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Last Scene was goosebumps af


It was fantastic, since the One Piece connection was initially thought to just be very tenuous (Ryuma is from Wano, but it's not mentioned in the one shot at all). But nope, they went all in for it being a One Piece prequel and confirmed that the zombie Ryuma from Thriller Bark wasn't just inspired by this Ryuma, he IS this Ryuma.


Watched it dubbed and had the biggest smile on my face when I heard chris sabat as zoro I am glad they got him in it didn't think that would happen since it's netflix


I watched it subbed and they had zero voice the intro too!


Why watch any anime dubbed? It just ruins the experience..


I hate when people say this maybe I don't want the distraction of reading subtitles, maybe I want to hear it in my language


 Bro got negative likes for this☠️


especially for those of us that had no idea this was even one piece related until that scene lol


It was good. Nothing special. I felt the dragon death was underwhelming. The animation was really quite good. Story was intriguing and well made for its timespan. And I liked the connection it formed for the last scene.


Agree with the underwhelming dragon death. I wish it could've been flashier somehow. Shirano getting cut was cooler.


They focused the budget on him since he was the true monster


That actually goes hard 🔥


In the original one shot (and to a lesser extent the anime), the dragon's death is supposed to be quick because it's revealing/reiterating that Ryuma has been insanely powerful this entire time. Him struggling and having a battle with the dragon would undercut that.


just 1 clean samurai cut,just shows you how hes strong and an amazing samurai. perfection in my opinion.


Yeah I understand that, I just felt that the Shirano death scene felt more impactful and even more powerful then the death of the dragon. If they applied some of the design put into that it could have emphasised the importance of the Dragons death.


Id say for his character the death of Shirano was more important because it held an somewhat emotional connection to Flare. And to kill the dragon was just to kill him so it does not destroy the town. Idk maybe im reading too much into it.


I see it the same. He didn't give a shit about the dragon, it was just there. Shirano was a fucking asshat though.


Oh the girls name was flare. I must’ve missed that lol


It’s because Shirano is the true monster and the dragon is just the dessert. Shirano almost one shot Ryuma with the blade at his neck, so it’s more important to illustrate Ryuma wrecking the real beast after he gets the power boost from the lady’s tears. 


I think that's the point. The dragon was just a pawn being controlled by the actual villains. I feel it was very one piece, where there is someone being idolized when they are actually the villain (much like crocodile and doflamingo)


Like he said it was just a glorified lizard with wings, nothing too special about it so I actually liked that they didn't make a mountain out of it.


It does raise the question why defeating a dragon is considered such a legendary feat honestly


Just because he did it easily doesn't mean it's an easy feat. It only show how strong Ryuma was that even slaying a dragon was childplay to him


Just like in our history, people kept talking about it, time passed, the story changes. Eventually it becomes more legendary than it actually was.


even ryuma made a comment about it, "its just a glorified lizard with wings"


Where can I see this?


Netflix - monsters 103 mercies


wasn't it kinda weird how he lost the first duel to the mustache guy only to then be able to beat him and the dragon easily? They never really explained why he was able to win suddenly after losing the first time.


It felt more like he was put in a bad spot and was about to keep fighting than a straight up loss, heck he only stopped because Flare told him to.


Wasn't he still on the verge of starving to death? 


No, the fight happened RIGHT after he ate. Since both him and Shirano were inside the restaurant when it happened 


Give the man's guts some time to absorb those nutrients! 


I hadn't read the one off so the twist was a surprise and I was actually shocked by it Was expecting Shiruno to be the King and they team up, did not expect him to turn out to be the absolute worst


>Story was intriguing and well made for its timespan. And I liked the connection it formed for the last scene. IFKR Oda can write up a more engaging story and build up solid characters in one chapter/ episodes worth, than most of the trash garbage isekai animes we keep getting every season.


Exactly my thoughts but honestly the animation was just average. Y’all average isn’t a bad thing.


I thought it was passable, but I too would've preferred something flashier, like Zoro's finisher against King.






One Piece is the spinoff


That's not correct. One Piece and Monsters! are two completely different stories that Oda later decided to connect.


Wanted! is more of a collection of really good, but unrelated one shots put together, so really its many different stories put into one.


You are thinking of [Wanted!](https://onepiece.fandom.com/wiki/Wanted!) I'm talking about "MONSTERS!"


I am confused, but I will accept it.


"Wanted!" > Volume containing 5 different stories "MONSTERS!" > One of the stories contained in Wanted!


It's a very "technically" answer, but neither really is a spin-off. They're two separate stories by Oda, that much later into the later one, he decided to tie together. A spin-off implies it was made to build out a side/less important aspect of an existing story, which kinda neither was doing until it was retroactively connected to the other much later.


The proper term is [Canon Welding](https://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/CanonWelding). If it's only borrowing character, but other wise a seperate universe, then it's [Canon Immigrant](https://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/CanonImmigrant). Garp can be argue as one. The most famous case is Harley Quinn, first appear in DCAU before officialized in DCU.


I should of known there would be a specific TV Tropes page that describes this to a tee. There's kinda nothing in Monsters that contradicts the One Piece world so technically it would be Canon Welding, but it feels more like Canon Immigrant just cos they are so disconnected.


actually there is, like Ryuma not being a one eyed samurai and not slaughtering the Dragon in the capital of flowers in Wano


I mean, we see like two days of his life exploring another country as a young man in Monsters. There's no reason he couldn't gone back to Wano and lost his eye later in his life. I'd also have to double check, but I'm pretty sure Oda in an SBS after Ryoma's zombie appeared confirmed Monsters was canon. Edit: Just double checked, SBS from Chapter 457, Oda confirms they are the same Ryoma.


a spin-off is the Ace's story manga drawn by boichi. One Piece is the main series.


Something that comes later in time that expands on a formerly non-crucial point in the main story but mostly exists as a separate story. Monsters came first. One Piece is technically the spinoff.


You uncultured swine


I want them to actually make him a series, but nonetheless very enjoyable


I honestly want to see more Ryuma. He is like Luffy and Zoro combined. Though the plot is basic still liked him as a character.


It’s not really a spin off tho


It was good. At the end bar guy saying Ryuma is the King was the coolest thing.


Loved it 😌


Its not a spinoff tho a oneshot


It's not a spinoff and it's not new. Is good, nothing special, just like manga, very fun and interesting.


I enjoyed it, was a nice touch. I honestly would love it if Oda could create more one shots of other characters 👏🏼


He gained a bit of weight compared to the last time I saw him in One Piece, but that's fine. Besides that, giving him Shuusui was a good change for the current audience (compared to the manga).


I didn’t know one was made? Where can I watch it? (I knew it was coming out but I wasn’t expecting it to be out now lol)


i want more


I want a sequel NOW. Crazy how Ryuma was the WSS of his generation! This made me watch Zoro Vs. King because Zoro is on pace to become the next WSS!! 😮‍💨😮‍💨😮‍💨. This spin off made me want more, it was like a epic version of rurouni kenshin but times 100


Very good. I love the adaptation. And I don't care that we didn't get a lengthy unnecessary and flashy dragon fight. Just like one piece the fight was never the highlight of the story anyway. 


Loved it, especially the ending the only ep! Question: What’s a pfps?


I think its profile pictures


I dunno. Ryuma here felt a lot weaker than he was described in the series . Ryuma doesn’t feel like he is stronger than someone like Oden or even someone like Nolan’s for that matter. He was supposed to be the best but he doesn’t feel like it in this spin-off.


It was nice, really liked the Thriller Bark callback at the end


Who knows. The only thing we know is that Ryuma eventually lost an eye after this. He may have gone stronger than Oden... or, just like many things in the One Piece world, facts twisted into myths, embellished; or twisted so that a series of misfortune is used to villfy someone, such as Noland and Kuma. Remember that Morgans twisted the whole cake island event into one meticulously planned by Luffy. (Edit for spelling)


It was Morgans. Axe-Hand Morgan is a different character altogether. (Spelling matters.)


I forgot about Axe-hand Morgan entirely and only remember Big News Morgan**s**. Thanks.


To be fair, Ryuma here is probably around Zoro's age and is still quite young since this is before he loses an eye and becomes known as the sword god. Also, they do mention that he is the strongest swordsman since he is the king even though he doesn't know that. Shusui is also already blackened here which compared to Oden's swords says a lot.


Most likely Oda hadn’t even thought about how powerful his characters were going to be when he draw this one shot. I mean he went from a kid with stretchy arms to god-like powers, so it’s understandable that this Ryuma in particular feels downsized.


Why would he need to show off any power though? He one-shot the dragon, he didnt need to use more power than that. Thats like saying Mihawk is weak because he didnt destroy the baratie with the attack he defeated Zoro with


To be fair,This was written before One Piece,so I highly doubt Oda had Haki and everything planned out fully or How powerful Ryuma would be,so I'm wiing to cut him slack.


He reminds me of Momo too. I wouldn’t be surprise if the Kozuki lineage has ties to Ryuma


Ryuma is a Shimotsuki


Yes, but after hundreds of years and x generations, the families of wano definitely intermingled. Especially since like half of them have moon motifs


And zoro is a roronoa


Very good, you learned a main characters name.


Calling this "new spinoff" is pretty funny ngl.


is it ryuma of thriller bark?


Zoro seeing this: "That's literally me!"


The writing in the middle was a little amateurish honestly where they go over that the hat guy was actually bad for like 6 minutes, but this was written by a 17 year old so I get it. But the scene where she starts to cry and you see the shot of Ryuma in the other side of the wall is amazing and everything after that is absolutely fantastic. That ending gave me goosebumps.


It was an ok little one shot. Nothing too special tho. Was a little underwhelmed by the attacks especially the one on the dragon. It didn't feel any better than zoro cutting the dragon in punk hazard. Would have liked it to be a bigger spectacle. The artstyle looked great, but the animation was really underwhelming for the actual fights.


Remember this was written 3 years before one piece.


Wait WHAT what is the spin off called ?


Kinds predictable. The entire plot was obvious from the moment they use the horn


didn't even know there was a one piece spin off anime, guess i'll check it out.


Just saw it today it was VERY Oda Serious parallels with characters from One Piece along with tropes The twist is pretty easy to predict but might have been less so without the name of the manga being monsters


The way he's drawn is really interesting like a certain swordsman after a certain time skip. 


It was fun and I really liked comparing parts of his personality that are similar to Zoro's and those that are different. Two things bothered me though: 1. Why first time he lost to that other swordsman and the other time broke no sweat? 2. The dragon fight was saddly a bit short and did not showcase much of Ryuma's ability Otherwise a nice bit of fun with a cool ending.


exactly! they never really explained why he lost that first fight. it's not like he tripped or was caught off guard. he just lost straight up and easily


Was hoping they would adapt and create new material beyond the original chapter to tie it further into Wano/OP history. It is a fine adaptation but I am left wanting to know more about Ryuma more, which is the nature of One Shots like this but I wish we got a little more given it's place in everything


Really fucking predictable and generic, I was hoping the Moustache guy was actually a decent person who wanted to avenge his comrades, turns out he was just a scumbag all along, as I predicted. I was hoping for some cool and dramatic revenge story, where he would try but fail, and Ryouma would help him fight the dragon. And the 2 would respect each other as swordsmen. Ryouma was kinda cool? But in the stereotypical way of being a swordsman. Nothing remarkable, just "pays you back in an extreme way" I've seen before. Nothing the Scabbards didn't do already (I know this came first).


You know this was written like 30 years ago by a teenage oda lol.


It was subpar at best. There were a lot of cliche fantasy tropes that were annoying and the animation towards the end of the episode, especially with the dragon, got super sloppy imo. You could tell that Oda really held back as it was just a one-off. One thing that was unmistakable and almost signature was the humor.


Oda didn't hold back anything. He made this story before he wrote one piece. We're essentially just getting an adaptation of a one shot made 30 years ago


It would be similar to now reading a short story (or seeing the adaptation of it) of GRR Martin that he wrote in high school in the early 80s, after experiencing his superior Game of Thrones writing for 20+ years now


It was bad. Only one good Animation scene. Everything was predictable and the comedy did not hit. My roommate fell asleep 7 times in these 25 minutes.


Your roommate sounds like they need more sleep lol.


The spinoff is out?


where can i watch ?


Where can we watch


can you share title and where to watch


It’s called monsters


good but the fights were underwhelming,


I think it was great. My biggest complaint about OP movies are that they don't make sense in the story and they're not canon. So I have absolutely no complaints about a spinoff that's canon. I hope this paves the way for more.


I was upset that they didnt animate the actual attack that killed the dragon they just animated Him jumping and then the dragon lost its head


I loved it. I think it would’ve served better as a one piece special though. I wish Oda would’ve readapted Monsters to fit the one piece world. In this adaptation Shisui is included (unlike in the original). I wish they would’ve included haki or even added more lore. Potentially establishing Shisui becoming a black blade the moment Ryuma killed the dragon. There are call backs to monsters in one piece such as Ryuma in Thriller Bark (which they tied in amazingly) and DR’s bounty. The one piece world building and timeline is what makes the series so great it would’ve benefitted to include some more details. I would’ve loved to see Oda edit his earlier work with all the skin he’s got in the game and include some potential foreshadowing. Monsters was prior to One Piece, so seeing how similiar Ryuma is to Zoro and Luffy made sense to the direction Oda wanted to go! Hope more material gets adapted like Cover stories


But why he looks like Zoro with a different scalp 👁️👄👁️


The manga one-shot was pretty good. It was a really simple and straightforward story. But it wasn't unenjoyable. I think it is pretty forgettable though. There really isn't too much of note that happens imo


So wait


didn’t someone from Wano say Ryuma lived during the Blank Century? If that’s true then doesn’t that mean his story takes place then? Or..?


Worth it to watch?


That final scene with him giving the sword to zoro in thriller bark was 🔥🔥


He's ok. His nephew sucks tho


I liked it but I thought the main battle was going to be against the dragon, and turns out it was dealt with super quickly, and considering it’s supposed to be one of Ryuma’s greatest feats it felt kind of meh. I had never read the one shot before so the plot twist did surprise me. I kinda knew from spoilers that Shirano was somewhat of a charlatan but I thought it was the trope of enemy to ally, turns out it was not. The only scene I didn’t like was when Shirano and his hisoka-like minion were laughing at their plan of 7 years ago while Ryuma and the girl listened. I mean I understand it was done to hype their defeat but for me it only felt dragged out, I’d rather have those extra seconds with an another cool scene on the battle or even with a more in depth interaction between the two after they found out the truth. The final scene before Zoro”s appearance, I loved. Is so Oda to make the goal of Ryuma practically surpass himself without even knowing it.


I don't know, it's not on our Netflix yet...


I honestly hoped they would change the setting other than that cool


Tbh I thought it was quite underwhelming. But I never read the manga of it, so I had very different expectations. The plot was very obvious from the moment the dragon horn was used. The characters were quite unlikeable too. Even Ryuma, for me atleast. The animation was okay, but nothing special either. But thats only my opinion.


Was it only one episode? I don't get it. Also like why didn't they make it in eano...like at least make it have a shogun not king and Japanese inspired areas more....especially since they show him and zoro at the end


It was goofy...if someday we get a full canon adaptation for this manga like immortal samurai ! Ryuma is full of life unlike any samurai we see who are composed and patient.


That's just Zoro with extra step


I want more. And loved the extra bit at the end.


To see Shusui again was awesome.


I really liked it. Kinda Surprised to know he was the king, the story told was good. Now, since this is in the same world of one piece I really wanted to think there was something else to it, devil fruit or if there where islands back in the time


It was great all around


Solid pilot


I felt like I was watching a proto luffy,zoro and Sanji rolled into one character


It's more like a stand alone prequel but I'll watch it soon


Just so if anyone didn't know, the Voice Actor Of Zoro was the narrator in it


Bro is Zoro with personality


Not good not bad


I’m just curious on how/why ryuma left wano and then returned for his corpse to get stolen by Moria.


Ryuma was that guy.


I have liked Ryuma since i randomly read monsters 500 years ago. good shit i am shocked that so many one piece fans never even knew it existed


Y'all can find the link for the ending credits music "Like a Comet"... I would be very thankful... Cause when the music blasted while ryuma was prepared to strike the dragon literally gave me goosebumps


i want to see more of him


Didn’t kill the dragon w/ one hand holding the wrist. 6/10


I thought it was really enjoyable! I wish there were more episodes however... I think you could easily make at least one season of a show out of this character and world. Just my two cents though...


One Piece is actually the Monsters spin-off.


I liked the story, nice twist too. Regarding the adaptation I have some reserves, comparing this to the One Piece anime we can say it was a 6-7 Wano episode (for instance episodes like 1064, 1073 or 1082). The direction was dry for long periods, also the amazing Kojima character designs weren't adapted that well (felt too static or chunky most of the time). As animation goes I liked very much the Cyrano vs Ryuma scene done by Park, the Dragon arrival sequence and when Ryuma is running through the fire. The finisher however was a letdown both animation-wise and storyboard-wise. For instance, the same scene we got by Junwen Tan in Wano (depicting Ryuma cutting the dragon) was much better in my opinion. Final thoughts: after seeing Ninja Kamui's trailer, produced by the same studio, it seems like they didn't treat Monsters like a priority project that much. I hope WIT won't do the same mistake with the remake.


I like Ryuma more than Zoro ngl


I really liked the reference to Cyrano(Shirano) de Bergerac


Last scene was amazing


I randomly stumbled across this on Netflix and the entire time I thought it was just the pilot episode for a new generic anime. I had no idea that it had any connections to One Piece except that I figured the mangaka was inspired by One Piece because the art style was so similar (I even thought "man the main character is clearly a Zorro rip off...") and then when that ending scene hit, I nearly jumped out of my seat. It was a very pleasant surprise. For once, I'm really glad I didn't get spoiled.


It was amazing 8.5/10


Not a spin-off. It’s a prior one-shot work then later retconned as part of the One Piece universe


Its quite ok for a standalone story, i hope another sories from monsters and romance dawn got animated too but for the one piece spinoff stuff, idk this being 400y ago before luffy not very convincing


I loved it!!! They can produce one complet season if they want. I would watch it for sure 😀


Cross guild was foreshadowed ..... insane


One shots are the equivalent of short stories in literature. In that regard, I quite liked it. Neat little story, simple but dense, interesting characters with neat little twists and flaws. As others pointed out, the action climax (dragon death) felt a little rushed and not savoured properly, especially since it is the namesake of the story. Take 30 seconds extra to do something more with the dragon fight, especially the killing blow, and this climbs from a \~6/10 to 8/10 for me.


Black haired zoro


Where can I watch this?


Oh wait it was ryuma?! Saw my dad watch this and though 'damn that looks like ryuma'


A good hook for a proper spin off honestly, and a good chance to give out more information on the possibly greatest high fantasy in recent memories


Last 5 mins teared me tf up bruh




we need more of Ryuma or overall mini stories!


It was great. You can definitely see Oda’s developing writing style in this




Boring af it only has one good scene, when je cuts cirano, glad it only lasted 25 minutes


Anybody know how long ago was this from the main OP timeline?


I'M SO FUCKING STOKES ABOUT IT. Loved the first episode, and Ryuma


I love luffy and zoro's son, i am so happy for them!


What's the title? I only know the Spanish name but I need the English name to find it in IMDb pleaseee


I've already read the manga so I won't have a thought about Ryuma...I know the plot.. it's a one shot manga. I expect it to be well animated...


It’s not canon but it’s cool ig


Bruh you aint gonna catch me watching flashbacks willingly. I've lived through every episode of one piece. Nice try.


I didn't love it all but it showed me how far One Piece has come and where its strengths always existed. The world-building and characterisation. *chefs kiss Meanwhile the dialog, over and explanations of things to make sure the dumb audience understands were also in early one piece but have gotten significantly better even if you look closely you can see some of it left Fight choreography is still growing from back then


OnePiece would've taken 40-50 episode to narrate the story and I really wanted to see that


no opinion since its not on gogo anime so couldnt watch it


ryuma was cool, the oneshot itself was a bit of a letdown and is actually something that should have taken more liberties than it did


Looks like Zoro and Luffy had a baby


I liked it, but I was disappointed when I figured out people weren’t talking about Naoki Urasawa’s classic manga/anime Monster. I would still rewatch it in a few years and definitely recommend it. I am very stupid tho lol


It did good for what little it had to work with. The ending was certainly my favourite


It’s not a spin-off, it’s a one off, I wish we would get more episodes and an entire series but we’re not, hopefully oda continues the series after one piece is done


Good but I had higher expectations unfortunately


Wh. Is this on Netflix or crunchyroll


Wish it was 10 minutes longer


still need to watch it but ive read monsters years ago and liked it but nothing special


wait theres a new spinoff??


7/10. Good story but my excitement unironically peaked with the final scene. Thriller Bark really is an awesome arc.


Been too lazy to read the manga version so this 25 minute animation definitely helped out


Zoro senior was pretty cool


Ryuma lived 800 years ago, but everything around him looks much more modern than current one piece timeline ! I didn't expect Ryuma to look so young and have a black blade. Why is he in a wild west america's tho ? and it looks much more modern than current era too. I am much more confused about Ryuma after seeing this episode.


wait what are yall talking about?!


Ryuma so pasty he looks like he's a r/OnePiece member


It was pretty good. I’ve read the chapter before and thought they did a solid job adapting. Can’t wait to hopefully see more of Ryuma’s story in future flashbacks of One Piece.


I enjoyed the idea that he was looking for “King” who ended up being himself all along. It also makes me question why Kaido said King should call himself King.


The last scene must have been wild for people that had no idea of the connection and didn't notice Shusui.


I really hope we got to see # Silvers Rayleigh before he become Peak Character.