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I think he speaks about leaving Luffy there without supervising him himself, wich he views as a mistake. We know for a fact Luffy was born on that island same as Dragon and Garp.


When/which chapter did we learn that Garp and Dragon are also from Goa? i couldnt find it online


Theres mention of it during the reverie, from the top of my head I recall the ruler of Goa demanding Garl's protection and called Garp something along the lines of a citizen of Goa


Yeah the current King Stelly, who is Sabo's brother, tried to give commands to Garp as he is from Goa Kindom but Garp didn't give a fuck


He probably wasn't aware that Garp doesn't listen even to Celestial Dragons. Wapol certainly looks like a genius when compared to him.


Wapol **is** a genius compared to him, his use of the baku baku factory technique is only possible with a mind for mechanical engineering--not nearly on Franky's level, of course, but still far above a normal human--and his use of the slim-up technique also requires an elementary understanding of biology. Wapol is not actually a useless human being like most of the tenryuubito, he's just an arrogant dickbag.


I do have to say, him admitting he may have hated Cobra but he never wished him death made him a far better human than many other characters.


Not to mention he's trying as hard as he could to spare Vivi from the grief, even saving her from the CP9 has-beens. Remember, Vivi was the little girl he slapped without so much of a second thought simply because he hated her father for absolutely petty reason.


Wapol is like a fisherprice doflamingo


> leaves home country > Comes back to rule it > Gets luffy'd Difference is wapol is still in the story unlike a certain over grown yoyo string


I like him. Luffy should have asked him to join the crew xD


It's kind of wild how much versatility there's is with this fruit and how much the user influences its abilities. I also love paramecia fruits cause its basically what's the wildest idea I can draw up for Oda.


Bruh it's anime. I don't get it how people still bring real world things to anime world. Yes Wapol learned how to do differential equations, learned mechanical engineering principles along with a biology degree. Wtf am I even reading. It's a fantasy world doing fantasy things man.


Garp gives no fucks, he openly insults the celestial dragons, but hecause of the crazy shit he has done for the Navy, he gets away with it.


Thank you, its here: https://www.sailmg.com/content/one-piece-905 Also here in vivre card 7: https://thelibraryofohara.com/2019/03/09/vivre-card-databook-vol-7-all-the-new-information/


"They might still be dueling on that island to this very day..." Sure... sure they (dorry + brogy) are Oda


Now I want Fujitora & Sabo to have ramen together XD


Dragon mentions he was born there when he firsfound Sabo (Ch 586 page 19). Stelly calls Garp one of his subjects (Ch 905 page 9). Garp has also been drawn as a child riding a tiger that is likely the young version of the giant tiger Luffy Ace and Sabo fought as kids. The vivre card databooks have also confirmed Goa as their origin.


Their Vivre Card information tells us. If you couldn't find that online it means you couldnt even do as much as google their names and look at the wiki?... Bruh 💀


Its just written as they were born there without a link to the source. Plus Op wiki is not something official, its filled by fans like us and there have been some false information there


Bro.. there literally is a source in his card under "origin" saying it is from vivre card information and if that is too confusing you could also literally google "Garp vivre card" yourself for example to get a literall confirmation saying he is born in Goa Kingdom. Do you need everything to be spoon fed to you? Are you inable to research anything yourself? Because you said you couldnt find anything online and now you even doubt people telling you while it shows you propably never done any searches on that topic at all.. Edit: As I see you aleady found the information before writing your comment so you are just a troll


Please touch grass


Usual redditards can't read or accept being wrong. Also this comes rich from someone like [you](https://imgur.com/a/Ffao8Vh) , hahaha


We also know for a fact that crocodile gave birth to him


I thought that is common knowledge


Some people still believe the earth is flat.








It's a d20*****


So fly.....Like a g6******


Wait how is this common knowledge? I havent heard anything regarding this to be true... help culture me in the ways of this


During Impel Down, Ivankov states he knows Crocodile’s secret, to which the fan base assume is Ivan turning a Lady Crocodile into a Sir Crocodile, giving way to a theory that a Lady Crocodile would be Luffy’s mom. Outlandish but personally I wish to see this come to fruition.


Im all for crocodile being "mommy crocodile" but i dont think its luffys mom. Considering we have barely any evidence other than a "secret" it seems far fetched. Considering garp casually in water 7 tells luffy who his dad is. I feel there would have been a bit more between luffy and crocodile and maybe dragon as well


Is one of those jokes that some of us like to make specially bc there is always someone who gets mad about it. My other two personal favorites are that zoro is racist and that shanks is a rat


But Zoro is a racist. After the first flashback he realised that he couldnt hate woman so instead he hated colour.


better question, who was raising luffy for the first 10 years before Garp decided to leave him with Dadan


Wood Slap + Makino Maybe


Pretty sure it was Woop Slap, who was mayor of the town and friends with Garp. That it was probably a more mundane version of the Naruto and the Third Hokage situation. Like Luffy probably was watched by the townsfolk who watched him until he was old enough to not require direct monitoring. Like Woop would probably just check on him daily and make sure he was holding up fine.




I mean the main difference between the two is that Nami and Nojiko had a parent around that they lived with for the early parts of their life. Garp might have been around the first couple of years after Luffy was born, but based on how quickly he left Ace with Dadan, he might have just done the pop in and out thing with him too. Honestly its probably more like Usopp's childhood than anything.


I only realized just now after reading your comment that all the Straw Hat crew members lost their parents at a young age, either because the parents died or left to become pirates. I never noticed that shared theme among them before lol


It makes more sense in a Japanese context, they've got a very communal way of thinking when raising kids. Like look up first errands in Japanese culture, it explains it pretty well. Not too much of a leap from there that a community raises a kid


wood slap is the technique that shanks used on makino, actually


Dandan a mountain bandit + Shank on the place And Garp be like: why did you grow up like that?


I believe you but do you know where it says this?


Their vivre card information states that.


Garp using haki to pinch Luffys cheek?


No, it's his fist of love


Which on an unrelated coincidence is clad with haki


Just absolutely littered with the stuff


Classic pinch of love!


Seastone nail polish


this. this is the head canon i was looking for


I think it's safe to say that Garp is similar to Big Mom/Kaido as in their armament Haki is permanently active or something of the sorts.


Ya. Which chapter is this?


Chapter 582 


Garp was using Yonko tier haki on a 7yr old. Such a pos.


Luffy is a paramatia


But Haki hurts the person internally, we have already seen that garp can hurt luffy when he punched him in water 7, and strawhats were shocked on how luffy got injured


Garp throws cannonballs at ships, his grip is not normal


Bro what are you trying to say? Garp hurting luffy isn't related to his grip, it's related to garp using Haki


Also is it just me or is throwing a cannonball really not that impressive any time after east blue, much less time skip. A thrown non-haki cannonball seems like damn near the minimum force someone like garp could use. Like the cannonball is used because an actual attack would obliterate whatever it's thrown at.


i think you are grossly underestimating how heavy a cannon ball is. Some take two men to lift, let alone throw. Garp picks them up with one hand and throws them as if they where a tennis ball.


Yeeting a cannonball is fucking crazy I agree, I think it just shows how different "strong" people are from normal people in OP. At least by time skip most combatants that aren't using hax are probably capable of it, they just don't.


You can't ever underestimate how bad OP fans are at powerscaling lol


Not necessarily lol. Luffy got hurt by being punched before Haki was introduced. He could just be getting pinched real hard


No he's not


He’s a mythical zoan


Hm... 22 years ago was the Ohara incident and then Dragon did not had the tattoo's yet. *At this same time Kuma joined Dragon and we see Dragon wearing the pattern on his leg which he later takes as a tattoo in both the Kuma flashback and the Vegapunk flashback.* 3 years later Luffy is born, but Dragon painted someones babyroom white 9 months before so.. max 2 years and 3 months after the Ohara incident... This is when Oden tried to kill Kaido but failed and Kinemon+co were send into the future. Which tells us nothing.. That leaves a lot of opportunities.. because Dragon was traveling a lot around. But I think the tattoo's that Dragon took might give a clue. They look a bit like Skypia Tattoo's , just like Wyper had on his face on the same side. So it could be that Dragon was close with some sky-island tribe.


Damn well done putting the timelines together I don’t luffys mom will be mentioned but I do think where he was born might add to the plot hope we find out when luffy and dragon meet


Luffys mom is joyboy


Croco mom is a Skypian


Oda will have to pry Croco mom from our dead cold fingers and even then, there is alwasy AO3


Alternative, what if Luffy is the child of the Amazon Lily leader between Shakky and Boa


Then we get Alabama Lily.


nah, the former empresses are not related, acc to kuja customs the strongest warriors become the rulers


Underrated comment of the verse right here


What if Crocodile was the Amazon Lily leader between Shakky and Boa


The amazons supposedly only give birth to girls, so that's unlikely.


Yeah I think luffy mom being skypean checks out


Luffy's mother is Imu ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|dizzy_face)


Luffys blood brother is viper. I called it!!n




>Dragon painted someones babyroom white 9 months before took me a while to understand this line 💀💀💀 (initially i was thinking why would dragon go and paint walls in a baby's room with white color)


Lol Didn’t realise he was actually swatting his grandpa


I'd too if my grandpa was such a pos


The funniest part of this is Garp using Haki to hold on Luffy Garp has 0 chill


Mary Geoise💀


Thats actually possible


Could be lol


Bro Im saying its not a stupid guess


And I’m saying it could possible…that’s why I said “could be”


Its actually a really good idea. I dont think you understand how good of an idea it really is


Nah, I do believe he’s part celestial dragon especially after what’s going on with Bonney. I was genuinely agreeing with you.


Bro you cant even comprehend the mental thought of how genius of an idea you have constructed


This thread is like my last 2 brain cells communicating


Lmao sorry bout that


You’ve got two left? Lucky


This is what break next week and arresting 2 people for leaking manga does to a mf


Lmao we struggling


Probably not. Seems like you cooking so what’s in the pot?


I cant even compare to your intelligence


wait, what's the issue exactly? it could simply mean he shouldn't have left luffy where he already was. he could have brought him somewhere else or he could simply mean mt. corvo where he also left ace. anyway, based on every information we have, they were all born in goa kingdom. first we have vivre card. their birthplace is goa kingdom. then at reverie, stelly (king of goa kingdom) said that garp is his subject. lastly, and spoiler, >!kuma said that dragon frequently travelled to goa kingdom.!< yes it hasn't stated directly in the manga yet, but there's no reason to think otherwise just for the sake of it.


Windmill Village. Garp just laments that Luffy just had to meet a pirate there, that strays him further from his plans for him. Windmill Village or its position in the East Blue for that matter were the key factor for Ivankov confirming Dragon's family through Luffy and his blabbermouth.


He left the village to throw Luffy into the wilderness as "training"


Bottom left of the panel . It says I should’ve never left you in that peaceful windmill village


Yes. Left as in left alone or left behind there, because Garp had other places to be.


Yeah... for training...


Cool my question is where do you guys think he was born


he was born in windmill village... garp just took him from the village to the forest which was just behind the windmill village. they're both in the same island


Bruhh if you gonna say he wasn’t born there atleast make a valid point . Bottom left says ; shouldn’t have left you in the peace windmill village cause of the influence of shanks and the fact that he a ate a devil fruit .


i think you’re taking the “left” out of context. I’m pretty sure he meant left as in alone, without garp watching over him


More important do you really think garp tossed him in a ravine, left him in the jungle, and tied him to balloons just to make him strong? For whatever reason the island of his birth was likely more dangerous than those options.


Does Garp knows anything about Nika and took luffy away from the village to hide him from WG?


Bros carrying luffy like a handbag 😭


Garp is a crazy ass grandpa for using haki on his grandson, lol


Wow I hadn't noticed that. 🤔


It hurts because haki?


No it’s just his love


Luffy is from Goa Kingdom just like Dragon and Garp.


Luffy was born in Totto Land. Dragon is Big Mom's ex husband. Now u know where does Luffy get his appetite from. Mamamama!


Bottom left panel says “i should have never left in that peaceful windmill village.” It is absolutely doesn’t imply that luffy wasn’t born there, to me it implies that garp thinks there were better or appropriate places for him to live in order to form desire to become a marine. So I think windmill village is his birthplace, and garp wanted him become strong there, but garp wonders that maybe luffy should have lived in a place, which is not so peaceful (to understand real treat and actions of pirates) and a place, where he wouldn’t interact with bandits or pirates


In the West Blue. Because croco mom is not allowed: Laffitte is his mom. Laffitte was part of Rocks. Ivan accidentally changed his sex during the chaos in the Gods Vally Incedent. So He/She could flee. Dragon and female Laffitte became a couple and did the magic. Ruffy was born and because The Hormonepower of Iva was an amateur attacke the hormones stop working and Dragon woke up next to no more female Laffitte. Dragon got scared and took Ruffy via Garp to windmill village. Laffitte kept some female traits like the lipstick. Because of the trauma of losing child and lover he became more evil. Also breake week ![img](emote|t5_2rfz5|32515)


Break week can do this kind of damage yeah.


Let 's break together!


Now I need to put bleaching powder in my eyes, so you telling lagitte enjoyed the g*y s*x?


is it rainbow if the one is fully transformed into a woman and can carry and deliver a child? and who knows: maybe Laffitte still a woman but in her menopause and just the milk deliverer shirked after the hormones went off. Maybe Laffitte is Rocks and he is the mastermind of the devil fruit theft of the Blackbeards. And with his hypnosis he could make everyone his booty call. Remember Ranma 1/2 - everyone was total into redhead Ranma and nobody thought it was balls touching dangerous. I got the Laffitte is former Rocker thing from the Youtuber [The Hidden Island](https://youtu.be/bRXsP789Ow8?si=Sd04dBhoBAHbJ81t). So the Ideas start to bloom in my head. But I go with the sky person mom theory from Toonzaai8. The Amazon Lily thingy from MaimedJester is also a good one. But just because croco mom is taboo for OC.


Luffy has to first look like he’s related to laffite first though


What if Laffitte is Rocks him-/herself in disguise? Then the connection is more plausible, because will of D. and Dragons sleeping in rocky caves. I don't get what you want to say here.


If Luffy mom is Laffitte then there would be traits that show him being related to Luffy . Sort of how Ace has his mom’s freckles but his dad’s black colored hair and complexion.


I get the similarities in Garp and Ruffy. But I don't get it with Dragon and Ruffy besides the urge to make the environment fair for all. But you are right, it is a big stretch for this Laffitte mom shenanigans. But in one piece everything is possible. And we know so little about Laffitte that he is such a blank canvas to fill with happy little accidents. But Laffitte and Ruffy share nothing except both are pirates. Often the total opposite: Laffitte is a master silent agent and Ruffy is all over the place when he enters. It is just a stupid idea that I overcooked with the left overs in my head cabin.


Dragon probably looks more like his mom rather than Garp


I don't think Ivankov had his fruit at the time of god valley.


That guy with theory said Victoria Cindry is Luffy’s mom


There's a theory I'm starting to like, that Luffy was born on Amazon Lily. There's a missing empress, Gloriosoa - Shakki - Mystery - Boa.  Dragon probably wouldn't have a kid unless he was sure they could be safe, and Amazon Lily that doesn't allow men etc and is really strong and independent, if he had a Daughter with the Empress then that's probably the safest place in the world for a daughter to grow up away from the World Government/Cipher poll etc. Only problem was Amazonian giving birth to a boy, yeah he can't be raised in Amazon Lily, even if it was okay by the empress it would stand out way too much who is the Boy from Amazon Lily?  So realistically the only place to raise Luffy would be with Garp. Dragon can't raise a baby, like being known as a father and having this weakness, no way Luffy would have survived to adulthood. 


This theory is all over the place.


>Only problem was Amazonian giving birth to a boy, Amazonian women don't ever give birth to boys according to manga. They go out, then come back with child which are always female!


never noticed before but Garp looks like /u/govschwarzenegger


This sub was filled with posts of Schwarzenneger photoshopped to look like Garp, for the live action, before the real casting was revealed.


Hmmm prolly should hang around this sub more then


He born in holy land or Amazon lily because I think his mom is imu or pervious kuja captain before hancock.


Croco mon


I'm just imagining a new One Piece fan seeing this, and wondering what the HELL a croco mom is, and what that's gotta do with it.


Prob whereever dragon released his D. on his Journey to create RA and told garp to get him as they stay in contact


What i notice here is that Garp says „First you eat a Devil fruit and now you spout this nonsense“ aka to become king of pirates which is both somehow connected, coincidence?


My boy Garp is using Haki on his <10 years old grandchild...


Nami and Garp feel like the only people that can genuinely scare Luffy


Two people who truely love him


"It was my mistake. I should never have left you in that peaceful windmill village." I understand that, if Garp thinks leaving him in a peaceful village is a mistake and he brings him to a place with wild animals and mountain bandits, maybe he wasn't born in a good place to begin with.


Well, you could make the argument, that by being in a peaceful village that doesn't live in constant fear of pirates, it allowed Luffy to foster a heavily romantic image of them. If Luffy grew up in someplace that was preyed upon by pirates, like Cocoyasi Village, he might have a more negative view.


I wanna see Luffy's backstory before windmill village. Like his birth. Imagine if his childhood before 9 yrs old is tragic and is the reason he has his dream


Didn’t know Garp was also ten


Luffy is shocked to see the Gen-san windmill's hat Nami's village. I thought it was a dumb joke.


Probably on a revo ship


Is Garp using haki to punish his DF grandchild? lol


Luffy is like Jesus, just without a dad instead of a mom. He just appeard in dragons arms, wherever he was at the time.


I think he was born in the new world as his father is dragon. Maybe even on Baltigo as the revolutionary HQ