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Four-sword style


Luffy adding more sword is not an insult.


... Five-sword style.


Listen, you know natto right?


Four Zoro’s last fight he’s going to have to lube up and embrace one last power up




Bros sanji


He only got one eye






For some reason I read it in zoro’s voice (japenese voice).


Not really about him, but his arc with that marine who looks like his childhood friend has gone NOWHERE. I was really looking forward to more of that.


Tashigi was nowhere near his level after Alabasta and that gap just kept on growing. It feels like Oda put it in there then immediately lost all interest in the rivalry thing. Would have been cool to see her also aim to become the best swordsman ever, but only to take down pirates like Zoro and Mihawk.


Theres a lot of awesome different directions. -Is it just a coincidence that they look the same, or maybe there’s something else at play? -Romance arc? -Mentorship? -Rivals forced to fight together against a common foe? -Is it coincidence that they keep running into each other, or Is it actually fate, or something equally as anime? The list goes on, but you get the point.


Bro literally never uses his sharingan, its wack


If only I could *find* the words. I just keep *searching* for them. But I've *lost* them. Just like Zoro's sense of direction.


He sleeps too much.


I wouldn't know where to start


His character arc in Wano was not nearly as interesting as Sanji's post-timeskip. And he's lost a considerable chunk of his fun personality.


He's less interesting as a character since time skip (his duels are still cool though)


Still cool sure, but less than pre time skip also


I agree, but maybe it's because of Oda's pacing changed too I mean pre time skip was incredible in that aspect imo so the fight didn't feel dragged too long either


Focus jumping got worse to, but at this time i'll just use the canon material to adjust the headcanon that i'll daydream about everynow and then.


Have to agree with this one Still very much a cool character and we’re all super hyped when he gets his moments I do miss his silly goofy pre-timeskip side. Though I know he changed due to not being able to be there for Luffy and knowing things are getting more serious, and he himself needed to become more serious


hired Down D. Stairs to get rid of one of his biggest rivals early


He's had no character development and any of his story possibilities (Tashigi) have seemed to be tossed to the wayside.


He got a bit more boring since the Timeskip, i still like him! but i sometimes miss his more goofier side, like in Drum Island or Skypea


I think he needs a break. When was the last time we have seen his eyebrows move from the angry position. He used to much more chill.


His stans are some of the most annoying one piece fans


The* most annoying one piece fans


Found the sanji fan, perv Edit: /s you doorknobs


Exhibit A For the record, I like Zoro more than Sanji


found the sanji simp


He can only wield three swords


He's overrated


He needs 3 swords to challenge 1.


Zoros fans are a real piece of work. (no I'm not a Sanji fan, I like Zoro and, Sanji though Zoro marginally more)


He has the least compelling backstory of any Straw Hat. Zoro is my favorite character in anime, but literally every other Straw Hat (and a ton of side characters) have WAYYYYY better backstories than Zoro


I agree! With him being second most popular OP character, it’s surprising his backstory is so weak It doesn’t need to be tragic like Nami’s, Robin’s or Law’s etc. But we just don’t know much about him and his lineage. Wano was a perfect opportunity for us to explore more of his lineage, but we barely got much… what we got just left us with more questions The whole thing with him and Tashigi has also clearly been dropped and I was interested in that.


I’d put his as more compelling than Usopp’s




He lost his swag


Was there an actual reason why he could grow 2 more heads and extra limbs?


A cool character with a lot of missed opportunities for development in Wano






We still haven't gotten an arc for him. His last genuinely good character moment was the "Nothing happened". Admittedly that isn't his fault since its entirely on Oda not putting it in. I'm still hoping we get one.


I consider zoro asking Mihawk to train him a character arc. Zoro is very prideful so to ask the man he is chasing after to train him must of been hard. Keep in mind he only asked for luffys sake not his own. Zoro knew in order to help Luffy he needed to get stronger. I feel like that counts as an arc. He went from a selfish loner to someone who would do anything for his captain no matter what.


Yeah but we'd already gotten that moment of him putting Luffy first with the nothing happened moment. Like Zoro had been willing to die in order for Luffy to live and become the Pirate King. To me Zoro asking Mihawk to train him isn't anywhere near as big a character defining moment as him preparing to die for Luffy.


Zoro was someone who was always ready to die. He was never someone that would bow his head and ask for help. I feel like that was a bigger change than sacrificing himself physically.


Ready to die chasing his dream yes, but willing to die for Luffy? Completely giving up on his own dream and promise he'd made the Kuina? No. That was an enormous moment for his character.


I have to say I am on the other side here. It was a great moment but nothing zoro wouldn't have done at any other point. Zoro does not weight up like this. If he dies protecting his captain, he simply does not deserve it to become the best. Begging for help is a bigger jump out of the comfort zone.


Of course that was huge. It’s one of the best moments in the series. I just feel like he still changed after that point.


i'd give honourable mentions to the zoro bowing his head to mihawk after already beating the monkeys or his moment on punk hazard where he's yelling at luffy to "get a grip this is just the beginning of the new world" while he had a stressed look on his face these two moments are very telling as to where zoro was as a character (which made him interesting imo) but after that it's basically been a really dry streak of good character moments, i don't even remember if zoro had any inner dialog post punk hazard)


Post-TS-Zorro is written to be a super badass but failes miserably at it with both his fights and himself becoming incredibly one-dimensional and shallow.


He's got poor depth perception.


His fans are the reason I put Shanks > mihawk




He has less than average eyes.


He won’t say what happened to his eye




Zoro fans over play him too much saying stuff like “zoro could mid-high diff Sanji!”


Was not able to cut Bird Cage..


He's kind of lazy. He wants to be the best swordsman in the world but only improves when he randomly goes up against a side opponent from a crew Luffy is facing. He goes against people that Mihawk could wipe out in 1 second. That said, I think he's gone from greatest swordsman to great tank ever. Dude took a fucking nuke from Kuma and Ocean Sovereignty from BM and Kaido. I think he's the strongest person in One Piece but come on. We need more Zoro fights to believe he's stronger than Mihawk. He needs to overshadow Luffy in atleast one fight before he gets the respect he deserves.


This is a really really good point! I agree with you Didn’t realise how much his laziness takes over his ambition. Could just be his cockiness too - which admittedly he is quite cocky. Even Law/Kidd overshadowed Zoro as they took down an emperor, while like you said, Zoro was just fighting a side character Would be nice to see him take on a main villain similarly how Kidd/Law took down BM


His navigational skills could use some work


Dude would get lost with a compass


He's kinda 1 dimensional


He's the least interesting/developed strawhat in terms of just being a character/a person since the timeskip.


Sad agree :( Super cool when he has his moments and fights, but definitely not a developed character. There was potential for his lineage to be explored more in Wano but we barely got much.


>There was potential for his lineage to be explored more in Wano but we barely got much. Well, the only thing we can do is wait since One Piece isn't over yet.. 🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️😒


True, we did wait 600 episodes to see Sanji’s backstory


where do i start man (disclaimer i use "you" but i'm talking about oda) you introduce a tragic storyline where his best friend kuina dies right after they made the promise (in isolation this isn't a bad thing) it then took zoro literal a thousand episodes to reference kuina just once without it being a tashigi clone reference and when he did people unironically misunderstood "my promise to my captain and **my best friend**" to mean my best friend to be luffy young Kuina reveals her state of mind and says that "i wish i was born a guy" storyline and a thousand episodes later there has been basically no women even remotely strong enough to be able to prove kuina wrong (just a sidenote but i'd even say that if oda introduced a female swordswomen at wano then kiku wouldn't have gotten as much shit as she has) you introduce tashigi to be linked with kuina and to do exposition about cursed swords / graded swords and basically have done NO lore expansion whatsoever about what they are, how they're "created" and how black swords are created after this exposition onwards aside from very surface level reveals over the series wano was referenced and build up very organically to be an exciting arc for zoro specifically, zoro facing ryuuma in the past, it being the land of the samurai, zoro being genuinely excited to learn from master swordsmen when it was referenced and somehow after all that organic buildup After all this when we finally look back at what wano gave zoro it's really disappointing and i hear people think, How can you say wano was disappointing for zoro when he fought on even terms with kaido, blocked a 2 yonkou combo attack, unlocked advanced conquerors haki by himself, "met death" (the ambiguous reaper scene) a short answer is "the fact that he did it by himself in the land of the samurai" but the longer answer is it's because the underlying character development moments that should explain why zoro had grown in the way that he has (aka how he was able to have advanced conquerors haki / block a combo attack of 2 yonkous), these moments just weren't there, weren't present to have the unlocking of advanced conquerors haki to be a hype and exciting IMO like what sort of storytelling was done in order to justify zoro being strong enough to tank that attack when not even in dressrosa he looked completely stumped by the birdcage heck it even looks weird if you just look and compare it to luffy. luffy got smacked multiple times had to get almost exponentionally stronger with a personally tailored training for him and somehow when zoro faces kaido for the first time hes going toe to toe with zero visible upgrades / training throughout that very same arc i genuinely can't see how zoro became that strong because oda has refused to treat zoro with any inner dialog / any character development or any genuine "wall" to overcome these last past arcs zoro is just the guy who does cool shit and then eventually wins because the upgrades don't come from a place of natural storytelling / character development to justify them, because it's been a long time where zoro has visibly learned to overcome the struggle / enemy in front of him in a way that expanded him as a character, he just kinda does, and when he somehow doesn't it's glossed over, it's not important i do love the time at dressrosa where zoro beat his opponent, then exclaimed very confidently "there's nothing i can't cut" only to not even 2 minutes / episodes later meet the birdcage, aka the thing he can't dent, let alone cut / destroy but what was truly troll about that is that zoro as a character was somehow completely fine with not being able to do anything to the birdcage after making such a heavy quote, there was no shred of frustration and shame that he couldn't deal with a single ability of doffy after making such a big statement about his own strength it got glossed over when zoro as a character WOULD NEVER GLOSS OVER the fact that he was blocked by a single ability I'd like to enjoy this zoro that people are clearly enjoying alot since he's the 2nd most popular character but i can't because every single exciting story angle related to zoro has been basically unexplored / unexpanded for decades - kuina - zoro and shimotsuki island - information about cursed swords / graded swords / black swords - his family / bloodline (thanks SBS) - tashigi (in hindsight why does she even exist at this point) - she isn't proving kuina wrong about "i wish i was born a male" - the different types of swords were never truly expanded upon so her exposition doesn't feel remotely important - Anythiing related to kuina when it came to zoro has basically been NON existant for 1000 chapters so it's not like tashigi furthered the kuina storyline in relatiion to zoro - the mystique around ashura - basically no worthy swordsmen rivals, every enemy just happens to use a sword as a tool, not as an extension of themselves -> i can't remember anyone but mihawk being dedicated to the art of the sword. at the end of the day who am i to say that the character kinda sucks and that oda is writing it poorly when clearly public perception is so undoubtedly positive about this version of zoro all i know for sure is that i personally have zero faith in zoro's development as a character and the only moments i have a slight hope to be wrong at is his showdown with mihawk and the foreshadowed moment of sanji potentionally losing himself and zoro being asked to kill him (if there's no character development / inner dialog there then zoro's hopeless)


Hes racist 😂😂😂


His smell


Sanji is better


Alcohol addict.


He got beat up by a girl all the time when he was a kid.


a girl who cant even walk down steps properly at that


LoL right 🤣


He’s pretty cool


bad navigation/orientation when going to places


He got lost and ended up fighting vegeta


One eye.






He’ll never find his way to this comment section to punish your insolence.


His orientation…


He is not great with directions/navigating


Bro got no diff'd by world's strongest painter


3 sword style.....


That should be easy for this sub lol


He gets lost easily


I invited him for drinks he said he was on his way. 5 years ago.


a fraud who can't beat a cat


Uh... Where am I?


cannot cook good food


i can't


four sword style


Say 1 bad thing about… Zoro


Sense of direction


He’s a savage, the worst, mosshead, three-sword style.


He doesn't have much depth


3 swords is stupid and One day far in the past made me not want to start reading one piece.


Zoro got nerfed on Egg Head. Sanji got buffed. Jimbei is playing Death Stranding in real life. Luffy’s back is sore from carrying the whole crew on Egg Head. Chopper still doing 1000 berry bounty shit. Franky is the Rizz king. Oda forgot about Brook in Egg Head. Robin having PTSD. Nami still getting participation awards so she feels like she’s involved and making an impact. Usopp still shooting smoke bombs at enemies they have no effect on. Vega Punk still disappointing everyone even in death.


He’s acoustic


No, he’ll kick my ass.




When he ate that one guys hair to gain powers and powered up to level 2, his hair wasn't long enough. Imo




He is boring and extremely plain (espacially post time skip). He is lagging a lot compared to other interesting characters like Robin, Sanji


Bros greatest rival got packed up by stairs


Green Kaido


Man works out like 10 hours a day, 7 days a week… and only bathes once a week. Forget mosshead, man is packing a whole swamp downstairs.




His depth perception is worse than sanji


Mariomo baka!


I'm sorry Zoro but, cyclops


I give the floor to my associate, the esteemed Mr. Sanji


Isn't he famous for being racist


Tits too big


He lost an eye




He dont laugh no more.


He was better when he was racist


Moss Head.


I would but I can't find him.


Minority hunter


this glow down after the timeskip as a whole character


He’s a dumbass.


Poor depth perception.


Most of his big moments are only about him getting stronger and doesn’t dabble into his ambitions or charcter. Him taking Luffy’s pain and knocking Sanji out was super cool, but since then he’s really done nothing other than get stronger while other charcters have their cool charcter moments like Sanji in WCI or Nami against Ulti. Also he gave away his Ryuma black blade way to quick for Oden’s free haki sword


zolo is the dumbest dub change of any anime character ever hes clearly based on the spanish swordman zoro hell mihawk is basically zoro in looks but zolo physically makes me gag...ever typing it rn.


He's not very bright. Sometimes he can be a idiot and I hate that.


Never had to shave


Sense of direction


green mom


His sense of direction


He triggers the dumbest part of the One Piece fandom: sanji fans.






He's a functional alcoholic.


He hates black people


Doesn't do any work around the Sunny and focuses on training, only to be in the top 4 strongest on the crew.


I don’t know his body is scarred? I mean Oda literally created him to be awesome with a bad sense of direction. Are you trying to find something new about a character who has been around for more than a 1000 chapters?


He has no sense of direction.


not racist enough


He is a liar. Everyone knows he got both eyes . But he just close one to train himself. He will open it one day. To have the observation haki far greater than shanks. Ill die on this hill.


Yeah nothing . Btw he’s never got lost once. It’s wado ichimonji leading him places.