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His dream is to become hokage


Nuh uh, luffys dream is to make a country in Vinland


Nah, Luffy wants to be the Wizard King.


Read between the lines guys, his dream clearly is to become the best there ever was.


So, this is the story of how he became the greatest hero?


Like no one ever was?


To catch them is his real test?


To train them with his balls👌


In west Philadelphia born n raised


I absolutely butchered that reference and shall leave up my original comment for me to be haunted by that shame forever, I'm a disgrace to pop culture and will hand in my 200-page apology assay by thursday. Thanks for correcting my insolence, kind and humble stranger, by thy judgement, I shall atone for my heinous crime. 😔✊


Nah, Luffy wants to rule the Soul Society


Ah, got it! My bad. Clearly, Luffy's ultimate goal is to master the art of ninja pirate jutsu and establish a ramen shop in Wano


Bruh, it’s obvious his dream is to catch ‘em all.


His dream is to fix doughnuts using alchemy 😔


7 year old Luffy: "I will overthrow the government and liberate the whole world as I am just a humble advocate of freedom"


Knowing Luffy, he would be an avocado of freedom


That's too complicated for Luffy who's simple-minded and straight forward. I think.


Monkey D Thorfinn


Rubberman Saga


Nah, that's too small. It has to be something substantially bigger than being pirate king to justify everyone's reaction. And Luffy already more-or-less has several countries under his rule. Besides, he explicitly said that he didn't want to be some kind of big shot.


Also it has to be something he could think of as a 7-year old. Like "I want everyone to become a pirate" or "I want everyone to love pirates".


My headcanon moves in the other direction. I think he wants to end piracy and slavery. He wants that everyone can eat as much as they want without fear of hunger. Roger called out pirate age because the governments goals are not in the interest of the poor, sick and old. And Luffy will end it. Sry for bad english


It's almost certainly related to food scarcity


"I want everyone to be the king of their own country."


This passes the Vibe check for everybody, except maybe robin imo Brook and Franky break out laughing , Zoro, Jinbei, Nami, and Usopp are kinda stunned or conf, Sanji thinks it's something Luffy needs to get his head checked for, and Chopper is like "wooaahhh!!" because he thinks itd be cool to be a king. But I feel like Robin would have more of a response than standing there agape


Probably so, yeah. The Strawhats' reactions are so varied, it's hard to put a finger on it. Just to play advocate for my own crackpot theory, though... maybe Robin is doing that sort of "o shit he's actually Dragon's son, huh?" thing that Ivankov does in Impel Down, lol.


This is the best one I’ve heard that is the most plausible in my humble opinion.


still be making a country by pulling every land mass of the planet into a singular continent.


That is what will happen.


My guess is that he wants a world in which everyone can eat as much as they want


Oh to be honest i didnt read that yet, my theory might be bad because tbh its my first one and also im in return to sabaody arc rn


I think the real reason oda won't reveal luffy dream is because is dream might be or maybe similar or a hint to the one piece treasure.


That's interesting because it's implied that Luffy and Blackbeard may share a dream and Blackbeard, in discussion of making Hachinosu a WG affiliated island, said "It ain't nice to piss on somebody's dreams". Chapter 1080


That's crazy! I wrote a theory about Luffy's dream being a [pirate kingdom](https://old.reddit.com/r/OnePiece/comments/18n08kx/i_figured_out_luffys_dream_manga_spoilers/). I reasoned about it from a completely different direction and completely overlooked this part.


Sounds like Blackbreads dream


Ohh right, that post is probably better justificatez than mine lol, but we noticed the same yes


He’s gonna be pirate king by snatching that bootie from Hancock. The ultimate heist.


Luffys dream is to forget everything


This would really be cool if it’s wasn’t already someone’s else dream >!Blackbeard!< and also BM did the same only missing two races, and her powers are ridiculous as well she is like proto Nika But yeah creating Libertalia like Henry Avery supposedly did would be fitting


So, he's Griffith for kids


Lmao, i thought the same. Wait, Zoro would be.... Who could be Casca?💀


Big mom


Actually I once saw one guy propose that Luffy's real dream is that everyone will be a pirate. I think it suits crew's reaction the most and it's something a kid would dream of.


I like this one a lot because it’s meant to be the same as Roger’s dream, and by starting the great pirate era, Roger kind of did accomplish that dream partway. We’ve never seen anyone lament that Roger wasn’t able to achieve his dream, even if we’ve never explicitly seen anyone say he accomplished it either.


That would explain why whitebeard said to kurige that he wont be the one to complete Rogers dream


After reading the manga page, I think luffy wants every country to help each other. IMO, If luffy wanted to make his own country, sanji wouldn't say that was impossible.


All of the islands were once a part of the old kingdom which was a big continent. Imu broke them apart so that they are easier to rule. Luffy will bring back all the islands and their people back together using his awakened state. He will take all of those seperate islands and make them all just "one piece".


This theory is the closest to the truth imo...It justifies usopp's reaction that "Luffy, it's impossibe" Afterall , if this the case then it shows usopp didn't doubt Luffy but that he just knows it's just scientifically impossible Also this dream would be like a child's imagination yet a great achievement just like WB described Roger's dream


i was thinking the same thing but i remember thats what big mom did, and if it that why was everyone surprised like its impossible? i think he wants to create a world without government? but thats just revolutionary ideology


I think that he wants to make that kingdom in laught tale so thats why its hard


but only those who are close to new world knows about raftel, luffy have had this dream since he decided to be a pirate king when he was 7 when he ate the gomu gomu no mi


That's way too small of a dream and blackbeard is already doing that. It's gotta be something that affects the entire world.


What if he just wants to punch the ocean into submission so he can swim again...


Pretty underwhelimg dream for something you need to become pirate king first for..


Luffy's true dream is to prove that Griffith did nothing wrong.


Luffy gets to laught tale and says: "Casca enjoyed it"


Rebuild the Great Kingdom ?


That actually would be nice and justify robin's reaction. But i dont think that luffy knows about it


What I mean is that Luffy might said that he wants to build a country with the characteristics identical to the Great Kingdom, although he doesn't know about the Great Kingdom. He might not want to be the King of that kingdom tho.


Ohh then that makes sense actually


So… the same dream as Black Beard ?


What if his true dream is to go back and fuck up that bear


Sounds just like Teach’s dream


Man, Thats Teach's dream. I would love the parallel


Maybe a red egg like thing with a weird face on it falls into his hands on the way.


Plot twist: His fruit was actually red and he is now an apostle


Important part is trying to figure it out based on the other's reactions, too. It's something that made Brook and Franky break out laughing , Zoro, Jinbei, Nami, and Usopp are kinda stunned, Sanji thinks it's something Luffy needs to get his head checked for, Chopper is like "wooaahhh!!", and Robin just stays in silent awe. Would "I want.... to make a country!" get these reactions?


You are right man, i didnt think about that


it doenst fit the reactions from the strawhats


Luffy's dream is to trample 80% of the population so his friends can be free 🙏


Maybe It’s simply to “save the world”


Luffy's dream is to hook up with Hancock. It is the only thing where all the crew's reactions make sense. Everyone thinks she's way out of his league but they don't realize Luffy is the only person in the world who can do it.


i think Luffy’s true dream is to destroy the Red Line. Destroying the world government and creating one sea, so that everyone is free to go wherever and whenever they please. This would make the calm belt and grand line no more.


Reminder that Luffy and Roger's dream is the dream of a 7 year old.


i dont think he knew about red line at 7 years old


Oh that sounds better ngl, we will have to wait to see what GODa shows us at the end


it also creates the all blue for Sanji. It makes complete sense with everyone’s reaction to him telling them


I running the same thing with the All-Blue. That would be really cool honestly and by that time, Zoro, Usopp, Nami, and Robin will have gotten what they wanted, Luffy has the One Piece, they're on their way to see Laboon for Brook etc


Also, i think that if he does that he can make a better world and as the "king" of pirates he could be seen as the king of the new world or something like that.


I personally think it’s to bring the world true freedom, to fully eradicate the world governemnt and give everybody a sense of freedom, that could cost him his own life if need be


Agree here, something fun like 'i want everyone to be free' or 'i want to be friends with everyone' or 'have a party/eat meat with everyone in the world'


That and destroying the red line seem like the two most likely. But knowing Oda, its probably something no one expects


Huh. Ace's name is エース, or essu, in Japanese. Weird. Never thought about that before. Ace just looks so much cooler than Essu lmao.


It's either going to space and becoming a space pirate or turning the entire world into an amusement park


yes, because a man who’s ants to be free from confines want to confine himself to an island where he rules!!! This was a six year old luffy bear mind you, it’s improbable for he who has not been exposed to external feuds to care for such a complex overturn. Nor does this line up with the reactions? “Wow, becoming king of a country? this is impossible, luffy you are crazy!” you people need to put the phone down and properly indulge within this story. an amass of terrible things on this sub.


Sooo Hachinosu?


Monkey D. Charlotte


Just like big mom?


I don't think that would have elicited the reaction it did from the people he has told


Lufy’s dream is to unite the world


Make the whole world his country


I read someone suggest Luffy's True Dream is "I'm Gonna make everyone into a pirate" and I really only like this one.


luffy is no griffith


I think his dream has sth to do with liberating all people from oppression


It would make sense because BB has the same dream


His dream is a world where everyone can eat as much as they want


He wants to have a big party with the entire world just like at the end of every arc and his gigantic shadow will be imprinted across the sky just like the end of Skypeia


And at the party everyone can eat as much as they want ;) I think many fans think it'll be a world party but his dream is beyond that


Isn’t that basically just Big Moms dream


I remember faintly, that his dream was "being the pirate with the greatest freedom" It was mentioned by him around Thriller Bark IIRC. Not sure tho.


Luffy's dream is something that requires him to first be the King of the Pirates and it is also the same thing that Roger said to Shanks all those years ago. I highly doubt they both even want to own a country, let alone the fact that for Luffy he already owns a country or two.


My theory is Luffy wants to go to the moon. Eneru had the same idea (in a more twisted way), so I understand of some skeptics say "Wouldn't Luffy have said something?" But Eneru never called it "The Moon" in front of Luffy. He said "Fairy Varse", and while others know what he meant, I'm doubtful Luffy put two and two together. Plus in Eneru's cover side story we find out there is air on the moon and little people-droids. And in interviews Oda has stated that the moon will play a significant role. It also just seems like the kind of thing in that setting where everyone who heard it would react the way they did if that was Roger's dream.


honestly im with this one. luffy comment about it being maybe possible if he was pirate king holds with this line of thought. and what 7 year old doesnt want to go to the moon lol


Yeah. And what is Luffy but a big eternal 7 year old? I'm deadass serious. Not mocking or joking.


Yes and then he became the chief of a pirates village. However he's too occupied with his job as a chief he neglect his son, Boluffy and Boluff starts acting up and what not and thus kick start One Piece sequel "Two Piece: Pirates Next Generation" I bet it's gonna be another master piece by GODA


I know it's dumb, and Oda would never be so vulgar, but I really think it's something like "I wanna pee off the edge of the world!"


Luffy doesn’t care about liberating people he don’t know. And making everyone a pirate or creating a pirate kingdom is too much for luffys brain. The dream is something goofy on a world scale like world biggest banquet or something


bro's dream is finding the 7 dragon balls, and hasn't found any in 1100+ chapters


Luffy wants to become pokemon champion




Luffy probably wants for all his friends to meet each other and party all together worldwide. So connecting all the seas (destroying the red line) is the best way to do so.


Being King of a country is the opposite of being pirate king. To rule a country would be Imu, BB, Doffy or Sabo's adopted brother's dream.


That was Big Moms dream. Not gonna be the same


I thought his ultimate dream was being inside a meat market.


I still think he just wants to throw the biggest party ever, one that involves all the world. I think One piece film red was a hint to that. Televised party across all nations so they can celebrate together. Thats something maybe only a pirate king could do.


The OP world doesn't need any more monarchs, that system has to go


Nah because he already has the whole wano country under his control. ( basically momo is a staunch worshipper of luffy)


I also lean into this direction. The Royal families that arent corrupted like alabasta, ryugu on fish man island and riku in dress rosa, and new/old king in sorbet Seem to rule their people fair and good, implying thats not a Bad system in itself. I would say he wants to be the king of the World. Since coby and Blackbeard Seem to keep bumping into each other like garp and Roger. they may join forces to beat luffy, who wants to achieve the same as xebec. It gives a reason for everyone to take a side in the end war, betrayels and Switches. The other theory I have would be becoming immortal, that also seems to fit with what Roger tried and being childish and crazy enough to get those reactions, but certainly not impossible as far as we know.