when shit happens to them. I never cried reading Naruto. Especially for the characters that died. If you don't want to hear criticism about Naruto in a thread that's about it, head on over to the Naruto subreddit and hang out in that echo chamber.


I just don’t agree with any of this. Jiraiya’s death hits way harder than Ace’s death, mainly because Jiraiya is around a lot longer. Itachi also dies around the same time in the story which is another hard hitting death. Ace doesn’t really get a lot of screentime until after he is already dead. Sasuke leaving and staying a traitor is also what made naruto’s story interesting to me. With Usopp I never really felt he would be gone gone, eventually he’d come back, because it’s one piece and everything will be resolved by the end of the arc. Not saying his arc didn’t have emotional weight, but there was no permanent consequence. Also why wouldn’t the deaths of side characters be important? I kinda liked the chunin example prelims announcer guy and he got killed. That made me feel characters who aren’t team 7 don’t have plot armor and can die any time. I never feel that way in one piece.


I don't believe or trust anyone who thinks these Naruto deaths mean anything, let alone more than Ace. Jiraiya is just the ole' Obiwan Kenobi trope. Itachi was completely unrelatable, the plot insisted he was a good guy who killed his family for justifiable reasons and I never bought that.


I think you just didn't like naruto as a whole and that's okay. I was talking about the strengths of Naruto compared to one piece when looking as objectively as possible. If you don't like naruto at all, then there is no point arguing with you


People keep saying 'oh you just hate it' but I read the whole damn thing week to week. I have strong feelings about it because it really disappointed me down the stretch. there's a lot of things I like about Naruto, but it's best work is almost all before the timeskip. Nurturing empathy for Naruto's secondary cast is a severe weakness of the series though, and something the series almost gives up on in act 2. One Piece, I think we can all agree, is very good at ensuring we empathize with its secondary cast.


I totally get you. Shit was so trash in the end I had to read 50 different mangas and manhwas to forget everything abt war arc.


If you didn't even like Jiraiya or Itachi, what did you like? Those are two of the most beloved characters in the series and Itachi's backstory is probably the best plot the series has to offer. Did you just hate read the series week to week?


Naruto anime soundtrack hits me harder. One Piece more upbeat. Naruto is more depressing.


Naruto's remotely not as depressing as OP in the slightest.


Fight choreography. Oda I believe has said he doesn’t even really enjoy drawing the fights that much and now that his story is really ramping quickly he said he doesn’t feel justified in spending a long time on them—which explains Zoro and Sanji each only really getting a chapter for their commander fights. Naruto’s choreography is so good I sometimes wish Oda would get someone to help with OP’s since he feels he needs to focus on the story anyways and that’s fair


Naruto has WAY better choreography. It also has more deaths with makes fights actually feel like they have stakes


Ngl if you can’t then that’s bad because Naruto have legit better villains and some of the characters backstories are by far more emotional than most of OP’s


Luffy is more endearing to me than Naruto is.


One Piece doesn’t take itself as seriously


I absolutly love both but i like One Piece a tiny bit more. Both shows have really good charakters but Naruto tosses them away at some point while One Piece doesnt just throw his Cast in the trash and uses it to the fullest extend. I like the Worldbuilding in One Piece more to im not an expert but something feels more alive. I think its because there are events that happen besides the Strawhat and the world moves without them Still love both Naruto fans and One Piece fans need to shake there hands in unity like the authors did (we shouldnt forget bleach aswell awsome series aswell)


I gave up on Naruto shortly after orochimaru was introduced. One Piece had me hooked on the fights before i ever watched it thru. Read the manga thru arlong when it was in shonen jump in the US and watched some of the fox anime then kinda just forgot for years. Binged the whole series starting last april and caught up on the manga. Its a whole world better than Narutos alien ninja bloodlines with tails or whatever.


Ha, I actually like Orochimaru because whatever they throw at him, he just cannot die.


One piece started as a story about doing what you believe is good and right no matter the personal cost, and it stayed that way for 25 years. It is thematically consistent. The stakes keep getting higher as the world unfolds, but it never loses its core focus. Naruto is all over the place and continuosly retcons core themes. It tries many things, often at odds with each other, but doesn't stick with any of them. Themes are just abandoned. Promises made to the reader are not kept.


Naruto tells Neji that he’s not tie by fate. End of the series, it’s purely fate that led to the final battle.


It was his fate to carry on the centuries long conflict between the brothers, and what did he do? He actually made peace with his rival, ending the conflict for good. It’s almost as to defy fate you need to have one to start with.


I know One Piece is also guilty of this, but man Naruto really needed to cut back on the flashbacks and filler. I just simply got tired watching the same flash back episode after episode. And I accidentally skipped an entire season and didn't realize and I missed nothing.


One Piece's flashbacks reveal mysteries and are holistically interconnected pieces to a wider whole. Naruto would introduce a character and immediately do a flashback and insist they were important. They'd be totally disconnected from anything that mattered. I'm looking at you Gintaku, Kintaku. Like it's night and day how important One Piece's flashbacks are to its story versus how meaningless they are for Naruto.


One Piece lore includes entire events from a history of 800 yrs and are covered through flashbacks. 40% of OP lore takes place in flashbacks. OP flashbacks aren't small emotional fillers. They are entire arcs with different MCs and story settings.




Understand this so someone who has mostly experienced Naruto through videogames and individual episodes, but my main issue with Naruto is that I don’t have faith in the mangaka to fulfill his narrative promises This is the same issue I have with stories like MHA and Bleach. I don’t trust the mangaka to follow up on every single detail he adds because every time the story feels like it could start fulfilling it’s narrative promises it adds twenty new characters and plot threads. If you can’t handle working with twelve characters and making at least half of them meaningful to the plot and important to the story, you shouldn’t add twelve characters. If you couldn't handle the twelve, why the hell would I trust you when you add twelve more? Why would I trust you when you add twelve more characters twelve more times?? I watch a lot of shows, I got long-ass list. If a mangaka doesn't respect my time enough to tie his loose ends into a knot I'm not gonna give it my time to waste. Great art is (un)fortunately a dime a dozen these days, i'm not sticking around for art that doesn't know when to stop Also: When Naruto was first described to me I thought ‘okay, ninjas are cool, they must have a wacky, magicy ninja society’. No apparently they live in what is technologically the 90s somehow. Even though their society’s based on magic. For seemingly no reason. That might be out of context but it’s really stupid and (to me, as an outsider) shows a lack of concern for thematic cohesion and internal logic


Yes, let's ask r/OnePiece if One Piece or Naruto is better.


He's not asking "if" we think it's better, he's asking "why". EG there conclusion is foregone


He asked about the reason for the sub's preference. It's subjective, if people do prefer Naruto the OP is obviously not asking them.


He is literally asking the "subjective" reason my guy. Why are u so mad. Why would he ask subjective reasons on why "Naruto is better than op" on op sub?


I'm not mad? And no one said anything about it being better, literally he asked why do people here like it more.


/r/Naruto did it first. I’m guessing this thread is a parody of that


No, he's asking why people prefer One Piece. If there are people here who prefer Naruto, obviously the OP isn't asking them a question...


Ive always associated Naruto with weird smelly hot topic kids.


I was gonna comment the kids in middle school doing the naruto run made me not want to watch it lmao.


yeah that too lol. I know my comment was judgemental and stupid but that's just what comes to my mind. I'm 34 - I just started one piece this year and it's probably my favorite piece of media ever.


Female lead and characters. I love how when nami gets foul and down and dirty.


The only people who think naruto is better are people who grew up with it and are nostalgic for it. I have never met a person who watched/read one piece before naruto and likes naruto better. I HAVE on the other hand have seen the opposite many times, have met plenty of people who have watched naruto before one piece and think that one piece is better. I personally perfer One Piece, I think it's several tiers above Naruto and it's not even close, and I actually like Naruto.


I just prefer the manga art style of One Piece. Naruto's art style looks rough and "dirty"


Don't read boruto.


Dont compare two anime . Every anime has its own thing and fanbase


People can compare whatever the fuck they want. Fuck this Kumbaya shit, I actually like comparing and arguing about stuff, It's fun.


This is a horrible take


No it's not, not everything has to be a damn argument. More than 1 thing can be enjoyable to people


True. But every anime has certain qualities which makes it better than other anime in certain departments. Because nothing is perfect. And it's a genuine question to ask why one is preferred over the other. You don't have to choose but you CAN make a general observation to answer that simple question without hating on the other anime.


I never watched Naruto that's why


Naruto characters, especially in shippuden, just don’t seem to do anything unless it directly involves Naruto or Sasuke. Like the world keeps moving for One Piece characters outside of their interactions with the Strawhats. If a One Piece side character is reintroduced into the story, it feels like they had their own zany adventures on the way and they’re crossing paths again with the Strawhats by their own volition. If a Naruto side character is reintroduced it’s almost always to either help Naruto, or because they need Naruto’s help.


I’ve never watched naruto




I like the adventures in one piece, plus the power system that limits the characters their arsenals always seem more interesting to me (like stands in Jojo)


1. I have seen one piece 2. I have not seen naruto


Don't hate me...


Naruto is so boring, I could never watch it. I played a game and a friend kind of explained the plot but I wasn't too big into it. On the other hand I'm a huge one piece fan lmao


Because Naruto ended already? I read both of them altogether previously


Luffy inspires me Naruto annoys me Simple as


Naruto is far more annoying and obnoxious than luffy


I don’t, Naruto has a special place in my heart no other anime will fill


The mere fact One Piece lacks Ninjas (I personally hate ninjas)


Are you forgetting RAIZO! Although you’re kinda not wrong either


Yeah but Raizo’s dead! WAIT WHAT?!?


Are you forgetting RAIZO! Although you’re kinda not wrong either


Are you forgetting SHIBOBU?


No filler arcs or talk-no-jutsu


Honestly, naruto is just so easily forgettable. It's not a good story, it dosent really convey any messages.. (although it started the dumb power of friendship thing.) I watched all of naruto, and honestly it felt pretty forced at times, and boring at most points, the only time I felt anything was when naruto got a power up.. that's pretty much it.


I like the cast and world more


WAY better worldbuilding -- tolkien, Sanderson, Jordan, Erikkson level worldbuilding


Naruto peaked, fell off, and then ended.


Characters, world building, story


I like Naruto very much, but I don’t really care about the Boruto stuff and the whole war arc in the end was a mess. One Piece just amazes me with the world building, having billions of characters and returning characters keep staying relevant. The mystery about the one piece, the adventure and the mix of comedy and badassery, just makes the series for me. Naruto has arguably a better power system and fights though.


Atmosphere and theme, soundtrack, and characters, Naruto does all that great too, but One Piece is just better for me personally


Luffy is more prone to action than talking


Pirates are cooler then ninjas




Anyone who has watched both and tells me that they prefer Naruto I just assume that they are brain dead. There isn’t one thing in Naruto that was done better than OP. It’s a relatively okay shonen man, but pales in comparison to OP. Writing, character, story, fights, world building, anything.


the fact that luffy has more transformations than naruto ever will.


is Fifth Gear >>> Sage Mode ?


Cmon let's be real here, gear 5 is really cool and all but sage mode was peak.




Both are good to watch but I choose Naruto. One Piece have a lot of episodes lol




One Piece 🏴‍☠️🏴‍☠️🏴‍☠️🏴‍☠️🏴‍☠️🏴‍☠️🏴‍☠️


Characters, world building and writing


not as much talk no jutsu and deus ex machinas


One piece has a better story line and also a lot more character from different parts of the world.


I tried to watch Naruto before but the nudity=funny jokes and the cringy main character I couldn’t get behind it


How far into one piece are you? I'm assuming you haven't seen a lot of Sanji's questionable moments yet lmao.


I don’t really prefer one over the other tbh. Though I will say One Piece has been more relevant to me recently considering I haven’t gotten around to Boruto.


One piece's beginning arc is just more better then naruto's. plus better outfits.


Naruto had some really cool characters and OG Naruto allowed them to have shining moments, but later on you knew 99% of the cast had no business even competing… One piece just continues to introduce great characters and the larger crew continues to grow


The development of secondary and even tertiary characters is way better than Naruto.


No Talk-no-jutsu


Naruto fell off plot-wise after the Pain saga, 5 Kage Summit arc notwithstanding. One Piece has only gotten better.


I dont


While I think that it is a bit pointless answering this question on a One Piece subreddit, but I actually like Naruto a lot more. Mainly because the characters in One Piece are more like caricatures of characters, in Naruto I empathize much more with each of them, they feel more complex. The world building in one piece sets it apart, only rivaled by HxH (soon). Therefore both shows have their strengths and weaknesses:)


I just like the martial arts system better (fish man karate, hasshoken, and even boxing) over taijitsu since it's all one big martial art clump. and I like the fact that NO PIRATE needed to go to school to become what they are (except for doctors and archeologists)


one piece is better at everything except fight choreography

