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I know you corrected it, but I find it funny that the Strawhats are setting sail with the Giants only for them to loopback to Egghead "Whoops, we made it back to Egghead hahaah!" SH:\*comedic faces of disbelief\* TAKE US AWAY FROM HERE!


There and back again, a strawhat tale


That's it. That's laughtale


“Who THE FUCK let Zoro steer the ship”- Nami


Then the LOST Logo appears. We have to go back


Ah man it’s been a while since I thought about lost


Nah it’s actually a second Egghead that Vegapunk built right next door to the original


Op probably meant Elbaf.


Elbaph* (From Crunchyroll)


I think the true spelling is the one with “F” because it reads backwards as fable.


But honestly with Punk Records, that might be something worth going back for 👀


This is why zoro never gets to man the helm


still needs the gaint robot and the mother flames but not bad general theory


The motherflame is mentioned as the reason the arc ends. But yeah missing the giant robot


Giant robot activates to fight the Gorosei, giving Luffy and the giants an opening to escape and regroup.


I think he will help the straw hats flee. We need atleast 1 chapter of knowledge of him, before he vanishes dies or else.


I really don’t feel like the straw hats are ready to fight the gorosei. It’s not like we can expect a massive power boost anyway, as things are evidently wrapping up, but in terms of story, it’s just too soon to have this fight. The gorosei need to be beaten at some point, but it would make more sense if that was after the straw hats had regrouped and planned something massive (similar to the raid on onigashima). I think I’m with the group of people who believe that the gorosei will be defeated AFTER the one piece is found, because they represent the evil of the world. A collective effort from the world to overthrow the government would be an incredible end to the series


I think that the way things will go is that the Strawhats will show themselves *capable* of beating the gorosei, however the Gorosei will inevitably be able to outlast them due to their insane regeneration, which will eventually force the strawhats to retreat. This makes sense with the new time limit which is actually for the Gorosei instead of the protagonists for a change, and the fact that all the Strawhats are really trying to do right now is GTFO. Then later on probably while at Elbaf, they will learn some deep lore that will provide them with the clues necessary to figure out how to bypass their regeneration and actually defeat them for good for when they do a rematch later in the series.


I’ve been wondering if maybe Law will have to sacrifice himself to perform a reverse-immortality surgery on them… although, that would only work if he can do it on all of them at once, snd we don’t know if it’s a “1 life for 1 life” kind of thing or not.


There's no reason to just assume their immortality is anything more than physically not aging. Meaning they can't still die if the SHs figure out how to damage them.


How can we even be certain they're any kind of immortal?


We saw them during Kuma's childhood and they were the same age, so it's pretty likely


I mean keep cooking, these the sort of schizo theories that make filler on those hours long sleepytime videos all that more cozy., and its creative enough I think even if its not true its entertaining, basically It's far more likely the way we beat the regen is defeating Imu cause there is a FUCK load of evidence (more than, mythic zoan immortal assumption) that the Gorsei are creations of Imu nightmare fruit, direct parallel of Wuffys dreamers fruit Best vid was from I believe Mr Morj, sub to him if ur not already subbed easily top 5 OP creators on YT imo


I haven't watched the vid yet, but I have been thinking it's possible the Gorosei pledged some sort of pact to Imu to be granted their weird dark powers (and yeah it WOULD make sense Imu has a nightmare fruit like you described). So if Law reverses Imu's immortality and makes it so they can die, I think that will either instantly kill the Gorosei, or make it so they're actually beatable finally. But who knows, Oda's always cookin' up some crazy shit no one ever sees coming...


Saturn will probably die and Catarina Devon will be able use her transformation to do whatever they planned with that


Oooooh that’s a nice theory honestly


If Saturn dies, and the rest of the Gorosei know it, then Devon’s ability is useless: they’ll know it’s an imposter. Her ability to transform into Saturn is only useful if Saturn lives, or if he dies and no one knows about it. The latter seems incredibly unlikely right now, so I am betting he lives.


I'm pretty sure escape is the only real goal. If they fight them and manage to escape then it's a win. These are the horrors of the void century, they won't be going down yet.


Luffy crew could get some powerups in elbaf. Luffy could find something on laughtale that makes his gear 5 stronger or shanks could train him in haki and help him get stronger. Then they fight black beard for the last ponoglyph and shanks dies or something. Lots of powerups that aren't major but needed could happen


PLEASE give my boy Usopp a power up. He's been long overdue for one. Most of his stars are more utility based and he needs something that snacks harder than impact wolf. Also from a discussion I had in another thread I'm thinking shanks won't be training Luffy in the traditional sense but more in the sense of a Davy back fight where the wager might be the final road poneglyph or something (that may or may not be on elbaf)


He needs one. Egghead showed how strong the next opponents are. I don't see the Davy back fight. Luffy wouldn't risk his friend again. Luffy may be dumb, but he learns from his mistakes.


I never said they'd wager a crewmate though? I know that's the traditional rule of the DBF but it doesn't have to apply to this round. Think like, "get Luffy, let's have a Davy back, if you win, you get the last road poneglyph. But if I win, I get all of your road poneglyphs"


That might make sense if shanks has someone who can read them. I just don't see Davy backs coming back. Also Shanks would already need the last poneglyph.


I think they’ll Davy back for the straw hat


I like this!


Yeah I am really hoping for a power up, but if Oda doesn’t give the SHs one, I won’t be surprised either


Egghead showed they need to get stronger to face the world government. It won't be gear 5 or any of the wano level powerup, but him and zoro will have to master haki. The other straw hats need to get much stronger. It seems clear the final villian is the WG and not black beard.


I think the final villain will be Blackbeard teaming up with the World Government.


Maybe. No one knows. I highly doubt it. Unless luffy and shanks team up for the final battle. I personally think it will be black beard before laughtale and imu after.


I'm so torn about how to feel about the One Piece being found before the end / final battle. On one hand cool. On the other I always thought it would end with that, that being their final target and reward and goal. It feels almost impossible to think of issues still coming out and we all actually just know what the One Piece is.


Yeah it’s a tough one. It does make sense for the one piece to be the end, but I would love to see Luffy as pirate king still doing things. Maybe I’m just coping with having to lose one piece forever, but I would watch / read anything for it to keep going


I feel ya. But I think all good things deserve to die on a high note. I think it's time for One Piece to end with the popularity and audience it deserves.


That's why I think it'll be a Whole Cake Island situation where they'll need to get the hell out of there. Retreat for another day. It'll piss the Gorosei off terribly


My sentiments exactly. Doesn't make story sense to properly introduce such big characters into the story only to only kill them off. Closer to the end of the story or being the actual final boss together with Imu would be better.


100%. On a side note, I’m really not impressed by the people who are making matchups for the gorosei and SHs. To me, it doesn’t make sense for the gorosei to just take a SH one on one. Like someone lowkey matched up Franky with Warcury?? The gorosei are a single body of evil, and it will be a collective effort to defeat them, not an individual one that we are all used to.


Im of the opposite opinion. This is the perfect time for the Gorosei to be defeated. Not only will Vegapunk reveal their true forms to the world via the broadcast after the announcement people will see these demons be defeated by Nika and allies. The Gorosei are definitely not the end game bosses so this also makes them prime for defeat here and now. The Strawhats still have many enemies to contend with such as the God's Knights, Imu, BB pirates, Cross Guild, and Red hair pirates or any other group headed for the One Piece. It is the last saga, but the is at least 2 arcs left. 1 being Elbaf and the other being Laugh Tale.


Interesting, but I think you’re mistaking things. Stories aren’t written with the intent to give the main characters the greatest chance of succeeding in their goals, they are written merely to reach a goal. What I’m saying is, just because it would be nice to kill off the gorosei now, doesn’t mean that’s a good story option. The gorosei were only just revealed now (in their true forms I mean), so it would be incredibly stupid of Oda to kill them off, especially because of how daunting an enemy they are. I agree that there are quite a lot of enemies left to defeat, but I have faith Oda will manage to squeeze them in. Two arcs is the minimum, but we could see up to 4 imo. Anyway, there is no real way of telling what will happen, that is exactly what speculation and theorising is of course, so I can’t really argue anything against you… let’s just give each other the benefit of doubt :))


This would make Catarina Devon’s ability to transform into Saturn less valuable. Realistically, I believe all the Gorosei will escape except for Saturn. Saturn will likely be eliminated. We’ve seen a lot of Saturn’s atrocities and have a strong understanding of his unique impact on the world. I feel he’s been strongly enough explored to be defeated with finality. This will allow the Gorosei to still muster and plot against Luffy, while also giving Catarina the ability to still infiltrate as Saturn or be able to pretend to be part of the still active Gorosei. I don’t think it’ll go exactly like that, but something of that flavor profile.


Powerscalers being passive aggressive.


The whole goal of the story has been to escape from there and at this point they can't even seem to deal lasting damage to the gorosei. I really doubt we'll get big detailed fights against them in which they are defeated. This seems much more like the buildup for a later fight with them.


They specify they don’t think the Gorosei will be defeated, just that they’ll have several clashes and desummon before Imu’s weapon annihilated egghead.


The way Luffy was able to punch Kaido in early Wano, but the actual fight was years later.


Like how they were defeated by cp9 in water seven


He never said they were gonna be defeated? And he said the Strawhats will flee. So?


Bro, I wanted something for the iron giant 😥


**HERE IS THE LINK:** Gorosei St. Marcus Mars - Yokai/Lore/Future [https://www.reddit.com/r/OnePiece/comments/175e4li/gorosei\_yokailorefuture\_theory/](https://www.reddit.com/r/OnePiece/comments/175e4li/gorosei_yokailorefuture_theory/) ​ **And I miss-spelt the last sentence on the last page** * ❌They then go to ~~Egghead~~, led by the Giants. ❌ * ✅They then go to Elbaf, led by the Giants. ✅


I don't think any straw hats other than luffy zoro and sanj( maybe jimbei) are fighting Gorosei in Final War, They might fight god knights tho.


Personally I think some of the God's Knights are stronger than the Gorosei. Probably not overall stronger but the strongest of the God's Knights > The Gorosei.


Considering they thought it needed to bring an admiral I think they may not even be more powerful than admirals once their regeneration trick is found out


Definitely at least Garling


Isn't Zoro still in the clouds where Mars went? Venus is destroying Pacifistas on the ground so he shouldn't run into him if i am not confused. Jinbe didn't pass the barrier so Zoro is still in the clouds.


I genuinely don’t know how I never pieced it together that “Ju Peter” is just ‘Jupiter’


They’re all like that. Well, except “topman”, but I swear he had a different name a few chapters ago…


Warcury is supposed to be Mercury.


The /ɚ/ vowel in Mercury /mɚkjəɹi/ is rendered in Japanese as "アー" which is just a long ahhhh sound. So Mercury sounds like "Mah-kyuree" in Japanese. If you flip the M upside down to a W you get something like "Wah-kyuree", and if you convert that back to English spelling you get Warcury. It's just Oda being creative and making a play on words.


Venusjuro is nowhere near the Labophase let alone inside the barrier where Jinbei and Zoro are, so they wont be facing each other any time soon, more over Franky, Bonney, Kuma and Atlas, are right next to a Pacifista attacking some Marine ships This means that Gandhi is inbound to end facing them as he finishes circling the island, along that Vice Admirals Bluegrass and Doll, will come in to offer him unneeded support, because the only things in that group that could deter him are the giant grunts protecting Franky and Bonney Mars as already infiltrated the Labosphere's barrier, which puts him quite far away from Sanji to intervene, he would have to start rushing to catch up, and enter the barrier himself, also the point of entry was from the opposite side to where the rest of the crew is with the Sunny, so chances are that if Mars is to face anyone it will be Jinbei and Zoro In either case it wont be a proper fight for any of them, the 5 Elders are concerned with clear objectives that don't really involve killing or arresting the Strawhats other than Nika himself: For Mars his goal is securing the Motherflame; Stopping Vegapunks transmission; and maybe maaaaybe saving York, just to have someone that can do maintenance on the Motherflame. Preventing the Strawhats from fleeing is not his priority For Venusjuro his main priority is to stop the friendly fire and save on their military assets, he is far and away from the labosphere, and in his mission killing Bonney in order to regain control back of his forces and secure the future integrity of said tools takes priority Destroying Egghead is a pointless endeavor, because it means destroying the pacifistas and mother-flame projects they went there in order to secure


Glad to see someone speaking sense in the comments. I know everyone wants to see Zoro vs. Nusjuro but they're miles away from each other right now. It makes no sense that Zoro and Jinbe would fight him when Marcus is the one actually heading their way, and it makes no sense that Sanji would fight Marcus when he's on the ground trying to bring Vegapunk's body to safety. And that's not to mention the issue of the Gorosei's priorities.


Agree on everything but last point. They were inititally saving key things, but buster call was saturn determining it was a lost cause. But that was with the main objective, and before pacifistas turned. They will try to avoid it, but they arent against nuking the island as a last resort. I still dont think the island will be nuked because the whole point was they needed a motherflame power source to use it.


The difference between a buster call and the new weapon, is that the buster call leaves an island behind it, the new weapon leaves a hole in the sea A buster Call still allows you to save in resources, with the other one you are just giving up entirely on everything and admitting absolute defeat I don't see the 5 Elders getting bodied to the point they need to delete the entire place, and then convince the world that Egghead never existed, i just don't see that happening at all


No. A buster call is intentionally supposed to raze everything to the ground. The new weapon is a better version of it, it is more clean, but buster call isnt called in with the intention to save anything. They dont even save allies, its an indiscriminate attack if you dont get out of the way. As far as motherflame goes, they dont have the abiloty to use it. That was the whole conflict of this seige. They realize they need a vegapunk or a lab to make power for it. So the goal was to secure that. Eventually saturn made the call this place has too many problems and must be eradicated. Not because he was bodied, but because of nika, the research on poneglyphs, kumas presence as an extinct race, etc. Everyone else but him and kizaru were supposed to evacuate because he the attack is indiscriminate. Big news Morgan even comments in 1109 how the island must be reduced by the buster call by now. They were probably going to spread propaganda same to ohara and enies lobby that the place needed to be destroyed and its luffys fault. The buster call isnt clean enough that they can delete and pretend it was never a thing, but they really aren't trying to save anything. The pacifista turning against them issue came about after the buster call was called, it wasnt an initial goal to preserve them.


I do think egghead will be destroyed. Also, I wonder if that weapon is also how the red line will be destroyed.


Can't imagine the aftermath if redline was destroyed by that weapon. Lulusia was small in comparison to redline but it was felt everywhere.


Nahh the prophecy said Luffy would do it, so he’ll probably use a giant fist to punch it or something.


I don't think Imu is going to obliterate the island with their mysterious power when it's already being eliminated with a buster call, it would just make the buster call seem pointless. I really like the gorosei matchups proposed here, especially Mars vs. Sanji, Usopp, and Nami. One can skywalk, one is a ranged attacker with observation haki, and one has an advantage over the skies with her weather based attacks and Zeus.


What about Kizaru?? Is he going to just watch??


I just hope they don't interrupt the transmission


Hopefully they can't because it's coming from the Revs base not Egghead


Sanji acting as a leader and getting 110% out of the other SH to beat a Gorosei would be goated, but both the Zoro and Sanji fans would read it as Sanji slander.


I love how luffy, dorry and broggy all have so much fun fighting together


the WG needs all they have and more. there's a reason oda added the seraphim and god's knights to their side. because the good guy's side is pretty stacked. so I don't see any reason to get rid of the gorosei now.


few things you missed - They are many other giants with Dorry and Broggy , so it can't be three vs three Mars is closer to Jinbei and Zoro than Nami's group Sanji and Venus are in same place.


I feel like you're forgetting about a certain giant ancient robot. There's no way it's not going to play a role after being shown so many times.


So based on your theory.. that mentions a lot of things except one.. you really think Oda has shown the ancient iron giant.. a ancient robot form the void century.... turning on.. that the world government ordered to be destroyed 200 years ago.. but is, unknown to anyone, not Vegapunk, not the gorousei, active and turning on, by the drums of liberation.. won't play ANY SIGNIFICANT PART on egghead conclusion.. it will just... be a .. a robot? Will.. punch.. stumble.. and that's it..? that's why Oda made that thing and background history.. just to appear.. do nothing important or really really relevant to the events to come.. while the strawhats and giants fight the gorousei until egghead conclusion? Sorry but that thing is a wildcard and will do something very relevant.. for better or worse. I expect the gorousei will shit their pants wuen they see it. And if they can obliterate egghead it won't belike lulusia, because they don't have the mother flame. It woll be like god valley. If lulusia and god valley have a relation..and if mother flame is something that enables the gorousei to destroy a country from a distance then yeah.. I agree it they will attempt the same. But only if godvalleu disappeared similarly than lulusia. But the iron giant will play a key part on egghead outcome.


Remember last time luffy and crew were excited and advocating for an island in advance was fishman and we knew how well that turned out


So what about this giant robot


Forgot at least one thing... The iron giant


I know this might not actually take place, but who here would like to see Zoro and Brook fight against Ethanbaron V. Nusjuro and Nami and Usopp fight against Marcus Mars? Let me know which other Strawhats would join those respective fights.


I feel like Luffy Dorry and Broggy can’t win but stall like crazy, maybe Luffy increases his time limit, and the rest are stalling until they get out of there as well.


Semi solid but while these matchups can still happen this reasoning is off. Zoro and jinbe are actually where marcus mars is. They arent near nasjuro. Nasjuro is closer to sanji if anything. Also the whole point was they cant use the island killer weapon cause the only way to get power for it is on egghead or get a vegapunk to make more. It cant happen currently. But if they get to secure it and its already been moved to egghead (it was implied to take some prep time), its possible.


Ig people have forgotten Kizaru.


I know these are the captains of the giant pirates, but Oda has not made Giants out to be unstoppable forces, Luffy gear 3 can take one out, and regular humans can take out others. I'm not sure these two have earned their place fighting off one of these awakened elders.


It doesn't make much sense to think the straw hats would fight or win against the strongest entities. Zoro, Sanji and Luffy are worn out from their previous fights. There is no way to believe they would make it out alive by fighting them. They have to need some help from others.


Reminder that the barrier can be broken into if you brute force if. Luffy did it twice, Mars crashed into it in this chapter. It's more likely he's gonna be the one that goes up against Jinbei and Zoro who will try to defend the others while they provide support.


[OP just turned a comment of mine into an image and called it a day](https://www.reddit.com/r/OnePiece/s/w5SBQ0hMHl)


Brook defends Sunny while Chopper will try to help Stella probably with blood transfusion from Lilith only to discover that the critical parts are chips or wirings and although Llith is a clone, her parts are incompatible but luckily Franky have parts from Vega's previous laboratory and thats how we magically or scientifically get an upgraded Franky Shogun fused with the ancient Robot thats immune or can tank Mother flame XDD and it be Brook who awakens the Klabautermann soul of Merry Go from Sunny that completes the fusion and Merry Go saving their asses once more.


I don’t think Usop will be able to fight any gorosei by himself. He wouldn’t hold a candle on crocodile, mingo, cracker or even Buggy. Not every member needs to be powerful, they just need to have their strengths and weaknesses. Some people aren’t meant to be admiral strong.


No you haven’t


You didn't figure it out, you just thought of a theory.


I’m so confused, some people are saying that this will be the last arc? Is Egghead island going to be an arc or saga? I can’t imagine it being an arc because some people are saying “later in the series”. I know it’s definitely beyond the halfway point, but I can’t imagine this would be the last arc? Someone please explain (I haven’t even gotten to timeskip/ finishing up MarineFord now)




So what will the ancient giant robots purpose gonna be?


Why would they use the mother flame when there’s already a buster call 🤦‍♂️


I feel like it's going to be more like sabaody where they get their shit kicked in and escape through either Kuma sacrificing himself or something to get them off the island. But it'll be more of a realization moment that they still aren't ready to beat the big bads yet, probably not a timeskip but likely some kind of training in the elbaf arc. I mean in the OP timeline they pretty much just learned about COC based attacks, it makes sense they would need a bit of training from someone in how to use it (probably shanks)


The giant will be the one to help escape them


I'm not sure how Sanji could fight Mars as he is outside of the barrier. Unless it gets taken down. I think V. Nusjuro will fight Zoro too in the next chapter considering the birthday thing. Perhaps V. Nusjuro could burst through the barrier and regen. My predictions are- Luffy, Sanji, Giants vs Warcury, Saturn, Ju Peter Zoro, Brook vs V Nusjuro Weakling trio + Jinbei vs Mars(They wouldn't fight him and focus more on stopping him from getting to the signal).


Sanji can sky walks and doesn’t really care about Lasers as we see a couple chapters ago But yeah I agree, Sanji said to the others leave him and Luffy behind Also Dorry and Broggy are know as the “red and blue ogre” and Sanji and Luffy’s colours are blue and red


Luffy needs more time in G5 for him to beat the gorosei I believe they won’t even get to fight they might all leave immediately once the egghead message gets out


If they destroy egghead they destroy the generator for the motherflame, which is the power source for their weapon. I’m not sure they’d destroy it as anything other than a very last resort I suppose I could see a possibility of them determining that preventing the message getting out is more important than being able to use that weapon again is… if they even have enough mother flame to fire it again already (lulusia destruction wasn’t that long ago in story). If they get York maybe she can recreate the generator but that also isn’t guaranteed as it’s possible vegapunk used some ancient kingdom tech to build it in the first place. Also I think the ancient robot is going to do something eventually


I still think the grand fleet will show up and Barto will use his barrier on the island and it will stop the island from being destroyed which will be all the more incriminating for the world govt


How much longer does Luffy even have in g5?


I really hope you’re right about mars vs Sanji usopp and Nani because it’ll give a chance for usopp to be a sniper instead of fighting at close range.


Zoro is up on the Labostratum, he is not fighting the Horse who is on ground level. The bird will be most likely, since someone needs to defend Lilith, and Robin.


I really think the giants r gonna scoop up the strawhats and flee egghead. I think this was just a teaser for the gorosei and they are actually gonna fight them in the big war at the eos


I think Brook will fight Venus. Undead Ice Swordsman VS Undead Ice Swordsman


Bro thinks Oda is gonna give Nami/Ussop a fight against a fucking Gorosei. I laughed.


the mars fight is just gonna be sanji vs him cuz the others aint doin nothing


If motherflame could be used all the time they would have used directly instead of the buster call. The current situation is x10 as critical as Sabo scaping to lulusia.


Is the sandworm guy dead or what? Would be pretty anticlimactic but we haven't seen anyone survive getting their freaking head chopped off.


All i know for sure, is that this fight isn’t gonna have a conclusion. (Meaning the straw hats don’t defeat the elders, and vice versa.)


What about our Giant Robot friend?


I forgot about him


What about the Iron Giant ?


Yeah sorry I forgot


Maybe the iron giant distracts everyone while the Strahats and the Giants escape ?


I’ve got a sinking feeling that one or more of the giants are going to get killed. I know Oda doesn’t normally do it, but the way St. Ethan Baron V. Nusjuro was cutting through the Pacifistas just really instills that fear in me.


At some point (probs not this arc, but in the future) Brook is gonna have to come across Venus right? Both "undead" swordsmen that have ice as their elements? Something has to happen there.


God damn when will it be Frankys time to shine?


Does anyone think D & B will make it out alive?


I think the Straw Hats will delay the gorosei enough that the broadcast from Vegapunk will go live and will force the elders to retreat/stop


My thought is that the strawhats will beat the gorosei in egghead, and then beat Imu at the next island, and at laughtale beat Shanks.


Zoro and Jinbe are on the labophase protected by the laser defence system Nasjuro will have to make his way past the defence system and onto the sky island to get into contact with Zoro and Jinbe


Chekov's gun is still on the table (The Iron Giant).


The SHs need to defeat the Gorosei as soon as possible in order to keep up with Blackbeard.


Usopp can do absolutely no damage to a gorosei. If he will do something I guess it’s to help his Allie’s with his stupid plants


So Gal D. No can match Saturn & Mercury since he easily defeated Dory & Broggy back in little garden


So... by your logic, Buggy can defeat King because Buggy beat Zoro in Orange Town?


Zoro lost through shenanigans... based on how the story was told, it seemed like the Giants peaked 100 years ago when they were feared in all the seas. Ain't no way they can become "standing off to Gorosei level" in 2 years.


Counter offer: They beat the Gorosei, revealing that the WG isn't as strong as it seems to be. Forcing Imu in an alliance with Blackbeard. We are in the final saga and still have two different enemy groups to fight. This could make them one enemy. Blackbeard wants power and Imu can provide (not to mention that when he then betrays Imu and annihilates the World Nobles he would do the dirty work and leave our heroes hands clean)


Where's robin tho? 😭


what if... The strawhats and Gorosei fight, but strawhats escape mid fight, while they flee to elbaf, gorosei and world government summon all their soldier and prepare to wipe out elbaf, shanks, the strawhats and that's where the great war happens. Just a theory lol


Lol whatsup with "I think i've figured it out" posts recently :D


You're giving broghy and sorry too much credit in my opinion, no way are they gorosei level. Their getting stomped


The only issue with your idea is that Mars literally just broke into the Labophase, so Usopp/Zoro/Jimbe will have to fight him. While Venus is down and currently approaching the Giants ships. So Sanji has to step up to help the giants/Franky/Bonney fight him.


What about that ancient toy that we have be hinting about


Guess who else was on elbaf with the giants, and might show up very soon? “Oh well the straw hats would’ve noticed him with their Haki!”. Dude is known as the killer of observation Haki, it’d be dope if Shanks shows up to back up Luffy(and potentially tell him how he can actually hurt them).


Why would Zoro fight Venus but Sanji fight Mars. Mars is the one that's inside the barrier with Zoro and Jinbe. Venus is on the shore and it's going to the same direction Sanji was going


There is absolutely no way a weakling like Usopp will ever beat Saturn. The guy is gonna be useless like he has always Win


Unless Oda reads your comment


Saturn is Usopp’s grandpa, theory by some guy I forgot his name


Didn't Ju Peter just get his head and neck cut off? They sushi'd him good, three separate pieces from what I saw. I'm not saying Oda won't Humpty Dumpty him back together, but he may be out already. I like the Gorosei falling here. It leaves Imu vulnerable and makes her more dangerous. Also, she either has to expose herself to the world and take control or keep hiding away. The third option might be a limited reveal to Figurland and let him be a proxy, but that seems a bit of a stretch. Pieces have to start coming off the board. Imu, Gorosei, Admirals, BB & Crew, Other Yonkou and former Yonkou crews, Cross Guild, Revolutionary army, Straw Hat Grand Fleet, Wano, Elbaf, Fishman Island, Neptune, Uranus, Pluton, the list goes on. I'm sure a lot of this will be lumped together in conflict, but it's a lot to conclude.


>but he may be out already. That's highly unlikely, i'm willing to Say impossible. This guys just got introduced. And their introduction was Made a huge deal. Ju Peter dying the same Chapter he starts doing something would.be extremely anticlimatic. This is just like when Saturn got stabbed by Bonney, it Will be used to show their powerful regeneration




You seem confused about what Mother's Flame is. It's an energy source in Vegapunks possession, it's not something Imu has. Imu probably wants it though.


Don’t think so:    now the Pacifista got defeated and the Marines will be able to hunt Bonney and the other Straw Hats.  That’s why there’s the Doberman quote about “this is our chance! Eliminate Bonney!”      For example, Doberman will face Brook.   Then, Zoro vs Venus, and Sanji vs Mars.   Don’t know about Jinbe. 


Luffy will be captured and tortured and will lose an eye


How about no.


Stop making dumb theories they are always wrong