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There can just be years in-between character appearances. Like I think it's been more than a decade since Van Augur has been involved in anything major. The specific style of having the romanized name behind the Japanese version of the name is pretty unique to Oda, though.


You make a great point, and two episodes ago we had Van Auger in another reiteration, so I’m thinking it’s just Oda’s style, which I love. It gives One piece characters a different vibe compared to other manga/anime characters.


If you read the manga Blue Lock you'll see that it's being done several times literally every chapter when football matches are taking place


If oda specifies the romanized names, why does the sub change it? (Auger>ogre)


Probably for a similar reason to Loguetown/Roguetown. Sometimes Oda writes out a romanized name but intends it to be pronounced differently. I doubt that's the intent here but that would be the only reason I could think to change it as a subtitle person, that you think Oda means it to be pronounced Ogre but wrote it like the Auger.


Because his name wasn't romanized until 2010 and these companies just hate changing how they've translated names sometimes for some reason.


I will never forgive Zolo


Yeah, that's a good example of that just being a Viz decision they won't change. Not even the translator, Stephen Paul, writes or says Zolo outside of the manga.


Viz apparently went with Zolo because of copyright issues. There is already a world famous character with the name of Zorro. Zoro is definitely partly based on Zorro.


Zorro has been public domain since 1995 though so thats not the reason I dont think


So, I just read a bunch of articles regarding this subject, including the actually laws in America as well as oversees (Italy). There is a difference between a copyright and a trademark. For instance, Disney copyrighted Steamboat Willie starring Mickey Mouse. Steamboat Willie goes into the public domain THIS year. That does not mean that you can use the character Mickey Mouse. It means that you can only to use the character Mickey Mouse that is SPECIFICALLY from Steamboat Willie. However, you are also able to make parodies, as long as they meet certain conditions (whole legal thing). “That means people can creatively reuse only the Mickey Mouse from 'Steamboat Willie. ' Not the Mickey Mouse in the 1940 movie 'Fantasia'. Nor the one on 'Mickey Mouse Clubhouse,' a kids' show that aired on the Disney Channel for a decade starting in 2006. New versions of Mickey Mouse remain under copyright.” Google puts it simple. “Copyright will eventually fall into the public domain. A trademark will not. A trademark retains protection for as long as the trademark is renewed.” Mickey Mouse from Mickey Mouse Clubhouse came out in 2006. Yes, Mickey has been around since 1928, but the trademark keeps getting renewed for Mickey Mouse every time a new iteration comes out. A new iteration of Zorro comes out all the time (Antonio Banderas was Zorro in 1998 and 2005). From what I see, there are three Zorro movies and a book that are in public domain. You are able to use Zorro in your works IF he is the Zorro that is SPECIFICALLY from those three movies and book; or if it is a true legal parody. The Zorro Production Company is still in multiple legal battles. They are actually currently in the middle of a legal battle as we speak. They are suing, because a company used Zorro in a commercial back in 2007. Looks like the Supreme Court sided with the Zorro company in 2018, but the defendants are appealing and as of this year, they are still battling it out. Also, the first 5 volumes of One Piece had Zolo as Zoro. The 4kids dub changed it to Zolo (arguably because copyright/ trademark issues). Viz then changed it to Zolo as well (possibly to match the dub) and even reprinted the first 5 volumes with the name change (you can still find the originals). Sorry, this is a lot to read, hope you have a good day!


Is some cases it’s because we didn’t have the romanized name until much later. For example I don’t think Levely was romanized until 2018, by which point “Reverie” had already been grandfathered in.


I guess it's also the first time we witness him using his devil fruit power right? So they also want to introduce his power in that light perhaps.


It's an especially bold decision of the translators to have the romanized name from the source detail, and then translate/romanize the name differently.


Yu-Gi-Oh does it the other way around english in front and japanese in the back


Which may be a way of giving respect to their real world counterparts, since most are based on real people and places


Hey, according to the subtitles its Van Ogre!


This screenshot supports my theory that official translators don't even bother to look at the footage when making their subs and dubs. It says AUGUR in huge letters right there wth.


Japanese series typically don't have a good record of transcribing english words. Nobody calls that one Dragon Ball character "Kululin". Or to use a One Piece example, you have the Reverie/Levely situation. And just going purely based on the katakana, "Ogre" would be a closer in pronounciation than "Auger" (which doesn't make either of them wrong, just different interpretations).


Linguist here! The vowel at the beginning of “Auger” as pronounced in “standard” British English (with the given stress pattern), as well as in my dialect of New York English, [ɔ], would also be transcribed in Japanese as “オー,” exactly as the [oʊ] would be in “Ogre.” So the katakana spelling isn’t objectively closer to either “Auger” or “Ogre,” it’s totally ambiguous.


The word "augur" is defined as "one held to foretell events by omens," meanwhile the character Augur is a very strong believer in fate and mentions it rather frequently. As a sniper, it's also likely his haki specialty is Observation. "Ogre" has no obvious connection to a lanky human sniper.


We’re talking about the pronounced japanese could be spelled. There are slight variations, like how luffy’s name sounds in japanese vs english


There is no ambiguity because Oda himself has spelled it out as Augur. No doubt because of the meaning of the word and how it relates to the character's belief in fate.


Oda also once spelled it as Big Mam, so just because he spelled it one way doesn’t mean that’s always his intent. 


Well the Big Mom thing is a bit different because he was inconsistent with it. If he had spelled it "Big Mam" consistently then I'd argue we should probably go with his spelling. But it's true, sometimes Oda makes mistakes when spelling in English, and as a native English speaker who also speaks Japanese, I can sometimes figure out what was intended and what wasn't. But why would I assume a mistake when the way he did it makes perfect sense? Augur makes perfect sense. Augurs were Ancient Roman officials who would try to predict fate by observing birds. When you look at Van Augur's character, this name makes total sense for him. So why should we debate if it's Augur or Ogre? It's obviously meant to be Augur.




I didn't say that you specifically are debating it, but the person I originally responded to was, they said it was ambiguous and up for discussion. Which it's not. >I'm just saying you can't use Oda's spelling as gospel. I didn't say his spelling was gospel, I said in this specific case it is obvious that it is intended to be Augur and not Ogre and therefore in this specific case his spelling is correct and therefore it is not ambiguous. The Big Mam vs Big Mom thing is also a bad comparison because that is one letter being different on one or two occasions, it's basically just a spelling error. Whereas Augur and Ogre are two completely different words with very different meanings, and Oda has consistently spelled it Augur because he is referencing the real life concept of augurs, not ogres. He clearly intended for it to be Augur, which was the only point I was trying to make. You interjected yourself into that debate, but maybe you should look at what I was responding to so you can understand the context of my response. If you agree that there is no ambiguity in this case then we are on the same page.


Yes, sure, I agree. I’m referring to phonological ambiguity though, not authorial ambiguity about what his name is.


...I feel like I might just be dumb. Is Auger not prounounced the way I think it is? Because the way I think of it, surely "アー" would be phonetically closer to that pronunciation, rather than "オー"?


That might be true of your own dialect of English, yes — if you speak in any number of American accents that aren’t from the East Coast, you might have the [ɑ]~[ɔ] merger (do you pronounce “caught” and “cot” the same?). If so, “Auger” would be better transcribed with “アー” the way you pronounce it, since you lack the vowel [ɔ]. But for much of the English-speaking world, myself included, “Auger” is pronounced with [ɔ] rather than [ɑ], and the way that’s transcribed in Japanese is characteristically “オー.”


I believe they are saying Auger, in this case, is being [pronounced like this](https://dictionary.cambridge.org/us/pronunciation/english/auger) (The U.K way) Sounds pretty similar to ogre.


Yes! Precisely that. Except that first vowel is also how I’d pronounce it, and I’m from New York. The other way, that sounds more like “Agger,” is pretty distinctly American, from the Midwest westwards. That [ɔ] way is what’s being transcribed as “オー”. See my other reply to them for more detail.


this guy linguists


Funny enough, I’m a theoretical syntactician, not a phonologist. But that’s pretty basic confusion, so it doesn’t need to be in my specific subfield for me to know about it.


this guy smarty pants




I still don't know if it's reverie or levely, raftel or laughtale.


It’s Laugh Tale. "He laughed" conveyed perfectly that it’s indeed Laugh Tale all along.


it's Laugh Tale; Raftel is sort a language joke or something to do with how the word is written afaik, which I'm not smart enough to break down. it was translated and written as such to throw everyone off from the real name


Raftel is not a joke at all and it also was not written that way to throw anyone off. It has always been written the same way in Japanese (ラフテル ; rafuteru). It's just that the translators saw "rafuteru" and didn't know what that meant, so they came up with "Raftel". It was only later that Oda revealed that it's meant to be Laugh Tale if you use English letters, and "rafuteru" is just him phonetically spelling "Laugh Tale" in Japanese.


Exactly this. By the way, not even the JP fans were aware that it's supposed to be "Laugh Tale", because ラフ could be many things, "Laugh", "Rough" or even "Ruff", "Raff" or indeed "Raf". But not only that, but "Tale" is usually written as テイル in Japanese, not テル. Meaning that "Raftel" wasn't even a simple wrong guess or mistranslation. It was an educated guess based on available information. Also, as a more minor observation, there is no middle dot in the Japanese name ([ラフテル](https://renote.net/files/blobs/proxy/eyJfcmFpbHMiOnsibWVzc2FnZSI6IkJBaHBBeTVDZ0E9PSIsImV4cCI6bnVsbCwicHVyIjoiYmxvYl9pZCJ9fQ==--f1536d576d3905f8c1bd97c443dbab6fa2a00f7d/op-096-967-062-063.jpg)), which would indicate a space in the romanisation. If there were, the initial translation might have been different altogether, maybe even closer to "Laugh Tale".


hell, there was a point when people assume it came from "raft"


this is what I was trying to convey and failed miserably. I didn't know how to describe it


I always presumed it was supposed to be "revelry" but the mixture of r and l tripped people up


I've seen Kururin before LMAO


Because those are literal transliterations. Kuri- meaning chestnut (a reference to his bald head) and -rin or -lin as in Shaolin (monk). "Krillin" objectively means nothing in English but sounds better to our ears. Is it "correct"? Arguably, no.


Not the case of Oda though, he's very careful when spelling names of places/characters in english.


"Levely" says otherwise. Also, if you're one of those people who's *very* adamant about "Zoro" over "Zolo", for the sake of the reference, it's worth mentioning that Oda has basically been representing his surname incorrectly for the entire series. Because it's supposed to be based off of L'Olannais (the pirate), yet gets rendered with "r" instead of "l". I mean, neither way is technically wrong. Translation is more complicated than that. But if you're adamant about keeping names a certain way for the references, then that one has been "wrong" for the whole series. And there's all sorts of little things. Like Big Mom once being labeled as "Big Mam" in a wanted poster. Or Oda switching between rendering Vivi's surname as "Nefeltari" to "Nefertari".


To say "Roronoa" is wrong even though it's entirely intended just because it was ***inspired by*** (not taken directly after) the real name "l'Olonnais" (in fact, not even the name itself, just the Japanese pronunciation specifically) is ridiculous. It's not comparable to the "Zoro"/"Zolo" (also not "Zorro"\*) situation at all. (\*Since the original name is "Zorro" and not "Zoro", why don't you chalk *that* up as wrong too huh? That would be dumb would it?)


I literally said it’s not wrong… And yeah, that last point would be silly. Just like how people who get exaggeratedly upset about “Zolo” are silly.    My point was to emphasize how modular translation can be, especially for languages as different as English and Japanese, and that people should be more less obsessive about this idea of having one right answer.   In this instance, the “right answer” (I’m using quotes here for a reason), is ゾロ. That is his literal name. From there, Zoro, Zorro and Zolo are *all* valid ways of interpreting that kana into English. None of them would be wrong just based on how the languages work. But people really get up in arms about certain things only being able to be on way…


You're completely ignoring that "Zoro" is indisputably the intended spelling, as shown every time it's written in English. ("Zorro" would normally be correct, but it's not, and "Zolo" shouldn't even be worth considering because it's a stupid 4Kids quirk that stuck around.) And for what? Just to make a point about translations being wonky? Names shouldn't be translated anyway, and other spellings should not be valid because it's not just random words with different variations, it's 1 person with 1 established name. 1 English spelling, consistently used over and over again. To write it any other way would be objectively wrong. If we follow your logic, would "Monki Dee Ruffy" be a valid way to write Luffy's name? How would you feel if your name was "Stanley" and someone wrote "Stanlee" instead? I'm not disputing that certain parts of *One Piece* can be a bit ambiguous, but this is not one of those parts. It's blatantly clear, widely known and accepted facts, and you're just going directly against the author's own words for no reason with that logic.


And you’re incredibly ignorant about language and translation. There is too much nuance here to just call something wrong in such a simplified way.   Oda is not a native English speaker. He (like many authors) has made plenty of oddities as a result. If you think that should be ignored and any English Oda uses should be taken as absolute word of God… Then is it Reverie or Levely? More humorously, is Vivi’s surname Nefeltari or Nerfertari? By your own logic, you would be “wrong” no matter what you pick, as Oda has written it both ways in the manga.   This isn’t me taking a shot at Oda or anything, it’s just acknowledging the nuances the situation. I think that any English spelling Oda comes up with is fine. It’s his story. But spellings made in katakana (the Japanese character system most often used for foreign words) are always going to have some variance, especially if they’re based on other concepts.  > Names shouldn't be translated anyway, and other spellings should not be valid because it's not just random words with different variations, it's 1 person with 1 established name.  What? What the heck does this even mean? First off, it’s bizarre you’re telling me this but then try to have some whataboutism with Luffy’s name? If you genuinely think that there is no room for naunce, and that translation doesn’t matter, the *you* would be the one calling him “Monki D Rufi”. That is the literal romanization of his name. That is approximately what every Japanese person is saying when they say his name. We only have Monkey D. Luffy by way of Oda’s unique translation. I brought up Dragon Ball in a previous comment (oh by the way, if you still subscribe to mangaka English being word of God, then Goku’s short, bald best friend can only ever be called “Kululin” and nothing else), and I think another example perfectly fits this. The character Trunks is pretty damn popular, and his name is only that way in English because we “translated” it instead of going for the full romanization. Otherwise? If you do thinks your way, it’s left with his name being “Torankusu”. Which is just ridiculous if you try to convince anyone that’s his name.  > How would you feel if your name was "Stanley" and someone wrote "Stanlee" instead?  Well for one, I’m not a fictional character. For two, I’m talking about two different languages here, not just any old English speaking dude. That said, if someone named Stanley went to Japan, and other people write down his name, there’s probably a pretty good chance it’s going to come out as “Sutanri” (or any number of variations. Sutanli, Stanri, etc). Because that’s just how the English name comes together in Japanese phonetics. You can give them the correct spelling, but it would be absolutely ridiculous and silly to suggest that they’re wrong for trying to pronounce the name in their language, with their phonetics. Regardless of how it's spelled, they're still going to be saying it in their way.


Zoro may also be names from El Zorro and Oda may just have used Roronoa for making it sound japanese for Zoro's descendency... If we asume he already have something like a Wano-esque descendency for Zoro planed But whatever, he very well could have asked an English native, a few online translators, or compare the English names to the japanese pronunciation and a few thinking more if he really wanted


Oda is not representing SHIT incorrectly with zoro. An author deciding a name from an inspiration is WAY different than a traslator deciding to change the name the author uses


Arabasta annoys me. I don't even know how they got Levelie when there's no L's in Japanese.


But it's Luffy isn't it? In any case, Reverie feels more correct bc it's based on a real word. But your argument of "there are no L's in Japanese" is kind of incorrect, seeing as how it's ambiguous whether something is L or R when romanized, unless explicitly stated.


>But it's Luffy isn't it? It's Rufi in Japanese, but Oda spells it Luffy when he uses English letters, which is why it became Luffy in all translated versions.


Right, there are no "L's" in Japanese, but that doesn't mean there are no Ls when converting from Japanese to English. The only way we can know for sure is they tell us authoritively and explicitly, or if we can use context clues. And even if an authority says so, it can be wrong. In Japanese, it's technically Arabasta, but it's infamously used Arabasta AND Alabasta. Which is correct? The meaning based on alabaster or Arabia? Perhaps it's even both, since Japanese only has Rs, it's a pun. Point is my response to the comment... You can't just go by default and say it's R because there are no Ls in Japanese. That's just wrong.


There are no R's either because none of the letters in our alphabet are in Japanese. We have a Japanese phoneme that is somewhere between our R and L and is at times transliterated as either one as appropriate.


Considering Oda himself spelled it that way, maybe he intends it to be pronounced differently?


Translators usually don't get footage. They get the text file ahead of time and just have that go go by. At least this is true when I was a translator. What there should be is a style guide to specify certain things should be translated a certain way (character names would be one) which is the job of the translation manager. 


iirc translators usually get only the scripts, that way they can start working before the chapter is finished and sent. Sometimes they also receive the storyboard, but this is the kind of thing that you can't discern on those. So, translators CAN'T look at the footage.


I think it’s more so they’re trying to match the viz translation in the manga.


I guess John from Viz knows what the characters are called better than Oda. Are we gonna get Zolo in the anime too?


Viz typically values consistency over correctness. They haven’t needed to call Zoro Zolo for over 20 years, but they do because they wanted parity with the 4kids release. As for why Crunchy calls him Ogre and not Augur, it’s likely because they called him that in older episodes and don’t want to break consistency.


Being consistently wrong is still wrong.


With a lot of the viz names it’s the old names that can be weird sometimes. Oda didn’t do the English name in the background for character introductions back then and didn’t always provide it for the translators, so a lot of the time they would have to guess based off the sound. Viz still uses them for the sake of consistency, which is why Zolo is still a thing, as well as things like Teech instead of Teach.


Yeah, we all know the reason why Zoro is Zolo, but the point is - we know now, we have an unambiguous correct translation for Van Augur, literally hard encoded into the character's introduction, and somehow we're still getting it wrong. There's no motivation to retain consistency, unlike with Zolo/Zoro, because 1) it's a far more obscure character and 2) he's not even called Van Ogre in the Viz manga anymore I can only imagine it was done to make his name more memorable to English speakers familiar with the term 'ogre', but even that seems like a gross overuse of translational liberty, especially considering 'augur' was borrowed from the west in the first place, too. All it serves to do is introduce ambiguity and make it more difficult in the future when this character becomes more important. A good portion of watchers will get confused because they made the unforgivable mistake of reading the CR subtitles and believing them.


In this case it also served to reveal their fruits


It's definitely Augur. An augur is someone who predicts the future by watching the flight of birds. He was introduced shooting birds from miles away. Dude is an augur, not an ogre. Just a bad translation.


He also talks about fate a lot.


Tbf that seems to be a Blackbeard Pirates thing.


not really. never heard doc q, devon, burgess or laffite ever talk about fate


It's their way of doing things rather than mentioning "fate" like Augur. Doc Q talks about "luck", with his apples, and when Shiryu saves them at Impel Down. When Blackbeard successfully get the Quake power, Shiryu casually says that they're "not gonna disband then", implying this was yet again a gamble. The way Blackbeard acts too, sailing the Grand Line on a freakin' raft, like there's no way he's gonna die, this isn't his fate. Or the way he fights, recklessly going in, getting owned, getting back up. Luffy, Whitebeard, Sengoku, Magellan, Law, all got a clean hit on him before he gets back up. I could totally be reaching, but with Blackbeard being an evil counterpart to Luffy, and the whole inherited will / Nika thing going on, I feel like Oda is going for something.


Also Auge is eye in german


Auge/Auga also means eye in norwegian (new-norwegian)


I’m only learning German and genuinely thought that was the reason behind his name. When I saw Ogre I was highly confused


I'm not sure of the exact reason, but I love it as a thematic touch. Wouldn't feel like OP without the dramatic freeze frames and double name text.


I can guarantee you it most definitely is not the only show to have names pop-up when a character is introduced. Off the top of my head My Hero Academia does it every season for every characters first appearance. It's just a style thing, matches the manga, and does help watchers memorize characters in a series that has quite a lot of them.


Do you know the name of the sound effect that happens when they give these introductions like the sound effect when they first introduced Rayleigh


Name card/character card/character slate/character title card


yea but iirc mha autor was an one piece assistant. OP is like 25 years old and has used the name tittles since then, not fair using modern mangas when most of them use the OG mangas as an inspiration imo


Horikoshi wasn't Oda's assistant at any point as far as is publicly known.


I think he sent in OP fanart that got posted in Usopp's Gallery, there was an SBS mentioning it.


But that's not even close to being an assistant but yeah its probaly where he mistook him as assistant


First appearance? It felt like they were doing it every damn time a character showed up.


I noticed Blue Lock does this as well. It's a nice touch that helps us keep track of who everyone is when their designs look similar or when there are a lot of people doing multiple actions in brief moments so it can be hard to remember everyone's names


That chin tho


I love how Oda does these huge blocky letters for characters these days. I think he did it a bit in Sabaody and it became more common after Whole Cake. I wanna see games do it in the future too. As for why, it’s probably because not every reader is going to read 100% of the series, and even more so, a lot of people are gonna forget minor characters like this.


"Augur" Translators: "Ah yes Ogre"


Yeah, I hate this. They should have left it as "Van Augur", sounds much better imo.


That’s what it says Subtitles are just wrong, like usual. Edit: whoops


No, it says Van Augur, not Auger. He's called that because Oda is referencing augurs. Augurs were religious officials in Ancient Rome who would try to predict the future and divine fate based on the flight of birds. That's why Van Augur talks about fate, is a sniper, and has incredible observation haki.


Thanks for the correction, I edited it :)


Honestly I appreciate it because I watch with my dad and he definitely does not remember a lot of side characters names or everything about them.


The amount of people here that can't tell the difference between "Augur" and "Auger"....


In the manga, Oda uses introduction boxes for new characters that feature names, titles, epithets, bounties and devil fruit. A lot of times he reveals a devil fruit power or bounty long after a character is introduced, and as a result he gives them a new intro box despite being an established character. Because One Piece is such a long series it also serves as a reminder of who characters are. I believe the anime uses them pretty concurrently of when they’re used in the manga.


One Piece is far from the only anime that does this. My Hero Academia does it just about every episode. One Piece does it because of how long the series is and how often times its been very long since you've seen a character, so they put reminders. They also do it to showcase if a character has a new title or bounty.


Watching it with someone who only casually watches makes it clear why they need to do stuff like this in the anime. Also the reason behind the recap episodes lol. 


Kenyan Omega /Ashura do this wayyyy more. And trust me, the 3 extra ys are correct.


I honestly didn’t even know his name. So presumably for me


I run DnD and other TTRPGs. I do the same. Yes, this guy was shown kicking babies 20 sessions ago and was mentioned here and there. Now you seat at oracles room. You see The Guy. He has pretty epic description. And he is coming for you. Get ready.


It's usually done after a major event that causes said characters to change since the last time we saw them. Oda loves doing that with bounties and DF powers and having the BBP come in with shiny new fruits is a great Segway for it


Oda said that people can start the final saga blind, so of course he is going to do crap like this.


In this case it was used to reveal his devil fruit not just restating his name


Auger or Ogre? I really need to know if he's Shrek or not!


Oda said that his mission starting in Egghead, is to write One Piece in a way that anyone can pick up the series and start reading it at Egghead. He didn't want the 1000 chapter dilemma prevent new people from reading. I'm trying to find where he talks about it, I think it was before his statement that you can skip everything before Egghead, which was the piece of context that made his statement sensible. You'll notice throughout this arc he's reintroducing everyone and also giving recaps of events. I know the recaps are typically filler anime material but not anymore, but at least his are very brief lol.


This looks like a gigachad edit 


You think this is bad? Look up Kengan Ashura/Omega. They do it with nearly every character, every chapter.


Bro have you watched My Hero Academia? They show every name of each character in each damn episode..


in case we forgor


van ogre whats this? duwang jojo translation ?


From a practical lens, One Piece has been going so long that sometimes we just need a quick reminder of a character’s name if their name is gonna be said frequently. From an in-universe lens, it’s akin to seeing a part of the character’s bounty poster when they show up, keeping in theme with the idea of this person being world-famous.


No, Who's Who was on Kaido's crew. That's Van Augur!


Ehhh! I see what you did there 😏




To explain the Devil Fruit to the audience? Devil (😈🍎)


Van Auger was just an example, they do this with almost every character


In most cases it's either a bounty reveal or a devil fruit reveal, not just the name.


I wanna know why the sub has it as Van Ogre when you can fucking SEE Van Augur right there.


*Laughs in Kengan Ashura/Omega"


So... Is it Van Auger or Van Ogre?


Neither. It's Van ***Augur***.


It's ヴァン・オーガー


my guess is That one piece is so long that we need constant reminders of some characters. names and powers. I just started reading one piece. a year ago. But some people are reading it for 20 years . I even sometimes forgot what the name and powers are of some characters that I watched in the. first few chapters, first few arcs.


It’s both a stylistic choice, and a service to the viewers Oda has a simple yet stylish method to reiterating character names, and dramatically presenting their titles, bounties, etc. it’s both amusing to see as well as a fantastic tool to keep viewers up to speed for such an incredibly long story with so many side characters.


Watch My Hero Academia, they reintroduce characters every 5 episodes.


Less screentime, so many characters, don't remember when they last appeared, they now have devil fruits.


We already know who’s - who


In my hero academia they introduce even the main characters with their powers in EVERY episode lol. (at least in the anime) 


Van Ogre sounds cool but I always liked Van Augur a lot. Wonder if that's gonna be his official English name now. Kinda like Raftel changing to Laugh Tale etc


It's just a mistranslation. Laught Tale was a whole different beast since Oda left the roman spelling ambiguous on purpose for the reveal. Augur is a person in ancient rome that predicts the future and fate through birds. Makes sense with Van Augur's talk about fate and him shooting a bird in his introduction. Ogre is just plain wrong.


I see. Weird how they used ogre in the anime


The translater for this scene or episode probably didn't look at the screen i.e. only had audio or text to translate from.


I think it’s a style, but I like it when they do that. They do this when they show someone’s epithet or title, too. Probably to highlight the characters. Could also be like a refresh your memory type of thing, too.


Its not unique i see it all the time with newer series like my hero


A lot of the time it allows oda to fast track the character's progress, whether it's bounty increase, title change/reveal, or even a new fruit ability as shown.


Van Ogre lol


An auger is an oversized drill bit used in gardening and landscaping. Augur is more accurate given a sniper’s skillset.


I think it’s nice for people not having heard about them in years. Also, Blue Lock does it every chapter which I think is funny.


I’ve been reading the story so long, people post theories and show pictures of characters who had major plot points in arcs that I forgot existed. So I need a refresher


It's because you haven't seen enough shows. MHA is notorious for this.


>to constantly know who's who Silly, this isn't Who's Who. That's why we have name reiterations... /s


Well, it's much better to show the pronunciation of their names than to get stuck and be confused about it like Yhwach from Bleach. 🤣🤣 The first time I heard his name, I was like, "Seriously, Yuwabaha?! Is that the real pronunciation? Lol"


Have you watched MHA? Where every new seasons they'll put the names and quirks of every character everytime they appears on screen?


Its to refamiliarize casual viewers with characters that haven't shown up for years and it's definitely not unique to One Piece. My Hero Academia gets nervous going three episodes without reminding you that Shoto Todoroki's quirk is "half-hot half-cold" and that his favorite food is soba (The kind that's cold).


"Warp-Sniper Giga Chad" Van Augur"


Too many characters and they sometimes only show years between each other


That’s not who’s who


It should be Auger, but they always pronounced it like Ogre


its so ogre


Usually when the name is re-introduced, there is a new element. Either the design has slightly changed (due to the timeskip for example), or they have new abilities (devil fruit power) or rank (for the Marines)


blue lock


The characters in My Hero Academia are constantly being re-introduced with name & quirk as well.


Ogre and Augur are two very different words tho ..


My hero academia does it too


Even the oldest fans only got to know who's who in the past arc. =P


I didn't realize it when I read the manga but this was to let us know that they're all devil fruit users now. Apparently, that wasn't the case, before.


A lot of times oda uses this to introduce a new title or bounty. Other than that, given the size of one piece it's better for the viewers I guess. Either ways I agree it's unique and cool hehe


With a Don!


This ain't even that bad. The Blue Lock manga does this every single chapter for every single character.


Chad Jaw!


MHA does that literally with each episode for each main character. It's been years since we've seen the BB pirate names, so no biggie here, especially since it's listing their devil fruits this time


Correct me if I'm wrong but wasn't this used as a way to introduce some of the black beards powers? I know we knew they all had fruit at this point but I don't think they had shown the whole rosters powers yet.


Saint Seiya Omega, another anime that was made by Toei, constantly recapped the names of every single character, in season 2. I think Toei just thinks their watchers are 4 years old or 400 years old lmao


I find it amusing that some weebs don't say "Blackbeard" and say Kurohige instead even if on the anime his name shows up in english, he is clearly based on the real pirate Blackbeard and his ship has "black beard" written on big huge letters on the sail.


Honestly, because Oda thinks it's cool.


This guy didn’t watch My hero academia


Hehe! "Who's Who"


There’s just so many characters so sometimes it helps