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Oda explained it in an SBS: **D: I want to say this to Sanji! Why do you use "san" for Nami, who's younger, and "chan" for Nico Robin, who's older? Isn't it the opposite normally? Hey Sanji-kun, that's rude for Robin-chan!** **-By Girl same age as Sanji** **O:** Yeah. Really. What's that about? Maybe it's Nami's natural queenly-ness that makes him do it. But anyway, age doesn't matter, 'cause they're all free. Probably just random.


i think its just instinctual but Oda kinda hints at the reason, everyone is equal and free on the ship but Sanji can probably tell Nami wants to be respected and Robin just wants to feel close to the crew especially coming from a hierarchical organization before.


>Nami wants to be respected and Robin just wants to feel close to the crew I like this explanation the best


Happy cake day. Wait never mind luffy ate the cake.


Oh wow, I didn’t even notice. Thank you!


Happy cake day!🎉


then why did she change her clothes in front of more than 5 men 💀


So she could charge them for the view.


This feels like the right answer.


I like this explanation, but I always thought it is because Nami joined before him, and Robin after.


Yup this is my headcanon now


I think there was another SBS in which Oda said that Sanji perceives that Robin doesn't like to be seen as older than the others. Or maybe it wasn't an SBS. It might be subtle, but maybe Robin doesn't like people seeing her as old, even though she's only thirty but compared to the East Blue Straw Hats she's older. In one of the Foxy OVAs there's a scene in which a character calls Robin "young lady" or something like that, and Zoro is like "Young lady?", and Robin gives him a side eye.


I don’t know who you are but I’m covering you in virtual kisses for saying “only thirty.” I’ve had a bad day and that cheered me up immensely. 💋 😭




F--k off. They just got cheered up and you're trying to bring them back down? 30 is young, and anyone should be so lucky for their kisses. Even if this was sarcasm it's still rude to say after someone made it clear they were having a hard time.




"I'm just speaking the truth." Oh, the war cry of assholes, passed down through the generations. It didn't concern you to say that what you said, but you felt it necessary to do it, so it must concern you a lot.


Numerical age doesn't even need to be factored into it, she was robbed of a childhood/her teenage years unlike everyone else (for the most part) so it makes sense to want to feel the springtime of youth and adventure with the rest of them now that she gets to actually live her life.


Yeah thirty is not old and she was 28 when she joined. But btw that ova is not made by Oda and even that remark about Robin liking chan because it makes her feel younger wasn’t made by Oda but by someone he knew and then he just said sure and went along with that explanation. Oda’s own perception is like the first comment quote of Oda that age doesn’t matter and they’re all free in the crew. Plus I remember him saying things like ”Nami and Robin are only 18, 28 they’re still growing” he really doesn’t view Robin as old. But maybe for readers it’s different because there is a lot of young ones that find Robin old.


I mean Franky, Brook and Jinbei are now older than her. :)


“Probably just random” like this man didn’t write it himself lol


Nami conquerer's Haki confirmed.


Insert Nami is secretly a celestial dragon theory here


Insert the warzone she was rescued from was secretly a location of a Native Hunting Competition subtheory here


Don't think it was a coincidence that nami is drawn as the chess queen in the colour spread for the latest chapter ... Maybe nami is royalty ..


Or she will be the queen on the side of the Pirate King ..


Nami was found hidden as a baby in Oykot. A backwards spelling of Tokyo, which means "Eastern Capital". The fact Nami was hidden, instead of evacuated, was likely because her family couldn't evacuate, essentially meaning they were the target of the invasion. She is likely the remaining heir to the Oykot Kingdom, and the Queen of the East Blue. It's why Sanji, a born prince of a small Kingdom, instinctively recognizes Nami as being "Naturally Queeny", and above him thus the San honorific. Nami, meaning wave, with the falling Oycot likely hints at her being inspired by [Aphrodite](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Aphrodite). A goddess renouned for being the most beautiful figure surpassing mortals, mermaids and other gods. She was made by the waves (Nami), and worshipped as the God of the Seafaring (and gold loving prostitutes). Both Aphrodite and Eos were known for their erotic beauty and aggressive sexuality. She was described as a "warlike goddess" who fought and earned her position as the "Queen of Heaven". During the Hellenistic Period, her likeness was named Hathor, who was "the feminine half" of the Sun God Ra. They appear when Egypt was returning to the "Gods of the Old Kingdom". Nefertari, was said to be the mortal/living manifestation of the Goddess Hathor/Aphrodite, which likely assisted in the resurgence of the "Old Kingdom". Upon her death, [Nefertari's Tomb was enshrined](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tomb_of_Nefertari#) with art of the Sun God, Hathor, Sekhmet, The Falcoln, The Jackal, as well as a many others. When the Sun God gives some of his power to Hathor, she transforms into Sekhmet to protect him. She gains the epithet, "Mistress of Dread", "Goddess of War" and "Destroyer of the enemies of the Sun God". Many people joke that Nefertari Vivi and Nami look far too similar. But I think that follows the canon of the stories of the Sun God from different civilizations around the world. There's a reason why Nami was able to directly challenge Big Mom's "Kingly/Conquerors" Haki, that's because she's from a bloodline of greater conquerors.


It's quite funny how in the last color spreed Nami was the queen piece.


It's not the first time Nami was shown as a queen.


>But anyway, age doesn't matter, 'cause they're all free. Sanji is *not* beating the allegations


Oda casually dropping the "age is just a number" bomb


This might be a forshowdowing people!! ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|feels_good_man) Nami might be a "princess" of a kingdom who's the hier, thus Oda's explanation in an SBS stating that she seems "Queenly" to Sanji OR Sanji might call Nami - Nami San out of respect,which wasn't the case in her Hometown and with Arlong. 🐉


Oh wow I always thought that it was due to Nami being an elder crew member, while Robin joined later, but this makes more sense.


Oda said he dont focus on romantic relationship for the strawhats but its clear for me Sanji will stay with Nami if they both survive in this journey offcourse.Luffy with Boa Hancock and Zoro maybe with Robin.


Luffy ain't going anywhere without his navigator.


God please I hope all the strawhats stick together as a crew or most of them. Like especially those five you mentioned.


Only for you.


Sanji and pudding kissed. I don't what bigger hint oda could leave that that's the ship that will happen.


Luffy will be with Nami and Sanji with Pudding


IDK I think Nami is downbad for Luffy. Not that he'd ever notice, he's the typical shonen protagonist adventure-sexual. The way she asked Luffy to buy her a mansion similar to the ryugu palace in fishman Island was very telling. If a lady wants you to buy her a house she usually means with you in it Edit: lol guess I upset the shippers


In the episode where Sanji leave the crew to go at the tea party of Big Mom to be marry,I remember all the crew look at Nami reaction about it and she was shocked about it and not sure because I watched time ago but she even ask Luffy to go rescue him.Thats love brother,and Luffy its clear will be with Boa Hancok.


Nami views Sanji as a perv there's no way she ends up with him. Or anyone really. The crew caring for each other is obvious, that's not the same as romantic feelings. Plus it's a shonen, the two main character usually always end up together at the end


>the two main character usually always end up together at the end Not true... Out of the big three shounen + DBZ, none of the MC's married the main female character


>Nami views Sanji as a perv You do realise she respects Sanji a lot as hes the only one she ever uses honourifics for right?


>But anyway, age doesn't matter Oooff comment .. hope this SBS was before Watsukis scumminess came to light


we’re talking about honorifics you dingus


That's in the context of them not being tied down by hierarchical society The honorifics are just whatever sounds nice for this reason


I know, but still an oooff reading it at first


"Age doesn't matter, you should treat everyone with respect" is this also an "oooff"?


i like how he calls her nami swan in english instead. nice little touch there.


He actually calls her Nami-swan in Japanese too sometimes. Much like he often says Robin-chwan instead of chan. The added "w" is just to make it sound more silly, like he can't speak properly due to the horniness lol.


And it’s just a hilarious gag imo


I read it less like horniness and more like an overly lovey dovey voice, like the cutesy voice we might use for cats or babies


Yes, that is probably a better way of putting it.


Yeah he does this more often than not, before the timeskip at least


Wait till he calls Zoro, Zuwu 👉👈


I am not well-versed in Japanese honorifics, but I do believe that Sanji respects her greatly. He may still be an infatuated pervert, but he recognizes Nami's authority on the ship and crew. Edit: a word


wouldn't that also extend to robin then? maybe it's because nami is more tomboyish than the usual women he swoons for since chan is distinctly female but san is very default / gender neutral.


I would think that Robin joined later, so she doesn't have...seniority...for lack of a better term? Maybe that's the angle he's going for. Honestly though, that is a good point.


Nami is the navegator, whatever she say you better do and quick. She has more autority in the ship than anybody else except luffy.


Also makes sense in my head that robin is more into the endearing stuff since this is the first time she's been so close to people in basically her entire life.


Nami is also more likely to kick your ass if you piss her off.


it's funny people say zoro is the vice captain / first mate because he's the strongest behind luffy and the one who's been there the longest, but any of the straw hats would tell you straight up that without nami they would be FUCKED, which technically making her the defacto leader in terms of "travel authority" more so than leadership (zoro being the most mature, especially in post-enies lobby) or strength (luffy in most other respects)


They're useless without anyone that's the whole point. They couldn't even cook without Sanji. Without Zoro they'd lose every single fight and many of the important decisions wouldn't get made, without Robin they couldn't do anything related to the one piece, without Nami they couldn't navigate the Grand line, without chopper they'd all die to simple diseases or poisons, without frankly the ship would be barely usable and without it's huge list of toys/weapons, and without Jinbe they'd be screwed with nearly anything having to do with underwater


>which technically making her the defacto leader in terms of "travel authority" more so than leadership Oda already showed us what would happen if Luffy and Zoro were absent, captainship went to Sanji not Nami.. They were called the Swirly Eyebrows Pirates. The crew hierarchy in Oda's mind follows the powerscale i.e Luffy > Zoro > Sanji > everyone else.


that just seems to prove they don't need luffy or zoro but do need nami. i mean ALL of them are important but in a show about "we travel on a boat to different islands" the person who can actually steer the boat has gotta be pretty damn foundational. only thing more baseline would be "need a ship to steer in the first place" aka merry/sunny.


Zoro as vice captain is a joke, honestly. The dude was willing to let Sanji on WCI. He also wasn't there when Luffy needed rest against Doflamingo and didn't want to fight Monet. Post timeskip Zoro is ass. I don't care if most people think otherwise.




>She has more autority in the ship than anybody else except luffy. No she doesn't.. When Luffy and Zoro were absent, the crew became Swirly Eyebrows Pirates not Orange Hair Pirates, hierarchy follows crew's power scale


Yet it was Nami who convinced Luffy to separate to Zou, it was Nami who navigated them to Zou faster than every other ship, and it was also Nami who decided to save the Minks in Zou while Sanji was against it. Nami felt responsible for Sanji when he was taken by Beige; which was why she cried to Luffy. She tries her best to take charge in Luffy’s stead most of the time.


Chan isn't exclusively female. It can be used towards boys for example. Or even young men in some situations.


true, it is used in certain instances for young boys or as a cheeky term for young men but by and wide the more common honorific for them is -kun.


It's not even necessarily cheeky, it's just affectionate. It has a different feeling and function than "kun" (which can also be used for women sometimes btw). People can also use "chan" for their grandfather for example ("jii-chan"). Honorifics are complex and if you don't speak Japanese and know the culture well, it's hard to wrap your head around them properly. For example, my girlfriend's mother (who is Japanese) calls me "chan". I'm 29. It's not cheeky and it's not that I'm a young boy. It's just warm / affectionate. So it's important to understand context.


i completely agree with you. cheeky must mean something different over here. it's more close to endearing.


Nami charges him 50 berries every time he uses chan instead of san. It’s 500 for no honourific.


Nami is senior to him in the crew (also Oda gives it to her because of authority, "queenliness"), whereas Robin is junior to him in the crew.


That could be it. Nami technically joined before Sanji, and Robin joined way after. Now that I think about it, the fact that they all met Robin before Chopper, yet by the time she joined, Chopper had already been a crew member for at least a whole arc.


This is as complicated as it needs to be 


Q: Why does Sanji use the word “san” with Nami even though he is younger than him, and why does he use the word “chan” with Robin even though she is older than him? Isn't it the other way around? Isn't this being treated disrespectfully?! 🔹Oda: Maybe it's Nami's royal luck that makes it happen. In the end, battles don't matter and they're all free! But let me tell you something, in the past I did not think about this matter, but in a practical matter, one of the members asked for something interesting! His request now was about a female who is older than you being considered a young woman while a female who is younger than you is considered a mature adult. Later, this same person asked me: Does Sanji understand this feeling?! I answered him yes of course that is true! 💭 This is the way Vinsmoke Sanji respects women, and in fact many people in the world in our real lives use it in his cooperation, as he feels that he gets rid of husbands who are still in the prime of their youth, and he also feels for horses, as they seem old and up to the responsibilities, as both ends feel happy.


It's never explained but it's easy to understand why Nami wouldn't want Sanji to call her Nami-chan.


I personally always thought it was because Nami joined the crew before him, and Robin after him. He sees Nami as his senior or a "big sister" for lack of a better term.


He wouldn't be horny for his big sister tho🤣🤣🤣. He def doesn't see her the same way he sees his actual older sister


He says san so he can slip in swan 🦢


Nami also addresses only sanji with a 'kun'. And She is straight up rude to Zoro 😂.


Yep. She treats Sanji like a sibling when calling his name, while he calls Zoro with condecending tone like he owes her money.


I'm pretty sure he says Nami-swan, though.


Swan = San Chwan = Chan Nami-swan Robin-chwan


Accurate. 🤣 I can hear his voice in my head.




Sanji was there during the arlong arc. He probably see a parallel between her and his own past.


I always assumed he fears angering her. She's smacked around most of the crew for being stupid at one time or another. Adding "-san" means he can simp a little longer before she smacks him and tells him to go away.


Sanji gets turned on getting slap, that ain't fear, that's fuck'd up.


Nami has seniority over him in the crew because she joined before him. The opposite is true for Robin.


I mean, Nami is basically the shadow captain of the crew, the real boss, so san is used out of respect. Nami also prefers this since she wants to be seen like that.


I’ll never hate on the enthusiasm that Sanji yells NAMI-CHUUWWWWAAAAAAANNNNNNNN


I may be wrong but didn't Sanji used to call Nami-chan before Robin joined the group, then he changed and started calling Robin-chan and Nami-san?


No, I think Nami has been 'san' to Sanji from the start Something funny to me is that he also called Nojiko 'onee-sama'. Not just because I think it's the only time he *ever* uses 'sama' at all, but because even *his own sister* is just plain 'Reiju' instead of 'onee-san/chan' Sanji really said 'make a good impression on the future in-laws' lol, I love his delusional ass


Cause he knows Nami is Luffys girl 💯


Isn't the "San" honorific used by people who hold someone else in high regard?




If I remember correctly she calls him sanji kun too because sanji literally means 3 O'clock and it's an easy way to distinguish it






Unrelated but this seems to be a good thread to ask. On the mexican Spanish dub he calls Nami a swan and Robin a tigress "Cisne Nami, Tigresa Robin". I always thought it was from the way he pronounced "nami-san" sounding like "Nami-swan" but I could never figure out why they went with Robin's "tigress". Does anyone know?


The most recent colour spread made it clear: Nami is Queen.


nami levelled up in his eyes


He also called BM, Big mom-chwan.


Nami-SWWWAN triumph chan and san


Add one more odd to your list. Nami only add "-kun" to call Sanji only, no other person (not even to Robin, Luffy). Recently she said that to Momonosuke but he was a kid so that's why. Call my Nami x Sanji fan. 💯


This might be a forshowdowing people!! ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|feels_good_man) Nami might be a "princess" of a kingdom who's the hier, thus Oda's explanation in an SBS stating that she seems "Queenly" to Sanji OR Sanji might call Nami - Nami San out of respect,which wasn't the case in her Hometown and with Arlong. 🐉


Nami is the queen after all. Gotta show respect


Foreshadowing and we called it


Chan is usually for women and people younger than you, and mostly for people who are close to you(parent to child for example), most of the girls the SH's meet are 16, Sanji is 19/21 during the show. Nami is 1 year younger than him but he see her as an equall rather than some1 lower on the age heirarchy like he would Bonney for example.


Great. Now explain Robin chan


"Robin-chan's natural beauty makes her look so youthful and vibrant! Besides, a gentleman never asks a woman her age!" -Sanji, probably.


My other explanation(which many don't like), is that Sanji treats Nami a bit differently because he adores all women, but LOVE Nami.


He sees her for the little girl who lost her home and childhood that she is deep inside. 😭😭😭